Soil Fertility Guide


Fertilizer Guidelines for Soil Tests

The following recommendation tables listed in the Appendix should be used as a guide to fertilization rates. These guidelines are not intended to supercede provincial laws or to serve as application limits.

The guidelines in the following tables have been based on field research in Manitoba. Some guidelines have not been revised since 1990 due to lack of supporting field data. Development of new or validation of existing nitrogen guidelines have been done since 2000 for winter wheat, oats, flax, corn, dry beans, potatoes and forage grasses. Revisions are under development for spring wheat, barley and canola.

Nitrogen recommendations(based on spring broadcast application)

Field Crops


Nitrogen recommendations for hard red spring wheat.

Appendix Table 2  

Nitrogen recommendations for hard red winter wheat.

Nitrogen recommendations for feed barley.

Nitrogen recommendations for malting barley.

Nitrogen recommendations for oats

Nitrogen recommendations for open pollinated and hybrid canola.

Nitrogen recommendations for flax.

Nitrogen recommendations for corn.

Nitrogen recommendations for sunflowers.

Nitrogen recommendations for buckwheat.

Nitrogen recommendations for dry field beans.

Nitrogen recommendations for potatoes.

Nitrogen should be applied in split applications rather than entirely at planting. Nitrogen recommendations for forage grasses and export timothy hay.

Nitrogen recommendations for smooth bromegrass hay.

Nitrogen recommendations for intermediate wheatgrass hay

Phosphorus recommendations for field crops based on soil test levels and placement.

Potassium recommendations for field crops based on soil test level and placement.

Sulphur recommendations for field crops based on soil test level.

Soil test criteria for micronutrient fertilizer use.

Summary of common methods of applying generalized categories of micronutrient products on the prairies.  

For further information, contact your Manitoba Agriculture Representative.