

Communication is vital to all agriculture organizations. Depending on how well it is carried out, it can help create success or it can cause conflict.
Communication styles
Active listening and code of conduct
Conflict resolution
External communication
Communication in Multigenerational Boards
Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development Industry Leadership staff are availalbe to assist your organization. 

Communication Styles

It is helpful to understand various styles communication styles and know how to adapt your style to people you speak with. Effective communication works the same in your farm operation as with your board chair. Chapter 6: Communication in the manual Human Resource Management for Agriculture Organizations offers good information that is transferable to your organization. 
LeadershipTalk Webinar  Volunteer Recognition

Other Related Links


Active Listening and Code of Conduct

Effective communication can involve active listening and creating a culture of respect. When board members and staff take the time to listen to one another, more is accomplished and less time is spent on misunderstandings. Ensuring people feel free to express opinions in an open and honest environment can increase productivity within an organization.

Beyond meetings, it may be helpful to talk about the culture within your organization.  Are practices in place to cultivate respect within your organization?

Consider developing a code of conduct to reinforce the respect your board wants to promote among members.  Any written code is only as good as actions that stem from it.  This may become increasingly important for organizations.

Be an Active Listener Factsheet (PDF 178KB) 
Respectful Meetings: Building Your Organization's Effectiveness (PDF 811KB)
Code of Conduct Policy Template (DOC 20 KB)

Conflict Resolution

Acknowledging conflict is the first step to proactively resolving it.  Resolving Conflict (1319 KB)  is not necessarily easy or fun, but it can lead to success with previously unattainable accomplishments.
Talking at a board meeting about ways to resolve conflict can benefit your organization. The following activities will help you get started and show how important it is.
Board Activity: Evaluating Conflict (DOC 19KB)
Board Activity: Thinking about Conflict (DOC 21KB)
It can also help to evaluate your own style when it comes to conflict. Discussing approaches to conflict when there is no actual conflict can go a long way toward dealing with it when it does occur.
Additional perspectives on managing employee conflict can be helpful for organizations with paid staff.
Conflict is more easily resolved in the context of a respectful organization. Consider how your organization measures up and whether creating a code of conduct might be helpful.
LeadershipTalk Webinar Resolving Conflict

Other Related Links




External Communication

Communication is vital to how the public views your organization. It is important to show your organization in the best light.

Check out these links to enhance your external communication

Communication in Multigenerational Boards


Agriculture organizations with several generations provide:

      • a broad view of the issues
      • diversity in talents, such as the use of technology
      • commitment
      • a plan for succession

Having several generations in your agriculture organization brings fresh ideas and skills. It also affects the dynamics of a board. Each generation brings a set of values, beliefs and life experiences that shape who they are and their view of the world. Each generation has its own personality traits, formed primarily by the people, events and situations of their teenage years. Those born at the cusp of two generations often identify with both and can act as mediators between them.

Statistics Canada refers to the generation categories as:

      • Pre 1946 generations - Born before  1946
      • Baby Boom generation - Born 1946-1964
      • Generation X - Born 1965-1980
      • Millennials - Born 1981-1995
      • Generation Z - born after 1996

By being aware of the influences of each generation, you can be better prepared to work effectively as a board. Recognize that there are differences in the generations.

      • Keep in mind the perspective of other generations.
      • Think positively about other generations and what you can learn from them.
      • Know how your own view affects how you interact with others and how it affects daily relationships with others.
      • Keep resentment out of your interactions.

The goal of the board of an organization is to work for the overall improvement of the organization and the industry. To be successful, it is important to remember that each generation brings a new perspective and varying talent. Working as a group and acknowledging and incorporating various perspectives increases creativity and productivity. Using principles of good communication and human relations strengthens the organization.

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