Made-in-Manitoba Plan

Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan
Made-in-Manitoba plan

Made-in-Manitoba Plan

Give us your views, ideas, and suggestions.

After reading the Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan (pdf 12.3 MB) participate in the discussion topic listed below.

Throughout the document you are encouraged to get involved in the discussion questions.

Below are summaries of the four pillars and keystones discussed in the plan followed by the discussion questions related to each section.

Available in alternate formats, upon request.

Climate Pillar

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the clean energy keystone.

Please share your comments on Manitoba's proposed carbon pricing design and carbon revenue recycling options.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the sector emissions reductions keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the sector emissions reductions keystone.

Jobs Pillar

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Innovation and Cleantech keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Financing and Investment keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Skills and Training keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Green Infrastructure keystone.

Water Pillar

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the wetlands and watersheds keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Agriculture and Land Use keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Flood and Drought keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the Water Quality keystone.

Nature Pillar

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the parks and protected areas keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the wild species and habitat keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the forests and natural areas keystone.

Please share your comments on the initiatives being proposed under the conservation keystone.

Measuring Results

Manitoba is committed to seeing results with the initiatives proposed in the climate and green plan. Spending public money must lead to measurable outcomes. The plan proposes a variety of indicators for each keystone to track and report on progress towards our vision of becoming Canada's cleanest, greenest, and most climate resilient province. Please share your comments on the proposed indicators for each keystone.

The strategic framework provides the broad strategic objectives of this plan.

Knowledge and foresight, planning and adaptations, education and awareness, and local and Indigenous knowledge are the proposed foundations to move Manitoba towards a more prosperous and sustainable future.

Climate, jobs, water and nature are the four primary pillars of the Manitoba Climate and Green Plan.

This proposed plan includes explicit means of implementation that include four key areas:

1. Expert advisory commission

2. Carbon savings accounts

3. Sectors and communities

4. Measuring results