Agency Accountability and Community Initiatives Branch

The work of the Agency Accountability and Community Initiatives Branch is delivered by the following units: the Agency Accountability and Support Unit, and the Community Initiatives Unit.

The Agency Accountability and Support Unit

The objective of the Agency Accountability and Support Unit is to ensure that agencies that receive funding from the Department operate under a clear and effective accountability framework, including regular and appropriate financial reporting. The Unit also is responsible to bring a systematic approach to the planning, implementation and response to internal and external audits of departmental programs and funded agencies.

Specific activities of the Agency Accountability and Support Unit include:
  • leading negotiations and coordinating the management of Service Purchase Agreements (SPAs) and other department-wide written agreements;
  • developing and enhancing the Service Provider Financial Reporting Requirements (FRRs), and monitoring agency compliance;
  • analyzing the financial performance of agencies, investigating areas of concern and performing cyclical audits on service providers with a signed SPA;
  • responding to allegations of financial mismanagement in external service providers and providing the support necessary to address the concerns;
  • working with program and community delivery staff to mitigate financial and management risk in external service providers;
  • developing the capacity of agencies and departmental staff to understand and fulfill the terms of conditions of the SPA, including Financial Reporting Requirements, through training and other workshops;
  • coordinating the development of an annual audit plan through the Departmental Audit Committee and monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations made by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) and Internal Audit Services;
  • providing auditing services, financial and operating reviews and special investigations to internal programs, and the Authorities on a request basis;
  • participating in quality assurance reviews to improve accountability and program efficiency and effectiveness; and
  • supporting agency and board development by providing advice and assistance on agencies’ operations and financial management, including Board Governance training to external not-for-profit agencies.

To learn more about Board Governance, click on the following link: The Roles, Responsibilities and Functions of a Board - A Board Development Guide)

The Community Initiatives Unit

The objective of the Community Initiatives Unit is to coordinate and implement major cross-departmental initiatives including All Aboard: Manitoba’s Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Strategy and the Non-Profit Organization (NPO Reducing Red Tape) Strategy. The unit works across government departments and with external stakeholders to organize and undertake strategic policy and program initiatives to advance strategy goals.