Mr. Chairperson (Marcel Laurendeau): We will now move on to Legislative Assembly.

Does the minister have an opening statement?

Hon. Jim Ernst (Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs): Pass.

Mr. Chairperson: Would the critic for the opposition have an opening statement?

Mr. Gary Doer (Leader of the Opposition): Pass.

Mr. Chairperson: Item 1. Indemnities (Statutory) (a) Members $2,845,600--pass.

Mr. Kevin Lamoureux (Inkster): Mr. Chairperson, I am not going to ask a number of questions on this particular line, but I did want just to take the opportunity to express some concern that we have with respect to the Legislative Assembly.

It is important from our perspective that opportunities for all members of the Chamber be given for MLAs to have direct input. This is one of those few vehicles in which as an independent, according to our rules, in which we do have an opportunity to ask questions. My preference is not to have to necessarily ask questions at this level but rather to be able to continue to receive at least fair or equitable treatment in the future with respect to issues dealing with Legislative Assembly. With those very few words, we are quite prepared to pass the department.

Mr. Chairperson: For the information of the honourable members, these three lines that I am about to read are statutory requirements. They do not need to be passed. They cannot be changed without legislative changes.

1.(b) Additional Indemnities $95,100.

2. Retirement Provisions (Statutory) (a) Pensions and Refunds $1,557,800; (b) Registered Retirement Savings Plan $133,000.

3. Members' Expenses (Statutory) (a) Constituency Expenses $1,774,500; (b) Temporary Residence and Living Expenses $391,300; (c) Commuting Expenses $9,000; (d) Travel Expenses $352,600; (e) Special Supplies and Operating Payments $114,800; (f) Printing and Franking $166,500; (g) Committee Expenses $5,000; (h) Severance Payments $220,000; (j) Car Allowance $90,500.

4. Other Assembly Expenditures (a) Leader of the Official Opposition Office (1) Salaries and Employee Benefits $122,800--pass; (2) Other Expenditures $32,500--pass.

(b) Salaries and Employee Benefits $2,928,600--pass.

(c) Other Expenditures $1,083,300--pass.

Resolution 1.1: RESOLVED that there be granted to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding $4,167,200 for Legislative Assembly, Other Assembly Expenditures, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1996.

5. Office of the Provincial Auditor (a) Salaries and Employee Benefits $2,696,600--pass; (b) Other Expenditures $432,600--pass.

Resolution 1.2: RESOLVED that there be granted to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding $3,129,200 for Legislative Assembly, Office of the Provincial Auditor, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1996.

6. Office of the Ombudsman (a) Salaries and Employee Benefits $735,400--pass; (b) Other Expenditures $117,200--pass.

Resolution 1.3: RESOLVED that there be granted to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding $852,600 for Legislative Assembly, Office of the Ombudsman, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1996.

7. Office of the Chief Electoral Officer (a) Salaries and Employee Benefits $1,121,900--pass; (b) Other Expenditures $5,938,800--pass.

Resolution 1.4: RESOLVED that there be granted to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding $7,060,700 for Legislative Assembly, Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1996.

That completes the Legislative Assembly. I thank the honourable minister.

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