
In Volume XLVI No. 37 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 21, 1996, on page 2401, last column, third last paragraph, Mr. Chairperson's comments should read:

Mr. Chairperson: Shall the item pass? The item is accordingly passed.

Resolution 11.1: RESOLVED that there be granted to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding $456,000 for Labour, Labour Executive, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of March, 1997. Shall the resolution pass? The resolution is accordingly passed.

This completes the Estimates of the Department of Labour. The next set of Estimates that will be considered by this section of the Committee of Supply are the Estimates of the Department of the Civil Service Commission.

Shall we briefly recess to allow the minister and the critics the opportunity to prepare for the commencement of the next set of Estimates? No? Okay, we are prepared.

* * *

In Volume XLVI No. 43A 1:30 p.m., Thursday, May 30, 1996, on page 3019, first column, second paragraph, Mr. Stefanson's second sentence should read:

At some point in the future, it is anticipated that intermediate and long-term investment pools might be established for the purpose of investing sinking funds and reserve.