International Day of the Family

Mr. Ben Sveinson (La Verendrye): Madam Speaker, may I have leave for a nonpolitical statement?

Madam Speaker: Does the honourable member for La Verendrye have leave for a nonpolitical statement? [agreed]

Mr. Sveinson: I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the International Day of the Family. Families perform the most important function in our society. Their work is caring, nurturing, guiding, and promoting tolerance and acceptance is the template that is carried into all areas of living.

As we all know, families come in many diverse sizes and shapes. Our first families, particularly within the aboriginal community, extended beyond the parental unit. Earlier settlers of Manitoba often left behind their extended family.

Madam Speaker, the toll of two world wars led to a rise in the number of single-parent families. The last 20 years have been marked by incredible changes in our world. We have seen a return of women to the workplace which has generated new levels of family income. Also, global communications and modern air travel have meant that we can see our families who live far away much more frequently. Despite changes imposed by modern society, the family still remains the foundation of our community.

Madam Speaker, Manitobans have a very strong sense of family. As we have seen in the last several weeks, Manitoba families came together in unprecedented numbers, families helping other families in sandbagging, providing shelter, providing food and providing support.

Today, I would encourage all Manitobans to remember just how important families really are. Thank you.