Bill 4—The Law Fees Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act


Hon. Vic Toews (Minister of Justice and Attorney General): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Minister of Finance (Mr. Gilleshammer), that leave be given to introduce Bill 4, The Law Fees Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Loi modifiant la Loi sur les frais judiciaires et modifications corrélatives), and that the same be now received and read a first time.


His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been advised of the contents of this bill, recommends it to the House, and I table the message of the Lieutenant Governor as well.


Motion agreed to.


Bill 13—The University of Manitoba Amendment Act


Hon. James McCrae (Minister of Education and Training): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Environment (Mrs. McIntosh), that leave be given to introduce Bill 13, The University of Manitoba Amendment Act (Loi modifiant la Loi sur l'Université du Manitoba), and that the same be now received and read a first time.


Motion agreed to.


Bill 11—The Statute Law Amendment (Nunavut) Act, 1999


Hon. Vic Toews (Minister of Justice and Attorney General): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Minister of Rural Development (Mr. Derkach), that leave be given to introduce Bill 11, The Statute Law Amendment (Nunavut) Act, 1999 (Loi de 1999 modifiant diverses dispositions législatives (Nunavut), and that the same be now received and read a first time.


Motion agreed to.


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Bill 6—The Highway Traffic Amendment Act


Hon. Darren Praznik (Minister of Highways and Transportation): Madam Speaker, I would move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Health (Mr. Stefanson), that leave be given to introduce Bill 6, The Highway Traffic Amendment Act; Loi modifiant le Code de la route, and that the same be now received and read a first time.


His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, having been advised of the contents of this bill, recommends it to the House, and at this time I would like to table the message of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor.


Motion agreed to.


Bill 201—The Protection for Persons in Care Act


Mr. Dave Chomiak (Kildonan): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the member for Thompson (Mr. Ashton), that leave be given to introduce Bill 201, The Protection for Persons in Care Act; Loi sur la protection des personnes recevant des soins, and that the same be now received and read a first time.


Motion presented.


Mr. Chomiak: Madam Speaker, just briefly, this is the third occasion that I believe we have had a chance to introduce this bill. I hope members will have an opportunity to review the contents. It basically arose out of the Holiday Haven incident. This bill might be dubbed the Holiday Haven bill because it deals with the ability of employees and others to register complaints about potential abuses and makes it mandatory that such be reported, and protects those individuals who are employees and others from any kind of recriminations with respect to their reporting of these incidents. It is only one small component of a major change and some major initiatives that have to take place in the personal care home field to make them the safe and caring places that they have been in the past.


Motion agreed to.