Speaker's Ruling


Madam Speaker: I took under advisement on April 28 a point of order raised by the honourable Minister of Education (Mr. McCrae) respecting words spoken in debate by the honourable member for Crescentwood (Mr. Sale). The words in question were: "You know, if he were a little more forthright with the truth." The Minister of Education asked that the words be withdrawn.


I have reviewed Hansard and also Beauchesne's Citation 486.(1) respecting unparliamentary language which reads in part: "It is impossible to lay down any specific rules in regard to injurious reflections uttered in debate against particular Members . . . much depends upon the tone and manner, and intention, of the person speaking."


I would say that, strictly speaking, there was not a point of order in the matter raised on April 28, but I would encourage the honourable member for Crescentwood to be judicious in his choice of words.