Bill 33–The Special Payment to Certain Dependent Spouses of Deceased Workers Act


Hon. Darren Praznik (Government House Leader): Madam Speaker, I would move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Labour (Mr. Radcliffe), that (by leave) Bill 33, The Special Payment to Certain Dependent Spouses of Deceased Workers Act; Loi sur le paiement spJ cial destinJ B certains conjoints B charge de travailleurs dJ cJ dJ s, be now read a third time and passed.


Motion agreed to.


Committee Changes


Madam Speaker: The honourable member for Point Douglas, I believe, has additional committee changes.


Mr. George Hickes (Point Douglas): Madam Speaker, I would like to rescind the committee change I made for Law Amendments just previously.


I would like to change: I move, seconded by the member for Broadway (Mr. Santos), that the composition of the Standing Committee on Law Amendments be amended as follows: Flin Flin (Mr. Jennissen) for Transcona (Mr. Reid), for Tuesday, June 29, 1999, for 10 a.m.


Madam Speaker: First, it has been moved by the honourable member for Point Douglas, seconded by the honourable member for Broadway, that the previously moved composition of the Standing Committee on Law Amendments be rescinded. Agreed?


An Honourable Member: Agreed.


Madam Speaker: And now it has been moved by the honourable member for Point Douglas, seconded by the honourable member for Broadway, that the composition of the Standing Committee on Law Amendments be amended as follows for Tuesday, June 29, 10 a.m.: the honourable member for Flin Flon for the honourable member for Transcona. Agreed?


An Honourable Member: Agreed.


Madam Speaker: Agreed and so ordered.


House Business


Mr. Praznik: Again for this afternoon's business, I would ask if you could please canvass the House to see if there is leave to waive private members' hour.


Madam Speaker: Is there unanimous consent of the House to waive private members' hour? [agreed]


Mr. Praznik: Madam Speaker, I would ask for any of the necessary leaves that are required to have the following sequence of Estimates for this afternoon: for the Estimates of the Department of Justice to be considered in the Chamber, for the Estimates of Highways and Transportation to continue in Room 255 and upon their completion to be followed by the Estimates of the Department of Government Services, and thirdly, for the Department of Family Services to continue in Room 254 and, following their completion, to deal with the Department of Natural Resources.


Madam Speaker: There are three leaves required. I will do them individually. First of all, is there unanimous consent of the House for the Estimates of the Department of Justice to be considered in the Chamber? [agreed]


Is there unanimous consent of the House for the Estimates of Highways and Transportation to be considered in Room 255, and, upon completion, to be followed by the Estimates of Government Services? [agreed]


Is there unanimous consent of the House for the Estimates of the Department of Family Services to continue in Room 254, and, upon completion, be followed by the Estimates of the Department of Natural Resources? [agreed]


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Mr. Praznik: Madam Speaker, I would move, seconded by the honourable Minister of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship (Mrs. Vodrey), that Madam Speaker do now leave the Chair and that this House resolve itself into a committee to consider of the Supply to be granted to Her Most Gracious Majesty.


Motion agreed to.