HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 37th Legislature

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House Index - 4th-37th


Hansard correction. See Corrigendum

Hastings, Charles, 100th birthday celebrations

Korzeniowski, 74-75

Hawranik, Gerald (Lac du Bonnet) P.C.

Budget, 753-759

Civil Remedies Against Organized Crime and Liquor Control Amendment Act (Bill 2)

2R, 238-243

Fines and penalties, 311

Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended) (Bill 201)

1R, 251

2R, 461-463

Government support, 471

Justice system

Backlogs, 97

Bail procedures, 192-193

Government initiatives, 642-643

Members' Statements

Sport events (Beausejour), 697

Trans Canada Trail (Pinawa), 104

Oral Questions

Civil Remedies Against Organized Crime and Liquor Control Amendment Act (Bill 2)

Fines and penalties, 311

Criminal Organizations Deterrence Act (Local Government Acts Amended) (Bill 201)

Government support, 471

Justice system

Backlogs, 97

Bail procedures, 192-193

Government initiatives, 642-643

Sunrise School Division

Amalgamation costs, 571

Funding for collective agreements, 497, 570-57`

Salary harmonization, 497

Salary harmonization costs, 695


Provincial Road 304 reconstruction, 515, 561, 637, 685-686

Provincial Road 304 reconstruction, 515, 561, 637, 685-686

Sport events (Beausejour), 697

Sunrise School Division

Amalgamation costs, 571

Funding for collective agreements, 570-57`

Hawranik, 497

Salary harmonization, 497

Salary harmonization costs, 695

Throne Speech, 132-134, 149-155

Trans Canada Trail (Pinawa), 104

Health care facilities. See Mental health care facilities; specific facilities

Health care system

Advertising campaign

Doer, 614

Gerrard, 614


Chomiak, 645-646

Gerrard, 645

Federal funding (See also Romanow report)

Selinger, 504

General comments

Selinger, 503-504

Out-of-province treatment

Chomiak, 65-68

Derkach, 65-66

Loewen, 66-67

Patients in the hallways

Chomiak, 492-493

Loewen, 492-493

Private/public agreements

Chomiak, 16-17, 470-471

Derkach, 15-17

Doer, 13-14, 63-64, 303-305, 422-423

Loewen, 254-255, 470-471

Murray, 13-14, 63-64, 251-254, 303-304, 422-423

Sale, 252-255

Tuberculosis control

Chomiak, 646

Gerrard, 646

Health care system, rural

CT scanners

Selinger, 509

Health, Department of

Ministerial correspondence

Referral to regional health authorities

Chomiak, 426-428

Loewen, 426-427

Supplementary information for Legislative Review (2003-2004) (S.P. 31)

Chomiak, 783

Health Sciences Centre

Capital project

Selinger, 504

Healthy Child Manitoboa

Selinger, 505

Hells Angels

Retail outlet

Mackintosh, 195

Mitchelson, 195

Helwer, Ed (Gimli) P.C.

Budget, 678-683

Firearms control, federal legislation, 312

Lyon, Sterling

St. Andrew's Society Citizen of the Year Award, 335

Members' Statements

Firearms control, federal legislation, 312

Lyon, Sterling

St. Andrew's Society Citizen of the Year Award, 335

Hewak, Hon. Benjamin, retirement of

Driedger, 480

Hickes, Hon. George (Point Douglas) N.D.P.

Auditor General

Investigation of the Rural Municipality of St. Clements and Review of Municipal Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards in Manitoba (S.P. 3), 11

Report on the Dakota Tipi First Nation Gaming Commission and First Nation Gaming Accountability in Manitoba, 732

Value-for-Money Audit on the Student Financial Assistance Program (S.P. 2), 11

Children's Advocate

Annual Report, 2002 (S.P. 28), 608

Dakota Tipi First Nation Gaming Commission

Auditor General's report, 732

First Nation Gaming Accountability in Manitoba

Auditor General's report, 732

Interns, introduction of, 11

Legislative Assembly

Interns, introduction of, 11

Pages, introduction of, 9-10

Legislative Assembly Management commission

Annual Report, 2002 (S.P. 1), 11

Legislative Assembly, Members of

Resignation of Linda Asper (Riel), 561

Pages, introduction of, 9-10

Points of Order

P/O by Chomiak respecting the word "schizophrenic" 99-100; withdrawn (Gerrard), 100

P/O by Laurendeau respecting rotation of questions 141-142; taken under advisement (Santos) 141-142; Mackintosh 142; Speaker's ruling, 332-333

P/O by Laurendeau respecting the word "liar" 103; taken under advisement 100; Speaker's ruling, 261

Privilege, Matters of

Apology requested from the Premier

Speaker's ruling, 432

Highway 276

Load limits

Cummings, 465, 489, 607-608, 638, 731, 781

Highway construction/maintenance


Selinger, 508

Equalization transfer payments

Gerrard, 257

Smith, S., 258

Fuel taxes

Gerrard, 257

Smith, S., 257

Highway improvement fund. See Highways and Transportation Amendment Act (Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund) (Bill 9)

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Emergency Vehicle Personnel Liability Limit) (Bill 203)


Smith, J., 467

Highways and Transportation Amendment Act (Trucking Productivity Improvement Fund) (Bill 9)


Smith, S., 466

Hip replacement surgery. See Orthopedic surgery

Hog industry

Moratorium on new construction

Gerrard, 433-434

Holocaust Memorial Day

Doer, 686

Gerrard, 687

Murray, 686-687

Homeless shelters. See Essential Services Amendment Act (Bill 202)

Hometown Manitoba program

Selinger, 509

Housing initiatives

Federal programs

Selinger, 506

Hydro projects. See also Conawapa Dam; Gull Rapids hydro project; Wuskwatim hydro project

Business plans

Cummings, 524-525

Sale, 524-525

Construction priorities

Cummings, 307

Doer, 307-308

East-west power grid, Manitoba costs

Sale, 260, 311

Schuler, 260, 311

Environmental reviews

Cummings, 307

Doer, 307

Potential sales

Cummings, 329-330

Sale, 330

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