4th Session 38th Legislature



Agriculture and Food Committee


Bill 19–The Agri-Food and Rural Development Council Act

Bill 20–The Family Farm Protection Amendment and Farm Lands Ownership Amendment Act

Bill 30–The Fires Prevention and Emergency Response Act

Bill 31–The Animal Diseases Amendment Act


Human Resources Committee


Bill 5–The Dental Hygienists Act

Bill 6–The Dental Association Amendment Act


Justice Committee


Bill 2–The Private Investigators and Security Guards Amendment Act

Bill 3–The Enforcement of Canadian Judgments Act

Bill 8–The Official Time Amendment Act

Bill 9–The Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act

Bill 10–The Convention Centre Corporation Amendment Act

Bill 13–The Conservation Districts Amendment Act

Bill 16–The Corporations Amendment Act

Bill 18–The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Countermeasures Against Impaired Drivers and Other Offenders)


Legislative Affairs Committee


Bill 4–The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Amendment Act

Bill 15–The Emergency Measures Amendment Act

Bill 17–The Securities Amendment Act

Bill 22–The Elections Reform Act

Bill 23–The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act

Bill 37–The Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds Act, 2006 (Various Acts Amended)


Social and Economic Development Committee


Bill 7–The Architects and Engineers Scope of Practice Dispute Settlement Act (Various Acts Amended)

Bill 11 – The Winter Heating Cost Control Act

Bill 12 – The Highways and Transportation Amendment Act

Bill 14 – The Water Rights Amendment Act

Bill 21–The Public Health Act

Bill 24 – The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Government Cheque Cashing Fees)

Bill 25–The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Payday Loans)

Bill 27 – The Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act

Bill 29–The Degree Granting Act

Bill 32–The Real Property Amendment Act

Bill 33–The Northern Affairs Act

Bill 34–The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act

Bill 35 – The Public Schools Finance Board Amendment and The Public Schools Amendment Act

Bill 36–The Youth Drug Stabilization (Support for Parents) Act

Bill 41–The Pharmaceutical Act

Bill 300 – The Association of Former MLAs Act