Terms of Reference for Clean Environment Commission Hearings into The City of Winnipeg's Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems


In June of 1992, the Clean Environment Commission issued a report entitled, "Report on Public hearings. Application of Water Quality Objectives for the Watershed Classification of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers and Tributaries Within and Downstream of the City of Winnipeg." That report contained a number of recommendations that related to the City of Winnipeg's wastewater collection and treatment systems. The Manitoba government accepted those recommendations. Subsequently, the City, in consultation with Manitoba Conservation and the scientific community, has implemented upgrades, undertaken studies and prepared plans to improve its systems.

A serious malfunction occurred at the North End Sewage Treatment Plant on Sept. 16, 2002 resulting in the discharge of untreated wastewater into the Red River raising concerns with respect to the backup capability of the systems.


The Clean Environment Commission shall, pursuant to clause 6(5)(b) of The Environment Act, conduct public hearings to review the City of Winnipeg's wastewater collection and treatment systems and to receive public comments and concerns respecting the systems. Following the hearings, the Commission shall provide a report, with advice and recommendations, to the Minister in accordance with subsection 7(3) of The Environment Act. The Commission shall provide the report within 6 months of the date of the Minister's request to hold hearings. The Commission may at any time request that the Minister of Conservation review or clarify these Terms of Reference.


The Clean Environment Commission shall review the City of Winnipeg's wastewater collection and treatment systems and related public concerns and provide advice and recommendations on:

In doing so, the CEC should consider the applicable recommendations in the 1992 Commission report and the recently updated Manitoba Water Quality Standards, Objectives and Guidelines.