Workforce Development

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Operating Manual

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Section 22 - Eligibility

Basic Eligibility

In order to be eligible for Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities in the Province of Manitoba, the applicant must meet the following eligibility conditions:

  1. Living with one of the following disabilities:
    • intellectual;
    • physical;
    • psychiatric;
    • vision;
    • hearing; or
    • learning.
  2. Have the disability substantiated in writing by one of the below relevant parties:
    • a licensed medical practitioner in the case of a physical disability or vision disability;
    • a licensed psychiatrist in the case of a psychiatric disability; or a recent discharge summary from the Psychiatric Unit of a hospital or a mental health centre;
    • a licensed audiologist in the case of a hearing disability; or
    • a registered psychologist (or a person working for government in a "psychologist" position or a Certified School Psychologist and exempt from registration under The Psychologists Registration Act) in the case of a learning or intellectual disability.

    NOTE: Where the applicant has been identified by the educational system through the transitional planning process as having an intellectual disability, the disability may be substantiated with an assessment completed by a registered psychologist within the last five years. Where the assessment is older than five years, additional supporting information from a registered psychologist or other professional in the education system must be provided indicating that the assessment continues to be valid.

    If an applicant already has predetermined disability eligibility for greater than 12 months through Employment and Income Assistance, further substantiation of their disability may not be required for determining Basic Eligibility.

    If they are being referred by a Mental Health Worker, no further substantiation is required for determining basic eligibility.

  3. Be 16 years of age or over.
  4. A resident of Manitoba.
  5. Is a Canadian citizen or a person legally entitled to remain and work in Canada on a permanent basis. Appropriate documents such as a Social Insurance Number or Landed Immigrant Status must be provided to substantiate entitlement to work.
  6. If the applicant is a registered member of an Indian Band in Manitoba, they must have established a permanent residence off reserve in Manitoba prior to the referral or request for service.
  7. Be assessed by a Vocational Counsellor as being able to enhance their ability to regularly pursue, maintain, or retain employment, and be willing to participate in a vocational program.
  8. In those situations where individuals were previously involved with the program and services were terminated or they withdrew from services, re-opening of their file must be based on the individual having addressed the issues that resulted in the initial closure (for example, the need for mental health counselling; compliance with medication; stability in family life.)
  9. EAPD Program Management and the Designated Service Providers are responsible for ensuring basic eligibility is met. Participants should be advised of decisions in writing; and, if found ineligible, provided information regarding the Decision Review Process. Refer to Section 180.

Eligibility for Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Funds or Funded Services

Where the participant is seeking access to the Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Fund or funded services, the following additional criteria also apply:

  1. The participant’s employment status shall be reflected by one, or more of the following:
    • Be unemployed (unemployed is defined as not working or working less than 15 hours per week) at the time of application for Individualized Training Fund funding and be prevented from increasing employability due to a lack of training, systemic barriers, and/or a need for support services, or;
    • Be employed on a part-time or short-term basis, or underemployed, and be prevented from increasing employability due to a lack of training, systemic barriers, and/or a need for support services; and, where it can be demonstrated that the services requested will likely result in a more suitable or better paying job. Typical employment situations that may qualify include:
      • Employment on a "casual" or "on call" basis where hours vary and are generally assigned at the discretion of the supervisor and average less than 25 hours per week over the last 20 weeks.
      • An Individual Vocational Training Plan that is developed which includes a planned short-term period (up to one year) of employment, including summer employment, to save money, to develop responsibility, or to verify occupational interests, ability, or suitability.
      • Situations of being underemployed. The participant may be employed in an ongoing job, however, is working less than 25 hours per week and would like to work 30 hours per week or more. A limited range of training and employment supports may be accessed to assist in achieving this goal. This may include funding for disability-related assistive devices.
      • Be required to terminate employment within the next six months due to the onset or deterioration of a disabling condition that will prevent the individual from continuing in the current job and is not covered for vocational costs through any other sources.
  2. No longer be in the regular school system on a sequential basis, except during the final six months of the transitional planning process where specific Employment Services are required.
  3. Be actively and consistently managing their disability but the disability restricts or creates barriers to the pursuit or retention of employment. Despite this, the provision of vocational goods and services will enable the pursuit or retention of employment.
  4. Be able to identify a feasible Vocational Goal that is supported by current labour market analysis.
  5. Not be eligible for or be in receipt of vocational funding under The Workers Compensation Act.
  6. Explore eligibility for funding from all other sources (applies to the participant and Vocational Counsellor). In situations where all costs are not covered by one funding source, cost-sharing arrangements will be considered. For example, Canada Pension Plan – Disability, other Provincial or Federal Agreements and other disability insurance, etc.)
  7. Be eligible due to a drug or alcohol addiction, where the addiction is under control and the participant is living with another disabling condition.
  8. Be eligible for funding if qualified for Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities because of a mental health condition and referred by a Community Mental Health Worker.
  9. Where the participant is receiving Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities services and is employed or about to become employed in a job which meets all of the following criteria, the participant may be eligible for Employment Supports - Goods and Services, described further under Section 133.5 and Section 177:
    • hours of work average 15 hours or more per week (exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for participants who have achieved their maximum capacity and are employed less than 15 hours per week);
    • salary is at minimum wage or above; and
    • job is anticipated to be 20 weeks or more in duration, or will allow the participant to achieve the number of qualifying hours for Employment Insurance.

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