
                                     Kitchen Rental Agreement Contract and Terms

This Agreement is for the Rental of Space in ________________________________
located at _________________________________________________ 


Renter Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Business or Organization Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________City: ____________________ Province: _______

PC: ____________ Email: ________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________    Mobile Phone: ______________________________

Details of agreement

1.      Please describe the products you plan to produce at the commercial kitchen: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Please check the category that applies to you:

 ____Caterer/personal chef

____ Preparing high risk product for farmers’ market, craft sale etc

____ Farmer, adding value to produce (bagged, chopped vegetables etc)

____ Specialty food processor for retail

 ____Other, please describe in detail: ______________________________________________________

____Your products require a Scheduled Process. (Acidic foods such as pickles, relishes, chutneys, etc.)


2.      Equipment Requirements: _______________________________________________________



The renter shall furnish their own bowls, utensils, towels, pots and pans necessary for their process unless otherwise agreed. Special notes: ___________________________________


3.      Storage (space required in freezer, refrigeration and/or cupboards/lockers):

·        Dry Ingredients:_________________________________________________________________

·        Raw product: ___________________________________________________________________

·        Finished product: ________________________________________________________________

Note: When processing is completed for the day, renter must remove their equipment from the kitchen or store it in a rented storage space in the kitchen. All stored items must be properly washed and sanitized.

4.      Rental Time and Charges:

a.      Fee per hour:___________________________________________________________________

This rental amount includes basic kitchen rental, utilities and usage of identified equipment.

b.      Additional Storage Space Fees:_____________________________________________________

c.      Weekly/Monthly Rate Available: ___________________________________________________

d.      The starting time and ending time for each day of the week you wish to use the kitchen.

Start time:                                          End time:























5.      Damage Deposit: ________________________________________________________________

The damage deposit will only be returned to the renter if the kitchen is left in the same condition as it was upon arrival.


6.      Cancellation Policy: ______________________________________________________________


7.      Liability insurance amount: ______________________________ (Attach copy of policy)


8.      Food Safety Standard Operating Procedure:

·        Renter must hold a Safe Food Handling Certificate; attach copy.

·        It is also the renter’s responsibility to ensure that the kitchen is left in a sanitary and orderly state at the end of the rental period. Note any specific cleaning and sanitizing details for the space and each piece of equipment being used: _____________________________________________________________________________



9.      Inspection Agency (Regulatory body issuing permit, attach permit):

____ Manitoba Health 

Inspectors name & number _______________________________________________________

____Agriculture and Resource Development 

Inspectors name & number________________________________________________________

10.   Security Policy (i.e. entry and locking up facility):_____________________________________



11.   Garbage Disposal: _______________________________________________________________

All trash in and about the facility must be removed on a daily basis and placed in trash receptacles located outside the building.


12.  Payment Details:

The renter shall pay to ______________________________ the rental amount calculated for above fees and allotted times in 3) a. and b.

Payment will be made on ________________________________________________________________

After 48 hours, any reserved kitchen time may be cancelled if no payment is received.

Payment Method: _____ Cheque   _____Cash _____Credit


A refundable damage deposit in the amount of $___________ has been deposited by the renter with The Commercial Kitchen Name.


Additional Terms:

·        Renter shall report any personal injuries or property damage arising at any time during and/or arising out of or in any way connected with the renter’s use or occupancy of the kitchen.

·        Renter is solely responsible for supervising all individuals in the kitchen during your rental time.

·        The Commercial Kitchen Name shall maintain the kitchen in a sanitary and orderly state and ensure that all equipment available to the renter operates to all applicable health and safety standards.

·        If a renter is found to be processing from home or in any other kitchen while claiming to be working from The Commercial Kitchen Name, the department that issued your processing permit will be notified.

·        Under no circumstances shall the renter allow any other organization or individual to use the kitchen for the period which the renter has contracted.

·        Smoking is not permitted in the facility.

·        The Commercial Kitchen Name reserves the right to evict individuals from the facility at any time if their conduct is deemed to be destructive or detrimental in any way.

·        Renter agrees to abide by the above rules, and agrees that upon violation of the rules, The Commercial Kitchen Name has the option to terminate this rental and demand that tenant vacate the premises.


____________________________________ Rental Contract & the terms of this agreement shall be reviewed on, Date: ________________________________________________________________________________

I, the undersigned, herby acknowledge that I have read, understood and agreed with the above:

Signature of the tenant: __________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________