Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 290


Bank of Montreal
10 Main Street

Bank of Montreal

Designation Date:  June 12, 2007
Designation Authority:  Town of Carberry
Present Owner:  Town of Carberry

The Bank of Montreal, a sleek Post-Modern business building in a distinctive corporate style, is a respectful contemporary addition to a streetscape of mostly turn-of-the-twentieth-century commercial outlets in the Historic Downtown Carberry Heritage District. Completed in 1998, the branch bank’s scale, forward placement and finishes, along with its streamlined form and bold corporate colours and symbols, complement the built environment yet also give the structure visual prominence on its corner site. In addition to its aesthetic qualities, the building is functionally and symbolically significant, representing a vital continuing association between the town, surrounding agricultural community and one of Canada’s major financial institutions, a relationship that began in the mid-1930s.

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