Manitoba Municipal Heritage Site No. 360

St. John the Baptist Anglican Church
252 Hamilton Street

St. John the Baptist Anglican Church

Designation Date: December 9, 2010
Designation Authority: Manitou (Town)
Present Owner:  St. John the Baptist Anglican Church

St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, from 1904, is an important Manitou landmark, a vital connection to one of the community’s founding faiths, and a notable local example of the Gothic Revival style. The church’s impressive architectural claims start with the distinctive tower which curves at its apex to support a small and delicate spire. Even the lowly foundation is remarkable, with no expense spared in the construction of a lovingly crafted fieldstone substructure. The foundation not only extends from the basic rectangular form upon which a building would normally sit to include jut-outs that provide structural support for the wall buttresses, but also rises nearly four feet above grade to present a remarkable contrast with the tall brick walls above. Inside, the traditional Anglican nave, focused through its length on the altar, is a stirring reminder of the building’s spiritual purpose.

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