
Information on the Classification of Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Assistants



The Community Child Care Standards Act and Manitoba Regulation 62/86 outline comprehensive standards for early learning and child care (ELCC) for children in licensed facilities including ELCC centres, nursery schools and family child care homes. There are also standards for child care employee training. These standards ensure children’s health and safety and recognize the need for qualified early childhood educators (ECEs) to educate and care for young children.


Early Learning and Child Care is a regulated profession across Canada. Each province and territory has its own regulations and classification requirements. In Manitoba, classification levels are only available to residents of Canada and applicants must be legally eligible to work in Canada. Anyone seeking paid employment or volunteer work in an early learning and child care centre must apply for classification before beginning employment. Licensed family child care providers do not require classification. Classification levels are based on completed post-secondary education.

There are three levels in Manitoba:

  • Child Care Assistant (CCA)
  • Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II
  • Early Childhood Educator (ECE) III

Application Process

There are four options on the Child Care Worker Classification Application. Select the correct option to ensure accurate assessment of your application.

  1. Child Care Assistant (CCA):
    Applicants do not need post-secondary education specific to early childhood education.
    Applicants must submit two pieces of government issued ID.
    (Child Care facilities need to ensure that CCAs have completed a 40 hour course within their first year of employment.)
  2. Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II or III :
    Applicants require a degree or diploma specific to Early Childhood Education with a minimum of 1800 – 2000 study hours including 520 hours of practicum through a recognized Post-Secondary Institution for the ECE II classification. ECE II classification can also be obtained through the ECE II Assessment Program. An additional credential above the diploma level is required for the ECE III level.  Applicants may submit scanned transcripts with a completed application via email. Original transcripts are no longer required.
  3. Upgrade Classification:
    CCAs or ECE IIs may apply for a higher level of classification if they have completed further education in early childhood education. Applicants may submit transcripts with a completed application via email. Original transcripts are no longer required.
  4. Reissue Classification Certificate:
    Applicants who need a replacement certificate may request a reissue. Applicants whose name has changed may provide proof of name change with the application via email.

To apply for classification, follow steps A, B and C. There is no charge for this service.

A. Complete the application form

There are three ways you can find and complete the Classification as Child Care Worker Application:

  1. Download and complete the fillable PDF form:
    Classification as a Child Care Worker Application (PDF)
  2. Access Child Care Online (CCO)
    To apply online you must first register a personal user ID (userID) and password to log on to Child Care Online (CCO). This application is not accessible with a facility user ID.
  3. If you prefer a paper application, call Child Care Information Services at 204-945-0776 in Winnipeg or toll free 1-888-213-4754.

B. Attach correct documentation

Based on the application type/option, attach required documentation as follows:

CCA Application:

  • Two pieces of government issued ID

ECE II or ECE III or Upgrade Application:

  • Transcripts for all relevant education. Verified photocopies are accepted, but scanned documents sent via email are preferred. Digital transcripts are accepted via email from the applicant or directly from the educational institution. (See below for Recognized Education)
  • Certified or notarized translations for all documents not in English or French.
  • Proof of name change if any document shows a name other than your current legal name.
  • Photocopies are accepted, but scanned documents sent via email are preferred.
  • Signed declaration – For Child Care Online applicants only -  print and complete a signed declaration form or request a declaration form by contacting the Early Learning and Child Care Division.

Applicants can email the application with all of the necessary documentation together in one email to the ELCC Division or apply using Child Care Online.


Reissue Certification Certificate:

  • Proof of name change. Scanned documents are preferred, but photocopies will be accepted. Acceptable proof of name change includes:
  • Marriage certificate or registration
  • Divorce certificate
  • Legal name change certificate
  • Birth certificate plus current identification, such as a driver’s licence
  • Signed declaration – For Child Care Online applicants only -  print and complete a signed declaration form or request a declaration form by contacting the Early Learning and Child Care Division.

C. Submit the application and any required documentation

Note: Incomplete applications will not be processed and applications that are missing information or documentation will be returned to the applicant.


Child Care Online (CCO):

Early Learning and Child Care Division
Attention: Qualifications Services
210 - 114 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 4V4

In person:
1st floor reception, 114 Garry Street, Winnipeg, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you are unable to submit documents via email, we can photocopy and verify your original documents while you wait. You will receive your classification certificate via email.
Child care employees are responsible for advising their employers of their classification level. Provide your employer with a photocopy and retain your original documents.

Recognized Education

The Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee (CCQTC) monitors the quality and standards of post-secondary early childhood education programs in Manitoba. The Committee also reviews and makes recommendations education programs for the ELCC sector.

Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II classification requires:

Successful completion of one of the following two-year diploma programs approved by CCQTC:

Please note that a variety of delivery models may be available including the Workplace Program, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Continuing and Distance Education (online). View ECE ll Training Pathways flyer for a highlight of delivery options or contact each college or university for specific information.

  • Successful completion of an ECE II Assessment program offered by the ELCC Division.

Early Childhood Educator (ECE) III classification requires:

A current ECE II classification and the successful completion of one of the following programs recognized by Child Care Qualifications and Training Committee (CCQTC):

Applicants will be issued a Child Care Assistant classification if their education does not have a minimum of 1800-2000 hours of study with 520 hours of practicum, or is not specific to Early Childhood Education (such as a one year ECE certificate, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Social Work Diploma in Child and Youth Care, Montessori diploma).

Certification in the early learning and child care system in Manitoba is separate from teaching and professional certification in the Kindergarten – Grade 12 education system. If you are looking for certification in Manitoba as a teacher or a school clinician, contact the Professional Certification Unit.


Assessment for Out of Province Education

If you have lived, been employed in and have certification as an early childhood educator in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Newfoundland/Labrador, British Columbia, Yukon, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island, you may apply for classification in Manitoba under the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA). This option only applies to new applicants that have not previously been classified in Manitoba. Please contact Child Care Information Services at 204-945-0776 or toll-free at 1-888-213-4754 for an application under CFTA.

Equivalency Assessment for Out of Country Education

If you completed post-secondary education in ECE or related to ELCC of Canada, you will be required to submit a credential assessment report. For more information on internationally educated applicants, please contact Child Care Information Services at 204-945-0776 or toll-free at 1-888-213-4754.

Appealing Your Classification

First, contact Child Care Information Services at 204-945-0776 or toll-free at 1-888-213-4754 to discuss your concerns. If you feel your assessment was not processed according to the regulations and you wish to appeal your classification level, you must do so within 30 days of receiving your classification by submitting written notification to:

Social Services Appeal Board
7th floor – 175 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R8
PH: (204)945-3003 Fax: 945-1736
The Community Child Care Standards Act authorizes this committee to hear all differences of opinion related to ELCC classification and determine whether proper procedures were carried out in the classification process.
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Educational Institution Contacts

For more information about recognized post-secondary education options for early childhood education or for an independent credit transfer assessment, please contact:

Assiniboine Community College (ACC)
1430 Victoria Avenue East Brandon, MB R7A 1B6
Phone: 204-725-8700, ext. 6882
Toll free: 1-800-862-6307, ext. 6882
Registrations Phone: 204-725-8700 ext 4032

Université de Saint-Boniface (USB)
200, av. de la Cathédrale
Winnipeg (Manitoba)
R2H 0H7
Sans frais 1-888-233-5112
Programme régulier (diplôme)
Téléphone: 204-233-0210, poste 736
Programme accéléré (diplôme)
Téléphone: 204-233-0210, poste 735
Diplôme avancé en éducation de la jeune enfance
Téléphone: 204-233-0210, poste 739

Red River College Polytechnic
Early Childhood Education Program
A109 – 2055 Notre Dame Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3H 0J9
Admissions office:
Phone 204-632-2328 Toll free: 1-800-903-7707
ECE – Prior Learning Assessment
Phone: 204-632-2353
School of Continuing Education
Phone: 204-694-1789
Toll free: 1-866-242-7073

University College of the North (UCN)
P.O. Box 3000 436 – 7th Street
The Pas, MB
R9A 1M7
Phone toll free: 1-866-627-8500
Thompson Campus
504 Princeton Drive
Thompson, MB
R8N 0A5
Phone toll free: 1-866-677-6450
ECE Program Co-ordinator
204-627-8635 Ext 1
204-620-8012 cell

University of Winnipeg (UW)
515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 2E9
Developmental Studies Program (Faculty of Arts)
Phone: 204-786-9491
Advanced Diploma in Leadership in Early Childhood Care and Education
(Division of Professional, Applied and Continuing Education)
Phone: 204-982-1143

Louis Riel Vocational College (LRVC)
150 Henry Ave,
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 0J7
Phone: 204-984-9480

Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT)
130 Henlow Bay
Winnipeg, MB
R3Y 1G4
Phone: 204-989-6500


Robertson College
180 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 1A6
Phone: 1-204-943-5661
Toll Free: 1-877-880-8789

Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development
181 Higgins Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 3G1
Phone: 204-989-7110

Qualifications of Child Care Centre Staff

The Community Child Care Standards Act and Manitoba Regulation 62/86 outline the proportion of trained ECE IIs and ECE IIIs required in licensed ELCC centres and nursery schools.

Infant and Preschool Early Learning and Child Care Centres
At least two thirds of the staff are required to be classified at the ECE II or III level. Directors must be classified at the ECE III level at the time of licensing.

School Age Child Care Centres
At least half of the staff are required to be classified at the ECE II or III level. Directors must be classified at the ECE II or III level at the time of licensing.

Nursery Schools
Operating four or more part days per week: At least half of the staff are required to be classified as ECE II or ECE III. Directors must be classified at the ECE II or III level at the time of licensing.
Operating three or fewer part days per week: One staff person for every 30 licensed spaces is required to be an ECE II or III. This person is not required to be the director of the nursery school.
Visit Careers in Child Care for more information about working in Early Childhood Education in Manitoba.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
Your personal information for an application for classification is collected under the authority of The Community Child Care Standards Act and will be used to establish your classification as Child Care Assistant (CCA), Early Childhood Educator (ECE) II or Early Childhood Educator (ECE) III. It is protected under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

For more information about FIPPA please contact:
Information and Privacy Policy Secretariat
130 – 200 Vaughan Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 1T5
Phone: 204-945-1252
Toll free: 1-800-617-3588

For more information contact:
Child Care Information Services
210-114 Garry Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 4V6
Phone: 204-945-0776
Toll free: 1-888-213-4754
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