Social Services Appeal Board

The Social Services Appeal Board (SSAB) is the independent appeal body for the majority of programs and services of the Department of Family Services and Housing. The SSAB is established under The Social Services Appeal Board Act and consists of 15 members who are appointed by Order-in-Council for two-year terms. 

    • The objective of the SSAB is to give Manitobans a fair, impartial and informal appeal process from decisions relating to various social services and programs.
    • The appeal board consists of 15 members who must represent the social, economic and cultural diversity of the province. They must also exhibit knowledge of the social programs and services that have the right of appeal.  Members cannot be employees of a minister responsible for an Act in which the right of appeal is granted. 
The Acts which give the right of appeal for various programs and services are "designated Acts" and include the following:
  • The Adoption Act
  • The Community Child Care Standards Act
  • The Employment and Income Assistance Act
  • The Social Services Administration Act
  • The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act
  • any other designated Act or Regulation which gives the right to appeal.


  • The appeal board hears appeals regarding the following issues:
        • Adoption Agency Licensing
        • Child Care Subsidies
        • Child Care Licensing
        • Employment and Income Assistance
        • 55  PLUS - A Manitoba Income Supplement, Junior Component
        • Manitoba Prenatal Benefit
        • Residential Care Licensing
        • MarketAbilities (Eligibility)
        • Community Living DisAbility Services (Eligibility and Individual Care Plan)


    • The appeal board is required to provide an annual report to the minister within six months after the end of the government's fiscal year.