
Income Assistance for Certain Persons 65 Years Old and Over Regulation

Regulation 260/89
Registered October 17, 1989

1          In this regulation, "payment period" means a period of three months commencing on the first day of February, May, August or November in any year.

Cost of basic necessities
2          The cost of basic necessities for persons who were 65 years or over as of January 31, 1979, and who were receiving income assistance under Manitoba Regulation 214/78 is as follows for the payment period commencing November 1, 1989:

(a) where food, clothing, personal needs and household supplies are required by living arrangements:

(i) for a single person: - $688.53 per month,

(ii) for a married couple: - $1,072.24 per month;

(b) where clothing and personal needs only are required by living arrangements:

(i) for a single person: - $629.73 per month,

(ii) for a married couple: - $979.84 per month,

(iii) for a socially and physically active person residing in a personal care institution: - $30.30 per month,

(iv) for a socially and physically inactive person residing in a personal care institution: - $17.30 per month.

Cost of basic necessities as of February 1, 1990
         Commencing with the payment period beginning February 1, 1990, the amounts of the basic necessities set out in clause 2(a) and subclauses 2(b)(i) and (ii) 

(a) shall be adjusted quarterly by the amount of the quarterly adjustment of the full monthly pension and the monthly guaranteed income supplement as set out in sections 7 and 12 of the Old Age Security Act (R.S.C 1985, c. O-9) as amended from time to time; and

(b) shall be adjusted annually by the annual adjustment in the additional amount allowed for food for households consisting of three or less persons as authorized by the director.

Man. Reg. 404/88 R applies
4          The provisions of Manitoba Regulation 404/88 R, as amended from time to time, apply in respect of basic necessities other than food, clothing, personal needs and household supplies.

5          Manitoba Regulation 176/89 is repealed.

Coming into force
         This regulation comes into force on November 1, 1989.