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Growing, Harvesting and Storing Your Own Food:
- Growing Potatoes in the Home Garden - Potato growing, even in the home garden involves more than covering a few potatoes with soil and waiting for them to grow. This 4-page resource covers the factors important to potato growing success including soil and seed preparation, proper plant care, harvesting and storage. ( .pdf /109 KB )
- Soils and Gardening in the North - Most of our food and much of our selter and clothing comes from materials produced by the soil. This 4-page resource explains various soil types, how to determine type, properties, fertility, challenges, etc. ( .pdf / 322 KB )
- Easy Steps for Planting Fruit - Fruit trees and plants can successfully be grown in Northern Manitoba. This 3-page, straightforward resource lists easy step by step instructions for planting strawberries and raspberries. ( .pdf / 323 KB )
- Vegetable Plant Pics - This easy to read resource has colour pictures of common garden vegetables in various growth stages. This will help identify vegetable plants versus weeds in your garden. Info on planting distance and depth, the number of days to emergence, the number of days from seeing until harvest as well as approximate yields is also included. ( .pdf / 4,736 KB )
- Fruit Crops for Northern Manitoba - Many fruit crops introduced to northern Manitoba by gardeners can survive and produce fruit. This resource covers how to plant and care for a variety of fruit crops such as raspberries, strawberries, crab-apples and other fruit crops that can be successfully grown in the North. ( .pdf / 1,149 KB )
- Gardening Basics - Growing a garden can be an enjoyable hobby. It also can provide a family with fresh, delicious produce to enjoy year round. This 4-page resource covers all the basic information to succeed at gardening. ( .pdf / 42 KB )
- Basic Gardening Manual for Northern Manitoba - This resource has a wide range of information for the home gardener from site selection, planting, reading a see packet, preparing the garden spot, weeding, watering, harvest and storage, gardening tips, etc. A valuable guide for the entire gardening season. ( .pdf / 6,569 KB )
- Managing Small Poultry Flock - This resource is useful for those new to raising chickens. It covers housing and construction, temperatures, lighting, feed and the various needs of a home poulty flock. ( .pdf / 364 KB )
- The Basics of Home Canning - Home canning can be an enjoyable pastime as well as a way to preserve fruits and vegetables. This 4-page resource covers the supplies and standard steps for home canning. Also included are a few home canning recipes. ( .pdf / 1,009 KB )
- Cold Storage for Vegetables - This 2-page resource has som easy ways to construct root cellars for vegetable storage. ( .pdf / 998 KB )
- The Basics of Freezers and Freezing Food - A freezer can be a cost saving appliance as it allows bulk and special sales buying and allows for storage and preservation of extra food. This resource covers factors to consider when buying a freezer, how to maintain it, what to do if the power goes out and steps to freeze vegetables and fruits. ( .pdf / 824 KB )
- Starting Seeds Indoor Factsheet - Many gardeners start their own seeds indoors. This can allow gardeners to try some new plant varieties. As well, it can be a good way to grow some plants that have a longer grower season. This 2-page factsheet includes steps to follow and tips for success. ( .pdf / 495 KB )
- Manitoba Trapping Guide ( .pdf )
- Diseases You Can Get From Wildlife - Wild game and fish may carry diseases that can be transmitted to people. With the use of proper precautions, the chance of infection is very low. Safety tips, general information and specific diseases are covered in this resource. ( .pdf / 4,075 KB )
- The Food Safety Connection Food this is mishandled can cause very serious consequences for all, especially young children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems. This manual provides a guide for volunteers and catering groups in preparing and serving food safely to large groups such as fall suppers, weddings, family reunions, fundraising events, etc. ( .pdf / 2,085 KB )
- Food Safety for First Nations People of Canada - This is a comprehensive manual on food safety with a First Nations focus. The practical guidance provided will ensure that traditional foods are harvested and prepared in a safe manner so that they may be enjoyed to their fullest. ( .pdf / 2,277 KB )
- Equipment for Small Scale Greenhouses in Northern Manitoba - Using a greenhouse is an ideal way to start plants indoors and get a jump on the short northern growing season. This resource is specifically for people in Northern Manitoba who have put up a greenhouse and want to arrange the inside work space.
- Seasonal Guide to Gardening Activities – This video covers when to undertake the various gardening tasks and activities throughout the year.
- Starting Garden Seeds Indoors – Starting seeds indoors helps extend the growing season. This video demonstrates how to start seeds indoors.
- Northern Gardening – Common Questions – This video provides information on the most common home garden questions and issues from diseases, fertility, growing tips to common pests and how to control them.
- Keep Weeds out of the Home Garden – Learn the importance of keeping weeds out of the home garden.
- Garden Pests in Northern Manitoba – Garden pest can cause significant damage in the home garden. Learn to identify the most common pests and ways to control them.
- How to Plant Trees in Northern Manitoba – This video describes the basic steps to plant a tree.
- Troubleshooting Fruit Harvest – This video explains the most common reasons why trees may not produce fruit in a given year.
- How to Harvest and Store Garden Potatoes – When are potatoes ready for harvest? What is the best way to store them? This video provides the answers.
- Supplies for Water Bath Canning – It can be challenging to know what supplies you need for water bath canning. This video explains the supplies you need for water bath canning. This video explains the supplies you need to have as well as supplies that are handy to have.
- Supplies for Pressure Canning – What supplies do you need for pressure canning? This video covers the supplies needed.
- How to Pressure Can Fish – This instructional video demonstrates the steps to pressure can fish.
- Freezing Vegetables – Instructional video demonstrating how to freeze common vegetables.
- Freezing Fruit – This instructional video demonstrates the steps to freeze fruit.
- How to Make Jam – Learn what supplies are needed and the steps to make a cooked fruit jam.
- Northern Gardening Chat – Specialists answer the most common questions from Northern Manitoba gardeners.
- Greenhouses for Northern Manitoba – Learn about greenhouse potential and construction options.
- Gardening Without Soil – Hydroponics for Northern Manitoba – Soil quality and availability can be a challenge for gardening in Northern Manitoba. Learn about the potential for hydroponics.
- Pressure Canning Meat - This video demonstrates the steps for pressure canning meat such as bear, beef, venison, lamb, veal, venison, chicken, duck, turkey or rabbit. You can follow the same basic steps and information for canning other low acid foods such as vegetables, fish and game, poultry, seafood, soups, stews, tomato-vegetable sauces and tomato-meat sauces.
Northern Healthy Foods Initiative Resources:
- 2003 Northern Food Price Report ( .html )
- Northern Healthy Foods Initiative Public Report ( .pdf / 2,000 KB )
- NHFI Boundary Map 2018 ( .pdf / 350 KB )
Other Related Information:
- Green Action Centre Website ( .html )
- First Nation Inuit Health Branch School Resource Binder ( .pdf / 841 KB )
- North End Food Security Network Community Gardener's Guidebook ( .pdf / 3,762 KB )
- Four Arrows Regional Health Authority - YouTube Channel ( video )
- Aki Energy Inc. - Meechim Trailer ( video )
- Muskege - Carol’s Traditional Medicines ( .html )
- Bayline Regional Roundtable – Dairy Goats ( .pdf )
- Northern Association of Community Councils – General Beekeeping Schedule and information Guide ( .pdf / 840 KB )
- Food Matters Manitoba - Time to Harvest ( .pdf )
- Food Matters Manitoba - Standing Medicine People Guidebook ( .pdf )
- Food Matters Manitoba - Summer Medicine Harvest ( .pdf )
- Food Matters Manitoba - Indigenous Food Security and Sovereignty ( .pdf )
- Food Matters Manitoba - Indigenous Food Security Resources