Withdrawal Demand--Member's Comments

Hon. Glen Findlay (Minister responsible for the administration of The Manitoba Telephone Act): Madam Speaker, I rise on a matter of privilege.

Madam Speaker, I regret that I must rise today on a matter of privilege from comments made by the member for Dauphin (Mr. Struthers) yesterday through Members' Statements in the House. I read it carefully. I thought maybe it was not warranted, but as I read it I find that the member clearly crossed the line, in my mind. He libelled me, even though he had previously stated something different than his libellous statement. I know the rules require that I do it at the earliest possible moment, and clearly Hansard is here today and the comments are printed. I heard them yesterday. I did not think they were as libellous then as I read them in print today.

Madam Speaker, the statement that he read, and I will preface his actual libellous statement by a previous comment he made: “Mr. Findlay, the minister himself, even stated that he will be the first in line to buy MTS shares for his own personal gain. He stated”--meaning me--“I personally, if I am allowed to, will definitely want to.”

It was a highly qualified statement; he recognized that.

Madam Speaker, then he went on to say, and this is a libellous statement: “Mr. Findlay will use his insider information to make a buck off Manitoba's telephone system.”

I find that highly libellous, unfair in this particular environment. I know once in a while we get carried away in our political idealism and our rhetoric, but I think the member has crossed the line at this particular moment.

Madam Speaker, the House rules on page 76 under matters of privilege comment about: “Libels upon members and aspersions upon them in relation to Parliament and interference of any kind with their official duties are breaches of the privileges of the members.”

Madam Speaker, I would like to put a motion forward. I move, seconded by the Minister of Rural Development (Mr. Derkach),

THAT these libellous statements by the member for Dauphin (Mr. Struthers) be withdrawn in total, an apology made to all members of the House and be referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections for consideration and further action.

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Mr. Stan Struthers (Dauphin): Madam Speaker, after making the statements I did in the House yesterday, I had a chance today to review the statements in Hansard. I have come to the conclusion that I was wrong in the words that I put on record. I will apologize and unequivocally withdraw those statements from Hansard. I realize that sometimes we do get going on what we say and I did cross the line with the statements that are pointed out.

I do wish to acknowledge that the minister has now said that he will not be buying the shares on MTS. Thank you very much, Madam Speaker.

Madam Speaker: Order, please. I believe that the comments by the honourable member for Dauphin are sincere and indeed are acceptable to resolve the matter of privilege.

Some Honourable Members: Agreed.

Madam Speaker: Agreed. This matter is therefore concluded.