Bill 206--The Minors Intoxicating Substances Control Amendment Act

Mr. Gord Mackintosh (St. Johns): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the member for Transcona (Mr. Reid), that leave be given to introduce Bill 206, The Minors Intoxicating Substances Control Amendment Act; Loi modifiant la Loi sur le contrôle des substances intoxicantes et les mineurs, and that the same be now received and read a first time.

Motion presented.

Mr. Mackintosh: Madam Speaker, this bill proposes a crackdown on those who knowingly sell inhalants for sniffing by prohibiting sales not just to minors but to adults, by enhancing the deterrent effect of sanctions, including minimum and increased fines, allowing courts to prohibit the sale of sniff products by a convicted merchant and even business closure in certain extreme cases, also by ensuring search and seizure powers for the police. It also provides the courts with the ability to order professional assessments of those convicted of sniffing to expose addicts to treatment. We ask the Legislature to support this legislation, rise to the challenge that sniffing poses to Manitoba, support this legislation at least as one part of the needed response to this very destructive addiction.

Madam Speaker: Is there leave?

An Honourable Member: Leave.

Madam Speaker: Leave has been granted.