Bill 41–The Professional Corporations (Various Acts Amendment) Act, 1999


Hon. Harold Gilleshammer (Minister of Finance): I move, seconded by the Minister of Justice (Mr. Toews), that leave be given to introduce Bill 41, The Professional Corporations (Various Acts Amendment) Act, 1999 (Loi de 1999 sur les corporations professionnelles (modification de diverses dispositions législatives), and that the same be now received and read a first time.


The Administrator, having been advised of the contents of this bill, recommends it to the House, and I am tabling the message from the Administrator.


Motion agreed to.


Bill 42–The Community Protection and Liquor Control Amendment Act


Hon. Vic Toews (Minister of Justice and Attorney General): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Minister of Finance (Mr. Gilleshammer), that leave be given to introduce Bill 42, The Community Protection and Liquor Control Amendment Act (Loi sur la protection des collectivités et modifiant la Loi sur la réglementation des alcools), and that the same now be received and read a first time.


I have here a message from the Administrator indicating that the Administrator recommends the bill to the House, and I would like to table the Administrator's message.


Motion agreed to.


Bill 44–The Gaming Control Local

Option (VLT) Act


Hon. Shirley Render (Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs): Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the Minister of Culture, Heritage and Citizenship (Mrs. Vodrey), that leave be given to introduce Bill 44, The Gaming Control Local Option (VLT) Act (Loi sur les options locales en matière de jeu (appareils de loterie vidéo).


The Administrator, having been advised of the contents of this bill, recommends it to the House. I would like to table the Administrator's message.


Motion agreed to.