Agricore. See Silver, Neil

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Public presentations

Arason, Greg, AG 285–289

Arnold, Lorne, AG 64–66

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, AG 48–52, AG 75–80

Baker, Andy, AG 194–198

Boguski, Lorne, AG 48–52

Boznianin, Dorothy, AG 222–227

Broadfoot, Duncan, AG 106–107

Canadian Federation of Agriculture, AG 296–301

Canadian Wheat Board, AG 285–289

Chapman, R. S., AG 165–166

Chuckry, Bill, AG 211–213

Cook, Edward, AG 315–319

Cowan, Art, AG 142–146

Dalmyn, Ron, AG 308–311

Dennis, Andrew, AG 86–90

Desrochers, Lynda

Desrochers, Roger

Dewar, Don, AG 274–279

Downing, Linda, AG 252–256

Downing, Murray, AG 14–18

Drul, Terry, AG 146–151

Drul, Wayne, AG 205–210

Duchanan, Ken, AG 140–142

Dusik, Joe, AG 256–261

Dutchyshen, Gaylene, AG 39–44

Elliott, Lavern, AG 66–68

Embryk, Fred, AG 52–56

Federowich, Joe, AG 61–64

Finlay, Walter, AG 152–156

Flett, Cameron, AG 35–39

Friesen, Robert, AG 296–301

Galbraith, Shirley, AG 311–315

Gluska, Leonard, AG 185–189

Grassroots Farmers, AG 14–18

Guilford, Celia, AG 322–323

Hacault, Marcel, AG 270–274

Hanlin, David, AG 80–82

Heeney, Dennis, AG 107–111

Howden, Gladys, AG 115–119

Kaastra, Renski, AG 156–161

Kelley, Brian, AG 218–222

Keystone Agricultural Producers, AG 59–61, AG 103–106, AG 274–279

Kieper, Tom, AG 264–270

Kleebaum, Tim, AG 22–26

Knight, Daryl, AG 334–338

Kolisnyk, Walter, AG 56–59

Krieser, Donald, AG 20–22

Lussier, Gilbert, AG 289–291

Manitoba Pork Council, AG 270–274

Manitoba Pulse Growers Association, AG 301–303

Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Association, AG 156–161

Manitoba Women's Institute, AG 156–161

Marshall, Al, AG 31–35

Martens, Herm, AG 303–307

Mazur, Brad, AG 320–322

McGonigal, Larry, AG 227–229

McIntyre, Jan, AG 323–324

McPhee, Gordon, AG 59–61

Melnyk, Ed, AG 18–20

Melnyk, James Warren, AG 245–247

Melnyk, Susan, AG 85–86

Morningstar, Bill, AG 103–106

Motheral, Wayne, AG 75–80

Mowbray, Tom, AG 122–127

Mroz, Brad, AG 198–202

Newton, Weldon, AG 135–140

Oster, David, AG 332–334

Palahicky, Perry, AG 82–85

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 247–252

Paterson, Kirsty, AG 127–129

Peltz, Lloyd, AG 26–31

Penner, Dan, AG 301–303

Penner, Jim (Reeve), AG 160–164

Pogson, Val, AG 323

Provincial Coalition for Responsible Resource Management, AG 308–311

Puchailo, Sydney, AG 44–48

Raffard, Marc, AG 291–296

Redpath, Larry

Roeland, Claude, AG 214–217

Schellenberg, Dolores and Ken, AG 326–331

Sokal, John, AG 202–205

Southwest Lobby Group

Stephenson, Hugh, AG 72–75

Stevenson, L. J. (Roy), AG 101–103

Temple, Gary, AG 97–101

Tymko, Al, AG 1899–194

United Grain Growers, AG 205–210

Waddell, Ken, AG 131–135

Walker, Larry, AG 111–115

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, AG 315–319

Westfall, Harvey, AG 261–264

Wheat City Seeds, AG 119–122

Whetter, Bernie, AG 119–122

Wishart, Ian, AG 279–285

Yuill, Ken, AG 217–218

   Whetter, AG 119–122

Written submissions

Agricore, AG 365–269

Bartley, Gordon, AG 170–171

Brown, Dorothy, AG 412–413

Cochraine, Bill, AG 177–179

Combs, Shannon, AG 350–351

Desrocher, Cindy, AG 166–167

Drul, Wayne

Ellis, Warren, AG 175–177

Franklin, Glen, AG 346–350

Glenn, Diana, AG 172

Goethals, Roger, AG 230–231

Groening, Ben, AG 341–343

Hacault, Marcel, AG 353–356

Hathaway, Neil, AG 343–344

Kelly, Tom, AG 344–345

Kieper, Tom, AG 369–373

Manitoba Canola Growers Association, AG 175–177

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, AG 231–233, AG 350–351

Manitoba Pork Council, AG 352–353

McLean, Robert, AG 363–365

McNabb, Robert, AG 180–181

Minnedosa Focus Group, AG 180–18

Prairie Winds Clothing

Radcliffe, Robert, AG 409–410

Ramsey, Doug, AG 167–169

Redfern Ray, AG 172–175

Riley, Tony, AG 410–412

Robson, Ian, AG 233–234

Rogasky, Tim, AG 171

Rural Disaster Recovery Coalition, AG 172–175

Silver, Neil, AG 365–369

Solas, Wayne, AG 169–170

South Norfolk--Treheren Community Development Corporation, AG 341–343

Stevenson, L. J. (Roy), AG 179–180

Strathclair Council and Youth

Thompson, Gordon, AG 180–181

Turenne Maynard, Julie, AG 231–233

Twin Valley Co-op, AG 169–170

United Grain Growers, AG 234–242

VanHumbeck, Perry, AG 345–346

Wishart, Ian, AG 356–363

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance

Federowich, AG 62

Friesen, R., AG 299

Kieper, AG 264–265

Knight, AG 335

Lussier, AG 290

Martens, AG 305, AG 306

Melnyk, J., AG 246

Melnyk, S., AG 86

Motheral, AG 77

Wowchuk, AG 306, AG 393

Income calculations

Gerrard, AG 61

McPhee, AG 61


Aging farm population

Kolisnyk, AG 58

Wowchuk, AG 58

Best management cropping practices

Pogson, AG 323

Biosafety protocol

Friesen, R., AG 299–300

Commodity pricing

Mowbray, AG 123


Penner, D., AG 302

Corporate interests

Dalmyn, AG 308

Drul, T., AG 147

Duchanan, AG 141

Dutchyshen, AG 40, AG 43

Kolisnyk, AG 58

Pitura, AG 43, AG 58

Walker, AG 112–113

Cost of production

Hanlin, AG 80

Marshall, AG 31–32, AG 34

Puchailo, AG 44

Stephenson, AG 73

Wowchuk, AG 34

Disaster assistance

Ashton, AG 385


Cook, AG 318

Cummings, AG 20

Downing, L., AG 253

Downing, M., AG 16

Knight, AG 335

Krieser, AG 20, AG 22

Penner, Jack, AG 21–22

Puchailo, AG 45

Roeland, AG 214

Smith, S., AG 134–135

Stephenson, AG 73

Waddell, AG 135

Export enhancement programs

Arason, AG 288–289

Maguire, AG 288

Family farm, future of

Dewar, D., AG 276

Galbraith, AG 313–314

Penner, Jack, AG 313–314

Farm incomes

Martens, AG 304

Federal support

Drul, W., AG 206

Fertilizer/chemical use

Dusik, AG 257–258

Westfall, AG 262

Foot and mouth disease

Gerrard, AG 159–160

Kaastra, AG 159–160

Free trade agreements

Cook, AG 317

Friesen, R., AG 297–298

Hacault, M., AG 271

Raffard, AG 292–293

Wowchuk, AG 292

GMO products

Dusik, AG 258

Dutchyshen, AG 39, AG 41, AG 42

Wowchuk, AG 42

High protein wheat

Gerrard, AG 34–35

Marshall, AG 34–35

Input costs

Dewar, D., AG 275

Friesen, R., AG 297

Kaastra, AG 159

Kieper, AG 265

Knight, AG 336

Krieser, AG 21

Lussier, AG 290

Martens, AG 303–304

Penner, Jack, AG 296

Raffard, AG 296

Wowchuk, AG 21, AG 159

Land transfers, generation to generation

Roeland, AG 215

Wowchuk, AG 215

Land use policy

Kaastra, AG 158

Sokal, AG 203

Long-term agricultural policy

Friesen, R., AG 300

New loans

Puchailo, AG 45

Noise complaints

Kaastra, AG 158

Off-farm employment

Puchailo, AG 45

Organic production

Puchailo, AG 46

Westfall, AG 262–263

wow, AG 262

Production costs

Howden, AG 115

Walker, AG 112, AG 113

Westfall, AG 261–263

Research and development

Dutchyshen, AG 41

Set-aside program

Boznianin, AG 225–226

Cummings, AG 284

Maguire, AG 284–285

Mroz, AG 199–200, AG 202

Penner, Jack, AG 284

Pitura, AG 202

Praznik, AG 225–226

Wishart, AG 284–285

Wowchuk, AG 200

Administrative costs

Wishart, AG 281, AG 283

Wowchuk, AG 283

Conservation cover program

Wishart, AG 280


Wishart, AG 283

Wowchuk, AG 283

Grazing management

Wishart, AG 280

Marketplace, impact on

Wishart, AG 281–282

Negative impacts

Wishart, AG 282

Permanent riparian areas

Wishart, AG 280

Program integration

Gerrard, AG 283

Wishart, AG 283

Transition issue

Wishart, AG 282

Water storage areas

Wishart, AG 281

Subsidized production

Arason, AG 286–287

Ashton, AG 385

Cook, AG 319

Dewar, D., AG 274, AG 276

Drul, T., AG 149

Dutchyshen, AG 40

Flett, C., AG 36

Friesen, R., AG 297–298

Kaastra, AG 156–157, AG 159

Kieper, AG 265–266

Maguire, AG 319

McIntyre, AG 324

Penner, D., AG 302

Penner, Jack, AG 149, AG 216–217, AG 396

Raffard, AG 292

Roeland, AG 216–217

Schellenberg, K., AG 328

Waddell, AG 132, AG 133

Walker, AG 111–112

Wowchuk, AG 38, AG 159, AG 318–319

Subsidized production--U.S.

Duchanan, AG 140–141

Kieper, AG 266

Sustainable development

Gerrard, AG 205

Guilford, AG 323

Hacault, M., AG 270–271

McIntyre, AG 323–324

Penner, Jack, AG 205

Sokal, AG 205

Tax incentive programs

Motheral, AG 77

Wowchuk, AG 77

Technology, impact of

Kieper, AG 266

Transportation and elevator fees

Marshall, AG 32–33

Transportation costs

Ashton, AG 144

Cowan, AG 142, AG 144–145, AG 146

Gerrard, AG 21

Howden, AG 115

Krieser, AG 21

Martens, AG 304

Penner, Jack, AG 146

Schellenberg, K., AG 328

Westfall, AG 262

Transportation system

Ashton, AG 141

Cook, AG 316–317

Duchanan, AG 141–142

Value-added processing

Arason, AG 288

Drul, W., AG 208

Embryk, AG 53

Gerrard, AG 288, AG 325

Lussier, AG 290

McIntyre, AG 324, AG 325

Motheral, AG 77

Wowchuk, AG 418

Yuill, AG 218

Economic benefits

Kelley, AG 220

GMO products

Kelley, AG 221


Kelley, AG 219, AG 220

Product development

Kelley, AG 219

Public sector support

Kelley, AG 220

Research and development

Kelley, AG 220, AG 221–222

Young farmer incentives

Arnold, AG 64–65

Dutchyshen, AG 41

Elliott, AG 66–67

Friesen, R., AG 298

Gerrard, AG 65, AG 67

Kaastra, AG 157

McPhee, AG 59–60

Melnyk, AG 245, AG 247

Melnyk, S., AG 86

Penner, Jack, AG 246–247

Puchailo, AG 45

Wowchuk, AG 86

Alternative energy

Tax incentives

Mroz, AG 199, AG 200

Praznik, AG 200

Ambulance service

Rural Manitoba

Mowbray, AG 125

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system

Gerrard, AG 193

Penner, Jack, AG 194

Praznik, AG 193

Tymko, AG 190–192, AG 192, AG 193–194

Wowchuk, AG 193


Agriculture initiatives

Schellenberg, K., AG 327

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program 2

Baker, A., AG 197

Dewar, D., AG 275

Gerrard, AG 197


Peltz, AG 30

Penner, Jack, AG 29–30

Canadian Farm Income Program

Drul, T., AG 147, AG 149, AG 151

Penner, Jack, AG 148–149

Wowchuk, AG 151

Canadian Wheat Board

Dusik, AG 257


Maguire, AG 48

Puchailo, AG 48–49

Committee report

Wowchuk, AG 418

Commodity pricing

Arason, AG 287–288

Ashton, AG 287

Friesen, R., AG 298

Kieper, AG 266

Temple, AG 99

Conservation districts

Boznianin, AG 223, AG 224–225

Tymko, AG 192

Wowchuk, AG 224

Crop insurance

Boznianin, AG 223

Cook, AG 317, AG 319

Dewar, D., AG 278–279

Gerrard, AG 247, AG 263, AG 278, AG 291, AG 319

Lussier, AG 290, AG 291

Melnyk, AG 245–246, AG 247

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 248, AG 249

Penner, D., AG 301

Penner, Jack, AG 263

Pitura, AG 291

Westfall, AG 263–264

Wowchuk, AG 263, AG 291

Cost of production formula

Chuckry, AG 211–213

Gerrard, AG 211

Maguire, AG 213

Martens, AG 307

Melnyk, AG 246

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 252

Penner, Jack, AG 213

Pitura, AG 252, AG 307

Wowchuk, AG 212

Input costs

Temple, AG 98


Downing, M., AG 16–17

Melnyk, AG 246

Wowchuk, AG 246

Unseeded acres

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 250

Wowchuk, AG 250

Crop residue burning

Mroz, AG 199

Crow rate, elimination of

Ashton, AG 201, AG 384, AG 386

Cummings, AG 389

Dusik, AG 257, AG 259

Dutchyshen, AG 42

Kieper, AG 267

Mroz, AG 201

Penner, Jack, AG 394–395

Wowchuk, AG 42, AG 56, AG 259, AG 392

Economic impact

Maguire, AG 100

Temple, AG 98, AG 99, AG 100

Wowchuk, AG 99

Embryk, AG 56

Delegation to Ottawa

Derkach, AG 383

Gerrard, AG 387

Penner, Jack, AG 381–382

Pitura, AG 394

Smith, S., AG 406

Draft report

Wowchuk, AG 419

Drainage system

Boznianin, AG 222–223, AG 225

Galbraith, AG 314–315

Gerrard, AG 215, AG 225, AG 228, AG 314–315

Martens, AG 305

McGonigal, AG 227–229

Oster, AG 332–334

Praznik, AG 205

Roeland, AG 215

Sokal, AG 204, AG 205

Wowchuk, AG 204

Drainage systems

Mroz, AG 198

Education programs

Agriculture curriculum

Tymko, AG 190

Urban-rural awareness

Kaastra, AG 157

Elevator closures

Ashton, AG 52–53, AG 100, AG 126, AG 306

Embryk, AG 52–53, AG 55

Martens, AG 306

Mowbray, AG 125, AG 126

Temple, AG 98, AG 100


Dutchyshen, AG 42–43

Penner, Jack, AG 42–43

Ethanol industry

Ashton, AG 106

Gerrard, AG 21, AG 105

Krieser, AG 21

Morningstar, AG 103–106

Murray, AG 252

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 252

Wowchuk, AG 105

Family farm, future of

Drul, T., AG 148, AG 151

Wowchuk, AG 148

Federal agriculture committee

Maguire, AG 403–404

Wowchuk, AG 407

Manitoba meeting request

Gerrard, AG 398

Penner, Jack, AG 395

Pitura, AG 394

Smith, S., AG 405–406

Wowchuk, AG 389–390, AG 398–399, AG 401, AG 418

Federal ministers--Meeting requests

Ashton, AG 385

Smith, S., AG 388

Financial institutions--Agricultural loans

Gerrard, AG 269

Kieper, AG 269

Flooding (1999)

Ashton, AG 251

Derkach, AG 251

Downing, L., AG 252

Maguire, AG 250

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 248, AG 250–251

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance

Downing, M., AG 15–16, AG 17

Gerrard, AG 17

Disaster assistance

Ashton, AG 153–154

Cowan, AG 145

Finlay, AG 152–155

Gerrard, AG 154

Maguire, AG 145

Motheral, AG 75–80, AG 79

Mowbray, AG 123–124, AG 126

Penner, Jack, AG 79, AG 155

Temple, AG 97–98

Wowchuk, AG 391

Foot and mouth disease

Dutchyshen, AG 43

Gerrard, AG 43

Free trade agreements

Hanlin, AG 81

Howden, AG 115

Wowchuk, AG 81

Government agencies, co-operation of

Kaastra, AG 157

Grain and oilseed sector


Chapman, AG 165

Grain and oilseeds sector

Marketing system

Cook, AG 316

Pricing options

Cook, AG 316

Grains and oilseed sector

Commodity pricing

Newton, AG 136

Free trade agreements

Newton, AG 137

Global market

Newton, AG 136

Government support

Gerrard, AG 140

Newton, AG 137–138, AG 138–139, AG 140

Wowchuk, AG 138

Input costs

Newton, AG 139

Wowchuk, AG 139

Land use policy

Newton, AG 137

Marketing system

Newton, AG 138

Newton, AG 135

Subsidized production--U.S.

Newton, AG 137

Gross Revenue Insurance Program

Baker, A., AG 194


Temple, AG 98


Cummings, AG 19–20

Highway construction/maintenance

Ashton, AG 109


Motheral, AG 79

Heeney, AG 109–110

Highway 25

Heeney, AG 108

Penner, Jack, AG 109

Trans-Canada Highway

Heeney, AG 108

Hog industry

Cowan, AG 144, AG 145–146

Dalmyn, AG 308–310

Gerrard, AG 145

Income Assurance Program

Derkach, AG 256, AG 260

Downing, L., AG 254–256

Dusik, AG 260–261

Gerrard, AG 255

Maguire, AG 256

Penner, Jack, AG 255

Wowchuk, AG 254

Livestock industry

Dutchyshen, AG 40

Feed costs

Hacault, M., AG 273

Penner, Jack, AG 273


Hacault, M., AG 270

Identification program

Gerrard, AG 48–49

Puchailo, AG 45, AG 49

Production skills

Faurschou, AG 274

Hacault, M., AG 274

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Credit extension

Penner, Jack, AG 395–396

Land transfers--intergenerational

Knight, AG 337

Wowchuk, AG 337


Downing, M., AG 16


Gerrard, AG 272

Hacault, M., AG 272


Puchailo, AG 46

Wowchuk, AG 46

Young farmer incentives

Federowich, AG 62

Marginal land

Flett, C., AG 36

Net Income Stabilization Account

Baker, A., AG 194–195, AG 196, AG 198

Cummings, AG 294

Drul, W., AG 209–210

Galbraith, AG 312

Gerrard, AG 100–101

Kieper, AG 265

Maguire, AG 196

Melnyk, S., AG 86

Penner, D., AG 302

Raffard, AG 294

Temple, AG 101

Wowchuk, AG 209–210, AG 312


Federowich, AG 62, AG 63


Federowich, AG 64

Wowchuk, AG 64

Organization meeting

Derkach, AG 2–3, AG 6–7, AG 7, AG 9, AG 10–11

Dewar, AG 8

Gerrard, AG 2, AG 3, AG 7, AG 9–10

Maguire, AG 3–4, AG 6, AG 8, AG 9

Nevakshonoff, AG 10

Penner, Jack, AG 2, AG 3, AG 5–6, AG 8, AG 9, AG 10–11

Pitura, AG 4–5, AG 7, AG 8, AG 9

Smith, S., AG 4, AG 6, AG 7

Wowchuk, AG 2–11

Prairie Grain Roads Program

Ashton, AG 51, AG 210

Drul, W., AG 210

Praznik, AG 210

Prime Minister

Meeting requests

Cummings, AG 389–390, AG 402

Gerrard, AG 402

Penner, Jack, AG 397, AG 419

Wowchuk, AG 393, AG 398, AG 401, AG 407


Wowchuk, AG 380–381, AG 391, AG 399–400, AG 415–419


Penner, Jack, AG 419–420

Rossburn, Rural Municipality of

Land sales

Gerrard, AG 19

RTAC highways


Gerrard, AG 102

Stevenson, AG 101–102, AG 102–103

Rural Manitoba


Duchanan, AG 141

Gerrard, AG 51

Guilford, AG 322–323

Economic development

Wowchuk, AG 50–51

Safety net programs

Baker, A., AG 195, AG 196, AG 197

Cook, AG 317

Dewar, D., AG 275, AG 277

Downing, L., AG 253

Downing, M., AG 14–15

Drul, W., AG 209

Friesen, R., AG 296–297, AG 298–299, AG 300–301

Galbraith, AG 312

Gerrard, AG 301

Knight, AG 335

Maguire, AG 196

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 249

Penner, Jack, AG 197, AG 301, AG 325–326

Pitura, AG 293

Raffard, AG 293

Stephenson, AG 73

Wowchuk, AG 195, AG 277, AG 300, AG 312

Auditing system

Maguire, AG 294–295

Raffard, AG 295

Cost of production formula

Ashton, AG 150

Chapman, AG 165–166

Cummings, AG 294

Downing, M., AG 18

Drul, T., AG 147–148, AG 150

Galbraith, AG 313

Hacault, M., AG 272, AG 273

Howden, AG 116–117

Kaastra, AG 157

Kieper, AG 270

Maguire, AG 273

Peltz, AG 27

Penner, Jack, AG 18

Pitura, AG 215, AG 270, AG 313

Raffard, AG 294

Roeland, AG 215

Stephenson, AG 73

Wowchuk, AG 165, AG 271–272

Crop reserve program

Pogson, AG 323


Federowich, AG 63–64

Gerrard, AG 63

McPhee, AG 60

Penner, D., AG 302

Puchailo, AG 45–46

Wowchuk, AG 302

Fairness and equity

Peltz, AG 27

Food security

Maguire, AG 295

Raffard, AG 295

Free trade agreements

Baker, A., AG 198

Maguire, AG 216

Roeland, AG 216

Wowchuk, AG 198


Oster, AG 334

Wowchuk, AG 334

Guaranteed income

Stevenson, AG 102

Income assurance program

Temple, AG 99

Wowchuk, AG 99

Loan deficiency payment program, U.S.

Maguire, AG 303

Penner, D., AG 303

Long-term strategy

Kieper, AG 269

Paterson, Kathleen, AG 249

Penner, Jack, AG 382

Wowchuk, AG 268–269, AG 391

Long-term strategy--consultations

Derkach, AG 277–278

Dewar, D., AG 277–278

Policy Failure Offset Program

Cook, AG 318

Provincial comparisons--Quιbec

Lussier, AG 291

Penner, Jack, AG 291

Revenue insurance program

Kolisnyk, AG 57, AG 58

Wowchuk, AG 57–58


Wowchuk, AG 418

Set-aside program

Cummings, AG 64

Federowich, AG 64

Gerrard, AG 58–59

Kieper, AG 269–270

Kolisnyk, AG 57, AG 59

McIntyre, AG 324–325

Smith, S., AG 269

Short-term issues

Gerrard, AG 386–387, AG 403

Penner, Jack, AG 419–420

Smith, S., AG 388

Wowchuk, AG 391

U.S. programs

Baker, A., AG 197

Federowich, AG 64

Penner, Jack, AG 64, AG 197

Value-added processing

McIntyre, AG 326

School divisions


Mowbray, AG 124–125

Taxation system

Education levy

Dewar, D., AG 276, AG 278

Flett, C., AG 36, AG 38

Gerrard, AG 38, AG 200

Lussier, AG 290

Mroz, AG 198, AG 201, AG 202

Penner, Jack, AG 20, AG 38, AG 202, AG 278

Puchailo, AG 45

Raffard, AG 292

Waddell, AG 132

Farm fuels

Ashton, AG 201, AG 260, AG 279, AG 384

Cook, AG 317–318

Dewar, D., AG 279

Drul, W., AG 208

Dusik, AG 260

Flett, C., AG 36–37, AG 39

Mroz, AG 201

Wowchuk, AG 38–39

Income tax

Faurschou, AG 160

Kaastra, AG 158, AG 160

Income tax--farm losses

Peltz, AG 27–28, AG 30–31

Input costs

Faurschou, AG 274

Hacault, M., AG 274

Penner, Jack, AG 134, AG 395

Waddell, AG 134

Wowchuk, AG 398

Input costs--Goods and Services Tax

Martens, AG 304

Input costs--Provincial Sales Tax

Martens, AG 304

Provincial sales tax--production buildings

Dewar, D., AG 276

Raffard, AG 292

Tax on food

Cook, AG 317

Embryk, AG 53

Flett, C., AG 36

Kaastra, AG 158

Time frame

Gerrard, AG 402

Wowchuk, AG 419

Trade balance

Penner, Jack, AG 133

Waddell, AG 132, AG 133

Transportation costs

Downing, M., AG 15

Morningstar, AG 103

Port of Churchill

Embryk, AG 53

Transportation infrastructure

Ashton, AG 306

Martens, AG 304, AG 306, AG 307

Penner, Jack, AG 307

Transportation system

Drul, W., AG 208


Derkach, AG 382–383

Penner, Jack, AG 381

Western premiers, involvement of

Smith, S., AG 405

Wowchuk, AG 390–391, AG 392

Alper, Eric (Manitoba Association of School Psychologists)

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Composition of council, LA 218–219

Consultations, LA 220

Intent, LA 220–221

Mental health care, impact on, LA 220

Mobility provisions

Master's-trained psychologists, LA 218

Psychological associate, LA 218

Psychologists, qualifications of, LA 219

Registers, LA 219

Use of title, LA 219

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Public presentations

Barr, Kristin, LA 107–110

Boily, Carole, LA 102–103

Brownlie, Robin, LA 130–134

Busby, Karen, LA 110–113

Canada Family Action Coalition, LA 139–142

Canadian Federation of Students, LA 172–173

Cazzorla, Kerry, LA 138–139

Crittenden, Marianne, LA 185

Crittenden, Robert, LA 159–160

Delaney, Karen, LA 187–189

Drosdowech, Norma, LA 146–148

Erhardt, Karin, LA 155–156

Fisher, Lloyd, LA 125–126

Fulton, Keith Louise, LA 120–121

Gagnι, Elsy, LA 199–200

Gerbasi, Jenny, LA 153–154

Gilroy, Nadin, LA 100–101

Golden, Mark, LA 190

Gorham, Joann, LA 196–199

Gregory, Anne, LA 177–180

Grewar, Rory, LA 190–192

Hasselriis, Maxine, LA 121–123

Huen, Donna, LA 118–119

Jeffrey, Tim, LA 153

Joycey, David, LA 195–196

Krowina, John, LA 183

Kunda, Jordan, LA 119–120

Lalbiharie, LA 172–173

Lalbiharie, Krishna, LA 172–173

Law, Michael, LA 168–172

Leven, Elliot, LA 113–115

MacKenzie Shepherd, Loraine, LA 126–128

Makow, Henry, LA 192–195

Manitoba Association of Women and the Law, LA 173–177

Manitoba Bar Association, LA 168–172

Manitoba Federation of Labour, LA 128–130

Mann, John, LA 154–155

Marchildon, Gilles, LA 103–107

McKenty, Margaret, LA 180–182

McKenzie, Irene, LA 148

Millan, Lorri, LA 99–100

Naumko, Sally, LA 165–166

Novak, Thomas, LA 135–137

Olinkin, Kerri, LA 143–144

Pchajek, Sharon, LA 134–135

Pendergast, Maureen, LA 135

Perry, Adele, LA 195

Pichι Krista, LA 145–146

Piper, Penny, LA 173–177

Preston, Timothy, LA 123–125

Purvis, Roy, LA 115

Rainbow Resource Centre, LA 118–119

Schesnuk, David, LA 183–185

Simard, Kim, LA 139–142

Simon, Fae, LA 186

Stevens, Noreen, LA 115–118

Tate, Kate, LA 166–167

Tutthil, Mike, LA 142

Tyler-West, Brad, LA 156–159

VanDreser, Susan, LA 144–145

Wadephul, Valerie, LA 148–150

Waldner, Lorraine, LA 186

Walker, Pete, LA 128–130

Webb, Asher, LA 167–168

Winnipeg Child and Family Services

Written submissions

Canadian Labour Congress, LA 161–162, LA 202–203

Inness, Sarah, LA 205

Mandzuik, Ken, LA 160–161

Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties, LA 160–161

McKenzie, John, LA 203–204

Naumko, Sally, LA 161

Riche, Nancy, LA 161–162, LA 202–203

Teel, Donald, LA 203

Adoption rights

Barr, LA 108–109

Boily, LA 102–103

Drosdowech, LA 147–148

Erhardt, LA 155–156

Fisher, LA 126

Gerrard, LA 117, LA 127–128, LA 130

Gilroy, LA 100–101

Hasselriis, LA 121–123

Huen, LA 118

Law, LA 169

Mackenzie, LA 126–128

Mackintosh, LA 101, LA 117–118

Marchildon, LA 105–107

McKenzie, LA 148

Millan, LA 100, LA 101

Olinkin, LA 143–144

Pchajek, LA 134–135

Pichι, LA 145–146

Praznik, LA 117

Purvis, LA 115

Stevens, LA 116, LA 117

Tate, LA 166

Tyler-West, LA 157–159

Wadephul, LA 149–150

Walker, LA 129–130

Webb, LA 167–168

Children's rights

Fulton, LA 120–121

Gerrard, LA 121

Conflict of interest

Barr, LA 109–110

Equal rights

Barr, LA 108

Novak, LA 135–137

Pendergast, LA 135

Preston, LA 123

Stevens, LA 115–116

Extended family rights

Gerrard, LA 122–123

Hasselriis, LA 122–123

Family maintenance payments

Law, LA 170

Mackintosh, LA 166–167

Piper, LA 175

Tate, LA 166–167

Foster parenting

Mackintosh, LA 117

Stevens, LA 117

Health care/aging concerns

Fisher, LA 126

Legal recognition

Piper, LA 175

Medical issues

Gregory, LA 179–180

Medical issuess

Brownlie, LA 131–133

Omnibus legislation

McKenty, LA 181–182

Piper, LA 175

Opening statements

Mackintosh, LA201

Parental rights

Gerrard, LA 119–120

Kunda, LA 119–120

Praznik, LA 119

Property rights

Brownlie, LA 132

Huen, LA 118–119

Mackintosh, LA 124

Preston, LA 123–124

Public disclosure requirements

Mackintosh, LA 176

Piper, LA 175–176


Law, LA 171

Spouse, definition of

Preston, LA 123

Traditional family values

Naumko, LA 165–166

Visitation rights

Mackintosh, LA 167

Tate, LA 167

Anderson, Michael (Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakinak)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Diesel service customers, LA 231–232

First Nation communities, LA 232–233

Arason, Greg (Canadian Wheat Board)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Export enhancement programs, AG 288–289

Subsidized production, AG 286–287

Value-added processing, AG 288

Commodity pricing, AG 287–288

Archives and Recordkeeping Act (Bill 39)

Written submissions

Association for Manitoba Archives, ED 30

Lewis, Georgina, ED 30


Clause 5(a)


ED 28; ruled in order, ED 28

Clause 32


ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 36(a)


ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 37


ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 42


ED 29; ruled in order, ED 30



ED 30; ruled in order, ED 30


Dacquay, ED 26

Lemieux, ED 27

Fees and penalties

Dacquay, ED 27

Lemieux, ED 27–28

Lieutenant-Governor's proclaimation

Dacquay, ED 27

Lemieux, ED 27


Dacquay, ED 27

Lemieux, ED 27

Arnold, Lorne (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Young farmer incentives, AG 64–65

Ashton, Hon. Steve (Thompson) N.D.P.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Disaster assistance, AG 385

Subsidized production, AG 385

Transportation costs, AG 144

Transportation system, AG 141

Commodity pricing, AG 287

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 201, AG 384, AG 386

Elevator closures, AG 52–53, AG 100, AG 126, AG 306

Ethanol industry, AG 106

Federal ministers

Meeting requests, AG 385

Flooding (1999), AG 251

Disaster assistance, AG 153–154

Highway construction/maintenance, AG 109


Ashton, AG 79

Prairie Grain Roads Program, AG 210

Urban centres, AG 51

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 150

Taxation system

Farm fuels, AG 201, AG 260, AG 279, AG 384

Transportation infrastructure, AG 306


Campaign overspending, PE 12–13

Political parties--code of ethics, PE 20–25

Elections (1999)

Investigations, PE 8–10

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)


Clause 4

LA 296; passed, LA 297

Clause 21(2)

LA 297; passed, LA 297

Class 5 licence requirement

Farm equipment, LA 277–278

Impaired driving offences, LA 285

Opening statements, LA 294–296

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)


Clause 4

LA 289; passed, LA 290

Clause 5

LA 290; passed, LA 290

LA 291; passed, LA 293

Clause 22.1

LA 293; passed, LA 294

Consultations, LA 284

Driver education programs, LA 280, LA 281

Access, LA 274

Gravel road training, LA 274

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 13

Report, RH 15

Schedule, RH 14

Fall sitting, RH 3–4

Private Members' Business, RH 6

Report stage amendments, RH 17

Timeframe, RH 19

Asper, Linda (Riel) N.D.P.

Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 300)

Opening statements, LA 243

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. See White Bird, Dennis

Association of Manitoba Municipalities. See Boguski, Lorne; Kirbyson, Brad; Masi, Joe; Motheral, Wayne

Auditor General Act (Bill 43)

Policy objectives, government

Derkach, 129–130

Selinger, 129–130



Baker, Andy (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program, AG 197

Gross Revenue Insurance Program, AG 194

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 194–195, AG 196, AG 198

Safety net programs, AG 195, AG 196, AG 197

Free trade agreements, AG 198

U.S. programs, AG 197

Baker, Jim (Manitoba Hotel Association)

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Disorderly conduct, LA 51

Hours of sale, LA 51

Insepctions, LA 52

Major offences, LA 51

Obligation of licensee, LA 51

Tourism, impact on, LA 50

VLT operations, LA 51

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessor, intimidation by, MA 94

Assessor, power of, MA 91

Postponement, MA 91

Property assessments

Advisory committee on hotel property taxes, MA 95

Appeal process

Counterappeals, MA 92–93

Fairness, MA 92

Hotels, MA 94–95

Balasko, Richard (Chief Electoral Officer)

Chief Electoral Officer

Recommendations--cost implications, PE 6–7


Campaign overspending, PE 13–14

Political parties

Code of ethics, PE 20–23, PE 26

Internal investigations, PE 26


Cross Lake, access to, PE 16

Statute of limitations, PE 10–11, PE 15–16

Elections (1999)

Investigations, PE 10, PE 11–12

Elections Act

Recommendations, PE 17–18

Elections Finances Act

Annual Report

Opening statements, PE 4–6

Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company and National Trust Company Act (Bill 301)

Laurendeau, ED 11

Maloway, ED 10–11

Perry, ED 10

Bannister, Leah (University of Winnipeg Students' Association)

Post-secondary education

Funding, federal, ED 7

Student debt loads, ED 7

Tuition fee policy, ED 7

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Regulations, ED 7

Barr, Kristin (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 108–109

Conflict of interest, LA 109–110

Equal rights, LA 108

Barrett, Hon. Becky (Inkster) N.D.P.

Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 3), IR 2

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 2)


Clause 5(1)

IR 4; passed, IR 4

Opening statements, IR 3

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council Act (Bill 21)

Consultations, LA 241–242

Grant process, LA 241

Inclusiveness, LA 240

Opening statements, LA 239

Reporting process, LA 242

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Rate standardization, LA 215

Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 6), IR 3

Bartley, Gordon (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 170–171

Berry, Don (Private Citizen)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Cost of living allowance, ED 39

Boguski, Lorne (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 49

Elevator closures, AG 48–49


Catchment area, AG 49

Prairie Grain Roads Program

Urban centres, AG 49, AG 51

Rural Manitoba

Depopulation, AG 48, AG 51–52

Economic development, AG 50–51

Infrastructure programs, AG 50

Social problems, AG 50

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 49

Boily, Carole (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 102–103

Boscoe, Madeline (Women's Health Clinic)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Health care system

Equity, MA 159

Quality of care, MA 159

Midwifery, impact on, MA 161–162


Physicians, access to, MA 159

Bowslaugh, Pat (Private Citizen)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Cost of living allowance, ED 38

Boznianin, Dorothy (Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Set-aside program, AG 225–226

Conservation districts, AG 223, AG 224–225

Crop insurance, AG 223

Drainage system, AG 222–223, AG 225

Brennan, Bob (Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board)

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Capital expenditures, PUNR 106–107


Pricing, impact on, PUNR 103

Generating facilities

Approval process, PUNR 104–105

High-voltage power lines

Negative health effects, PUNR 101–102

Labour agreements, PUNR 102

Office relocation, PUNR 102

Opening statements, PUNR 88–95

Public Utilities Board

Rate variance application, PUNR 95–96

Split Lake agreement, PUNR 102–103

Broadfoot, Duncan (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 106–107

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of. See Tymko, Al

Brown, Dorothy (Prairie Winds Clothing Co.)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 412–413

Brownlie, Robin (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Medical issuess, LA 131–133

Property rights, LA 132



Caldwell, Hon. Drew (Brandon East) N.D.P.

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Clause 4(1)

ED 82; passed, ED 82

Clause 5

ED 82; passed, ED 83

ED 83; passed, ED 84

Governance model, ED 45, ED 49

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Cost of living allowance, ED 37

Canad Corp. See Ledohowski, Leo

Canada Family Action Coalition. See Simard, Kim

Canadian Bankers Association. See Stefaniuk, John

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. See Chernomas, Robert

Canadian Federation of Agriculture. See Friesen, Robert

Canadian Federation of Students. See Lalbiharie, Krishna; Patterson, Lonnie

Canadian Home Income Plan. See McGoey, John

Canadian Labour Congress. See Riche, Nancy

Canadian Union of Public Employees. See Moist, Paul; Sigurdson, Lorraine; Weind, Rick

Canadian Wheat Board. See Arason, Greg

Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)

Administrative changes

Chomiak, 234

Driedger, 234

Resource management

Chomiak, 234

Driedger, 234

Catholic Health Association of Manitoba. See Lafond, Raymond

Cattani, Anthony Denis (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 66

Diversification, ED 67

Electronic trading, ED 66–67

Cazzorla, Kerry (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 138–139

Cerilli, Albert (Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Health care system

Free trade agreements, impact of, MA 151

Privatization, MA 148–150

Chapman, R. S. (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Grain and oilseed sector

Surpluses, AG 165

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 165–166

Chaychuk, Patricia (Clerk of the Legislative Assembly)

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee membership

Substitutions, RH 15–16

Committee of Supply

Adjournment--Thursday, RH 4

Counted votes--Friday, RH 14

Friday sitting, RH 5

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 12

Report, RH 14

Schedule, RH 14

Concurrence, RH 16

Concurrence and third reading, RH 11, RH 17

Enactment, RH 20


Line by line passing, RH 15

Time allocation, RH 14

Fall sitting, RH 2

Motion to adjourn, RH 14

Notices of Motion, RH 11–12

Private Members' Business, RH 4, RH 5, RH 6

Report stage amendments, RH 5, RH 16

Spring break, RH 2

Chernomas, Robert (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Comparisons--Sweden, MA 145–146

Health care costs, MA 144

Health care system

Alternatives, MA 147–148

Private health care centres

Profit vs. not-for-profit, MA 146–147

Quality of care, MA 145

Chief Electoral Officer. See also Balasko, Richard

Recommendations--cost implications

Balasko, PE 6–7

Doer, PE 7–8

Laurendeau, PE 6–8

Chomiak, Hon. Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)

Administrative changes, 234

Resource management, 234

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)


Surgical service, MA 211–213, MA 215

Health care system

Alternatives, MA 146–147

Free trade agreements, impact of, MA 151

Intent, MA 199–200

Midwifery, impact on, MA 162

Opening statements, MA 193

Pan Am Clinic purchase, MA 199

Justification, MA 202–203

Pediatric dental surgery

Waiting lists, MA 141–142

Private health care centres

Government contracts, MA 203


Waiting lists, impact on, MA 157

Tray fees, MA 214

Podiatrist Act (Bill 40)


Clause 49(2)

LA 236; passed, LA 226

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Chief executive officer

Directive power, MA 184–185

Dispute resolution mechanism, MA 185

Faith-based institutions, MA 186

Grace Hospital

Arbitration, MA 189–193

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget, MA 168

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Opening statements, LA 236

School psychologists, LA 223

Chuckry, Bill (Chuckry Farms)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Crop insurance

Cost of production formula, AG 211–213

City of Winnipeg. See Eadie, Jae; Moore, Brian

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Public presentations

City of Winnipeg, MA 81–85

Colliers Pratt McGarry, MA 107–111

Eadie, Jae, MA 81–85

Sanders, David, MA 107–111

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, MA 133–134

Masi, Joe, MA 133–134


Clause 4

Friesen, J. 111; passed, MA 112

Assessor's resources

Sanders, MA 107, MA 109

Business tax assessment cycle

Eadie, MA 82

Sanders, MA 107

City councillors, number of

Eadie, MA 82, MA 83

Electoral ward boundaries

Derkach, MA 83

Eadie, MA 82, MA 83–84, MA 85–86

Firesen, J., MA 83–84

Maguire, MA 85–86

Selinger, MA 84

Frontage levies

Eadie, MA 81–82, MA 84

Selinger, MA 84


Sanders, MA 108

Property assessments

Assessment cycle

Sanders, MA 107

Cost of occupancy

Sanders, MA 108


Derkach, MA 109

Sanders, MA 109–110

Tax credits

Eadie, MA 81

City of Winnipeg Amendment (Pensions) Act (Bill 48), MA 131

Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Barrett, IR 2

Schuler, IR 2

Clark, Doug (Downtown Winnipeg BIZ)

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Disorderly conduct, LA 44

Disposition, LA 43

Enforcement, LA 45–46

Licensing Board hearings

Public presentations, LA 43

Public safety, LA 46–47

Sunday opening, LA 45

Clifford, Terry (Retired Teachers' Association of Manitoba)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Cost of living allowance, ED 45–46, ED 47

Governance model, ED 47

Maternity leave--buyback, ED 46

Teaching while receiving a pension, ED 46

Cloutier, Rιal (Winnipeg Regional Health Authority)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Accountability, MA 166

Communication policy, MA 167–168

Decision-making processes, MA 167

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget, MA 168

Evaluation, MA 168

Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups. See Johns, Terry

Cochraine, Bill (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 177–179

Colliers Pratt McGarry. See Sanders, David

Combs, Shannon (Manitoba Chambers of Commerce)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 350–351

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Opening statements

Penner, Jim, LA 36

Smith, S., LA 35

Consumers' Association of Canada. See Desorcy, Gloria

Consumers' Association of Canada, Manitoba Branch. See Desorcy, Gloria

Cook, Edward (Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 318

Free trade agreements, AG 317

Subsidized production, AG 319

Transportation system, AG 316–317

Crop insurance, AG 317, AG 319

Grain and oilseeds sector

Marketing system, AG 316

Pricing options, AG 316

Safety net programs, AG 317

Policy Failure Offset Program, AG 318

Taxation system

Farm fuels, AG 317–318

Tax on food production, AG 317

Cowan, Art (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Transportation costs, AG 142, AG 144–145, AG 146

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 145

Hog industry, AG 144, AG 145–146

Crittenden, Marianne (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 185

Crittenden, Robert (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 159–160

Crown Lands Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Agricultural Crown lands, designation of

Enns, ED 24–26

Wowchuk, ED 25–26

Appeal process

Enns, ED 24

Wowchuk, ED 24


Wowchuk, ED 23

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Set-aside program, AG 284

Agriculture--diversification, AG 20

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 389

Gross Revenue Insurance Program

Restoration, AG 19–20

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 294

Prime Minister

Meeting requests, AG 389–390, AG 402

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 294

Set-aside program, AG 64

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Frivolous complaints, MA 27

Review of orders, MA 7

Variation of an order, MA 28

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Trespass law, LA 66

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Board of directors--chair

Non-confidence, PUNR 51

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 38–40

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)


Advocates, LA 20

Persons with disability, LA 23–24

Membership--Composition, LA 20–21

Opening statements, LA 29–30

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Return to work after retirement, ED 44–45

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Enactment, ED 86

Cummings, Gordon (Agricore)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 55–57

Curry, Fred (Private Citizen)

Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 10)

Advocacy, LA 96–97

Property, definition of, LA 97–98



Dacquay, Louise (Seine River) P.C.

Archives and Recordkeeping Act (Bill 39)

Consultations, ED 26

Fees and penalties, ED 27

Lieutenant-Governor's proclaimation, ED 27

Title, ED 27

Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 300)

Opening statements, LA 243

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council Act (Bill 21)

Inclusiveness, LA 240

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 13

Schedule, RH 14

Private Members' Business, RH 6

Report stage amendments, RH 5

Dalmyn, Ron (Provincial Coalition for Responsible Resource Management)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 308

Hog industry, AG 308–310

Decoster, Carolyn (Private Citizen)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)


Waiting lists, impact on, MA 154–158

Decter Hirst, Shari (Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation)

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Chairperson, role of, PUNR 8

Employee bonuses, PUNR 34, PUNR 36–38

Employee bus passes

Pilot project, PUNR 43–44, PUNR 44–45

Opening statements, PUNR 6

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 8–16, PUNR 21–23, PUNR 24–33, PUNR 38–40

Usage--legal opinion, PUNR 16–17, PUNR 18–19

Delaney, Karen (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Children's rights, LA 187–189

Delaronde, Sandra (Private Citizen)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 6–7

Derkach, Leonard (Russell) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Delegation to Ottawa, AG 383

Flooding (1999), AG 251

Income Assurance Program, AG 256, AG 260

Organization meeting, AG 2–3, AG 6–7, AG 7, AG 9, AG 10–11

Safety net programs

Long-term strategy--consultations, AG 277–278

Urgency, AG 382–383

Auditor General Act (Bill 43)

Policy objectives, government, 129–130

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Electoral ward boundaries, MA 83

Property assessments

Fairness, MA 109

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)


Surgical service, MA 211–213

Intent, MA 198

Pan Am Clinic purchase, MA 198–199

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 44, MA 50–51, MA 54, MA 124–126

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessment appeal process, MA 62

Property assessments

Appeal process

Disclosure, MA 98–99

Fairness, MA 89

Appeals, risk of, MA 78–79

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Faith-based institutions, MA 186

Grace Hospital

Arbitration, MA 191–192

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 12

Report, RH 15

Enactment, RH 20

Fall sitting, RH 3

Report stage amendments, RH 16

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Canadian Millennium Scholarship, ED 21

Manitoba Bursary Program

Application process, ED 20

Budget, ED 12

Criteria, ED 12–14

Manitoba Student Aid Program

Budget, ED 14–15

Eligibility, ED 15–19

Desjarlais, Patrick (Private Citizen)

Post-secondary education

Accessibility, ED 5

Student debt loads, ED 5

Tuition fees, elimination of, ED 9

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Manitoba Bursary Program, ED 5–6

Desorcy, Gloria (Consumers' Association of Canada)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27), LA 212–213

Public Utilities Board review, LA 213

Water Power Rental Agreement, LA 213

Desrocher, Cindy (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 166–167

Dewar, Don (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Family farm, future of, AG 276

Input costs, AG 275

Subsidized production, AG 274, AG 276

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program 2, AG 275

Crop insurance, AG 278–279

Safety net programs, AG 275, AG 277

Long-term strategy--consultations, AG 277–278

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 276, AG 278

Farm fuels, AG 279

Provincial sales tax--production buildings, AG 276

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Application fee, MA 9

Frivolous complaints, MA 6–7, MA 8

Review of orders, MA 6, MA 7

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Class 5 licence requirement

Consultations, LA 278

Farm equipment, LA 276–279

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, access to, LA 273, LA 274–275

Gravel road training, LA 273

Rural Manitoba, impact on, LA 273

Dewar, Greg (Selkirk) N.D.P.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Organization meeting, AG 8

Doer, Hon. Gary (Concordia) N.D.P.

Chief Electoral Officer

Recommendations--cost implications, PE 7–8


Statute of limitations, PE 14–16

Elections Finances Act

Annual Report

Opening statements, PE 3–4

Doiron, Michael (Interfaith Healthcare Association of Manitoba)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Faith-based institutions, MA 163–165

Dooley, Tom (Aikins, MacAuley & Thorvaldson)

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Egg production, MA 22–23

Enforcement, MA 23–24

Regulations, MA 25–26

Regulatory authority, MA 25

Dowbiggin, Elliott (Private Citizen)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Rate standardization, LA 210–211

Downing, Linda (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 253

Flooding (1999), AG 252

Income Assurance Program, AG 254–256

Safety net programs, AG 253

Downing, Murray (Grassroots Farmers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agriculture--diversification, AG 16

Crop insurance

Premiums, AG 16–17

Flooding (1999)

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 15–16, AG 17

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Mandate, AG 16

Safety net programs, AG 14–15

Cost of production formula, AG 18

Transportation costs, AG 15

Driedger, Myrna (Charleswood) P.C.

Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)

Administrative changes, 234

Resource management, 234

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)


Surgical service, MA 213, MA 214–215

Fyke report, MA 172

Health care system

Funding issues, MA 172–173

Maples Surgical Centre, MA 171–172

Midwifery, impact on, MA 161–162

Opening statements, MA 193–197

Pan Am Clinic purchase

Justification, MA 202–203

Pediatric dental surgery, MA 141

Private health care centres

Government contracts, MA 203


Waiting lists, impact on, MA 157

Tray fees, MA 214

Podiatrist Act (Bill 40)

Proclaimation, LA 216

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Chief executive officer

Directive power, MA 184–185

Dispute resolution mechanism, MA 185

Grace Hospital

Arbitration, MA 189–190, MA 192–193

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Evaluation, MA 168

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Consultations, LA 220

Mental health care, impact on, LA 220

Opening statements, LA 236

Drosdowech, Norma (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 147–148

Drul, Terry (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 147

Subsidized production, AG 149

Canadian Farm Income Program, AG 147, AG 149, AG 151

Family farm, future of, AG 148, AG 151

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 147–148, AG 150

Drul, Wayne (United Grain Growers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Federal support, AG 206

Value-added processing, AG 208

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 209–210

Prairie Grain Roads Program, AG 210

Safety net programs, AG 209

Taxation system

Farm fuels, AG 208

Transportation system, AG 208

Duchanan, Ken (Rural Municipality of Louise)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 141

Subsidized production--U.S., AG 140–141

Transportation system, AG 141–142

Rural Manitoba

Depopulation, AG 141

Dupont, Henri (KPMG)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Property assessments

Appeal process--fairness, MA 86–90

Dusik, Joe (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Fertilizer/chemical use, AG 257–258

GMO products, AG 258

Canadian Wheat Board, AG 257

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 257, AG 259

Income Assurance Program, AG 260–261

Taxation system

Farm fuels, AG 260

Dutchyshen, Gaylene (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 40, AG 43

GMO products, AG 39, AG 41, AG 42

Research and development, AG 41

Subsidized production, AG 40

Young farmer incentives, AG 41

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 42

Elevator closures--utilization, AG 42–43

Foot and mouth disease, AG 43

Livestock industry, AG 40

Dyck, Harold (Social Planning Council of Winnipeg)

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)

Advocacy services--funding, LA 19

Appeals, LA 21

Advocates, LA 18, LA 20

Designated office must forward documents, LA 18

Hearing date, LA 18

Notice, LA 18

Parties may examine evidence, LA 18

Parties to be present, LA 18

Persons with disability, LA 22

Time limit for filing, LA 18

Court of Appeal, appeal to, LA 19

Documentation--Accessibility, LA 19


Appointments, LA 17

Composition, LA 17–18, LA 21

Removal, LA 19, LA 21–22

Ombudsman, appeal to, LA 19

Orders--Reconsideration of order, LA 19

Procedural rules, LA 18



Eadie, Jae (City of Winnipeg)

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Business tax assessment cycle, MA 82

City councillors, number of, MA 82, MA 83

Electoral ward boundaries, MA 82, MA 83–84, MA 85–86

Frontage levies, MA 81–82, MA 84

Tax credits, MA 81

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 40–41

Prescribed forms, MA 39–40

Voter identification, MA 39

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Enactment date, MA 77

Property assessments

Appeals, MA 77

Appeals, risk of, MA 78–79

Public awareness, MA 77


Campaign overspending

Ashton, PE 12–13

Balasko, PE 13–14

Political parties

Code of ethics

Ashton, PE 20–25

Balasko, PE 20–23, PE 26

Martindale, PE 26

Internal investigations

Balasko, PE 26

Martindale, PE 25–26


Cross Lake, access to

Balasko, PE 16

Laurendeau, PE 16–17

Statute of limitations

Balasko, PE 10–11, PE 15–16

Doer, PE 14–16

Mihychuk, PE 10

Elections (1999)


Ashton, PE 8–10

Balasko, PE 10, PE 11–12

Nevakshonoff, PE 11

Elections Act


Balasko, PE 17–18

Laurendeau, PE 17

Elections Finances Act

Annual Report

Opening statements

Balasko, PE 4–6

Doer, PE 3–4

Elliott, Lavern (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Young farmer incentives, AG 66–67

Elton, Rural Municipality of. See Heeney, Dennis

Embryk, Fred (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Value-added processing, AG 53

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 56

Elevator closures, AG 52–53, AG 55

Taxation system

Tax on food, AG 53

Transportation costs

Port of Churchill, AG 53

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 2)


Clause 5(1)

Barrett IR 4; passed, IR 4

Opening statements

Barrett, IR 3

Schuler, IR 3

Enhanced Debt Collection (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 36)

Joint accounts

Mackintosh, LA 309

Praznik, LA 309

Opening statements

Praznik, LA 309

Enns, Harry (Lakeside) P.C.

Crown Lands Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Agricultural Crown lands, designation of, ED 24–26

Appeal process, ED 24

Enns, Kenneth (Psychological Association of Manitoba)

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

School psychologists, LA 227

Scope of practice, LA 226

Erhardt, Karin (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 155–156

Evans, Ron (Norway House Cree First Nation)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 3–4



Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Public presentations

Dewar, Don, MA 5–9

Keystone Agricultural Producers, MA 5–9

Manitoba Pork Council, MA 2–5

Muir, Ted, MA 2–5

Application fee

Dewar, MA 9

Wowchuk, MA 8–9

Board appointments--time limits

Muir, MA 3

Frivolous complaints

Cummings, MA 27

Dewar, MA 6–7, MA 8

Wowchuk, MA 6, MA 8, MA 27

Nuisance claims

Muir, MA 2–3

Nutrient management plans

Muir, MA 3, MA 4

Wowchuk, MA 4

Opening statements

Penner, Jack, MA 28–29

Review of orders

Cummings, Glen, MA 7

Dewar, MA 6, MA 7

Maguire, MA 4–5

Muir, MA 3

Penner, Jack, MA 4–5, MA 7

Wowchuk, MA 3

Variation of an order

Cummings, MA 28

Wowchuk, MA 28

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Public presentations

Aikens, MacAuley & Thorvaldson, MA 22–26

Dooley, Tom, MA 22–26

Homann, Fred

Klassen, Waldie, MA 16–18

Manitoba Chicken Producers, MA 16–18

Manitoba Milk Producers, MA 18–20

Manitoba Pork Council, MA 20–22

Manitoba Turkey Producers, MA 12–15

McIntosh, Larry, MA 9–11

Muir, Ted, MA 20–22

Peak of the Market, MA 9–11

Swan, Bill, MA 18–20

Uruski, Bill, MA 12–15


Clause 6(1)(b)

Wowchuk MA 33; passed, MA 33

Clause 6(1)(l)

Wowchuk MA 34; passed, MA 34

Clause 11

Wowchuk MA 34; passed, MA 34

Clause 14(a)

Wowchuk MA 34; passed, MA 35


Wowchuk MA 31; passed, MA 33

Appeal process

Swan, MA 18–19

Appeal to Manitoba Council

Swan, MA 19–20

Wowchuk, MA 19–20


Uruski, MA 12

Cost of operations

Swan, MA 19

Crow rate, elimination of

Penner, Jack, MA 15

Uruski, MA 15


Swan, MA 19

Egg production

Dooley, MA 22–23


Dooley, MA 23–24

Klassen, MA 17–18

Muir, MA 20–21

Penner, Jack, MA 17–18

Hog industry

Muir, MA 20–21

Labour relations

Klassen, MA 18

Penner, Jack, MA 18

Opening statements

Penner, Jack, MA 30–31

Wowchuk, MA 29–30


Uruski, MA 13–14


Dooley, MA 25–26

Penner, Jack, MA 25–26

Regulatory authority

Dooley, MA 25

Muir, MA 21

Penner, Jack, MA 25

Supply-managed commodities

Uruski, MA 14

Wowchuk, MA 14

Surplus removal programs

Swan, MA 19

Turkey industry--opportunities

Uruski, MA 14–15

Wowchuk, MA 14

Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Livestock industry

Production skills, AG 274

Taxation system

Income tax, AG 160

Input costs, AG 274

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, LA 281

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)


Clause 5

LA 76; defeated, LA 79

Clause 17

LA 82; ruled out of order, LA 83

Municipal by-laws, LA 76–78

Sunday openings--Video lottery terminals, LA 75–76

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Medical patients, MA 113

Non-resident voters, MA 126–127

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

Domestic breweries, PUNR 73–74

AIR MILES program, PUNR 72–73

Salaries and other benefits, PUNR 69–70

Staffing, PUNR 70

Unfunded pension liability, PUNR 69

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Board of directors--chair

Non-confidence, PUNR 51–52

Charitable donations, PUNR 54–55

Employee bus passes

Pilot project--evaluation, PUNR 6–7

Opening statements, PUNR 6

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage--legal opinion, PUNR 20

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Term limits, LA 313

Federowich, Joe (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 62

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Young farmer incentives, AG 62

Net Income Stabilization Account

Contribution, AG 62, AG 63

Review, AG 64

Safety net programs

Equality, AG 63–64

Set-aside program, AG 64

U.S. programs, AG 64

Feely, Shawn (IMPACT, The Injury Prevention Centre of Children's Hospital)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, LA 280, LA 281–282

Learner stage, LA 280

Night driving restrictions, LA 280

Passenger restrictions, LA 280

Program evaluation, LA 280

Finlay, Walter (Southwest Lobby Group)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 152–155

Fisher, Lloyd (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 126

Health care/aging concerns, LA 126

Flaherty, Brian (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 60–61, ED 62–63

Electronic trading, ED 61–62

Ownership/trading privileges, ED 61

Flett, Cameron (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Subsidized production, AG 36

Marginal land, AG 36

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 36, AG 38

Farm fuels, AG 36–37, AG 39

Tax on food, AG 36

Flett, Francis (Manitoba Keewatniwi Okimakinak)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Diesel service customers, LA 228–231

First Nation communities--schools, LA 229–230

Rate standardization, LA 230–231

Franklin, Glen (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 346–350

Friesen, Hon. Jean (Wolseley) N.D.P.

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)


Clause 4

111; passed, MA 112

Electoral ward boundaries, MA 83–84

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)


Clause 17(2)

MA 128; passed, MA 128


MA 128; passed, MA 128

Mail-in ballots, MA 116

Medical patients, MA 113

Non-resident voters, MA 40–41, MA 44–45, MA 48, MA 52–53, MA 56

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessor, obligations on, MA 76

Property assessments

Appeal process, MA 79–80

Appeal process--fairness, MA 90

Public awareness, MA 76

Friesen, Robert (Canadian Federation of Agriculture)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 299


Biosafety protocol, AG 299–300

Free trade agreements, AG 297–298

Input costs, AG 297

Long-term agricultural policy, AG 300

Subsidized production, AG 297–298

Young farmer incentives, AG 298

Commodity pricing, AG 298

Safety net programs, AG 296–297, AG 298–299, AG 300–301

Fulton, Keith Louise (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Children's rights, LA 120–121



Gagnι, Elsy (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 199–200

Gagnι, Mike (Winnipeg Commodity Exchange)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 49–52, ED 54

Electronic trading, ED 53–54

Trading volume, ED 53

Voting rights, ED 52–53

Galbraith, Shirley (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Family farm, future of, AG 313–314

Drainage system, AG 314–315

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 312

Safety net programs, AG 312

Cost of production formula, AG 313

Gerbasi, Jenny (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 153–154

Gerrard, Hon. Jon (River Heights) Lib.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance

Income calculations, AG 61


Foot and mouth disease, AG 159–160

High protein wheat, AG 34–35

Set-aside program

Program integration, AG 283

Sustainable development, AG 205

Transportation costs, AG 21

Value-added processing, AG 288, AG 325

Young farmer incentives, AG 65, AG 67

Agriculture--frieght rates, AG 21

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system, AG 193

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program, AG 197

Crop insurance, AG 247, AG 263, AG 278, AG 291, AG 319

Cost of production formula, AG 211

Delegation to Ottawa, AG 387

Drainage system, AG 215, AG 225, AG 228, AG 314–315

Ethanol industry, AG 21, AG 105

Federal agriculture committee

Manitoba meeting request, AG 398

Financial institutions

Agricultural loans, AG 269

Flooding (1999)

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 17

Disaster assistance, AG 154

Foot and mouth disease, AG 43

Grains and oilseed sector

Government support, AG 140

Hog industry, AG 145

Income Assurance Program, AG 255

Livestock industry

Identification program, AG 48–49

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Rebates--diversification, AG 272

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 100–101

Organization meeting, AG 2, AG 3, AG 7, AG 9–10

Prime Minister

Meeting requests, AG 402

Rossburn, Rural Municipality of

Land sales, AG 19

RTAC highways

Restrictions, AG 102

Rural Manitoba

Depopulation, AG 51

Safety net programs, AG 301

Equality, AG 63

Set-aside program, AG 58–59

Short-term issues, AG 386–387, AG 403

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 38, AG 200

Income tax--farm losses, AG 30

Time frame, AG 402

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 117, LA 127–128, LA 130

Children's rights, LA 121

Extended family rights, LA 122–123

Parental rights, LA 119–120

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Private health care centres

Profit vs. not-for-profit, MA 146–147


Waiting lists, impact on, MA 156

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 12

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 52, MA 56

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Business, impact on, LA 210

First Nation communities--schools, LA 229–230

Power outages, LA 211

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

High-voltage power lines

Negative health effects, PUNR 101–102

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Employee bonuses, PUNR 33–38

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Burden of proof, LA 26–27

Reverse mortgages, LA 26–27, LA 28

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Intent, LA 220–221

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)

Appeals, LA 21

Appeals--Persons with disability, LA 23–24

Membership--Removal, LA 21

Gilleshammer, Harold (Minnedosa) P.C.

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Class 5 licence requirement

Consultations, LA 278

Intent, LA 286

Opening statements, LA 296

Operator's permit, LA 286

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)


Clause 5

LA 291; ruled out of order, LA 291


Clause 4(4)

LA 288; defeated, LA 289

Driver education programs, LA 281

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Public Utilities Board review, LA 213

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Opening statements, LA 237

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Generating facilities

Approval process, PUNR 103–106

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

AIR MILES program, PUNR 75–76

Community Support, 81

Liquor marts--sales volume, PUNR 81–82

President-Chief Executive Officer

Recruitment, PUNR 82

Gilleshammer, Harold (Minnedosa) P.C. Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Public Utilities Board

Rate variance application, PUNR 95–99

Gilroy, Nadin (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 100–101

Gislason, David (Private Citizen)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Business, impact on, LA 210

Rate standardization, LA 209–210

Glenn, Diana (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 172

Gluska, Leonard (Rural Municipality of Kelsey)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 185–189

Goertzen, Tristan (Private Citizen)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Written submissions, LA 314–316

Goethals, Roger (Rural Municipality of Winchester)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 230–231

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 41–45

Golden, Mark (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 190

Gorham, Joann (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 196–199

Grassroots Farmers. See Downing, Murray

Gregory, Anne (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Medical issues, LA 179–180

Grewar, Rory (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 190–192

Groening, Ben (South Norfolk--Treheren Community Development Corporation)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 341–343

Guilford, Celia (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Sustainable development, AG 323

Rural Manitoba

Depopulation, AG 322–323



Hacault, Antoine (Private Citizen)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Consultations, MA 96

Education levy, MA 96

Property assessments

Appeal process--disclosure, MA 97, MA 98–99

Property taxes

Assessment cycle, MA 96–97

Hacault, Marcel (Manitoba Pork Council)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 353–356


Free trade agreements, AG 271

Sustainable development, AG 270–271

Livestock industry

Feed costs, AG 273

Growth, AG 270

Production skills, AG 274

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Rebates--diversification, AG 272

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 272, AG 273

Taxation system

Input costs, AG 274

Hanlin, David (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Cost of production, AG 80

Free trade agreements, AG 81

Hasselriis, Maxine (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 121–123

Extended family rights, LA 122–123

Hathaway, Neil (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 343–344

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 45–49

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Public presentations

Boscoe, Madeline, MA 157–159, MA 161–163

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, MA 143–148

Canadian Union of Public Employees, MA 169–174

Cerilli, Albert, MA 148–151

Chernomas, Robert, MA 143–148

DeCoster, Carolyn, MA 154–158

Lavoie, Margot, MA 151–152

Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees, MA 148–151

Manitoba Oblate Justice and Peace Committee, MA 151–154

Moist, Paul, MA 169–174

Novak, Thomas, MA 152–154

Scurfield, Carol, MA 159–161

Sigurdson, Lorraine, MA 170–171

Sul, Cory, MA 139–142

Women's Health Clinic, MA 158–163

Written submissions

West, Linda, MA 216–219


Chernomas, MA 145–146


Surgical service

Chomiak, MA 211–213, MA 215

Derkach, MA 211–213

Driedger, MA 213, MA 214–215

Facility fees

Sul, MA 140

Faith-based institutions

Lavoie, MA 152

Fyke report

Driedger, MA 172

Sigurdson, MA 172

Health care costs

Chernomas, MA 144

Health care system


Chernomas, MA 147–148

Chomiak, MA 146–147

Tweed, MA 147–148


Boscoe, MA 159

Free trade agreements, impact of

Cerilli, MA 151

Chomiak, MA 151

Funding issues

Driedger, MA 172–173

Sigurdson, MA 173

Innovative services

Scurfield, MA 160


Cerilli, MA 148–150

Quality of care

Boscoe, MA 159

Scurfield, MA 160


Chomiak, MA 199–200

Derkach, MA 198

Maples Surgical Centre

Driedger, MA 171–172

Moist, MA 172

Midwifery, impact on

Boscoe, MA 161–162

Chomiak, MA 162

Driedger, MA 161–162

Opening statements

Chomiak, MA 193

Driedger, MA 193–197

Pan Am Clinic purchase

Chomiak, MA 199

Derkach, MA 198–199


Chomiak, MA 202–203

Driedger, MA 202–203

Pediatric dental surgery

Driedger, MA 141

Sul, MA 141

Waiting lists

Chomiak, MA 141–142

Sul, MA 141–142

Private health care centres

Moist, MA 169–170

Sigurdson, MA 170–171

Government contracts

Chomiak, MA 203

Driedger, MA 203

Profit vs. not-for-profit

Chernomas, MA 146–147

Gerrard, MA 146–147


Physicians, access to

Boscoe, MA 159

Waiting lists, impact on

Chomiak, MA 157

DeCoster, MA 154–158

Driedger, MA 157

Gerrard, MA 156

Quality of care

Chernomas, MA 145

Surgical facility, agreements with

Sul, MA 140

Tray fees

Chomiak, MA 214

Driedger, MA 214

Heavy Equipment Rental Association of Manitoba. See Riou, Greg

Heeney, Dennis (Rural Municipality of Elton)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Highway construction/maintenance, AG 109–110

Highway 25, AG 108

Trans-Canada Highway, AG 108

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5)

Public presentations

Delaronde, Sandra, LA 6–7

Evans, Ron, LA 3–4

Muswaggon, George, LA 2–3

Osborne, Cecilia, LA 4

Osborne, Justine, LA 4–5

White Bird, Dennis, LA 5–6

Gerrard, LA 12

Mackintosh, LA 9–10

Murray, LA 10

Robinson, LA 7–9

Administrative costs

Mackintosh, LA 11

Praznik, LA 11

Board of trustees

Mackintosh, LA 11

Praznik, LA 11

Donations--tax benefit

Mackintosh, LA 11

Praznik, LA 11

Helwer, Ed (Gimli) P.C.

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Vendors, rural

20-kilometre limit, PUNR 82–83

Hewitt, Gerri (Manitoba Society of Seniors)

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Cooling off period, LA 28

Loan repayment, LA 28

Reverse mortgages, LA 28–29

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Public presentations

Dewar, Don, LA 275–279

Heavy Equipment Rental Association of Manitoba, LA 284–287

Keystone Agricultural Producers, LA 275–279

Riou, Greg, LA 284–287

Written submissions

Lorenc, Chris, LA 316–317

Manitoba Heavy Construction Association, LA 316–317


Clause 4

Ashton LA 296; passed, LA 297

Clause 21(2)

Ashton LA 297; passed, LA 297

Backhoe operators

Maguire, LA 286–287

Riou, LA 286–287

Class 5 licence requirement

Riou, LA 284


Dewar, D., LA 278

Gilleshammer, LA 278

Farm equipment

Ashton, LA 277–278

Dewar, D., LA 276–279

Impaired driving offences

Ashton, LA 285

Riou, LA 285


Gilleshammer, LA 286

Riou, LA 286

Opening statements

Ashton, LA 294–296

Gilleshammer, LA 296

Operator's permit

Gilleshammer, LA 286

Riou, LA 285, LA 286

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (2) (Bill 33)

Public presentations

Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties, LA 249–253

Weinstein, Josh, LA 249–253


Clause 7

Mackintosh LA 300; passed, LA 301

Clause 9(1)

Mackintosh LA 301; passed, LA 302

Clause 12(2)

Mackintosh LA 302; passed, LA 302

Automatic suspension

Weinstein, LA 250–251

Forfeiture of vehicles

Mackintosh, LA 252

Weinstein, LA 249–250, LA 252

Liability of forfeitures

Weinstein, LA 250

Licence Suspension Appeal Board

Weinstein, LA 251

Opening statements

Mackintosh, LA 299

Praznik, LA 299–300


Mackintosh, LA 302

Praznik, LA 302

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Public presentations

Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups, LA 282–284

Dewar, Don, LA 272–275

Feely, Shawn, LA 279–282

IMPACT--The Injury Prevention Centre of Children's Hospital, LA 279–282

Johns, Terry, LA 282–284

Keystone Agricultural Producers, LA 272–275

Stewart, Sharon, LA 266–272

Written submissions

Goertzen, Tristan, LA 314–316


Clause 4

Ashton LA 289; passed, LA 290

Clause 4(4)

Gillehsammer LA 288; defeated, LA 289

Clause 5

Ashton LA 290; passed, LA 290

Ashton LA 291; passed, LA 293

Gillehsammer LA 291; ruled out of order, LA 291

Clause 22.1

Ashton LA 293; passed, LA 294

Advanced-level road test

Stewart, LA 268

Collision statistics

Stewart, LA 267


Ashton, LA 284

Johns, LA 284

Driver education programs

Ashton, LA 280, LA 281

Faurschou, LA 281

Feely, LA 280, LA 281–282

Gilleshammer, LA 281

Maguire, LA 281

Stewart, LA 269

Driver education programs, access to

Ashton, LA 274

Dewar, D., LA 273, LA 274–275

Driver-training standards

Stewart, LA 269

Graduated licensing

Stewart, LA 266

Gravel road training

Ashton, LA 274

Dewar, D., LA 273

Learner stage

Feely, LA 280

Stewart, LA 268


Intermediate stage

Johns, LA 283–284

Learner stage

Johns, LA 283

Supervising driver

Johns, LA 283

Night driving restrictions

Feely, LA 280

Novice driver sign plates

Stewart, LA 268

Opening statements

Ashton, LA 287

Gillehsammer, LA 287–288

Parental involvement

Stewart, LA 270

Passenger restrictions

Feely, LA 280

Stewart, LA 268–269

Practical motorcycle training course

Johns, LA 282–283

Program evaluation

Feely, LA 280

Stewart, LA 270

Rural Manitoba, impact on

Dewar, D., LA 273

Task force

Stewart, LA 267

Zero blood alcohol

Mackintosh, LA 270

Stewart, LA 270

Howden, Gladys (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Production costs, AG 115

Transportation costs, AG 115

Free trade agreements, AG 115

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 116–117

Huen, Donna (Rainbow Resource Centre)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 118

Property rights, LA 118–119



IMPACT, The Injury Prevention Centre of Children's Hospital. See Feely, Shawn

Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 35)

Public presentations

Canadian Bankers Association, LA 254–258

Stefaniuk, John, LA 254–258


Clause 13

Mackintosh LA 306; passed, LA 308

Mackintosh LA 308; passed, LA 308


Mackintosh, LA 304–305

Praznik, LA 304–305

Payor information requests

Mackintosh, LA 303

Praznik, LA 303

Personal Property Registry

Mackintosh, LA 255–256, LA 306

Praznik, LA 256

Stefaniuk, LA 254–258

Inness, Sarah (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Written submissions, LA 205

Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act (Bill 37)

Public presentations

Mallea, Paula, LA 246–249

Opening statements

Mackintosh, LA 310

Praznik, LA 310

Payor request for information

Mackintosh, LA 311

Praznik, LA 311

Interfaith Healthcare Association of Manitoba. See Doiron, Michael



James, Terry (James Richardson International)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Canola marketing, ED 70–71

Demutualization, ED 71–72, ED 73

Electronic trading, ED 72–73

Janzen, Ed (Private Citizen)

Post-secondary education

Student debt loads, ED 7–8

Tuition fee policy, ED 7

Jeffrey, Tim (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 153

Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 300)

Opening statements

Asper, LA 243

Dacquay, LA 243

Johns, Terry (Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Consultations, LA 284


Intermedicate stage, LA 283–284

Learner stage, LA 283

Supervising driver, LA 283

Practical motorcycle training course, LA 282–283

Jones, Rees (CFG Futures Canada Inc.)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 58–59

Joycey, David (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 195–196



Kaastra, Renski (Manitoba Women's Institute and Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Association)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Food and mouth disease, AG 159–160

Input costs, AG 159

Land use policy, AG 158

Noise complaints, AG 158

Subsidized production, AG 156–157, AG 159

Young farmer incentives, AG 157

Education programs

Urban-rural awareness, AG 157

Government agencies, co-operation of, AG 157

Safety net programs

Cost of production formulas, AG 157

Taxation system

Income tax, AG 158, AG 160

Tax on food, AG 158

Kelley, Brian (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Value-added processing

Economic benefits, AG 220

GMO products, AG 221

Marketing, AG 219, AG 220

Product development, AG 219

Public sector support, AG 220

Research and development, AG 220, AG 221–222

Kelly, Tom (Rural Municipality of South Norfolk)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 344–345

Kelsey, Rural Municipality of. See Gluska, Leonard

Keystone Agricultural Producers. See Dewar, Don; McPhee, Gordon; Wishart, Ian

Kieper, Tom (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 369–373

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 264–265


Input costs, AG 265

Subsidized production, AG 265–266

Subsidized production--U.S., AG 266

Technology, impact of, AG 266

Commodity pricing, AG 266

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 267

Financial institutions

Agricultural loans, AG 269

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 265

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 270

Long-term strategy, AG 269

Set-aside program, AG 269–270

Kirbyson, Brad (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Written submissions, MA 69–70

Klassen, Waldie (Manitoba Chicken Producers)

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Enforcement, MA 17–18

Labour relations, MA 18

Kleebaum, Tim (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 23, AG 25

Loss of equity, AG 25

Organic production, AG 26

Gross Revenue Insurance Program, AG 24–25

Rural Manitoba lifestyle, AG 23–24

Safety net programs, AG 24

Knight, Daryl (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 335


Diversification, AG 335

Input costs, AG 336

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Land transfers--intergenerational, AG 337

Safety net programs, AG 335

Kolisnyk, Walter (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Aging farm population, AG 58

Corporate interests, AG 58

Safety net programs

Revenue insurance program, AG 57, AG 58

Set-aside program, AG 57, AG 59

Kowalski, Gary (Private Citizen)

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Disorderly conduct, LA 48

Enforcement, LA 49–50

Sunday openings, LA 47–48

KPMG. See Dupont, Henri

Krieser, Donald (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Transportation costs, AG 21

Agriculture--diversification, AG 20, AG 22

Agriculture--frieght rates, AG 21

Agriculture--input costs, AG 21

Ethanol industry, AG 21

Krowina, John (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Property rights, LA 183

Kunda, Jordan (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Parental rights, LA 119–120



Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 28)


Clause 2(1)

Mihychuk MA 175; passed, MA 176

Clause 14(2)

Mihychuk MA 182; passed, MA 182

Clause 36(2)

Mihychuk MA 183; passed, MA 183

Crocus Fund

Investments--True North Project

Loewen, MA 177–182

Mihychuk, MA 177–182

Tweed, MA 177


Mihychuk, MA 176–177

Tweed, MA 176–177

Opening statements

Mihychuk, MA 174

Tweed, MA 174–175

Lafond, Raymond (Catholic Health Association of Manitoba)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Faith-based institutions, MA 165

Lalbiharie, Krishna (Canadian Federation of Students)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Public presentations

Adoption rights, LA 172–173

Post-secondary education

Funding, federal, ED 4

Tuition fees, elimination of, ED 9

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Manitoba Student Aid Program


Aboriginal students, ED 3

Graduate students, ED 3

Service providers, ED 3

Value statement, ED 3–4

Laurendeau, Marcel (St. Norbert) P.C.

Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company and National Trust Company Act (Bill 301), ED 11

Chief Electoral Officer

Recommendations--cost implications, PE 6–8



Cross Lake, access to, PE 16–17

Elections Act

Recommendations, PE 17

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)


Clause 16.1

LA 81; ruled out of order, LA 81

Major offences, LA 57

Municipal by-laws, LA 62

Penalties/fines, LA 80

Sunday opening, LA 44–45

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Property assessments

Appeal process--fairness, MA 90

Appeals, MA 75

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee membership

Substitutions, RH 16

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 12–13

Enactment, RH 20

Opening statements, RH 2

Private Members' Business, RH 6

Report stage amendments, RH 16

Timeframe, RH 18–19

Lavoie, Margot (Manitoba Oblate Justice and Peace Committee)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Faith-based institutions, MA 152

Law, Michael (Manitoba Bar Association)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 169

Family maintenance payments, LA 170

Scope, LA 171

Ledohowski, Leo (Canad Corp.)

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Enforcement, LA 56–57

Fines/penalties, LA 54

Major offences, LA 55, LA 57–59

Sale to intoxicated people, LA 55

Sale to minors, LA 55

Sunday openings--Standardization, LA 53, LA 56

Lemieux, Hon. Ron (La Verendrye) N.D.P.

Archives and Recordkeeping Act (Bill 39)


Clause 5(a)

ED 28; ruled in order, ED 28

Clause 32

ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 36(a)

ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 37

ED 29; ruled in order, ED 29

Clause 42

ED 29; ruled in order, ED 30


ED 30; ruled in order, ED 30

Consultations, ED 27

Fees and penalties, ED 27–28

Lieutenant-Governor's proclaimation, ED 27

Title, ED 27

Leskiw, Laurena (Private Citizen)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Cost of living allowance, ED 33–35

Maternity leave, ED 35

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board representation, ED 35

Leven, Elliot (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 113–115

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Public presentations

Baker, Jim, LA 50–52

Canad Corp, LA 52–59

Clark, Doug, LA 42–47

Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, LA 42–47

Kowalski, Gary, LA 47–50

Ledohowski, Leo, LA 52–59

Makinson, Dorothy, LA 40–42

Manitoba Hotel Association, LA 50–52

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, LA 84

Masi, Joe, LA 84


Clause 5

Faurschou LA 76; defeated, LA 79

Clause 16.1

Laurendeau LA 81; ruled out of order, LA 81

Clause 17

Faurschou LA 82; ruled out of order, LA 83

Consultations--Police services

Smith, J., LA 72

Smith, S., LA 72

Disorderly conduct

Baker, J., LA 51

Clark, LA 44

Kowalski, LA 48


Clark, LA 43

Emergency services, impact on

Mitchelson, LA 68–69

Smith, S., LA 68–70


Clark, LA 45–46

Kowalski, LA 49–50

Ledohowski, LA 56–57

Sale, LA 45

Smith, J., LA 45, LA 49–50

Smith, S., LA 56

Increased costs

Mitchelson, LA 64

Smith, S., LA 64–65

Police resources

Mitchelson, LA 66–68

Smith, S., LA 66–68


Ledohowski, LA 54

Hours of sale

Baker, J., LA 51


Baker, J., LA 52

Smith, S., LA 52

Licensing Board hearings

Public presentations

Clark, LA 43

Major offences

Baker, J., LA 51

Laurendeau, LA 57

Ledohowski, LA 55, LA 57–59

Smith, S., LA 58–59

Municipal by-laws

Faurschou, LA 76–78

Lauredeau, LA 62

Sale, LA 78–79

Smith, S., LA 62–63

Obligation of licensee

Baker, J., LA 51


Laurendeau, LA 80

Public safety

Clark, LA 46–47

Mitchelson, LA 46

Sale to intoxicated people

Ledohowski, LA 55

Sale to minors

Ledohowski, LA 55

Social services, impact on

Mitchelson, LA 70

Smith, S., LA 70–71

Sunday openings

Clark, LA 45

Kowalski, LA 47–48

Laurendeau, LA 44–45

Mitchelson, LA 64


Ledohowski, LA 53, LA 56

Smith, S., LA 56

Video lottery terminals

Faurschou, LA 75–76

Smith, S., LA 75–76

Tourism, impact on

Baker, J., LA 50

Trespass law

Cummings, Glen, LA 66

Smith, S., LA 66

Video lottery terminals

Baker, J., LA 51

Lloyd, Peter (XCAN Grain Pool Ltd.)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 63–64, ED 65

Electronic trading, ED 64–65, ED 65–66

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Public presentations

City of Winnipeg, MA 39–41

Eadie, Jae, MA 39–41

Goethals, Roger, MA 41–45

Hathaway, Neil, MA 45–49

McCallum, Bob, 54–57

Rural Municipality of Morton, MA 54–57

Rural Municipality of Winchester, MA 41–45

Sexton, Richard, MA 49–54

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, MA 69–70

Kirbyson, Brad, MA 69–70


Clause 3(3.1)

Maguire MA 117; defeated, MA 128

Clause 17(2)

Friesen, J. MA 128; passed, MA 128


Friesen, J. MA 128; passed, MA 128

Mail-in ballots

Friesen, J., MA 116

Medical patients

Friesen, J., MA 113

Non-resident voters

Derkach, MA 44, MA 50–51, MA 54, MA 124–126

Eadie, MA 40–41

Faurschou, MA 126–127

Friesen, MA 40–41, MA 44–45, MA 48, MA 52–53, MA 56

Gerrard, MA 52, MA 56

Goethals, MA 41–45

Hathaway, MA 45–49

Maguire, MA 40, MA 42–43, MA 49, MA 51–52, MA 53, MA 57, MA 117–124

McCallum, 54–57

Selinger, MA 43–44, MA 48

Sexton, MA 49–54

Tweed, MA 42

Opening statements

Derkach, MA 112–113

Friesen, J., MA 112

Prescribed forms

Eadie, MA 39–40

Time-share residents

Maguire, MA 114

Voter identification

Eadie, MA 39

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 28)

Crocus Fund

Investments--True North Project, MA 177–182

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Capital expenditures, PUNR 106–108

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Board of directors--chair

Non-confidence, PUNR 45–47

Chairperson, role of, PUNR 8

Employee bonuses, PUNR 42–43

Employee bus passes

Pilot project, PUNR 43–44

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 8–16, PUNR 29–33

Legal opinion, PUNR 16

Review by Crown Corporations Council, PUNR 53–54

Lorenc, Chris (Manitoba Heavy Construction Association)

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Written submissions, LA 316–317

Louise, Rural Municipality of. See Duchanan, Ken

Lussier, Don (Manitoba Liquor Control Commission)

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

Domestic breweries, PUNR 73–74

AIR MILES program, PUNR 72–73

Microbreweries, PUNR 80

Wine products, PUNR 83

Community Support, PUNR 81

Liquor marts--sales volume, PUNR 81

Opening statements, PUNR 68

Salaries and other benefits, PUNR 69–70

Specialty wine stores

License renewal, PUNR 76

Regulator/supplier, PUNR 77

Staffing, PUNR 70

Transportation policy, PUNR 80–81

Unfunded pension liability, PUNR 69

Lussier, Gilbert (Delegation of Farmers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 290


Input costs, AG 290

Value-added processing, AG 290

Crop insurance, AG 290, AG 291

Safety net programs

Provincial comparisons--Quιbec, AG 291

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 290



MacKenzie, Alexander (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Voting rights, ED 74–75

MacKenzie Shepherd, Loraine (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 126–128

Mackintosh, Hon. Gord (St. Johns) N.D.P.

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 101, LA 117–118

Family maintenance payments, LA 166–167

Foster parenting, LA 117

Opening statements, LA201

Property rights, LA 124

Public disclosure requirements, LA 176

Visitation rights, LA 167

Enhanced Debt Collection (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 36)

Joint accounts, LA 309

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 9–10

Administrative costs, LA 11

Board of trustees, LA 11

Donations--tax benefit, LA 11

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (2) (Bill 33)


Clause 7

LA 300; passed, LA 301

Clause 9(1)

LA 301; passed, LA 302

Clause 12(2)

LA 302; passed, LA 302

Forfeiture of vehicles, LA 252

Opening statements, LA 299

Proclaimation, LA 302

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Zero blood alcohol, LA 270

Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 35)


Clause 13

LA 306; passed, LA 308

LA 308; passed, LA 308

Overpayments, LA 304–305

Payor information requests, LA 303

Personal Property Registry, LA 255–256, LA 306

Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act (Bill 37)

Opening statements, LA 310

Payor request for information, LA 311

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Charitable donations, PUNR 59–60

Employee bus passes

Pilot project--evaluation, PUNR 6–7

Opening statements, PUNR 2–6

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 38–40, PUNR 41–42

Review by Crown Corporations Council, PUNR 53–54

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Judicial Compensation Committee

Years of comparison, LA 261

Term limits, LA 261–262, LA 313

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply, RH 19–20

Friday sitting, RH 5

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 12–13

Report, RH 14–15

Schedule, RH 14

Enactment, RH 20

Fall sitting, RH 2–3

Opening statements, RH 2

Petition process, RH 20

Private Members' Business, RH 5

Votes, RH 18

Report stage amendments, RH 16

Timeframe, RH 18–19

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill 49)

Opening statements, LA 313–314

Maclennan, Wilson (Private Citizen)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Rate standardization, LA 214–215

MacNaughton, Marilyn (Private Citizen)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Teaching while receiving a pension, ED 40–41

Maguire, Larry (Arthur-Virden) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Export enhancement programs, AG 288

Set-aside program, AG 284–285

Subsidized production, AG 319

Co-operatives, AG 48

Crop insurance

Cost of production formula, AG 213

Crow rate, elimination of

Economic impact, AG 100

Federal agriculture committee, AG 403–404

Flooding (1999), AG 250

Disaster assistance, AG 145

Income Assurance Program, AG 256

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 196

Organization meeting, AG 3–4, AG 6, AG 8, AG 9

Safety net programs, AG 196

Auditing system, AG 294–295

Cost of production formula, AG 273

Food security, AG 295

Free trade agreements, AG 216

Loan deficiency payment program, U.S., AG 303

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Electoral ward boundaries, MA 85–86

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Review of orders, MA 4–5

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Backhoe operators, LA 286–287

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Driver education programs, LA 281

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)


Clause 3(3.1)

MA 117; defeated, MA 128

Non-resident voters, MA 40, MA 42–43, MA 49, MA 51–52, MA 53, MA 57, MA 117–124

Time-share residents, MA 114

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 56–57, ED 62–63, ED 65, ED 79

Electronic trading, ED 53, ED 64, ED 79–80

Membership fees, ED 69–70

Trading volume, ED 53

Makinson, Dorothy (Private Citizen)

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24), LA 40–42

Makow, Henry (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 192–195

Mallea, Paula (Private Citizen)

Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act (Bill 37), LA 246–249

Maloway, Jim (Elmwood) N.D.P.

Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company and National Trust Company Act (Bill 301), ED 10–11

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Annual Report--on-line access, PUNR 84

Inspection system software, PUNR 84

On-line tendering system, PUNR 84

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Electronic trading, ED 73

Mandzuik, Ken (Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Written submissions, LA 160–161

Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties. See Mandzuik, Ken; Weinstein, Josh

Manitoba Association of School Psychologists. See Alper, Eric

Manitoba Association of Women and the Law. See Piper, Penny

Manitoba Bar Association. See Law, Michael

Manitoba Canola Growers Association. See Warren, Ellis

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce. See Combs, Shannon; Tureene Maynard, Julie

Manitoba Chicken Producers. See Klassen, Waldie

Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 4)


Mihychuk, IR 2

Tweed, IR 2

Opening statements

Mihychuk, IR 2

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council Act (Bill 21)


Barrett, LA 241–242

Mitchelson, LA 241

Grant process

Barrett, LA 241


Barrett, LA 240

Dacquay, LA 240

Opening statements

Barrett, LA 239

Reporting process

Barrett, LA 242

Mitchelson, LA 242

Manitoba Federation of Labour. See Walker, Pete

Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees. See Cerilli, Albert

Manitoba Genealogical Society. See Stokes, Kathy

Manitoba Heavy Construction Association. See Lorenc, Chris

Manitoba Hotel Association. See Baker, Jim

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Public presentations

Anderson, Michael, LA 231–233

Consumers' Association of Canada, Manitoba Branch, LA 212–213

Desorcy, Gloria, LA 212–213

Dowbiggin, Elliott, LA 210–211

Flett, Francis, LA 228–231

Gislason, David, LA 209–210

Maclennan, Wilson, LA 214–215

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakinak, LA 228–231, LA 231–233

Tardiff, Ron, LA 211–212

Business, impact on

Gerrard, LA 210

Gislason, LA 210

Diesel service customers

Anderson, LA 231–232

Flett, LA 228–231

First Nation communities

Anderson, LA 232–233

Selinger, LA 232–233

First Nation communities--schools

Flett, LA 229–230

Gerrard, LA 229–230

Opening statements

Gilleshammer, LA 237–239

Selinger, LA 237–239

Power outages

Gerrard, LA 211

Tardiff, LA 211

Public Utilities Board review

Desorcy, LA 213

Gilleshammer, LA 213

Rate standardization

Barrett, LA 215

Dowbiggin, LA 210–211

Flett, LA 230–231

Gislason, LA 209–210

Maclennan, LA 214–215

Selinger, LA 214–215, LA 230–231

Tardiff, LA 211

Water Power Rental Agreement

Desorcy, LA 213

Selinger, LA 213

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Opening statements

Gilleshammer, LA 237

Selinger, LA 237

Public presentations

Canadian Union of Public Employees Manitoba, LA 91–92

Cerilli, Albert, LA 92–94

Forrest, Michelle, LA 94–96

Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees, LA 92–94

Moist, Paul, LA 91–92

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Capital expenditures

Brennan, PUNR 106–107

Loewen, PUNR 106–108


Pricing, impact on

Brennan, PUNR 103

Reimer, PUNR 103

Generating facilities

Approval process

Brennan, PUNR 104–105

Gilleshammer, PUNR 103–106

Selinger, PUNR 103–106

High-voltage power lines

Negative health effects

Brennan, PUNR 101–102

Gerrard, PUNR 101–102

Selinger, PUNR 101

Labour agreements

Brennan, PUNR 102

Reimer, PUNR 102

Office relocation

Brennan, PUNR 102

Reimer, PUNR 102

Opening statements

Brennan, PUNR 88–95

Public Utilities Board

Rate variance application

Brennan, PUNR 95–96

Gilleshammer, PUNR 95–99

Selinger, PUNR 95–99

Split Lake agreement

Brennan, PUNR 102–103

Reimer, PUNR 102–103

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakinak. See Anderson, Michael; Flett, Francis

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities. See Vieno, Marlene

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

Domestic breweries

Faurschou, PUNR 73–74

Lussier, PUNR 73–74

AIR MILES program

Faurschou, PUNR 72–73

Gilleshammer, PUNR 75–76

Lussier, PUNR 72–73

Penner, Jack, PUNR 78

Smith, S., PUNR 73, PUNR 75–76, PUNR 78–79


Lussier, PUNR 80

Penner, Jack, PUNR 79–80

Smith, S., PUNR 79–80

Wine products

Lussier, PUNR 83

Stefanson, PUNR 83

Annual Report--on-line access

Maloway, PUNR 84

Smith, S., PUNR 84

Community Support

Gilleshammer, 81

Lussier, PUNR 81

Smith, S., PUNR 81

Inspection system software

Maloway, PUNR 84

Smith, S., PUNR 84

Liquor marts--sales volume

Gilleshammer, PUNR 81–82

Lussier, PUNR 81

Smith, S., PUNR 81–82

On-line tendering system

Maloway, PUNR 84

Smith, S., PUNR 84

Opening statements

Lussier, PUNR 68

Neufeld, PUNR 68

Smith, S., PUNR 64–68

President-Chief Executive Officer


Gilleshammer, PUNR 82

Neufeld, PUNR 82

Salaries and other benefits

Faurschou, PUNR 69–70

Lussier, PUNR 69–70

Specialty wine stores

Additional fees

Smith, S., PUNR 84

Stefanson, PUNR 83–84


Penner, Jack, PUNR 76–77

Smith, S., PUNR 76–77

Stefanson, PUNR 76

License renewal

Lussier, PUNR 76

Smith, S., PUNR 76

Stefanson, PUNR 76


Lussier, PUNR 77

Smith, S., PUNR 77

Stefanson, PUNR 77


Faurschou, PUNR 70

Lussier, PUNR 70

Transportation policy

Lussier, PUNR 80–81

Penner, Jack, PUNR 80

Unfunded pension liability

Faurschou, PUNR 69

Lussier, PUNR 69

Vendors, rural

20-kilometre limit

Helwer, PUNR 82–83

Smith, S., PUNR 82–83

Manitoba Milk Producers. See Swan, Bill

Manitoba Oblate Justice and Peace Committee. See Lavoie, Margot; Novak, Thomas

Manitoba Podiatry Association. See Todd, Alexander

Manitoba Pork Council. See Hacault, Marcel; Muir, Ted

Manitoba Psychological Society. See Whitney, Debbie

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Board of directors--chair


Cummings, PUNR 51

Faurschou, PUNR 51–52

Loewen, PUNR 45–47

Praznik, PUNR 47–51

Chairperson, role of

Decter Hirst, PUNR 8

Loewen, PUNR 8

Charitable donations

Faurschou, PUNR 54–55

Mackintosh, PUNR 59–60

Penner, Jack, PUNR 55, PUNR 57–59, PUNR 60

Praznik, PUNR 55–57

Employee bonuses

Decter Hirst, PUNR 34, PUNR 36–38

Gerrard, PUNR 33–38

Loewen, PUNR 42–43

Zacharias, PUNR 34–36, PUNR 42–43

Employee bus passes

Pilot project

Decter Hirst, PUNR 43–44, PUNR 44–45

Loewen, PUNR 43–44

Praznik, PUNR 44–45

Pilot project--evaluation

Faurschou, PUNR 6–7

Mackintosh, PUNR 6–7

Zacharias, PUNR 7–8

Opening statements

Decter Hirst, PUNR 6

Faurschou, PUNR 6

Mackintosh, PUNR 2–6

Rate Stabilization Reserve


Cummings, PUNR 38–40

Decter Hirst, PUNR 8–16, PUNR 21–23, PUNR 24–33, PUNR 38–40

Loewen, PUNR 8–16, PUNR 29–33

Mackintosh, PUNR 38–40, PUNR 41–42

Penner, Jack, PUNR 21–22, PUNR 40–42

Praznik, PUNR 23–28

Zacharias, PUNR 23, PUNR 30

Usage--legal opinion

Decter Hirst, PUNR 16–17, PUNR 18–19

Faurschou, PUNR 20

Loewen, PUNR 16

Penner, Jack, PUNR 20–21

Praznik, PUNR 16–17, PUNR 18–19

Review by Crown Corporations Council

Loewen, PUNR 53–54

Mackintosh, PUNR 53–54

Manitoba Pulse Growers Association. See Penner, Dan

Manitoba Society of Seniors. See Hewitt, Gerri

Manitoba Sustainable Agriculture Association. See Kaastra, Renske

Manitoba Turkey Producers. See Uruski, Bill

Manitoba Women's Institute. See Kaastra, Renske

Mann, Jim (Farmers of North America Inc.)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 78, ED 79, ED 81

Diversification, ED 79

Electronic trading, ED 79, ED 80

Farmers, impact on, ED 78–79

Mann, John (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 154–155

Marchildon, Gilles (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 105–107

Marshall, Al (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Cost of production, AG 31–32, AG 34

High protein wheat, AG 34–35

Transportation and elevator fees, AG 32–33

Martens, Herm (Rural Municipality of Morris)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 305, AG 306


Farm incomes, AG 304

Input costs, AG 303–304

Transportation costs, AG 304

Crop insurance

Cost of production formula, AG 307

Drainage system, AG 305

Elevator closures, AG 306

Taxation system

Input costs

Goods and Services Tax, AG 304

Provincial Sales Tax, AG 304

Transportation infrastructure, AG 304, AG 306, AG 307

Martindale, Doug (Burrows) N.D.P.


Political parties

Code of ethics, PE 26

Internal investigations, PE 25–26

Elections (1999)

Investigations, PE 25–26

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 12

Masi, Joe (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Written submissions, MA 133–134

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Written submissions, LA 84

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Written submissions, MA 63

Mazure, Brad (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 320–322

McCallum, Bob (Rural Municipality of Morton)

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, 54–57

McGifford, Hon. Diane (Lord Roberts) N.D.P.

Post-secondary education

Tax credits for students, ED 9

Tuition fees, elimination of, ED 8–9

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Canadian Millennium Scholarship, ED 21

Intent, ED 11

Manitoba Bursary Program

Application process, ED 20

Budget, ED 12

Criteria, ED 12–14

Manitoba Student Aid Program

Budget, ED 14–15

Eligibility, ED 15–19

Regulations, ED 9

McGoey, John (Canadian Home Income Plan)

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Application to court, LA 25

Burden of proof, LA 25, LA 26–27

Consumer remedies, LA 25, LA 27

Cooling off period, LA 25, LA 27–28

Reverse mortgages, LA 26

McGonigal, Larry (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Drainage system, AG 227–229

McIntosh, Larry (Peak of the Market)

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20), MA 9–11

McIntyre, Brennan (University of Winnipeg Students' Association)

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Regulations, ED 6

McIntyre, Jan (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Subsidized production, AG 324

Sustainable development, AG 323–324

Value-added processing, AG 324, AG 325

Safety net programs

Set-aside program, AG 324–325

Value-added processing, AG 326

McKenty, Margaret (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Omnibus legislation, LA 181–182

McKenzie, Irene (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 148

McKenzie, J. K. (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Written submissions, LA 203–204

McLean, Robert (Rural Municipality of Pembina)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 363–365

McNabb, Robert (Minnedosa Focus Group)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 180–181

McPhee, Gordon (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance

Income calculations, AG 61


Young farmer incentives, AG 59–60

Safety net programs

Equality, AG 60

Melnyk, Ed (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Debt moratorium, AG 18–19

Gross Revenue Insurance Program

Restoration, AG 19–20

Rossburn, Rural Municipality of

Land sales, AG 19

Tax arrears, AG 19

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 18

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 20

Melnyk, James Warren (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 246


Young farmer incentives, AG 245, AG 247

Crop insurance, AG 245–246, AG 247

Cost of production formula, AG 246

Premiums, AG 246

Melnyk, Susan (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 86


Young farmer incentives, AG 86

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 86

Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg. See Temple, Heather

Mihychuk, Hon. MaryAnn (Minto) N.D.P.


Statute of limitations, PE 10

Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 28)


Clause 2(1)

MA 175; passed, MA 176

Clause 14(2)

MA 182; passed, MA 182

Clause 36(2)

MA 183; passed, MA 183

Crocus Fund

Investments--True North Project, MA 177–182

Prospectus, MA 176–177

Opening statements, MA 174

Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 4)

Justification, IR 2

Opening statements, IR 2

Millan, Lorri (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 100, LA 101

Mines and Minerals Amendment Act (Bill 8), LA 200–201

Miniota, Rural Municipality of. See Walker, Larry

Minnedosa Focus Group. See McNabb, Robert; Thompson, Gordon

Mitchelson, Bonnie (River East) P.C.

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Emergency services, impact on, LA 68–69

Enforcement--Increased costs, LA 64

Enforcement--Police resources, LA 66–68

Public safety, LA 46

Social services, impact on, LA 70

Sunday openings, LA 64

Manitoba Ethnocultural Advisory and Advocacy Council Act (Bill 21)

Consultations, LA 241

Reporting process, LA 242

Moist, Paul (Canadian Union of Public Employees)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Maples Surgical Centre, MA 172

Private health care centres, MA 169–170

Moore, Brian (City of Winnipeg)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Property assessments

Appeal process, MA 79–80

Morningstar, Bill (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Ethanol industry, AG 103–106

Transportation costs, AG 103

Morris, Rural Municipality of. See Martens, Herm

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Public presentations

Candian Home Income Plan, LA 24–28

Hewitt, LA 28–29

Manitoba Society of Seniors, LA 28–29

McGoey, John, LA 24–28

Burden of proof

Gerrard, LA 26–27

Consumer remedies

Penner, Jim, LA 27

Cooling off period

Rondeau, LA 27–28

Smith, S., LA 25, LA 28

Opening statements

Penner, Jim, LA 36–37

Smith, S., LA 36

Reverse mortgages

Gerrard, LA 26–27, LA 28

Reimer, LA 29

Motheral, Wayne (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 77


Tax incentive programs, AG 77

Value-added processing, AG 77

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 75–80, AG 79

Highway construction/maintenance

Infrastructure funding, AG 79

Mowbray, Tom (Rural Municipality of Roblin)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Commodity pricing, AG 123

Ambulance service

Rural Manitoba, AG 125

Elevator closures, AG 125, AG 126

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 123–124, AG 126

School divisions

Amalgamation, AG 124–125

Mroz, Brad (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Set-aside program, AG 199–200, AG 202

Alternative energy

Tax incentives, AG 199, AG 200

Crop residue burning, AG 199

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 201

Drainage systems, AG 198

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 198, AG 201, AG 202

Farm fuels, AG 201

Muir, Ted (Manitoba Pork Council)

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Board appointments--time limits, MA 3

Nuisance claims, MA 2–3

Nutrient management plans, MA 3, MA 4

Review of orders, MA 3, MA 4–5

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Enforcement, MA 20–21

Hog industry, MA 20–21

Regulatory authority, MA 21

Municipal Amendment Act (Bill 34)

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, MA 134

Masi, Joe, MA 134

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Public presentations

Baker, Jim, MA 91–95

Canadian Union of Public employees, Local 500

City of Winnipeg, MA 77–79, MA 79–80

Colliers Pratt McGarry, MA 57–63

Dupont, Henri, MA 85–91

Eadie, Jae, MA 77–79

Hacault, Antoine, MA 95–101

KPMG, MA 85–91

Manitoba Hotel Association, MA 91–95

Moist, Paul

Moore, Brian, MA 79–80

Norman Commercial Realty Ltd., MA 102–106

Petrinka, John, MA 102–106

Sanders, David, MA 57–63

Weind, Rick, MA 72–76

Written submissions

Association of Manitoba Municipalities, MA 63

Colliers Pratt McGarry, MA 63–69

Dupont, Henri, MA 134–135

KPMG, MA 134–135

Masi, Joe, MA 63

Sanders, David, MA 63–69

Assessment appeal process

Derkach, MA 62

Sanders, MA 57–63

Assessor, intimidation by

Baker, J., MA 94

Assessor, obligations on

Friesen, J., MA 76

Weind, MA 76

Assessor, power of

Baker, J., MA 91

Selinger, MA 74–75

Weind, MA 73–74, MA 74–75


Hacault, A., MA 96

Education levy

Hacault, A., MA 96

Enactment date

Eadie, MA 77

Weind, MA 74


Baker, J., MA 91

Property assessments

Advisory committee on hotel property taxes

Baker, J., MA 95

Appeal process

Eadie, MA 79–80

Friesen, J., MA 79–80

Moore, MA 79–80

Selinger, MA 80


Baker, J., MA 92–93


Derkach, MA 98–99

Hacault, A., MA 97, MA 98–99

Eadie, MA 77


Baker, J., MA 92

Derkach, MA 89

Friesen, J., MA 90

Laurendeau, MA 90

Laurendeau, MA 75

Weind, MA 75

Appeals, risk of

Derkach, MA 78–79

Eadie, MA 78–79

Assessed value, increase in

Weind, MA 72

Assessment cycle

Hacault, A., MA 96–97

Assessment cycle--two-year

Weind, MA 73

Assessment process

Weind, MA 73


Baker, J., MA 94–95

Market value

Weind, MA 72–73

Public awareness

Eadie, MA 77

Friesen, J., MA 76

Smith, J., MA 76

Weind, MA 76

Murray, Stuart (Kirkfield Park) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Ethanol industry, AG 252

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 10

Muswaggon, George (Private Citizen)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 2–3



Naumko, Sally (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Traditional family values, LA 165–166

Written submissions, LA 161

Neepawa, Town of. See Waddell, Ken

Neufeld, Carmen (Manitoba Liquor Control Commission)

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Opening statements, PUNR 68

President-Chief Executive Officer

Neufeld, PUNR 82

Nevakshonoff, Thomas (Interlake) N.D.P.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Organization meeting, AG 10

Elections (1999)

Investigations, PE 11

Newton, Weldon (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Grains and oilseed sector, AG 135

Commodity pricing, AG 136

Free trade agreements, AG 137

Global market, AG 136

Government support, AG 137–138, AG 138–139, AG 140

Input costs, AG 139

Land use policy, AG 137

Marketing system, AG 138

Subsidized production--U.S., AG 137

Norman Commercial Realty Ltd. See Petrinka, John

Norway House Cree First Nation. See Evans, Ron

Novak, Thomas (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Equal rights, LA 135–137



Olinkin, Kerri, (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 143–144

Osborne, Cecilia (Private Citizen)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 4

Osborne, Justine (Private Citizen)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 4–5

Oster, David (Rural Municipality of West St. Paul)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Drainage system, AG 332–334

Safety net programs

Funding, AG 334



Palahicky, Perry (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 82–85

Paterson, Kathleen (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Crop insurance, AG 248, AG 249

Cost of production formula, AG 252

Unseeded acres, AG 250

Ethanol industry, AG 252

Flooding (1999), AG 248, AG 250–251

Safety net programs, AG 249

Long-term strategy, AG 249

Paterson, Kirsty (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 127–129

Patterson, Lonnie (Canadian Federation of Students)

Student Aid Act (Bill 17), ED 3

Pchajek, Sharon (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 134–135

Peak of the Market. See McIntosh, Larry

Peltz, Lloyd (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program

Disparities, AG 30

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 27

Fairness and equity, AG 27

Taxation system

Income tax--farm losses, AG 27–28, AG 30–31

Pembina, Rural Municipality of. See McLean, Robert

Pendergast, Maureen (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Equal rights, LA 135

Penner, Dan (Manitoba Pulse Growers Association)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Competition, AG 302

Subsidized production, AG 302

Crop insurance, AG 301

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 302

Safety net programs

Equality, AG 302

Loan deficiency payment program, U.S., AG 303

Penner, Jack (Emerson) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 21–22

Family farm, future of, AG 313–314

Input costs, AG 296

Set-aside program, AG 284

Subsidized production, AG 149, AG 216–217, AG 396

Sustainable development, AG 205

Transportation costs, AG 146

Young farmer incentives, AG 246–247

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system, AG 194

Canada-Manitoba Assistance Program

Disparities, AG 29–30

Canadian Farm Income Program, AG 148–149

Crop insurance, AG 263

Cost of production formula, AG 213

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 394–395

Delegation to Ottawa, AG 381–382

Elevator closures--utilization, AG 42–43

Federal agriculture committee

Manitoba meeting request, AG 395

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 79, AG 155

Highway construction/maintenance, AG 109

Income Assurance Program, AG 255

Livestock industry

Feed costs, AG 273

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Credit extension, AG 395–396

Organization meeting, AG 2, AG 3, AG 5–6, AG 8, AG 9, AG 10–11

Prime Minister

Meeting requests, AG 397, AG 419

Resolution--subamendments, AG 419–420

Safety net programs, AG 197, AG 301, AG 325–326

Cost of production formula, AG 18

Long-term strategy, AG 382

Provincial comparisons--Quιbec, AG 291

Short-term issues, AG 419–420

U.S. programs, AG 64, AG 197

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 20, AG 38, AG 202, AG 278

Input costs, AG 134, AG 395

Trade balance, AG 133

Transportation infrastructure, AG 307

Urgency, AG 381

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Opening statements, MA 28–29

Review of orders, MA 4–5, MA 7

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Crow rate--elimination, MA 15

Enforcement, MA 17–18

Labour relations, MA 18

Opening statements, MA 30–31

Regulations, MA 25–26

Regulatory authority, MA 25

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

AIR MILES program, PUNR 78

Microbreweries, PUNR 79–80

Specialty wine stores

Expansion, PUNR 76–77

Transportation policy, PUNR 80

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Charitable donations, PUNR 55, PUNR 57–59, PUNR 60

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 21–22, PUNR 40–42

Legal opinion, PUNR 20–21

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Voting rights, ED 52–53

Penner, Jim (Rural Municipality of Wallace)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 160–164

Penner, Jim (Steinbach) P.C.

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Opening statements, LA 36

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Consumer remedies, LA 27

Opening statements, LA 36–37

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 12)

Opening statements, LA 35

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Opening statements, LA 37

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 30)

Opening statements, LA 18

Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 6)

Barrett, IR 3

Schuler, IR 3

Perry, Adele (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Equal rights, LA 195

Perry, Val (Legislative Counsel)

Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company and National Trust Company Act (Bill 301), ED 10

Peters, Glen (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 76–78

Petrinka, John (Norman Commercial Realty Ltd.)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31), MA 102–106

Pichι Krista (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 145–146

Piper, Penny (Manitoba Association of Women and the Law)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Family maintenance payments, LA 175

Legal recognition, LA 175

Omnibus legislation, LA 175

Public disclosure requirements, LA 175–176

Pitura, Frank (Morris) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 43, AG 58

Set-aside program, AG 202

Crop insurance, AG 291

Cost of production formula, AG 252, AG 307

Delegation to Ottawa, AG 394

Federal agriculture committee

Manitoba meeting request, AG 394

Net Income Stabilization Account

Pitura, AG 198

Organization meeting, AG 4–5, AG 7, AG 8, AG 9

Safety net programs, AG 293

Cost of production formula, AG 215, AG 270, AG 313

Podiatrist Act (Bill 40), LA 235–236

Public presentations

Todd, Alexander, LA 215–216


Clause 49(2)

Chomiak LA 236; passed, LA 226


Driedger, LA 216

Todd, LA 216

Scope of practice

Todd, LA 215

Pogson, Val (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 323


Best management cropping practices, AG 323

Post-secondary education


Desjarlais, ED 5

Funding, federal

Lalbiharie, ED 4

Student debt loads

Desjarlais, ED 5

Janzen, ED 7–8

Tax credits for students

McGifford, ED 9

Tuition fees, elimination of

Desjarlais, ED 9

Lalbiharie, ED 9

McGifford, ED 8–9

Prairie Winds Clothing Co. See Brown, Dorothy

Praznik, Darren (Lac du Bonnet) P.C.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Set-aside program, AG 225–226

Alternative energy

Tax incentives, AG 200

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system, AG 193

Drainage system, AG 205

Prairie Grain Roads Program, AG 210

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 117

Parental rights, LA 119

Enhanced Debt Collection (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 36)

Joint accounts, LA 309

Opening statements, LA 309

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5)

Administrative costs, LA 11

Board of trustees, LA 11

Donations--tax benefit, LA 11

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (2) (Bill 33)

Opening statements, LA 299–300

Proclaimation, LA 302

Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 35)

Overpayments, LA 304–305

Payor information requests, LA 303

Personal Property Registry, LA 256

Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Act (Bill 37)

Opening statements, LA 310

Payor request for information, LA 311

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Board of directors--chair

Non-confidence, PUNR 47–51

Charitable donations, PUNR 55–57

Employee bus passes

Pilot project, PUNR 44–45

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 23–28

Legal opinion, PUNR 16–17, PUNR 18–19

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Opening statements, LA 313

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill 49)

Opening statements, LA 314

Preston, Timothy (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Equal rights, LA 123

Property rights, LA 123–124

Spouse, definition of, LA 123

Provincial Coalition for Responsible Resource Management. See Dalmyn, Ron

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Public presentations

Provincial Judges Association of Manitoba, LA 258–262

Tonn, Robb, LA 258–262

Annual report statistics

Time line

Tonn, LA 261

Judicial Compensation Committee

Reporting process

Tonn, LA 259–260

Time line

Tonn, LA 260

Years of comparison

Mackintosh, LA 261

Tonn, LA 260

Opening statements

Praznik, LA 313

Term limits

Faurschou, LA 313

Mackintosh, LA 261–262, LA 313

Tonn, LA 259

Provincial Judges Association of Manitoba. See Tonn, Robb

Psychological Association of Manitoba. See Enns, Kenneth; Stambrook, Michael

Puchailo, Sydney (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Cost of production, AG 44

Diversification, AG 45

New loans, AG 45

Off-farm employment, AG 45

Organic production, AG 46

Young farmer incentives, AG 45

Co-operatives, AG 48–49

Livestock industry

Identification program, AG 45, AG 49

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Role, AG 46

Safety net programs

Equality, AG 45–46

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 45

Purvis, Roy (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 115



Radcliffe, Robert (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 409–410

Raffard, Marc (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Free trade agreements, AG 292–293

Input costs, AG 296

Subsidized production, AG 292

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 294

Safety net programs, AG 293

Auditing system, AG 295

Cost of production formula, AG 294

Food security, AG 295

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 292

Provincial sales tax--production buildings, AG 292

Rainbow Resource Centre. See Huen, Donna

Ramsey, Doug (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 167–169

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 12)

Opening statements

Penner, Jim, LA 35

Smith, S., LA 35

Redfern, Ray (Rural Disaster Recovery Coalition)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 172–175

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Public presentations

Catholic Health Association of Manitoba, MA 165–166

Cloutier, Rιal, MA 166–169

Doiron, Michael, MA 163–165

Interfaith Healthcare Association of Manitoba, MA 163–165

Lafond, Raymond, MA 165–166

Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg, MA 142–143

Temple, Heather, MA 142–143

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, MA 166–169


Cloutier, MA 166

Chief executive officer

Directive power

Chomiak, MA 184–185

Driedger, MA 184–185

Communication policy

Cloutier, MA 167–168

Decision-making processes

Cloutier, MA 167

Dispute resolution mechanism

Chomiak, MA 185

Driedger, MA 185

Temple, MA 143

Faith-based institutions

Chomiak, MA 186

Derkach, MA 186

Doiron, MA 163–165

Lafond, MA 165

Grace Hospital


Chomiak, MA 189–193

Derkach, MA 191–192

Driedger, MA 189–190, MA 192–193

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Balanced budget

Chomiak, MA 168

Cloutier, MA 168


Cloutier, MA 168

Driedger, MA 168

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Public presentations

Alper, Eric, LA 217–221

Enns, Kenneth, LA 225–228

Manitoba Association of School Psychologists, LA 217–221

Manitoba Psychological Society, LA 224–225

Psychological Association of Manitoba, LA 221–224

Stambrook, Michael, LA 221–224

Whitney, Debbie, LA 224–225

Composition of council

Alper, LA 218–219


Alper, LA 220

Driedger, LA 220

Doctoral standard of training

Whitney, LA 225


Alper, LA 220–221

Gerrard, LA 220–221

Mental health care, impact on

Alper, LA 220

Driedger, LA 220

Mobility provisions

Master's-trained psychologists

Alper, LA 218

Stambrook, LA 221–222

Whitney, LA 225

Opening statements

Chomiak, LA 236

Driedger, LA 236

Psychological associate

Alper, LA 218

Psychologists, qualifications of

Alper, LA 219

Psychologists Registration Act


Whitney, LA 225


Alper, LA 219

School psychologists

Chomiak, LA 223

Enns, K., LA 227

Scope of practice

Enns, K., LA 226

Use of title

Alper, LA 219

Reimer, Jack (Southdale) P.C.

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board


Pricing, impact on, PUNR 103

Labour agreements, PUNR 102

Office relocation, PUNR 102

Split Lake agreement, PUNR 102–103

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Reverse mortgages, LA 29

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Opening statements

Penner, Jim, LA 37

Smith, S., LA 37

Reynolds, Doug (Interlake Retired Teachers' Association)

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Cost of living allowance, ED 36–37

Riche, Nancy (Canadian Labour Congress)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Written submissions, LA 161–162, LA 202–203

Riley, Tony (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 410–412

Riou, Greg (Heavy Equipment Rental Association of Manitoba)

Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 23)

Backhoe operators, LA 286–287

Class 5 licence requirement, LA 284

Impaired driving offences, LA 285

Intent, LA 286

Operator's permit, LA 285, LA 286

Robinson, Hon. Eric (Rupertsland) N.D.P.

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 7–9

Roblin, Rural Municipality of. See Mowbray, Tom

Robson, Ian (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 233–234

Roeland, Claude (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 214

Land transfers, generation to generation, AG 215

Subsidized production, AG 216–217

Drainage system, AG 215

Safety net programs

Cost of production formula, AG 215

Free trade agreements, AG 216

Rogasky, Tim (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 171

Rondeau, Jim (Assiniboia) N.D.P.

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Cooling off period, LA 27–28

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee membership


Chaychuk, RH 15–16

Laurendeau, RH 16

Committee of Supply

Mackintosh, RH 19–20


Chaychuk, RH 4

Counted votes--Friday

Chaychuk, RH 14

Friday sitting

Chaychuk, RH 5

Mackintosh, RH 5

Quorum requirement--Fridays

Ashton, RH 13

Chaychuk, RH 12

Dacquay, RH 13

Derkach, RH 12

Laurendeau, RH 12–13

Mackintosh, RH 12–13

Martindale, RH 12

Santos, RH 13


Ashton, RH 15

Chaychuk, RH 14

Derkach, RH 15

Mackintosh, RH 14–15

Santos, RH 15


Ashton, RH 14

Chaychuk, RH 14

Dacquay, RH 14

Mackintosh, RH 14


Chaychuk, RH 16

Concurrence and third reading

Chaychuk, RH 11, RH 17


Chaychuk, RH 20

Derkach, RH 20

Laurendeau, RH 20

Mackintosh, RH 20


Line by line passing

Chaychuk, RH 15

Time allocation

Chaychuk, RH 14

Fall sitting

Ashton, RH 3–4

Chaychuk, RH 2

Derkach, RH 3

Mackintosh, RH 2–3

Motion to adjourn

Chaychuk, RH 14

Notices of Motion

Chaychuk, RH 11–12

Opening statements

Laurendeau, RH 2

Mackintosh, RH 2

Petition process

Mackintosh, RH 20

Private Members' Business

Ashton, RH 6

Chaychuk, RH 4, RH 5, RH 6

Dacquay, RH 6

Laurendeau, RH 6

Mackintosh, RH 5


Mackintosh, RH 18

Report stage amendments

Ashton, RH 17

Chaychuk, RH 5, RH 16

Dacquay, RH 5

Derkach, RH 16

Laurendeau, RH 16

Mackintosh, RH 16

Spring break

Chaychuk, RH 2


Ashton, RH 19

Laurendeau, RH 18–19

Mackintosh, RH 18–19

Santos, RH 19

Rural Municipality of Morton. See McCallum, Bob

Rural Municipality of Winchester. See Goethals, Roger



Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 10), LA 201


Curry, LA 96–97

Property, definition of

Curry, LA 97–98

Public presentations

Curry, Fred, LA 96–98

Sale, Hon. Tim (Fort Rouge) N.D.P.

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Enforcement, LA 45

Municipal by-laws, LA 78–79

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)


Clause 14

LA 31; passed, LA 31

Clause 16(1)

LA 31; passed, LA 32

Clause 16(2)

LA 33; passed, LA 33

Clause 22(2)

LA 33; passed, LA 34


Persons with disability, LA 22

Teleconferencing, LA 23, LA 30

Opening statements, LA 29

Sanders, David (Colliers Pratt McGarry)

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Assessor's resources, MA 107, MA 109

Business tax assessment cycle, MA 107

Justification, MA 108

Property assessments

Assessment cycle, MA 107

Cost of occupancy, MA 108

Fairness, MA 109–110

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Written submissions, MA 63–69

Assessment appeal process, MA 57–63

Santos, Conrad (Wellington) N.D.P.

Rules, Orders and Forms of Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba

Proposed amendments

Committee of Supply

Quorum requirement--Fridays, RH 13

Report, RH 15

Timeframe, RH 19

Schellenberg, Ken (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Subsidized production, AG 328

Transportation costs, AG 328


Agriculture initiatives, AG 327

Schesnuk, David (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 183–185

Schuler, Ron (Springfield) P.C.

Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 3), IR 2

Employment Standards Code Amendment Act (Bill 2)

Opening statements, IR 3

Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 6), IR 3

Scurfield, Carol (Women's Health Clinic)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Health care system

Innovative services, MA 160

Quality of care, MA 160

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 30)

Opening statements

Penner, Jim, LA 18

Smith, S., LA 18

Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

Auditor General Act (Bill 43)

Policy objectives, government, 129–130

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)

Electoral ward boundaries, MA 83–84

Frontage levies, MA 84

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 43–44, MA 48

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

First Nation communities, LA 232–233

Rate standardization, LA 210, LA 214–215, LA 230–231

Water Power Rental Agreement, LA 213

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (Bill 7)

Opening statements, LA 237

Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board

Generating facilities

Approval process, PUNR 103–106

High-voltage power lines

Negative health effects, PUNR 101

Public Utilities Board

Rate variance application, PUNR 95–99

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessor, power of, MA 74–75

Property assessments

Appeal process, MA 80

Sexton, Richard (Private Citizen)

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 49–54

Shead, Gordon (Manitoba Association of School Superintendents)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Contracts versus substitute teaching, ED 48

Federal legislation, ED 48

Governance model, ED 49

Teacher shortages, ED 49

Teaching while receiving a pension, ED 48

Sigurdson, Lorraine (Canadian Union of Public Employees)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Fyke report, MA 172

Health care system

Funding issues, MA 173

Private health care centres, MA 170–171

Silver, Neil (Agricore)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 365–369

Simard, Kim (Canada Family Action Coalition)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 139–142

Simon, Fae (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 186

Smith, Hon. Scott (Brandon West) N.D.P.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 134–135

Delegation to Ottawa, AG 406

Federal agriculture committee

Manitoba meeting request, AG 405–406

Federal ministers

Meeting requests, AG 388

Organization meeting, AG 4, AG 6, AG 7

Safety net programs

Set-aside program, AG 269

Short-term issues, AG 388

Western premiers, involvement of, AG 405

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 14)

Opening statements, LA 35

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Consultations--Police services, LA 72

Emergency services, impact on, LA 68–70

Enforcement, LA 56

Increased costs, LA 64–65

Police resources, LA 66–68

Insepctions, LA 52

Major offences, LA 58–59

Municipal by-laws, LA 62–63

Social services, impact on, LA 70–71

Sunday openings

Standardization, LA 56

Video lottery terminals, LA 75–76

Trespass law, LA 66

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

AIR MILES program, PUNR 73, PUNR 75–76, PUNR 78–79

Microbreweries, PUNR 79–80

Annual Report--on-line access, PUNR 84

Community Support, PUNR 81

Inspection system software, PUNR 84

Liquor marts--sales volume, PUNR 81–82

On-line tendering system, PUNR 84

Opening statements, PUNR 64–68

Specialty wine stores

Additional fees, PUNR 84

Expansion, PUNR 76–77

License renewal, PUNR 76

Regulator/supplier, PUNR 77

Vendors, rural

20-kilometre limit, PUNR 82–83

Mortgage Amendment Act (Bill 15)

Cooling off period, LA 25, LA 28

Opening statements, LA 36

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 12)

Opening statements, LA 35

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 29)

Opening statements, LA 37

Securities Amendment Act (Bill 30)

Opening statements, LA 18

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, ED 54, ED 57, ED 59, ED 62, ED 81

Electronic trading, ED 65–66

Enactment, ED 86

New markets, ED 69

Smith, Joy (Fort Garry) P.C.

Liquor Control Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 24)

Consultations--Police services, LA 72

Enforcement, LA 45, LA 49–50

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Clause 9

ED 84; ruled out of order, ED 85

Smith, Joy (Fort Garry) P.C.]

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Public awareness, MA 76

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg. See Dyck, Harold

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)

Public presentations

Dyck, Harold, LA 16–22

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities, LA 22–24

Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, LA 16–22

Vieno, Marlene, LA 22–24


Clause 13(2)

Sale LA 30; passed, LA 31

Clause 14

Sale LA 31; passed, LA 31

Clause 16(1)

Sale LA 31; passed, LA 32

Clause 16(2)

Sale LA 33; passed, LA 33

Clause 22(2)

Sale LA 33; passed, LA 34

Advocacy services--funding

Dyck, Harold, LA 19


Dyck, Harold, LA 21

Gerrard, LA 21


Cummings, Glen, LA 20

Dyck, Harold, LA 18, LA 20

Vieno, LA 23

Designated office must forward documents

Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Hearing date

Dyck, Harold, LA 18


Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Parties may examine evidence

Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Parties to be present

Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Persons with disability

Cummings, Glen, LA 23–24

Dyck, Harold, LA 22

Gerrard, LA 23

Sale, LA 22

Vieno, LA 23–24


Sale, LA 23, LA 30

Vieno, LA 23

Time limit for filing

Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Court of Appeal, appeal to

Dyck, Harold, LA 19


Dyck, Harold, LA 19

Vieno, LA 22


Dyck, Harold, LA 17


Cummings, Glen, LA 20–21

Dyck, Harold, LA 17–18, LA 21


Dyck, Harold, LA 21–22

Gerrard, LA 21

Ombudsman, appeal to

Dyck, Harold, LA 19

Opening statements

Cummings, Glen, LA 29–30

Sale, LA 29

Orders--Reconsideration of order

Dyck, Harold, LA 19

Procedural rules

Dyck, Harold, LA 18

Sokal, John (Rural Municipality of Springfield)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Land use policy, AG 203

Sustainable development, AG 205

Drainage system, AG 204, AG 205

Solas, Wayne (Twin Valley Co-op)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 169–170

South Norfolk, Rural Municipality of. See Kelly, Tom

South Norfolk--Treheren Community Development Corporation. See Groening, Ben

Southwest Lobby Group. See Finlay, Walter

Speelman, Jan (Manitoba Teachers' Society)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Adoptive leave, ED 43

Excess contributions, ED 44

Governance model, ED 42, ED 45

Maternity leave, ED 43

Pension Adjustment Account, ED 43

Retirement, definition of, ED 44

Return to work after retirement, ED 44, ED 45

Springfield, Rural Municipality of. See Sokal, John

Stambrook, Michael (Psychological Association of Manitoba)

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42), LA 221–224

Mobility provisions, LA 221–222

School psychologists, LA 223

Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2001 (Bill 49)

Opening statements

Mackintosh, LA 313–314

Praznik, LA 314

Stefaniuk, John (Canadian Bankers Association)

Improved Enforcement of Support Payments (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 35)

Personal Property Registry, LA 254–258

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) P.C.

Manitoba Liquor Control Commission

Advertising and promotion

Wine products, PUNR 83

Specialty wine stores

Additional fees, PUNR 83–84

Expansion, PUNR 76

License renewal, PUNR 76

Regulator/supplier, PUNR 77

Stephenson, Hugh (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Cost of production, AG 73

Diversification, AG 73

Safety net programs, AG 73

Cost of production formula, AG 73

Stevens, Noreen (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 116, LA 117

Equal rights, LA 115–116

Foster parenting, LA 117

Stevenson, L. J. (Roy) (Town of Rivers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 179–180

RTAC highways

Restrictions, AG 101–102, AG 102–103

Safety net programs

Guaranteed income, AG 102

Stewart, Sharon (Private Citizen)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

Advanced-level road test, LA 268

Collision statistics, LA 267

Driver education programs, LA 269

Driver-training standards, LA 269

Graduated licensing, LA 266

Learner stage, LA 268

Novice driver sign plates, LA 268

Parental involvement, LA 270

Passenger restrictions, LA 268–269

Program evaluation, LA 270

Task force, LA 267

Zero blood alcohol, LA 270

Stokes, Kathy (Manitoba Genealogical Society)

Vital Statistics Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 9)

Access to information, LA 15

Birth registrations--mother's maiden name, LA 15–16

Death registrations--cause of death, LA 15

Struthers, Stan (Dauphin-Roblin) N.D.P.

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Teacher shortages, ED 49

Student Aid Act (Bill 17)

Public presentations

Bannister, Leah, ED 7

Canadian Federation of Students, ED 2–4

Desjarlais, Patrick, ED 5–6

Janzen, Ed, ED 7–8

Lalbiharie, Krishna, ED 2–4

McIntyre, Brennan, ED 6–7

Patterson, Lonnie, ED 3

University of Winnipeg Students' Association, ED 6–7

Canadian Millennium Scholarship

Derkach, ED 21

McGifford, ED 21


McGifford, ED 11

Manitoba Bursary Program

Application process

Derkach, ED 20

McGifford, ED 20


Derkach, ED 12

McGifford, ED 12


Derkach, ED 12–14

McGifford, ED 12–14

Desjarlais, ED 5–6

Manitoba Student Aid Program

Accessibility--Aboriginal students

Lalbiharie, ED 3

Accessibility--Graduate students

Lalbiharie, ED 3


Derkach, ED 14–15

McGifford, ED 14–15


Derkach, ED 15–19

McGifford, ED 15–19

Service providers

Lalbiharie, ED 3


McGifford, ED 9

Value statement

Lalbiharie, ED 3–4

Sul, Cory (Private Citizen)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Facility fees, MA 140

Pediatric dental surgery, MA 141

Waiting lists, MA 141–142

Surgical facility, agreements with, MA 140

Swan, Bill (Manitoba Milk Producers)

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Appeal process, MA 18–19

Appeal to Manitoba Council, MA 19–20

Cost of operations, MA 19

Definitions--producer, MA 19

Surplus removal programs, MA 19



Tardiff, Ron (Private Citizen)

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

Power outages, LA 211

Rate standardization, LA 211

Tate, Kate (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 166

Family maintenance payments, LA 166–167

Visitation rights, LA 167

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Public presentations

Berry, Don, ED 39–40

Bowslaugh, Pat, ED 37–39

Clifford, Terry, ED 45–47

Leskiw, Laurena, ED 33–35

MacNaughton, Marilyn, ED 40–41

Reynolds, Doug, ED 35–37

Shead, Gordon, ED 47–50

Speelman, Jan, ED 42–45


Clause 4(1)

Caldwell ED 82; passed, ED 82

Clause 5

Caldwell ED 82; passed, ED 83

Caldwell ED 83; passed, ED 84

Clause 9

Smith, J. ED 84; ruled out of order, ED 85

Adoptive leave

Speelman, ED 43

Contracts versus substitute teaching

Shead, ED 48

Cost of living allowance

Berry, ED 39

Bowslaugh, ED 38

Clifford, ED 45–46, ED 47

Leskiw, ED 33–35

Excess contributions

Speelman, ED 44

Federal legislation

Shead, ED 48

Governance model, ED 45

Caldwell, ED 45, ED 49

Clifford, ED 47

Shead, ED 49

Speelman, ED 42, ED 45

Maternity leave

Leskiw, ED 35

Speelman, ED 43

Maternity leave buyback

Clifford, ED 46

Pension Adjustment Account

Speelman, ED 43

Retirement, definition of

Speelman, ED 44

Return to work after retirement

Cummings, Glen, ED 44–45

Speelman, ED 44, ED 45

Teacher shortages

Shead, ED 49

Struthers, ED 49

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Board representation

Leskiw, ED 35

Cost of living allowance

Caldwell, ED 37

Reynolds, ED 36–37

Teaching while receiving a pension

Clifford, ED 46

MacNaughton, ED 40–41

Shead, ED 48

Teel, Donald (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Written submissions, LA 203

Temple, Gary (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Commodity pricing, AG 99

Crop insurance

Input costs, AG 98

Crow rate, elimination of

Economic impact, AG 98, AG 99, AG 100

Elevator closures, AG 98, AG 100

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 97–98

Gross Revenue Insurance Program

Replacement, AG 98

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 101

Safety net programs

Income assurance program, AG 99

Temple, Heather (Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg)

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

Dispute resolution mechanism, MA 143

Thompson, Gordon (Minnedosa Focus Group)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 180–181

Todd, Alexander (Manitoba Podiatry Association)

Podiatrist Act (Bill 40)

Proclaimation, LA 216

Scope of practice, LA 215

Tonn, Robb (Provincial Judges Association of Manitoba)

Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46)

Annual report statistics

Time line, LA 261

Judicial Compensation Committee

Reporting process, LA 259–260

Time line, LA 260

Years of comparison, LA 260

Term limits, LA 259

Town of Rivers. See Stevenson, L. J. (Roy)

Tureene Maynard, Julie (Manitoba Chambers of Commerce)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 231–233

Tutthil, Mike (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 142

Tweed, Mervin (Turtle Mountain) P.C.

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Health care system

Alternatives, MA 147–148

Labour-Sponsored Investment Funds (Various Acts Amended) Act (Bill 28)

Crocus Fund

Investments--True North Project, MA 177

Prospectus, MA 176–177

Opening statements, MA 174–175

Local Authorities Election Amendment Act (Bill 38)

Non-resident voters, MA 42

Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 4)

Justification, IR 2

Twin Valley Co-op. See Solas, Wayne

Tyler-West, Brad (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 157–159

Tymko, Al (Rural Municipality of Brokenhead)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system, AG 190–192, AG 192, AG 193–194

Conservation districts, AG 192

Education programs

Agriculture curriculum, AG 190



United Grain Growers. See also Drul, Wayne

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 234–242

University of Winnipeg Students Assocation. See Bannister, Leah; McIntyre, Brennan

Uruski, Bill (Manitoba Turkey Producers)

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)

Consultations, MA 12

Crow rate, elimination of, MA 15

Quotas, MA 13–14

Supply-managed commodities, MA 14

Turkey industry--opportunities, MA 14–15



VanDreser, Susan (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 144–145

VanHumbeck, Perry (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 345–346

Vieno, Marlene (Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities)

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)


Advocates, LA 23

Persons with disability, LA 23–24

Teleconferencing, LA 23

Documentation--Accessibility, LA 22

Vital Statistics Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 9)

Public presentations

Stokes, Kathy, LA 14–16

Access to information

Stokes, LA 15

Birth registrations--mother's maiden name

Stokes, LA 15–16

Death registrations--cause of death

Stokes, LA 15



Waddell, Ken (Town of Neepawa)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Diversification, AG 135

Subsidized production, AG 132, AG 133

Taxation system

Education levy, AG 132

Input costs, AG 134

Trade balance, AG 132, AG 133

Wadephul, Valerie (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 149–150

Waldner, Lorraine (Private Citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41), LA 186

Walker, Larry (Rural Municipality of Miniota)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Corporate interests, AG 112–113

Production costs, AG 112, AG 113

Subsidized production, AG 111–112

Walker, Pete (Manitoba Federation of Labour)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 129–130

Wallace, Rural Municipality of. See Penner, Jim

Warren, Ellis (Manitoba Canola Growers Association)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 175–177

Webb, Asher (Private citizen)

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

Adoption rights, LA 167–168

Weind, Rick (Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500)

Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31)

Assessor, obligations on, MA 76

Assessor, power of, MA 73–74, MA 74–75

Enactment date, MA 74

Property assessments

Appeals, MA 75

Assessed value, increase in, MA 72

Assessment cycle--two-year, MA 73

Assessment process, MA 73

Market value, MA 72–73

Public awareness, MA 76

Weinstein, Josh (Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties)

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (2) (Bill 33)

Automatic suspension, LA 250–251

Forfeiture of vehicles, LA 249–250, LA 252

Liability of forfeitures, LA 250

Licence Suspension Appeal Board, LA 251

West, Linda (Private Citizen)

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

Written submissions, MA 216–219

West St. Paul, Rural Municipality of. See Oster, David

Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. See Cook, Edward

Westfall, Harvey (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Fertilizer/chemical use, AG 262

Organic production, AG 262–263

Production costs, AG 261–263

Transportation costs, AG 262

Crop insurance, AG 263–264

Wheat City Seeds

See Whetter, Bernie

Whetter, Bernie (Wheat City Seeds)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture, AG 119–122

White Bird, Dennis (Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs)

Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Foundation Act (Bill 5), LA 5–6

Whitney, Debbie (Manitoba Psychological Society)

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

Doctoral standard of training, LA 225

Mobility provisions, LA 225

Psychologists Registration Act

Review, LA 225

Winchester, Rural Municipality of. See Goethals, Roger

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Public presentations

Cattani, Anthony Denis, ED 66–68

Cummings, Gordon, ED 54–57

Flaherty, Brian, ED 59–63

Gagnι, Mike, ED 49–54

James, Terry, ED 70–73

Jones, Rees, ED 58–59

Lloyd, Peter, ED 63–66

MacKenzie, Alexander, ED 73–75

Mann, Jim, ED 78–81

Peters, Glen, ED 75–78

Zimmerman, Ron, ED 68–70

Canola marketing

James, ED 70–71

Capital, access to

Zimmerman, ED 68–69


Cattani, ED 66

Cummings, Gordon, ED 55–57

Flaherty, Brian, ED 60–61, ED 62–63

Gagnι, ED 49–52, ED 54

James, ED 71–72, ED 73

Jones, ED 58–59

Lloyd, ED 63–64, ED 65

Maguire, ED 56–57, ED 62–63, ED 65, ED 79

Mann, ED 78, ED 79, ED 81

Peters, ED 76–78

Smith, S., ED 54, ED 57, ED 59, ED 62, ED 73, ED 81


Cattani, ED 67

Mann, ED 79

Electronic trading

Cattani, ED 66–67

Flaherty, Brian, ED 61–62

Gagnι, ED 53–54

James, ED 72–73

Lloyd, ED 64–65, ED 65–66

Maguire, ED 53, ED 64, ED 79–80

Maloway, ED 73

Mann, ED 79, ED 80

Smith, S., ED 65–66

Zimmerman, ED 68


Cummings, Glen, ED 86

Smith, S., ED 86

Farmers, impact on

Mann, ED 78–79

Membership fees

Maguire, ED 69–70

Zimmerman, ED 69–70

New markets

Smith, S., ED 69

Zimmerman, ED 69

Ownership/trading privileges

Flaherty, Brian, ED 61

Trading volume

Gagnι, ED 53

Maguire, ED 53

Voting rights

Gagnι, ED 52–53

MacKenzie, ED 74–75

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. See Cloutier, Rιal

Wishart, Ian (Keystone Agricultural Producers)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Written submissions, AG 356–363

Wishart, Ian (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Set-aside program, AG 284–285

Administrative costs, AG 281, AG 283

Conservation cover program, AG 280

Funding, AG 283

Grazing management, AG 280

Marketplace, impact on, AG 281–282

Negative impacts, AG 282

Permanent riparian areas, AG 280

Program integration, AG 283

Transition issue, AG 282

Water storage areas, AG 281

Women's Health Clinic. See Boscoe, Madeline; Scurfield, Carol

Wowchuk, Hon. Rosann (Swan River) N.D.P.

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, AG 306, AG 393


Aging farm population, AG 58

Cost of production, AG 34

Free trade agreements, AG 292

GMO products, AG 42

Input costs, AG 159

Land transfers, generation to generation, AG 215

Organic production, AG 262

Set-aside program, AG 200

Administrative costs, AG 283

Funding, AG 283

Subsidized production, AG 38, AG 159, AG 318–319

Tax incentive programs, AG 77

Value-added processing, AG 418

Young farmer incentives, AG 86

Agriculture--input costs, AG 21

Brokenhead, Rural Municipality of

Drainage system, AG 193

Canadian Farm Income Program, AG 151

Committee report, AG 418

Conservation districts, AG 224

Crop insurance, AG 263, AG 291

Cost of production formula, AG 212

Premiums, AG 246

Unseeded acres, AG 250

Crow rate, elimination of, AG 42, AG 56, AG 259, AG 392

Economic impact, AG 99

Draft report, AG 419

Drainage system, AG 204

Ethanol industry, AG 105

Family farm, future of, AG 148

Federal agriculture committee, AG 407

Manitoba meeting request, AG 389–390, AG 398–399, AG 401, AG 418

Flooding (1999)

Disaster assistance, AG 391

Free trade agreements, AG 81

Grains and oilseed sector

Government support, AG 138

Input costs, AG 139

Income Assurance Program, AG 254

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Land transfers--intergenerational, AG 337

Role, AG 46

Net Income Stabilization Account, AG 209–210, AG 312

Review, AG 64

Organization meeting, AG 2–11

Prime Minister

Meeting requests, AG 393, AG 398, AG 401, AG 407

Resolution--amendments, AG 380–381, AG 391, AG 399–400, AG 415–419

Rural Manitoba

Economic development, AG 50–51

Safety net programs, AG 195, AG 277, AG 300, AG 312

Cost of production formula, AG 165, AG 271–272

Equality, AG 302

Free trade agreements, AG 198

Funding, AG 334

Income assurance program, AG 99

Long-term strategy, AG 268–269, AG 391

Revenue insurance program, AG 57–58

Review, AG 418

Short-term issues, AG 391

Taxation system

Farm fuels, AG 38–39

Input costs, AG 398

Time frame

Wowchuk, AG 419

Western premiers, involvement of, AG 390–391, AG 392

Crown Lands Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Agricultural Crown lands, designation of, ED 25–26

Appeal process, ED 24

Intent, ED 23

Farm Practices Protection Amendment Act (Bill 16)

Application fee, MA 8–9

Frivolous complaints, MA 6, MA 8, MA 27

Nutrient management plans, MA 4

Review of orders, MA 3

Variation of an order, MA 28

Farm Products Marketing and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 20)


Clause 6(1)(b)

MA 33; passed, MA 33

Clause 6(1)(l)

MA 34; passed, MA 34

Clause 11

MA 34; passed, MA 34

Clause 14(a)

MA 34; passed, MA 35


MA 31; passed, MA 33

Appeal to Manitoba Council, MA 19–20

Opening statements, MA 29–30

Supply-managed commodities, MA 14

Turkey industry--opportunities, MA 14



Yuill, Ken (Private Citizen)

All-Party Resolution on Federal Support for Agriculture


Value-added processing, AG 218



Zacharias, Jack (Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation)

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Employee bonuses, PUNR 34–36, PUNR 42–43

Employee bus passes

Pilot project--evaluation, PUNR 7–8

Rate Stabilization Reserve

Usage, PUNR 23, PUNR 30

Zimmerman, Ron (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Capital, access to, ED 68–69

Electronic trading, ED 68

Membership fees, ED 69–70

New markets, ED 69