Thursday, June 30, 2016

TIME – 10:30 a.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Matt Wiebe (Concordia)

VICE-CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Reg Helwer (Brandon West)


Members of the Committee present:

Messrs. Bindle, Helwer, Johnston, Ms. Klassen, Mr. Marcelino, Mrs. Mayer, Mr. Michaleski, Ms. Morley-Lecomte, Messrs. Wiebe, Yakimoski


Orientation session

Auditor General's Report–Annual Report to the  Legislature, dated January 2013

Chapter 6–Office of the Fire Commissioner

Auditor General's  Report–Follow-Up of Previously Issued Recommendations, dated May 2014

Section 3–Department of Conservation's Management of the Environmental Livestock Program

Section 12–Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency

Section 20–Special Audit: Society for Manitobans with Disabilities

Section 21–Special Needs Education

Auditor General's Report–Rural Municipality of  St. Clements, dated June 2012

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Mr. Chairperson: Good morning. Will the Standing  Committee on Public Accounts please come to order.

      This meeting has been called to have an orientation session for members and to consider the  following reports: The Auditor General's Report–Annual Report to the Legislature, dated January  2013, chapter 6, Office of the Fire Commissioner; and Auditor General's Report–Follow-Up of Previously Issued Recommendations, dated May 2014: section 3, Department of Conservation's Management of the Environmental Livestock Program; section 12, Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency; section 20, Special Audit:  Society of Manitobans with Disabilities; section 21, Special Needs Education.

      Does the committee agree to deal first with the reports on today's agenda? [Agreed]

      Are there any questions or comments on these reports?

      Seeing none, does the committee agree that we  have completed consideration of chapter 6, Office of the Fire Commissioner, Auditor General's Report–Annual Report to the Legislature, dated January  2013? [Agreed]

      Does the committee agree that we have completed consideration of section 3, depart­ment of–or, sorry. Section 3, section 12, section 20, section  21 of the Auditor General's follow-up report of previously issued recommendations, dated May  2014? Agreed? [Agreed]

      As we will now have an orientation session for members, this committee should continue this meeting in camera.

      Before dealing with a motion to meet in camera, I would like to note that only MLAs who are members of the committee, the committee clerk and the research officer, may attend. However, other members have expressed interest in participating in  this orientation session. Is it the will of this committee to allow other MLAs to attend the in camera proceedings? [Agreed]

      As well, does the committee agree to allow the Auditor General and his staff to attend the in camera proceedings? Agreed? [Agreed]

      Finally, does the committee agree that once the in camera portion of this meeting ends, this committee will be considered to have risen? Agreed? [Agreed]

Mr. Reg Helwer (Brandon West): I move that the Standing Committee on Public Accounts now meet in camera.

* (10:40)

Motion presented.

Mr. Chairperson: The motion is in order. The floor is open for questions.

      Seeing none, is the committee ready for the question?

An Honourable Member: Yes.

Mr. Chairperson: Shall the motion pass? [Agreed]

      We will now move to in camera.

      Thank you very much.

The committee went in camera at 10:41 a.m.



TIME – 10:30 a.m.

LOCATION – Winnipeg, Manitoba

CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Matt Wiebe (Concordia)

VICE-CHAIRPERSON – Mr. Reg Helwer (Brandon West)


Members of the Committee present:

Messrs. Bindle, Helwer, Johnston,
Ms. Klassen,
Mr. Marcelino,
Mrs. Mayer,
Mr. Michaleski,
Ms. Morley-Lecomte,
Messrs. Wiebe, Yakimoski


Orientation session

Auditor General's Report–Annual Report to the Legislature, dated January 2013

Chapter 6–Office of the Fire Commissioner

Auditor General's  Report–Follow-Up of Previously Issued Recommendations, dated May 2014

      Section 3–Department of Conservation's Management of the Environmental Livestock Program

      Section 12–Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Agency

      Section 20–Special Audit: Society for Manitobans with Disabilities

Section 21–Special Needs Education

Auditor General's Report–Rural Municipality of  St. Clements, dated June 2012

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