APRIL 26 2002

1.     PURPOSE:

The purpose of this document is to identify for Manitoba Hydro, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and the public the information required by government agencies for consideration in an environmental impact statement for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project.



Manitoba Hydro and the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) are currently considering the development of the Wuskwatim Generation Project and associated infrastructure in the Nelson House Resource Management Area. Associated with the generation project, transmission facilities, both in and beyond the Nelson House Resource Management Area, will be required. The Wuskwatim Transmission Project facilities would provide for the transmission of power from the proposed Wuskwatim hydro-electric generating station to the existing Manitoba Hydro electrical transmission system. At the same time, the project would also provide transmission system improvements that are independent of the requirements of the proposed generating station.

The Wuskwatim Transmission Project proposes the development of new transmission lines and transformer/switching stations required in order to link the proposed electric generator to the existing transmission system. To accomplish this a transmission sub-station would be required at the Wuskwatim generating station site. This new sub-station would provide for voltage transformation and switching. At the sub-station, electricity would be received from the generators and transformed to a higher voltage that is necessary for transmission into the existing Manitoba Hydro system.

New 230 kV transmission lines would connect the sub-station at the Wuskwatim site to other stations on Manitoba Hydro’s transmission system. The points of connection to the existing system would be at Thompson, at a proposed new transformer/switching station south of the city to be called Birchtree Station, near Snow Lake, at the existing Herblet Lake Station on the north side of the community, and at The Pas, at the existing Rall’s Island Station. Manitoba Hydro advises that the proposed transmission line connections between Herblet Lake Station and Rall’s Island Station would be required in the future, independent of the development of the Wuskwatim Generation Project, to improve the existing regional electrical-transmission system. A schematic showing the location of the proposed project is provided as Schedule 1. to these guidelines.

Discussions between Manitoba Hydro and NCN regarding the future Wuskwatim Generation Project, as well as a potential development at the existing Notigi Control Structure, have been ongoing for several years. Article 8 of a 1996 Agreement signed by NCN, Manitoba Hydro, Manitoba, and Canada sets out a process for NCN and Manitoba Hydro to discuss potential future developments that could affect the Nelson House Resource Management Area and NCN members.

In 1997, NCN and Manitoba Hydro established a working group to facilitate ongoing consultation regarding the proposed developments. NCN and Manitoba Hydro are currently considering potential partnership arrangements for the development of the Wuskwatim Generation Project, should it proceed. An Agreement in Principle, which describes the partnership arrangement, was jointly prepared by NCN and Manitoba Hydro and was signed on September 25, 2001.

Among other things, Article 8 of the 1996 Agreement requires that Manitoba Hydro consult with NCN to identify issues of concern to the First Nation and to provide detailed information on the expected positive and negative effects of any project in the Nelson House Resource Management Area. To address these obligations, NCN and Manitoba Hydro jointly selected a study team in late 1999 to conduct the biophysical and socio-economic studies required and to provide sufficient information to conduct an environmental assessment of the proposed development. Following a series of scoping meetings held with NCN and Manitoba Hydro officials in early 2000, the study team designed and implemented a preliminary study plan, which is referred to as the Joint Study Program (NCN Manitoba Hydro: Joint Study Program, updated August 2001).

The Joint Study Program is concerned primarily with the Nelson House Resource Management Area and emphasizes potential concerns and issues associated with the generating station development. The related transmission facilities, although included under the Joint Study Program, would extend beyond the Nelson House Resource Management Area in order to provide connections to the existing Manitoba Hydro transmission system. The corresponding site selection and environmental assessment (SSEA) activities for the transmission facilities would be subject to the same general objectives and principles, but would extend geographically beyond the Resource Management Area and would include consultation with a number of potentially affected communities and interests other than NCN.

In October 2001, NCN and Manitoba Hydro, with the assistance of the study team, drafted a scoping document that provided useful background to the Project Administration Team* (PAT) in the preparation of these Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project.

* The Canada – Manitoba Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation provides that the Lead Party in a cooperative environmental assessment process will establish and chair a Project Administration Team with membership representing the federal responsible authority(ies) and Manitoba Conservation. The Project Administration Team would then be responsible for managing the cooperative environmental assessment.


The Wuskwatim Generation Project is a Class 2 development as defined in the Classes of Development Regulation under Manitoba’s The Environment Act and may require a screening or possibly be part of a comprehensive-study level environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

Under the provisions of the Canada-Manitoba Agreement on Environmental Assessment Cooperation, the Parties have agreed that, where both governments have or may have an environmental assessment responsibility for a proposed project, a cooperative environmental assessment will be undertaken. Accordingly, these Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project have been developed to address specific issues and identify necessary information that Manitoba and Canada require to be considered in the environmental assessment of the project.

The Project Administration Team has finalized the Guidelines after consideration of public comments, the Clean Environment Commission’s report on consultations regarding the Draft Guidelines and input received from a federal/provincial technical advisory committee (TAC).

The Manitoba Minister of Conservation has determined that there will be public hearings conducted by the Clean Environment Commission in accordance with subsection 6(5) of The Environment Act for the Wuskwatim projects. The hearings will be conducted in order for the Commission to review, based on the public input and the environmental impact statement, the issues raised in the environmental assessment process and provide advice and recommendations on those issues to the Minister in a report to be prepared subsequent to the hearings. The Clean Environment Commission hearings will incorporate consideration of the issues associated with both the Wuskwatim Generation Project and the Wuskwatim Transmission Project concurrently.

On January 29, 2002 the Government of Manitoba announced that it would establish a review process through the Public Utilities Board (PUB) that will provide for a public examination of the need for the project and alternatives to developing the proposed Manitoba Hydro projects. Based on this review process information, the PAT, in consultation with Manitoba Hydro and their study team, has developed a draft review schedule, which is provided as Schedule 2. to these Guidelines.


2.3.1  INTENT:

The intent of preparing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be to:

It is intended that the Environmental Impact Statement for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project shall incorporate and reflect the Principles of Sustainable Development as contained in Towards a Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitobans and the policies under The Land and Water Strategy.

2.3.2  SCOPE:

The Project:

The environmental assessment for the Wuskwatim Transmission Project shall include consideration of the environmental effects of all undertakings associated with the site preparation, construction, operation and the final decommissioning of all components of the proposed Wuskwatim Transmission Project facilities, including any required infrastructure development.

The assessment must consider:

The Assessment:

The scope of the environmental assessment shall include examination of:

The study area, i.e. the geographic scope of the investigations, shall include those local areas directly impacted by the undertakings associated with Wuskwatim Transmission Project and also the zones within which there may be environmental effects that are regional or global in their nature.


The environmental impact statement shall identify the legislation, policies, necessary approvals, land and resource related agreements and current planning initiatives applicable to the review of the Wuskwatim Transmission Project. The report shall discuss the primary focus of each regulatory or policy requirement, such as resource allocation, environmental protection, land-use designation or development control.


Details of the overall public consultation process for the environmental assessment shall be described at the outset in a public involvement plan. The plan shall recognize all interested members of the public and describe the various means to provide for their participation in the assessment process. Generally, the public shall include, but is not limited to: Aboriginal peoples; other local residents; community groups; environmental groups; the private sector; municipal governments; and other interested parties. The public involvement plan shall be included in the environmental impact statement and the results of the public’s input evaluated. The environmental impact statement shall describe the proponent’s community consultation program that will have been undertaken with respect to the project, including the following:

The environmental impact statement shall describe how concerns and issues raised by the public were incorporated into the development of the project including its design, impact mitigation and monitoring. Any unresolved issues that were raised by Manitoba Hydro or stakeholders during the assessment process shall be discussed. In addition, efforts made to involve organizations and persons residing beyond the project area in issue identification and problem resolution shall be documented and evaluated in the environmental impact statement.



Provide an overview of Manitoba Hydro’s existing transmission system, with emphasis on facilities within the project study area. Describe the purpose of the proposed transmission facilities in relation to transmission requirements for power to be generated by the Wuskwatim project, and to system requirements generally.


The environmental impact statement shall describe the overall Wuskwatim Transmission Project system composition including the site and route selection process, the site preparation, construction of the project, operation and maintenance of the system, and eventual decommissioning. The description shall include the sizes, locations and timeframes around the various components, including any activities that will have been undertaken to that point. The environmental impact statement will indicate how Manitoba Hydro has incorporated technical, geotechnical and environmental criteria, along with environmental, traditional ecological and local knowledge into the project design. All key alternatives to the preferred project that were considered during the project planning exercise must be identified and discussed.


The environmental impact statement shall describe all undertakings associated with preparing for construction at the site. Detailed descriptions of timing and the methods associated with the various undertakings that are or were required including surveying, clearing, test drilling, establishing dump and borrow areas, setting up camps and work areas, and the development of the infrastructure requirements to access and service the site(s). This shall include providing:


The environmental impact statement shall describe all elements of the proposed Wuskwatim Transmission Project. Detailed descriptions of the timing and the methods proposed for the various undertakings related to the construction of the transmission project and related facilities shall be provided including the following:


The description of the operation and maintenance of the Wuskwatim Transmission Project shall include:

The environmental impact statement shall describe the size and composition of the proposed labour force involved in the operation and maintenance of the transmission line project along with a description of measures that will be taken to protect the health and safety of workers and the general public in and around the various facilities including spill prevention and contingency planning.


The environmental impact statement shall provide a description of plans for decommissioning any temporary infrastructure or facilities related to the construction of the project. It shall also provide a general description of plans for decommissioning the transmission line at the end of its operational life.


The environmental impact statement shall describe the existing environmental setting for the proposed project. This shall include a broad overview of the local area and the zones within which there may be environmental effects that are regional or global in their nature. This description is intended to provide a context for a detailed understanding of the routes for the transmission lines and the potential effects of the project.

Data provided on the aquatic, terrestrial, socio-economic and cultural environment and heritage resources, including local and traditional knowledge, shall be compiled, and provided in sufficient detail to select alternative routes and to predict and avoid or mitigate, to the extent practicable, adverse effects of a preferred route.

The environmental impact statement shall define and provide the rational for the determination taken regarding spatial and temporal boundaries for the study area used for the assessment.


The environmental impact statement shall describe:


The environmental impact statement shall describe the existing aquatic biological resources and associated habitat in watercourses, wetlands and other water-bodies. The document shall establish a suite of biotic and abiotic indicators for the area including a discussion of the rational for their selection.


The environmental impact statement shall provide sufficient detail regarding hydrology and pre-project water quality parameters in the study area in order to predict the potential effect of the project on hydrology and water quality conditions.


The environmental impact statement shall provide sufficient data regarding the relative abundance, distribution and key habitat of fish populations within the study area to provide a basis for predicting project effects and to quantify the actual effects of the project on fish habitat and fish population.



The environmental impact statement shall provide information on plant communities, "Species at Risk", and "Rare Species" that may be affected by the project including; medicinal plants, riparian and wetland vegetation, and types of vegetation to be cleared. All such information shall be provided in sufficient detail to predict the effects of the project to vegetation in the study area. Additionally, information shall be collected on the location and extent of forest stands potentially affected by the project, and a description of those stands in sufficient detail to evaluate the impact the project may have on the forests, including potential effects to the wood volumes available for harvest within FML Number 2.


The environmental impact statement shall provide:



The environmental impact statement shall provide information on:


The environmental impact statement shall provide:


The environmental impact statement shall provide:


The environmental impact statement shall provide:


The environmental impact statement shall provide:


The environmental impact statement shall provide information on:

Data provided on the aquatic, terrestrial, socio-economic and cultural environment and heritage resources shall be compiled from existing sources of information, including local and traditional knowledge and provided in sufficient detail to select alternative routes and to predict and avoid or mitigate, to the extent practicable, adverse effects of a preferred route.


Careful routing and siting of the transmission facilities is critical to the avoidance and minimization of the potential adverse effects associated with their development. Accordingly, the identification and comparative evaluation of alternative routes and sites shall be thoroughly documented as follows;


The environmental impact statement shall provide information on all the environmental effects associated with the Wuskwatim Transmission Project. Both positive and adverse environmental effects shall be described. The following criteria shall be used to evaluate and compare the significance of adverse effects of alternate transmission line routes and station sites:

The following criteria shall be used to determine the likelihood of significance of the effects:

The environmental, socio-economic and cultural effects and associated mitigation shall relate to each phase of the project including site preparation, construction and post construction, operation, maintenance and eventual decommissioning and should assess all components of the environment in the context of section 6. DESCRIPTION OF THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT of this document. The assessment shall consider scientific analysis of ecosystem effects, along with TEK, local knowledge and available experience in determining the significance of potential effects. Mitigation and habitat enhancement measures to manage or avoid adverse effects shall be described for these components and for each undertaking in relation to the project.

Cumulative effects assessment (CEA) shall form an integral part the environmental and socio-economic assessment. The cumulative effects assessment shall look at all effects that are likely to result from the project when they are likely to occur in combination with other projects or activities that have been, or will be carried out. The environmental impact statement shall explain the approach and methods used to identify and assess the cumulative effects and provide a record of all assumptions and analysis that support the conclusions, including the level of confidence in the data used in the analysis.

Specific and detailed reference shall be made to evaluating:

All assessment conclusions shall be supported by technical information, traditional ecological and/or local knowledge based on experience in Manitoba and elsewhere. Any deficiencies in the information about potential effects shall be clearly noted and addressed as stated in section 10. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING of this document.


The environmental impact statement shall describe the nature and extent of any residual environmental effects of the project, a characterization as to whether residual environmental effects are significant or insignificant, and the rationale for such characterization. The environmental impact statement shall describe a detailed plan for responding to any known or predicted residual effects, and provide a procedure for identifying and responding to effects that were not predicted or foreseen.


The environmental impact statement shall provide a detailed description of the proposed monitoring activities for effects on the physical, aquatic, terrestrial, socio-economic and cultural environments arising from the site preparation, construction, operation including maintenance, and eventual decommissioning of the project. Manitoba Hydro shall describe the equipment to be used, the parameters to be measured, the methodology and frequency of measurement and the mechanism for reporting results of proposed monitoring of the environmental conditions affected by Wuskwatim Transmission Project.

The environmental impact statement shall describe how the proposed monitoring activities will help to verify and manage environmental effects and confirm the performance of mitigation and habitat enhancement measures. If regulatory approval for the project is provided, and prior to the start of construction, a project specific Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) shall be developed. The EPP shall design and commit the proponent to a long term monitoring program that would encompass both the construction and operational phases of the project in order to confirm predictions of effects and to determine whether unexpected effects are occurring. The EPP shall be developed to accomplish the following goals:


All assessment conclusions shall be backed up by credible and available technical information, as well as traditional ecological and local knowledge. The primary sources of information used to conduct the environmental assessment of the proposed project shall be described. This information shall include:

Credible analysis and documentation shall support all conclusions of ‘no or insignificant effect".


The environmental impact statement shall include an executive summary, to be written with a minimum of technical terminology and to include a glossary of terms used throughout the environmental impact statement document. Deficiencies in scientific evidence shall be identified, including areas where there is no evidence specific to Manitoba.

The information in the environmental impact statement shall maximize the use of maps, charts, diagrams and photographs for presentation. To the extent possible, maps and diagrams should be presented at a common scale, appropriate to represent the level of detail considered, and where possible allowing for direct overlay for ease of reference.

For clarification of these Guidelines please contact PAT through Mr. Bryan Blunt at:

Telephone: 204-945-7085
Toll Free: 1-800-282-8069

Schedule 1 (location of proposed project)
(to view map more clearly please print this page)

transmission-sch.jpg (1292381 bytes)

Schedule 2

Draft Overall Timeline:

The following describes the main steps on the draft overall timeline for the above review process after finalization of Guidelines:

April, 2002