Aquatic Invasive Species

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Control Zones in Manitoba

Control Zone Map

An Aquatic Invasive Species Control Zone is a watershed area where aquatic invasive species (AIS) already occurs or where it is expected to spread to in the future due to natural water movements. Control zones are established to control the spread of:

Regulations require decontamination, in addition to the general cleaning requirements (i.e., clean, drain, dry), to ensure AIS are killed and removed before conveyances such as watercraft, water-related aircraft and ORVs, as well as, water-related equipment are placed into a different water body or control zone.

There are seven control zones in Manitoba, they include the: 

  1. Betula Lake /White Lake /Jessica Lake Control Zone
  2. Lake Manitoba /Fairford River / Lake St. Martin Control Zone
  3. Red River / Lake Winnipeg /Nelson River Control Zone
  4. Saskatchewan River/ Cedar Lake Control Zone
  5. Shoal Lake Control Zone (located in south-eastern Manitoba)
  6. Lake of the Woods (Buffalo Bay) Control Zone
  7. Winnipeg River Control Zone


Betula Lake /White Lake /Jessica Lake Control Zone - established to control the spread of black algae.

It includes:

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Lake Manitoba /Fairford River / Lake St. Martin Control Zone established to control the spread of zebra mussels.

It includes:

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Red River / Lake Winnipeg /Nelson River Control Zone - established to control the spread of spiny water flea and zebra mussels.

It includes:

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Saskatchewan River/ Cedar Lake Control Zone – established to prevent the introduction and control the spread of zebra mussels and spiny waterflea.

It consists of:

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Shoal Lake Control Zone (located in south-eastern Manitoba) established to control the spread of spiny waterflea.

It includes:

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Lake of the Woods (Buffalo Bay) Control Zone - established to control the spread of spiny waterflea.

It includes the portion of:

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Winnipeg River Control Zone - established to control the spread of spiny waterflea.

It includes:

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