Review Panel on Common Law Relationships
Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Jennifer Cooper

Volume 2
Proposed Statute Changes

Proposed Changes to the
Elderly and Infirm Person's Housing Act

Current Act: should read Proposed Act:

1 In this Act,

"elderly persons" means

(a)an unmarried person of 65 or more years of age whose annual income, including assistance under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), does not exceed an amount equal of five times the annual rental for the accommodation that he occupies in an elderly persons' housing unit or a hostel, or

(b)a married person of 65 or more years of age whose annual income together with that of his spouse, including assistance under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), does not exceed an amount equal to five times the annual rental for the accommodation that he and his spouse occupy in an elderly persons' housing unit or a hostel, or

(c)a married person who is the spouse of a person to whom clause (b) refers;


1 In this Act,

"common-law partner" means a person who, not being married to the other person, cohabits with him or her in a conjugal relationship of some permanence.

"elderly persons" means

(a)an unmarried a person of 65 or more years of age whose annual income, including assistance under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), does not exceed an amount equal of five times the annual rental for the accommodation that he occupies in an elderly persons' housing unit or a hostel, or

(b)an unmarried a person of 65 or more years of age who is residing with a spouse or common-law partner, whose annual income together with that of his spouse or common-law partner, including assistance under the Old Age Security Act (Canada), does not exceed an amount equal to five times the annual rental for the accommodation that he and his spouse or common-law partner occupy in an elderly persons' housing unit or a hostel, or

(c)a married person who is the spouse or common-law partner of a person to whom clause (b) refers;

Elderly and Infirm Person's Housing Act

Current Act: should read Proposed Act:
Married person living separate

2 For the purposes of the definition "elderly persons", a married person who is living separate and apart from his or her spouse shall be deemed to be an unmarried person.

  Married person living separate

2For the purposes of the definition "elderly persons", a married person who is living separate and apart from his or her spouse shall be deemed to be an unmarried person.


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Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of
Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C. - Volume 2

Proposed Changes to the Elderly and Infirm Person's Housing Act
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Development Corporation Act Elections Act
Review Panel on Common-Law Relationships
Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Jennifer A. Cooper, Q.C.
Volume 1
Volume 2 (proposed Statute Amendments)

Opinion on Common-Law Relationships of Hon. A.C Hamilton, Q.C.