Industrial Relations - 1st Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Industrial Relations Index


Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)


Clause 3


287-288; passed, 294

Clause 6(1)


294; passed, 298

Clause 10(1)


299; passed, 300

Clause 23


301; passed, 314

Clause 27(1)


315; passed, 316

Agriculture, impact on

Penner, Jack, 284

Alternative dispute resolution

Desjarlais, 41-42

Dziewit, 167-169

Hancharyk, 157

Lalibiharie, 202

Loewen, 149

Mitchell, 148

Newman, 233

Olfert, 216

Paterson, 187

Scarth, 207

Short, 143-144

Soares, 192


Loewen, 282

Schuler, 279-280


Hilliard, 55

Schuler, 55

Anti-scab legislation

Christensen, 117

Condon, 139

Desjarlais, 42

Hilliard, 54

Hogaboam, 161

Lalibiharie, 202

Paterson, 185

Schuler, 243

Ziegler, 243


Boisvert, 127, 128

Christophe, 99

Eyjolfson, 31

Floresco, 134-135

Godard, 219-220

Hambly, 131

Hilliard, 54

Laurendeau, 128

Moist, 86

Newman, 234

Woolford, 36

Automatic certification

Paterson, 186

Binding arbitration

Andre, 72

Carr, 57-58

Fraser, G., 152

Gerrard, 68, 72

McIntosh, 230

Overall, 63-66, 68

Praznik, 39

Short, 144

Woolford, 39

Businesses, impact on

Kelly, 89

Merie, 50-51

Schuler, 50

Certification process

Barrett, 32

Carr, 58-59

Condon, 138

Desjarlais, 41

Eyjolfson, 31, 32

Floresco, 134

Fraser, G., 151-152

Godard, 219

Hambly, 131

Hilliard, 52-53, 55

Hogaboam, 159-160

Huebert, E., 69

Loewen, 55

McIntosh, 230

Merie, 49, 50

Mitchell, 147

Moist, 85

Newman, 232

Olfert, 214-215

Ostop, 34, 35

Overall, 66

Praznik, 32, 34-35, 38, 50, 294-298

Robinson. C., 103-105

Rondeau, 35

Scarth, 206-207

Short, 144

Smith, J., 30

Soares, 191-192

Speelman, 28, 30

Starmer, 180-181

Trigwell, 179

Woolford, 38-39

Ziegler, 240-241

Employee intimidation

Cerilli, A., 210

Ducharme, 172-173

Ennis, 174-175

Gaspur, 175

Roxas, 183-184

Sheeska, 171-172

Trigwell, 176-178

Secret ballot vote

Andre, 71

Baker, 76

Barrett, 92

Bishoff, 62

Boisvert, 127, 129

Cooper, 74

Curry, 193-194

Dolyniuk, 196

Kelly, 90-91, 92

Laurendeau, 129

Porter, 107-108

Reynolds, 25

Smith, J., 107-108

Starmer, 180

Wightman, 95-96

Woolford, 36-37

Construction, definition of

Wightman, 93-94


Gerrard, 285-286

McIntosh, 231

Smith, J., 285

Democratic rights

Penner, Jack, 283

Economic impact

Curry, 194

Enns, 194-195

Education system, impact on

Cooper, 75

Smith, J., 75

Employee intimidation

Hogaboam, 161-162

Sale, 161

Expedited arbitration

Barrett, 315

Christophe, 99

Cooper, 74-75

Desjarlais, 42

Giesbrecht, 238

Moist, 85-86

Olfert, 215

Paterson, 188

Praznik, 315-316

Robinson, C., 105

Ziegler, 243

Expedited grievance mediation

Hancharyk, 157

Final Offer Selection

Ogonowski, 122

Former government's policies

Christophe, 98

Desjarlais, 40

Independent contractors

Floresco, 135

Interest arbitration

Mitchell, 148

Interim certification

Christophe, 98

Reynolds, 25

Investment, impact on

Baker, 77

Eyjolfson, 33

Loewen, 16, 33, 77

Peters, G., 16

Reynolds, 27

Schuler, 16

Smith, J., 27

Labour Management Review Committee

Loewen, 280-281

Schuler, 277-279

Labour unions/associations–financial statements

Christensen, 117

Hancharyk, 157

Lalibiharie, 202

Ogonowski, 120

Porter, 107

Soares, 191

Last offer votes

Ogonowski, 122

Legislative process

Loewen, 282-283

Schuler, 277

Manitoba Labour Board

Powers to intervene

Andre, 71-72

Time lines

Condon, 140

Mediator, appointment of

Hancharyk, 157-158

Mining industry, impact on

Huebert, E., 70

Smith, J., 70

Nursing profession, impact on

Hancharyk, 155-156, 159

Smith, J., 159

Plant closure legislation

Hogaboam, 161, 162

Schuler, 162


Bishoff, 63

Laurendeau, 63

Public presentations

Business Council of Manitoba (Carr), 56-59

Canadian Auto Workers (Paterson), 184-188

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives–Manitoba, 205-208

Canadian Federation of Independent Business (Kelly), 88-92

Canadian Federation of Students, 200-203

Canadian Restaurant and Food Services Association, 24-26

Canadian Union of Postal Workers, Prairie Region, 133-136, 138-140

Canadian Union of Public Employees (Moist), 85-87

CANDO Contracting, 15-16

Chambre de commerce francophone de Saint-Boniface, 127-128

Citizens for Democracy and Less Poverty, 163-166

Coalition of Manitoba Businesses, 180-182

Communications, Energy and Paper Workers Union of Canada, Local 830, 183-184

Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba, 93-96

Delivery Drivers Alliance of Manitoba, 159-161

Ducharme, 172-173

Dziewit, 167-170

Ennis, 174-175

Gaspur, 175-176

Giesbrecht, 235-238

Godard, 218-221

Green, 43-46

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, 142-145

Javier, 222-224

Manitoba Association of School Trustees, 74-75

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce, 63-67

Manitoba Employers Council, 60-62

Manitoba Federation of Labour, 51-54

Manitoba Federation of Union Retirees, 209-212

Manitoba Government Employees' Union, 214-217

Manitoba Home Builders Association, 151-153

Manitoba Hotel Association, 76

Manitoba Nurses' Union, 155-158

Manitoba Oblates–Justice and Peace Committee, 225-227

Manitoba Teacher's Society, 27-29

Manitoba Truckers Association, 195-198

McIntosh, 228-31

Mining Association of Manitoba, 69-70

Mitchell, 146-149

Newman, 232-234

Ogonowski, IR 119-22

Ostop, 33-34

Perkins Family Restaurants, 71-72

Portage Labour Council, 106-107

Retail Council of Canada and Retail Merchants Association of Manitoba, 35-37

Robinson, C., 102-105

Seagram Company Limited, 30-32

Sheeska, 171-172

South Eastern Manitoba Labour Council, 116-119

Trigwell, 76-79

Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, Local 459, 190-93

United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 832, 98-101

United Steel Workers Union, Local 6166, 39-43

Westlands Plastics Ltd., 193-194

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, 48-50

Winnipeg Construction Association, 130-132

Ziegler, 239-243

Ratification votes

Paterson, 188

Construction industry

Barrett, 300

Hancharyk, 157

Praznik, 300

Ratification votes/last offers

Ogonowski, 121-122

Restaurant industry, impact on

Andre, 73

Smith, J., 73

Settlement of subsequent agreements

Barrett, 304-307

Bishoff, 61

Cooper, 75

Curry, 193

Dolyniuk, 197-198

Giesbrecht, 236-237

Huebert, E., 69

Praznik, 306-311

Reynolds, 25-26

Starmer, 181-182

Wightman, 94-95

Strike-lockout mechanism

Merie, 48

Strike-related misconduct

Barrett, 288

Boisvert, 127

Condon, 141

Curry, 194

Fraser, G., 152

Giesbrecht, 237-238, 238-239

Hambly, 131

Hancharyk, 157

Lalibiharie, 202-203

Loewen, 146, 281

Newman, 233

Paterson, 187-188, 189-190

Praznik, 288-292

Scarth, 207

Schuler, 189, 238, 292

Short, 143, 146

Smith, J., 141

Starmer, 182

Trigwell, 179

Ziegler, 242

Strike-related misconduct–reinstatement of workers

Bishoff, 61-62

Carr, 59

Christophe, 101

Cooper, 74

Desjarlais, 41

Dolyniuk, 198

Dziewit, 169-170

Enns, 97

Eyjolfson, 31

Hilliard, 53-54

Huebert, E., 69

Merie, 49-50

Moist, 85, 88

Olfert, 215-216

Overall, 66-67

Reynolds, 26

Schuler, 170

Smith, J., 87-88

Soares, 191

Wightman, 97-98

Woolford, 37

Teaching profession, impact on

Speelman, 28

Trucking industry, impact on

Dolyniuk, 199-200

Smith, J., 199

Unfair labour practices

Loewen, 281-282

Mihychuk, 34

Ostop, 34

Ziegler, 241-242

Union dues used for political purposes

Desjarlais, 41

Hancharyk, 157

Hilliard, 55

Loewen, 27, 55

Ogonowski, 120

Reynolds, 27

Short, 144

Soares, 191

Unjust dismissal

Floresco, 135


Bishoff, 62-63

Boisvert, 128

Carr, 59

Eyjolfson, 32

Loewen, 27

Overall, 67

Reynolds, 27

Schuler, 32, 59, 62, 128

Written submissions

Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada, Manitoba Division, 106-107

Bergen, 247-249

Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association, 254-255

Canty, 81-82

Lecker, 246-247

Manitoba Building and Construction Trades Council, 255-257

Manitoba Restaurant Association, 254-255

McDougall, 80-81

Mitchell, 258-65

Teeple, 257

United Steel Workers of America, 249-251

Walton, 78-80

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Barrett, 270, 271

Cameron, 11

Gerrard, 11

Schuler, 269, 271

Employee ownership

Gerrard, 23

Hilliard, 23

Opening remarks

Barrett, 267-69

Schuler, 269

Public presentations

Cameron, 9-10

Cerilli, A., 19

Hilliard, 22-23

Olshewski, 17-18

Peters, G., 11-14

Sol, 18

Short-line railways, impact on

Cameron, 9-11

Enns, 10, 14

Gerrard, 14, 19

Loewen, 11, 19

Maguire, 274

Olshewski, 17-19

Penner, Jack, 273-274

Peters, G., 11-15

Schuler, 11

Smith, J., 15, 19

Successor rights

Barrett, 268, 270

Cerilli, A., 21

Enns, 23-24

Hilliard, 22-24

Loewen, 271-273

Sol, 20

Lalibiharie, Krishna (Canadian Federation of Students)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

Alternative dispute resolution, 202

Anti-scab legislation, 202

Certification process, 201

Labour unions/associations–financial statements, 202

Strike-related misconduct, 202-203

Laurendeau, Marcel (St. Norbert) P.C.

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

Arbitration, 128

Certification process–secret ballot vote, 129

Postponement, 63

Lavoie, Margot (Manitoba Oblates–Justice and Peace Committee)

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44), 225-227

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

Alternative dispute resolution, 149

Amendments, 282

Certification process, 55

Investment, impact on, 16, 33, 77

Labour Management Review Committee, 280-281

Legislative process, 282-283

Strike-related misconduct, 146, 281

Unfair labour practices, 281-282

Union dues used for political purposes, 27, 55

Withdrawal, 27

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Short-line railways, impact on, 11, 19

Successor rights, 271-273


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