Economic Development - 2nd Session - 37th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Economic Development Index


Caldwell, Hon. Drew (Brandon East) N.D.P.

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Clause 4(1)

82; passed, 82

Clause 5

82; passed, 83

83; passed, 84

Governance model, 45, 49

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Cost of living allowance, 37

Canadian Federation of Students. See Lalbiharie, Christine; Patterson, Lonnie

Cattani, Anthony Denis (Private Citizen)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, 66

Diversification, 67

Electronic trading, 66-67

Clifford, Terry (Retired Teachers' Association of Manitoba)

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Cost of living allowance, 45-46, 47

Governance model, 47

Maternity leave--buyback, 46

Teaching while receiving a pension, 46

Crown Lands Amendment Act (Bill 19)

Agricultural Crown lands, designation of

Enns, 24-26

Wowchuk, 25-26

Appeal process

Enns, 24

Wowchuk, 24


Wowchuk, 23

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 18)

Return to work after retirement, 44-45

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Enactment, 86

Cummings, Gordon (Agricore)

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Restructuring Act (Bill 26)

Demutualization, 55-57


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