Agriculture and Food - 4th Session - 38th Legislature

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Agriculture and Food Index


Family Farm Protection Amendment and Farm Lands Ownership Amendment Act [Bill 20]

Definition of "bad faith"

Eichler, 29

Wowchuk, 29

Opening remarks

Eichler, 29

Wowchuk, 29

Organizational changes

Eichler, 29

Wowchuk, 29

Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

Agri-Food and Rural Development Council Act [Bill 19]

Resources allocated to the council, 28

Animal Diseases Amendment Act [Bill 31]

Compensation for destruction of animals, 32

Zoning, 16-17

Fires Prevention and Emergency Response Act [Bill 30]

Building inspectors, insurance

Allan, 23

Schuler, 23

Emergency Measures Organization, role of

Allan, 23

Schuler, 23

Office of the Fire Commissioner, role of

Allan, 24

Schuler, 23-24

Opening remarks

Allan, 22

Schuler, 22

Public presentations

Dobrowolski, 2-3

Thomson, 3-4


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