Legislative Affairs Index - 4th Session - 39th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Legislative Affairs Index


Selinger, Hon. Gregory (St. Boniface) N.D.P.

Elections (1999)

Campaign donations tax receipts, 50

Elections Manitoba Office

Annual reports

Opening remarks, 16-17, 64-65

Chief Electoral Officer hiring process, 68-70

Interparty transfer ban, 50-51

Squire, Peter (Winnipeg Realtors)

Cottage Property Tax Increase Deferral Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act Amended) (Bill 5)

Public presentation, 89-91

Stefanson, Heather (Tuxedo) P.C.

Cottage Property Tax Increase Deferral Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act Amended) (Bill 5)

Motion that bill not be reported back to the House until proper consultation has taken place with stakeholders, 101

Motion to replace the title of the bill, 98

Opening remarks, 96-98

Elections Manitoba Office

Appointment of Chief Electoral Officer

Motion to postpone search until public inquiry is called on 1999 election, 9

Swan, Hon. Andrew (Minto) N.D.P.

Elections Finances Act

Party compliance with Elections Manitoba, 52

Elections Manitoba Office

Election return filing process, 52-53

Points of order

P/O by McFadyen requesting question from member for Minto be put through the chair, 54

P/O by Swan requesting copies of letters, 40

P/O by Swan requesting member from Fort Whyte rephrase question, 43, 47

P/O by Swan requesting member from Steinbach move on as question had been answered, 28

P/O by Swan requesting question from member from Steinbach be found out of order, 30


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