Legislative Affairs - 1st Session - 41st Legislature

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Legislative Affairs Index



Garinger, Laura (University of Winnipeg Students' Association)

Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Act (Advanced Education Administration Act and Private Vocational Institutions Act Amended) (Bill 15)

Active consent, definition of, 87

Committee, student representation, 86

Cultural sensitivity, definition of, 87-88

Culture of consent, 87

Public presentations, 85-86

Public reporting, 86

Rape culture, 85

Gawransky, Michelle (Manitoba Government and General Employees Union)

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Public presentations, 4-5

Transport of patients awaiting assessment

Training of the escorts, 5

Gerrard, Hon. Jon (River Heights) Lib.

Fatality Inquires Amendment and Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Bill 17)

Death certificate, cause of death, 104

Protecting Children (Information Sharing) Act (Bill 8)


Clause 4, 76

Family strengths, emphasis on, 64

Forensic interview, conviction rate increase, 66

Gillingham, Scott (Private Citizen)

City of Winnipeg

Severance disclosure, 106

Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Amendment Act (Bill 14)

City of Winnipeg, technical staff

Severance disclosure, 108

Employee's identity, protection of, 107

Public presentations, 106-107

Gjerek, Rosemarie (Klinic Community Health)

Education system (K-12)

Sexual education curriculum update, 92

Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention Act (Advanced Education Administration Act and Private Vocational Institutions Act Amended) (Bill 15)

Administration, limits on, 93

Confidentiality and information sharing, 92, 93

Disclosure and reporting, 92

Public presentations, 91-92

Sexual violence protocol, 91

Sexual violence, definition of, 91

Training, 92

Goertzen, Chris (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Public presentations, 2-3

Goertzen, Hon. Kelvin (Steinbach) PC

Emergency rooms

Safety and security, 7

Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 3)

Opening statements, 46-47

Transport of patients awaiting assessment

Authority decisions, 48

Consultation process, 48-49

Hospitals right to refuse, 48

Overtime costs, 3-4

Responsibility of supervision, 3

Training provision, 5, 47


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