Workforce Development

Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Operating Manual

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Section 88.1 - Employment - Placement


Employment is the objective of the Vocational Plan and represents a successful outcome for a program participant regardless of the completion of various steps within the Vocational Plan.


The coordination of Employment Placement services for participants is the responsibility of the Vocational Counsellor. The Vocational Counsellor assists in the job search, including referral to other Vocational or Employment Counselling services or community organizations that specialize in employment placement.


Employment placement may occur at any point in the participant's vocational process and is not necessarily the end point of a continuum of services. A program participant may be placed into employment shortly after assessment or after extensive academic or Employment Services over several months or years.


When access to employment is restricted because of the disabling condition, Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities Individualized Training Funding may be provided to meet up-front costs associated with support services or technical aids that will improve the individual's functioning in the work environment, and reduce the barriers to employment caused by the disability.



The following standards apply to and define employment. These standards should not be interpreted as criteria for eligibility as outlined in Section 22.

  1. Employment is at a competitive and equitable rate for that job and not below minimum wage. For self-employment, including home-based work, the anticipated income should exceed 15 hours multiplied by the current minimum wage per week.
  2. Employment includes but is not limited to:
    • the competitive labour market;
    • the practice of a profession;
    • self-employment;
    • farm work; or
    • home-based work of a remunerative nature.
  3. Successful employment placement will be defined as any job which is greater than 15 hours per week (on average) at minimum wage or higher and anticipated to be longer than 12 weeks in duration, or meets the participant's goal.
  4. The employment opportunity is consistent with the participant's interests, abilities, and choice, as documented on the Individual Vocational Plan.

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