
Mission Statement

A mission statement defines the agriculture or rural organization’s reason for existence. The statement helps direct board members, staff and volunteers as they initiate, refine or evaluate activities, programs and services. More importantly, a mission statement tells people the organization’s primary purpose and function.

Creating a mission statement

Present-based statement that indicates:

Who we are………………...What is the name of the organization?
What is our purpose……….Why do we exist?
For whom………………..….Who benefits from our service?
How we do it……………......What is unique about our organization?

Mission statements may begin with:  

We exist to…
Our mission is to…
The XYZ agriculture association/organization provides…

Suggested length:  25 - 50 words or 140 characters


Tips on creating a mission statement

      • Use simple language.
      • Involve people connected to your organization (including the board, staff and volunteers) as the mission statement is being developed.
      • Make a motion to approve and adopt the mission statement at a board meeting.
      • Start spreading the word (include it on your letterheads, business cards, minutes).
      • Review and update the organization’s mission statement annually.
