# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



Cable television

Negative option marketing

Ernst , 1041

Maloway , 1041

Call centres

Status report

Downey , 1334-1335

Sale , 1334-1335

Campbell, Douglas L. See Condolence, Motions of

Camperville, Manitoba. See Firefighting resources



Ernst , 960-962

Maloway , 960-962

Canada Games-Brandon

Cerilli , 1429-1432

Ernst , 1429-1432

Canada Health Act. See Private Members' Business

Canada Health and Social Transfer Act (Bill C-76)

Manitoba, impact on

Martindale , 1729-1736

Mitchelson , 1729-1736

Canada-Manitoba Enabling Vote , 2403-2404

Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Forestry

Status report

Driedger , 2426

Struthers , 2426

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation


Cerilli , 1900

Reimer , 1900-1901

Canada Pension Plan


Reimer , 364-366

Santos , 364-366

Canada Post. See also Petitions

Unsolicited mail

Cummings , 2949-2950

Friesen , 2949

Canada Safeway. See Workforce 2000

Canada Student Loans

Friesen , 1774-1775

McIntosh , 1774-1775

Canada Transportation Act

Air service, Northern

Findlay , 2837

Robinson , 2837

Government analysis

Findlay , 2837

Jennissen , 2837

Government position

Findlay , 2837

Jennissen , 2836-2837

Public hearings

Findlay , 2837-2838

Robinson , 2837

Rail service

Findlay , 2838-2839

Wowchuk , 2838-2839

Canada-U.S. Grain Commission

Canadian Wheat Board

Enns , 2387, 2546-2547

Wowchuk , 2387, 2546-2547

Chairperson resignation request

Enns , 2115

Wowchuk , 2114-2115

Federal inquiry

Enns , 2115

Wowchuk , 2115


Enns , 2387-2388

Wowchuk , 2387-2388

Canada Volunteer Medal Award. See Nonpolitical statements

Canadian Agra Corporation. See Ministerial statements

Canadian Friends of the Hebrew University. See Nonpolitical statements

Canadian Highland Dance Championships. See Nonpolitical statements

Canadian history. See Education system; Private Members' Business

Canadian Polish Athletic Club. See Nonpolitical statements

Canadian Wheat Board

Export Enhancement Program comparison

Enns , 1717-1718

Wowchuk , 1717-1718

Government position

Enns , 648-649

Wowchuk , 647-649

Government support

Enns , 2468

Wowchuk , 2468

Minister's position

Enns , 2115

Wowchuk , 2115


Enns , 1609-1610

Wowchuk , 1609-1610

U.S. exports

Doer , 1710-1711

Enns , 1710-1711

Cancer treatments

G-CSF coverage

Doer , 3412-3413

McCrae , 3412-3413

Pharmaceutical coverage

Doer , 3468-3469

McCrae , 3468-3469

Capital Region Strategy

Barrett , 2622-2636

Reimer , 2623-2637

Cardiac care

Waiting lists

Chomiak , 463-465

McCrae , 463-465

Carte International

Downey , 1317

Sale , 1317

Cattle Producers Association Amendment Act (Bill 27)

1 R

Enns , 2213

2 R

Enns , 2982-2983

Gaudry , 4146

Wowchuk , 3354-3358, 4145-4146


Findlay , 4487

3 R

Ernst , 4514

R/A , 4546

Cerilli, Marianne (Radisson) N.D.P.

Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 2)

2 R , 3091-3095, 3127-3130

Children and Youth Secretariat (Supply) , 2741-2748

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of (Supply)

Consumer Affairs , 970-984, 1041-1047

Corporate Affairs , 1054-1057

Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2 R , 3238-3245

Elections Amendment, Local Authorities Election Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 35)

2 R , 2784-2785

Fitness and Sport (Supply)

Fitness Directorate , 1413-1429

Opening remarks , 1413

Sport Directorate , 1429-1432, 1516-1534, 1537-1539

Grievance, Matters of

National Transportation Act (Bill C-89) , 2853-2855

Health, Department of (Supply)

Executive Support

Other Expenditures , 916-921

Housing, Department of (Supply) , 2807-2817, 2880-2895

Administration and Finance , 2438-2439

Executive Support , 2719-2726

Housing and Renewal Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 18)

3 R , 4509-4513

Maintenance Enforcement (Various Acts Amendment) Act (Bill 3)

2 R , 1630-1634

Nonpolitical statements

Canada Volunteer Medal Awards , 1212

Concordia Adult Day Care , 4223-4224

Kildonan East Collegiate , 3078-3079

Manitoba Sports Federation

Used sports equipment , 3513-3514

Prairie Preserve-Transcona , 4020

Scholar-Athlete Awards , 2549

Transcona Is . . . Festival , 624

Oral questions

Amateur sport

Government commitment , 26

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Role , 1900

Collection agencies

Interest rates , 243

Concordia General Hospital

Emergency services , 3961

Entertainment complex

Funding, Pan Am Games , 1612

First Nations communities

Housing shortages , 3735-3736

Foster families

Housing, public , 4169

Health care system

Emergency services , 3961-3962

Health of Manitoba's Children Report

Health education , 2771-2772

Housing, public

Collection agencies , 416-417

Herbicide spraying notification , 1298

Insect eradication policy , 1210

Maintenance/upgrading budget , 2546

On-site caretaker , 1098

Property tax credit , 3337-3338

Rent arrears--interest rates , 243-244, 327-328

Work orders , 1097

Manitoba Housing Authority

Amalgamation-Manitoba Housing and Renewal Corp. , 1811-1812, 1900

Committee meeting schedule , 4333

Tenant advisory councils , 4389-4390

Tenant relations officers-layoffs , 4481

Tenant representation , 4334

National Transportation Act (Bill C-89)

Maintenance/stock yards , 2840-2841

Pan Am Games

Funding, federal , 26

Poverty rate

Calculation , 3477

Rental properties

Assumed management , 531

Residential Tenancies Branch

Work orders , 951-952

Social assistance

Housing costs , 3387-3388

Housing standards , 3581-3582

Social housing advisory councils

Establishment , 4334

Sport Manitoba

Administrative costs , 4221

Role , 4243

Staffing , 4242-4243

Winnipeg Arena

Future status , 1612

Winnitoba Apartment

Property management , 530


Health care system-Emergency services , 4518

Points of order

P/O by Ernst respecting preambles to questions (Cerilli) 4389; Ashton 4389-90;

Members cautioned , 4390

Private Members' Business


Home Renovation Program , 3615-3618

Midwifery Implementation Council , 3102-3105

Selkirk water , 4371-4373

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 4)

2 R , 3527-3529, 3553-3557

3 R , 4495-4496

Throne Speech debate , 154-157, 171-173

Chief Medical Examiner, Office of

Annual Report, 1993 (S.P. 109)

Vodrey , 3499

Grief counselling

Mackintosh , 2208

Vodrey , 2208


Mackintosh , 2205-2206

Vodrey , 2205-2206

Child Abuse Registry


Mackintosh , 2098

Martindale , 1829

Mitchelson , 1829

Vodrey , 2098-2099

Child and Family Services. See also Winnipeg Child and Family Services

Centralization, cost benefits of

Martindale , 1831

Mitchelson , 1831

Deficit reduction

Martindale , 4390-4391

Mitchelson , 4391

Family preservation

Martindale , 1829

Mitchelson , 1829

Temporary placements-hotels

Martindale , 1827-1828

Mitchelson , 1827-1828

Winnipeg Development Agreement

Martindale , 1829

Mitchelson , 1829

Child and Family Services Act


Martindale , 1656

Mitchelson , 1656-1657

Child and Family Services Amendment Act (2) (Bill 204)

1 R

Martindale , 3576

2 R

Martindale , 3760-3763

Sale , 3763-3766

Wowchuk , 3766-3769

Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 20)

1 R

Mitchelson , 1807

2 R

Lamoureux , 4029

Martindale , 4025-4029

Mitchelson , 2391-2392


Praznik , 4487

3 R

Ernst , 4513

R/A , 4545

Child day care

Case numbers

Martindale , 1755-1756

Mitchelson , 1755-1757


Martindale , 1823-1824

Mitchelson , 1823-1824

Worker co-op project

Martindale , 1824

Mitchelson , 1824-1825

Child day care, rural. See also Private Members' Business

Child Death Inquest Review Committee

Pediatric Cardiac Care Program

Mackintosh , 2206

Vodrey , 2206

Child health

Government initiatives

McCrae , 809-812

Mihychuk , 809-811

Child poverty rate

Reduction strategy

Martindale , 23-24

Mitchelson , 23-24

Child prostitution

Procurement, penalties of

McGifford , 2385

Vodrey , 2385-2386

Child Protection Centre. See Health of Manitoba's Children Report

Children and Youth Secretariat

Children's Special Services

Cerilli , 2743-2744

Mitchelson , 2743-2744


Cerilli , 2744

Mitchelson , 2744-2745

Children and Youth Secretariat (Supply)

Cerilli , 2741-2748

Mitchelson , 2742-2748

Children's Advocate. See also Child and Family Services Amendment Act (2)

Report recommendations

Martindale , 1657-1671

Mitchelson , 1657-1671


Martindale , 1653-1655

Mitchelson , 1653-1655

Children's Dental Health Program. See Health of Manitoba's Children Report

Children's Hospital. See Health of Manitoba's Children Report

Psychiatric unit-bed closures

Chomiak , 80-81

McCrae , 81

Children's Hospital Research Foundation. See Nonpolitical statements

Chiropractic Run and Walk. See Nonpolitical statements

Chomiak, Dave (Kildonan) NDP

Condolence, Motions of

Jenkins, William Walter , 3870-3871

Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2 R , 3130-3137

Health, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Other Expenditures , 913-916, 922-924, 926-931, 936-939, 1279-1286

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 270-288, 458-466, 470-474, 478-480, 1075-1093, 1175-1178, 1181-1199

Finance and Administration , 587-595

Human Resources , 1286-1287

Minister's Salary , 1967-1968, 1973-1974

Other Expenditures , 1267-1277

Community and Mental Health Services

Administration , 1701-1707, 1780-1784

Chief Provincial Psychiatrist , 1481-1496

Home Care , 1785-1793, 1798-1805, 1878-1884

Public Health , 1884-1887

Selkirk Mental Health Centre , 1496

Health Services Insurance Fund

Health Communities Development , 1888

Hospital and Community Services , 1889-1890

Management and Program Support

Health Information Systems , 1479-1480

Management and Program Support Services

Facilities Development , 1288-1289

Health Information Systems , 1580-1598

Insured Benefits Services , 1287-1288

Money Management and Banking , 1362-1389

Opening remarks , 270

Health Care Records Act (Bill 205)

1 R , 3783

Health Reform Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 209)

1 R , 4437

Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 23)

2 R , 4247-4252

Nonpolitical statements

Legion Week , 3182

Negev Dinner, 43rd Annual , 2390

Osvita Foundation award , 421-422

Rosh Hashana , 3262

Oral questions

911 service

Yellow Pages , 1098

Aboriginal health care

Government initiatives , 3793

Ambulance services, private

Regulations , 1098

Children's Hospital

Psychiatric unit-bed closures , 80-81

Emergency physicians' strike

Binding arbitration , 3386

Government action , 3000-3001, 3255-3257, 3385-3386, 3578

Mediator's report-recommendations , 3633

Mediator's report-tabling request , 3578-3579

Eye examinations

Deinsurance , 162, 239

Grace General Hospital

Psychiatric services , 3855-3856

Health care facilities

Funding levels , 325

Health care system

Board appointments , 4328

Child psychiatric services , 2540-2541

Community-based services , 1609

Emergency services , 3501-3502, 3683-3684, 3691-3692, 3718-3719, 3736-3737, 3827, 4013-4014, 4216, 4384, 4521-4522

Emergency services-consultations , 4167-4168

Emergency services-evaluation , 4086

Emergency services-review , 3634

Eye examinations-deinsurance , 134

Funding , 3469

KPMG Consulting , 4477-4478

Legislation , 4328

Licensed practical nurses, role of , 3333

Preventive programs , 239-240

Regionalization , 4328-4329

Surgery waiting lists , 2834-2835

Health Sciences Centre

Budget reduction , 2927, 2979-2980, 3126-3127

Emergency resources , 4168

Psychiatric services , 3067-3068

Health Sciences Centre/St. Boniface Hospital

Emergency resources , 4086

Home Care Program

Funding levels , 945

Private services , 1810-1811

Restructuring , 2770-2771

Kildonan Youth Activity Centre

Funding , 533

Manitoba Medical Association

Information request , 4216

Meeting invitation , 4215

Medical Services Council

Information release , 162

Misericordia General Hospital

Emergency services , 4384

Personal care homes

Additional beds , 844

Report release , 2381-2382

Safety standards , 2927-2928


Betaseron , 1206-1207

Double doctoring , 1894

Funding , 3469

Life-saving drugs , 617

Lorenzo's oil , 616-617

Physician resources

Health Sciences Centre-emergency , 412

Public health

Laboratory testing , 3923-3925

Public health inspections

Information release , 3177

Jurisdiction , 3177-3178

Seven Oaks General Hospital

Funding levels , 326

Funding reduction , 1296

Health care aides , 3333-3334


Agreement tabling request , 1714

Contract tabling request , 1895

Double doctoring , 1895

St. Boniface General Hospital

Staffing reduction , 1608

Tobacco advertising

Supreme Court ruling , 3224-3225


Health care system

Seven Oaks General Hospital-Emergency services , 4063, 4081, 4165, 4209, 4289, 4323, 4377, 4433

Health care system-Emergency services , 4433, 4474

Seven Oaks General Hospital-Emergency services , 4517

Points of order

P/O by Chomiak respecting imputation of motives (Filmon) 3960;

taken under advisement 3960;

Speaker's ruling , 4337

P/O by Chomiak respecting provoking debate (McCrae) 4291;

Members cautioned , 4291

P/O by Chomiak respecting relevancy of debate (McCrae) 3447-3448;

ruled in order (Laurendeau) , 3448

P/O by Doer respecting multiple questions (Chomiak) 3924;

ruled out of order 3924;

ruling sustained , 3924

P/O by Ernst respecting posing multiple questions (Chomiak) 3923; Chomiak 3923;

ruled in order , 3923-3924

P/O by Vodrey respecting sub-judice convention 3298; Chomiak 3298;

taken under advisement 3299;

Speaker's ruling , 3798

Private Members' Business


Chronic fatigue syndrome , 4052-4055

Community safety , 3304

Nurse-managed care , 400-403

Schools, integrating services in , 3993-3996

Privilege, Matters of

Health care system-emergency services , 3711-3712

Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 206)

1 R , 3783-3784

Throne Speech debate , 45-53

Urgent Public Importance, Matters of

Emergency physicians' strike , 3008

Health care system-Emergency services , 3724-3725

Chronic fatigue syndrome. See Private Members' Business

Churchill, Manitoba

Rail service

Findlay , 2333-2334

Jennissen , 2333-2334

Churchill Airport

Terminal construction project

Findlay , 3641

Robinson , 3641

Churchill Drive Park

Riverbank erosion

Cummings , 2941-2943

McGifford , 2941-2943

Citizen's Inquiry Service

Gaudry , 1916

Gilleshammer , 1916, 1923-1924

Lamoureux , 1923-1924

Civil servants

Reduced workweek legislation

Lamoureux , 845-846

Toews , 846

Civil Service Commission

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 115)

Gilleshammer , 3499

Supplementary information

Toews , 943, 1605

Civil Service Commission (Supply)

Barrett , 2877-2879

Toews , 2877-2879

Civil Service Superannuation Board

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 7)

Toews , 321

Civil Service Superannuation Plan

Unfunded liability

Barrett , 2877-2878

Toews , 2877-2878

Clancy's Ventures. See Manitoba Securities Commission; Provincial sales tax

Clean Environment Commission

BFI landfill site

Barrett , 1610-1611

Cummings , 1610-1611, 2682-2685

Lamoureux , 2682-2685

Solid waste management-hearings

Barrett , 2545-2546

Cummings , 2545-2546

Solid waste management-recommendations

Barrett , 3737-3738

Cummings , 3738

CN Rail


Downey , 1238-1240, 1330-1333

Sale , 1238-1240, 1330-1334


Findlay , 2394-2396, 2836

Reid , 2394-2396, 2836


Downey , 1238

Sale , 1238

CN Transcona Shops


Filmon , 4523

Findlay , 3178-3179, 4522-4523

Reid , 3178-3179, 4522-4523

Work transfers-Montreal

Findlay , 2836

Reid , 2836

Co-operative Loans and Loans Guarantee Board

Activity report

Downey , 1328-1329

Sale , 1328-1329

Annual Report, 1993 (S.P. 130)

Downey , 3958

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 6)

Downey , 321

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 132)

Downey , 3958

Co-operative Promotion Board Report

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 5)

Downey , 321

Collection agencies

Interest rates

Cerilli , 243

Ernst , 243

Committee on Agriculture-Federal

Minister's presentation

Enns , 244-245

Wowchuk , 244

Communities Economic Development Fund

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 80)

Praznik , 3393

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 128)

Praznik , 3853

New initiatives

Evans, L. , 2970

Praznik , 2970

Communities in Bloom. See Nonpolitical statements

Community Advisory Committee

Status report

Mackintosh , 2199

Vodrey , 2199

Community colleges. See also Access Programs; specific colleges

Aboriginal support services

Robinson , 2770

Vodrey , 2770


Friesen , 1897

McIntosh , 1897

Funding reduction, impact of

Friesen , 1896

McIntosh , 1896

Report tabling request

Filmon , 619

Friesen , 619

Staffing reductions

Lathlin , 1099

Mitchelson , 1099-1100

Community safety. See Private Members' Business

Community Support Programs (Supply)

Opening remarks

Ashton , 2402-2403

Stefanson , 2402

Community Works Loan Program. See Ministerial statements

Community Works program

Derkach , 426-431, 433-439

Evans, C. , 427-429

Mihychuk , 436-437

Struthers , 426, 433-436, 438

Wowchuk , 427, 429-431

Concordia Adult Day Club. See Nonpolitical statements

Concordia General Hospital

CAT scanner

Cerilli , 919

McCrae , 919

Emergency services

Cerilli , 3961

McCrae , 3961

Emergency services-cardiac care

Doer , 4234-4235

McCrae , 4234-4235

Emergency services-consultations

Doer , 4235

McCrae , 4235

Investigation-Hrynchyshyn family

Doer , 799-800

McCrae , 800, 930


Cerilli , 919

McCrae , 919

Short-stay surgery program

Cerilli , 918-919

McCrae , 919

Condolence, Motions of

Campbell, Douglas L.

Doer , 3874-3876

Downey , 3893-3894

Enns , 3877

Filmon , 3871-3874

Kowalski , 3879-3880

Lamoureux , 3876-3877

McCrae , 3877-3878

Pallister , 3894-3895

Praznik , 3878-3879

Groves, Fred

Doer , 3865-3866

Filmon , 3865

Hutton, Gilbert Eugene

Doer , 3864

Filmon , 3863-3864

Gilleshammer , 3864

Jenkins, William Walter

Chomiak , 3870-3871

Doer , 3867-3868

Evans, L. , 3868-3869

Filmon , 3866-3867

Martindale , 3869-3870

Jobin, Francis Laurence (Bud)

Ashton , 3902-3903

Doer , 3899-3900

Downey , 3900-3901

Filmon , 3897-3899

Gaudry , 3900

Jennissen , 3901

Johnson, George

Ashton , 3890-3891

Doer , 3884-3887

Downey , 3888

Driedger , 3893

Enns , 3892-3893

Filmon , 3880-3884

Gaudry , 3891-3892

Helwer , 3888-3890

Kowalski , 3890

McAlpine , 3892

Stefanson , 3887-3888

Wagner, Peter

Doer , 3896

Evans, C. , 3896-3897

Filmon , 3895-3896

Conservation districts


Derkach , 337-339

Evans, C. , 337

Wowchuk , 337-339


Derkach , 449-450

Struthers , 449-450

Conservation Districts of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 105)

Derkach , 3468

Conservation fund

Grant--Member for Lakeside

Driedger , 1812

Maloway , 1812

Construction Industry Wages Board

Report recommendations

Reid , 2863-2868

Toews , 2863-2868

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 25)

Ernst , 839

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 87)

Ernst , 3467

Supplementary information

Ernst , 321

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Ernst , 957-968

Maloway , 957-968

Minister's Salary

Ernst , 1107

Friesen , 1107

Consumer Affairs

Cerilli , 970-984, 1041-1047

Ernst , 968-984, 1041-1047

Maloway , 968-970, 972-973, 1041

Corporate Affairs

Cerilli , 1054-1057

Ernst , 1047-1060

Evans, L. , 1057-1060

Maloway , 1047-1054

Opening remarks

Ernst , 956-957

Maloway , 957

Contaminated Sites Remediation Act. See Ministerial statements

Cooperative Promotion Board

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 131)

Downey , 3958


Government initiatives

Ernst , 1058

Evans, L. , 1057-1058

Core area agreement. See Winnipeg Development Agreement

Correctional facilities

Government initiatives

Mackintosh , 2442

Vodrey , 2442-2443

Correctional facilities, youth

Educational programming

Mackintosh , 2450

Vodrey , 2450

Recreational programs

Mackintosh , 2448-2450

Vodrey , 2448-2450

Reintegration program

Mackintosh , 2451-2452

Vodrey , 2451-2452

Wilderness camps

Mackintosh , 2453

Vodrey , 2453

Council for Learning Disabilities. See Nonpolitical statements

Council of Ministers of Education


Friesen , 796-799

McIntosh , 796-799

Credit unions


Ernst , 1058-1060

Evans, L. , 1058-1060

Crime Prevention Council

Status report

Mackintosh , 2094-2095, 3173

Vodrey , 2094-2095, 3173

Crime Prevention Foundation Act. See Private Members' Business

Crime Prevention Fund


Mackintosh , 2315-2316

Vodrey , 2315-2316

Crime rate. See also Private Members' Business

Reduction strategy

Doer , 842

Mackintosh , 615

Mihychuk , 2386-2387

Vodrey , 615-616, 842, 2386-2387

Crime rate, youth

Prevention strategy

Mackintosh , 329

Vodrey , 329

Criminal harassment

Plea bargaining

McGifford , 417

Vodrey , 417

Reduction strategy

McGifford , 416

Vodrey , 416

Criminal Injuries Compensation Board

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 108)

Vodrey , 3499

Moving expenses

Mackintosh , 2365-2366

Vodrey , 2365-2366

Crop insurance. See also Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

Enns , 874

Penner , 874

Crop Residue Burning Program

Enns , 750-751

Struthers , 750

Wowchuk , 750-751

Cross Lake, Manitoba

Bridge construction

Lathlin , 2038-2040, 2041

Praznik , 2039-2040, 2041

Crow benefit, elimination of

Adjustment fund

Enns , 2223, 3005-3006

Wowchuk , 2223, 3005-3006


Findlay , 2397

Reid , 2397

Highways, impact on

Findlay , 2138-2140

Wowchuk , 2137-2139

Phase out

Enns , 651-654

Wowchuk , 651-653

Transition strategy

Doer , 510-512

Filmon , 510-512

Crown attorneys

Auto theft/vandalism

Mackintosh , 2098

Vodrey , 2098

Crown Corporations Council

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 39)

Stefanson , 2110

Crown Land registry


Driedger , 2262-2263

Struthers , 2262-2263

Crown lands. See Agriculture, Department of (Supply)-Regional Agricultural Services

Culture, Heritage and Citizenship, Department of. See also Affirmative Action

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 101)

Gilleshammer , 3468

Supplementary information

Gilleshammer , 321

Culture, Heritage and Citizenship, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Gilleshammer , 1841-1852

McGifford , 1841-1851


Immigrant Credentials

Gilleshammer , 2004-2006

Lamoureux , 2004-2006

Immigration Policy and Planning

Gilleshammer , 1928-1934, 1991-2003

Hickes , 1925-1933

Lamoureux , 1991-2004

Culture, Heritage and Recreation Programs

Arts Branch

Gilleshammer , 1906-1913

Lamoureux , 1912-1913

McGifford , 1906-1911

Information Resources

Client Services

Gaudry , 1916-1917

Gilleshammer , 1914-1924

Lamoureux , 1914-1916, 1918-1924


Multiculturalism Secretariat

Gilleshammer , 2007-2008

Opening remarks

Gilleshammer , 1834-1838

Lamoureux , 1840-1841

McGifford , 1838-1840

Cummings, Hon. Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Environment, Department of

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 99) , 3468

Supplementary information , 321

Environment, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support , 2667-2668

Financial and Administrative Services , 2668

Clean Environment Commission , 2673-2689

Environmental Management

Environmental Operations , 2668-2672

Opening remarks , 2663-2666

Justice, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Minister's Salary , 2518-2519

Loan Act, 1995 (Bill 29)

2 R , 2988

Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 34) , 1807

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Annual Report, 1994 (S.P. 32) , 1201

Ministerial statements

Contaminated Sites Remediation Act , 4435-4436

Oral questions


Income replacement-waiting period , 4299

Clean Environment Commission

BFI landfill site , 1610-1611

Solid waste management-hearings , 2545-2546

Solid waste management-recommendations , 3738

Dangerous goods

Federal registry , 1509

Transportation , 1509

Entertainment complex

Environmental assessment , 526, 1096-1097, 1902

Environmental education

Sustainable development grants , 4069

Environmental levy

Beverage containers , 3832-3833

Highway maintenance/upgrading

Wabowden/Setting Lake , 3175


Environmental law compliance , 527

Environmental review , 4445

Forest management plan , 4444-4445

Maintenance Enforcement Act

Proclamation , 3069

Manitoba Hazardous Waste Management Corporation

Purchase agreement , 4480

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Adjusters-review , 3392-3393

Advocacy services , 3393

Board membership

Emerson, Member for , 4441, 4481

Funeral expenses-review , 3393

Rate increase , 4441, 4480-4481

Standing committee review , 4442

Red River

Drinking water source , 2119

Sustainable development

Forestry , 527

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Information tabling request , 4069

Water resources

Bacteria monitoring , 3179-3180

Whiteshell Provincial Park

Private road approval , 1902

Points of order

P/O by Ashton respecting words "chooses to misrepresent" (Cummings) 4480;

withdrawn , 4480

Private Members' Business


Economy, All-Party Committee on the , 3165

Rural Development, Department of (Supply)

Rural Economic Programs

Rural Economic Development Initiatives , 354

State of the Environment Report

1995 (S.P. 28) , 943

Supply--Capital Supply

Concurrence motion , 2941-2953

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 100) , 3468

Supplementary information , 321

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund (Supply) , 2690

Urgent Public Importance, Matters of

Hog industry

Marketing system , 4428-4430

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