HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 36th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 5th-36th



EarlyStart Program

Driedger, M., 57

Mitchelson, 3068, 3073

Stefanson, 133

Earth Day

Dewar, 552

McIntosh, 551-552

Eastside Thames day program


Martindale, 3183, 3186

Mitchelson, 3183-3184, 3186-3187

Eating disorders

Treatment programs

McGifford, 225, 1734-1735

Stefanson, 1734-1735

Ècole St. Avila, St. Norbert

Laurendeau, 2020-2021

Economic development

Northern Manitoba

Ashton, 3698

Economic Development Committee of Bilingual Municipalities

Tweed, 1150

Economic growth

Dyck, 870, 4052-4053

Evans, L., 846, 870-871, 1676

Filmon, 1093-1095, 1097

Findlay, 945-946

Helwer, 308, 954

Mackintosh, 195

Martindale, 4272-4273

McAlpine, 3616

Sveinson, 4172-4173

Tweed, 1074-1076

Capital investment

Evans, L., 3651

Filmon, 377

Disposable income

Evans, L., 852


Filmon, 1090-1091

Laurendeau, 52

Liba, 10

McCrae, 110-111

Dollar value

Evans, L., 3650


Filmon, 376


Faurschou, 257

Gimli, Manitoba

Helwer, 955

Global competition

Findlay, 944-945

Gross domestic product

Evans, L., 3651

Interest rates

Evans, L., 3650

Investment decline

Evans, L., 851-852

Knowledge-based industries

Dyck, 70

Helwer, 310

Laurendeau, 50

Liba, 5

Mackintosh, 195

Low-wage economy

Cerilli, 927-928

Lower taxes

Helwer, 310

Manitoba Marketplace website

Faurschou, 892

Nontraditional industries

Laurendeau, 52

Liba, 3

Population growth

Evans, L., 3651

Portage la Prairie

Faurschou, 257, 891


Stefanson, 126

Retail trade

Evans, L., 3651


Evans, L., 3650

Rural/northern communities

Dewar, 181

Jennissen, 287-293

St. Andrew's, Manitoba

Helwer, 955

Taxation policies

Evans, L., 3828-3837

Gilleshammer, 3829-3838

U.S. economy

Evans, L., 3650

Economic indicators

Wage earning decline

Evans, L., 362-363

Gilleshammer, 362-363

Economic Innovation and Technology Council. See also Pan Am Games

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 84)

Tweed, 554

Business plan

Sale, 1525

Tweed, 1525

State of Innovation Report

Sale, 1531-1532

Tweed, 1531-1533


Government initiatives

Jennissen, 287

Valley River First Nation

Struthers, 355

Education and Training, Department of


Debate, 1133-1144, 1193-1210, 1241-1259, 1373-1381, 1436-1449, 1505-1524, 1547-1564, 1609-1629, 1681-1703, 1763-1790, 1897-1905, 1954-1972, 2023-2048, 2109-2138, 2229-2230


Friesen, 1139-1144, 1192-1210, 1241-1259, 1374-1381, 1436-1449, 1505-1524, 1547-1558, 1610-1623, 1681-1703, 1763-1779, 1897-1903, 1954-1972, 2023-2047, 2109-2137, 2230

Lamoureux, 1779-1789

McCrae, 1133-1139, 1192-1210, 1241-1259, 1373-1381, 1436-1449, 1505-1524, 1547-1564, 1610-1629, 1681-1703, 1763-1790, 1897-1905, 1954-1972, 2023-2048, 2109-2137, 2229-2230

Mihychuk, 1623-1628

Struthers, 1373-1374

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 67)

McCrae, 479

Desktop management

Friesen, 1622, 1776-1779

McCrae, 1622, 1777-1779

Labour Market Support Services

McCrae, 2136

Schools Information System

Friesen, 2134


Friesen, 1623-1624, 1776

McCrae, 1623-1624, 1776

Supplementary information (S.P. 105)

McCrae, 1104

Sustainable Development Initiative

Friesen, 1520-1521, 1547

McCrae, 1521-1524, 1547-1548

Education facilities

Capital program (See Schools Capital Construction Program)

Fire code inspections

Radcliffe, 2626-2627

Reid, 2625-2627

ITV system

Lathlin, 3284

Playground space

McCrae, 1604

Mihychuk, 1604

Property taxes

Friesen, 1548

McCrae, 1548


Helwer, 309

Education system

Lamoureux, 837

Liba, 9

McCrae, 112-113

Aboriginal students

Graduation rates

Friesen, 1618-1620

McCrae, 1619-1620

Language instruction

Friesen, 1767

McCrae, 1767, 1897-1898

Parental meetings

Friesen, 1618

McCrae, 1618


Friesen, 1557-1558

McCrae, 1557-1558

Addiction counselling services

Friesen, 2103, 2112-2113, 3422-3423

McCrae, 2103, 2112-2113

Stefanson, 3422-3423

Advertising in schools (See also Athena Educational Partners; Youth News Network)

Friesen, 1352-1353

McCrae, 1353

Advisory councils

Dyck, 908

Basic French program enrollment

Friesen, 1186-1187, 2122-2126

McCrae, 1186-1187, 2122-2126

Brandon, Manitoba

McCrae, 116

Categorical funding

Friesen, 2114-2118

McCrae, 2114-2118

Consultations-parent councils

Dyck, 70, 74

Copyright fees

McCrae, 1898


Sveinson, 153

Aboriginal perspectives

Friesen, 1611-1615

McCrae, 1611-1615

Canadian history

Friesen, 1143, 1615-1618

McCrae, 1616-1618


McCrae, 2111-2112


Driedger, M., 55

Vodrey, 985


Friesen, 87

Gilleshammer, 87

Geological features/history

Mihychuk, 2785

Newman, 2785-2786, 3020-3021

Information technology

Friesen, 1956-1961, 2024-2035

McCrae, 1956-1965, 2025-2040, 2111-2112


Friesen, 1956

McCrae, 1955

Physical education

Cerilli, 602-603, 701-702, 970-971, 1759-1760, 1864

Filmon, 1864-1865

Friesen, 972, 992-993, 1140

McCrae, 602-603, 701-702, 970-971, 1759-1760

Mitchelson, 972-973

Curriculum Information Technology Integration Project

Friesen, 1776-1777

McCrae, 1776-1777

Dated textbooks

McCrae, 2317

Mihychuk, 2317

Early intervention programs

McCrae, 1135

Environmental issues

Dewar, 2272

McIntosh, 2272-2273


Friesen, 1139-1140

French language bursaries

Friesen, 2122

McCrae, 2122

French language materials

Friesen, 2120-2121

McCrae, 2120-2122


Doer, 85-86

Dyck, 73, 908, 923

Evans, L., 849

Faurschou, 894

Findlay, 943

Friesen, 316-317, 971-972, 996-998, 1141, 2127-2128

Gilleshammer, 86, 783

Helwer, 958

Lamoureux, 175

Laurendeau, 933

McCrae, 85-86, 86-87, 317-318, 972, 1133-1134, 2128-2132

McGifford, 208

Mihychuk, 952-953

Sale, 79-80, 886-887

Struthers, 899-901

Sveinson, 155

Wowchuk, 275

Friesen, 86-87

General revenues

Lamoureux, 1602-1603

Stefanson, 1602-1603


Driedger, M., 55

Property taxes (See also Private Members' Business-Resolutions-School taxes)

Doer, 824-825

Filmon, 1024-1025, 3145-3149

Gilleshammer, 2221

Lamoureux, 1024, 2221, 3144-3150

Martindale, 329

McCrae, 3748

Mihychuk, 3748

Struthers, 356-357

Wowchuk, 275, 938


McGifford, 224

Government commitment

Radcliffe, 202

Government initiatives

McCrae, 113-114

Government priority

Liba, 4

Hearing impaired students-supports

Friesen, 1623

McCrae, 1623

Information technology grants

Faurschou, 894

Helwer, 958

Vodrey, 988

International students, recruitment of (See also Council on Post-Secondary Education)

Friesen, 1510-1513

McCrae, 1510-1513, 1611


Friesen, 1140

Parental fundraising activities

Doer, 383-384

Friesen, 249-250, 384

McCrae, 383-385, 2318

Mihychuk, 953, 2318

Parental involvement

Helwer, 310

McCrae, 114-115, 1135

Vodrey, 985

Priority issues

Friesen, 1620

McCrae, 1620-1622

School Achievement Indicators Program

Friesen, 1193, 1510, 1558-1561

McCrae, 1508-1510, 1558-64

School taxes

McAlpine, 738-740

McCrae, 732-735

Sale, 735-738

Struthers, 729-732

Sveinson, 740

Service delivery

Friesen, 1441

McCrae, 1441-1443

Special needs education

Friesen, 1193

Martindale, 332

McCrae, 115, 1134-1135

Aboriginal participation

Friesen, 1201-1202, 1205-1207

McCrae, 1201-1202, 1206-1207

Contradictions in provincial policy

Friesen, 1244-1248

McCrae, 1244-1250

Families and Schools Together program

McCrae, 1436-1437

Foster children placement protocol

Friesen, 1378, 1439

McCrae, 1378, 1436, 1439


Faurschou, 894

Helwer, 959

Lamoureux, 837

McAlpine, 879

Funding criteria

Friesen, 1197-1201

McCrae, 1197-1201

Gifted students

Friesen, 1375-1376, 1439-1440

McCrae, 1375-1376, 1437-1438, 1439-1440

Modified designation

Friesen, 1250

McCrae, 1250-1253

Pilot projects

Friesen, 2109

McCrae, 2111-2112

Policy and procedures handbook

Friesen, 1243-1244

McCrae, 1243-1244

Public presentations

Friesen, 1204-1205, 1374

McCrae, 1204-1205, 1374

Special Needs Review Committee


Martindale, 332

Program tracking

Friesen, 1207-1210, 1241-1243, 1374-1375

McCrae, 1208-1210, 1241-1243, 1374-1375


Radcliffe, 203

Archival copy

Friesen, 1202-1203

McCrae, 1202-1203


Friesen, 1194-1196

McCrae, 1194-1196

Special unit-staffing

Friesen, 1195-1197

McCrae, 1195-1197

Standards testing (See also Grievances, Matters of)

Downey, 283-284

Driedger, M., 55

Dyck, 923

Findlay, 943

Lamoureux, 1779

McAlpine, 878-879

McCrae, 114, 1134

Vodrey, 985


Lamoureux, 1781-1783

McCrae, 1781-1783


Lamoureux, 1784-1789, 2389-2390, 2477-2478, 2598-2599, 3037-3047, 3061, 3155-3157, 3233-3235, 3279-3280, 3747, 4042, 4116-4117, 4146-4149, 4201, 4208-4209, 4216-4217, 4232-4236, 4244-4245, 4251-4253

McCrae, 1784-1790, 2389-2390, 2477-2478, 2598-2599, 3037-3047, 3061-3062, 3280, 3747-3748, 4042-4043, 4117, 4149-4157, 4201-4210, 4216-4217, 4236-4250, 4253-4254

Filmon, 3156-3157, 3233-3235


Lamoureux, 4270

McCrae, 4270

Lamoureux, 2396


Lamoureux, 3849

McCrae, 3849-3850


Friesen, 1683-1700

McCrae, 1683-1700

Home schooling

Friesen, 1701-1702

McCrae, 1701-1703


Friesen, 1624-1628, 1681-1683

McCrae, 1624-1629, 1681-1683, 1764

Public access

Friesen, 1765-1766

McCrae, 1765-1766


Lamoureux, 1783-1784

McCrae, 1783-1784

Senior 4 English

Friesen, 1767-1776

McCrae, 1768-1776

Social studies

Friesen, 1903

McCrae, 1903

Tabling request

Friesen, 1763

McCrae, 1763


Friesen, 1624

McCrae, 1624

Student transportation

Quality control inspections

Friesen, 2133

McCrae, 2133

Teacher training

Friesen, 1253-1258

McCrae, 1254-1259

Technological infrastructure

Driedger, M., 55, 855

Dyck, 75

Helwer, 309

Laurendeau, 50

McCrae, 1135-1136


Friesen, 1965-1972

McCrae, 1965-1972


McGifford, 208-209

Transition planning process

Friesen, 1378-1381

McCrae, 1378-1381, 1438-1439

URIS manual

Friesen, 1443

McCrae, 1443-1444

User fees/fundraising guidelines

Friesen, 385, 1144

McCrae, 385, 1112-1113

Mihychuk, 1112-1113

Web-based courses

Friesen, 1897, 1899-1903, 1955-1956

McCrae, 1899-1903, 1955

Western Canadian Protocol

McCrae, 114

Education Week

Penner, 172

Education, Minister of

Public debates

Friesen, 249

EITC. See Economic Innovation and Technology Council

Elder abuse

Reduction strategy

McAlpine, 300

Elderly Persons Housing Vacancy Study


Cerilli, 1631

Reimer, 1631-1633

Elections. See also Chief Electoral Officer

Advertising expenditures

Sale, 513-514

Advertising, third-party

Lamoureux, 709


Auditing standards

Barrett, 681

Cerilli, 727

Filmon, 491

Lamoureux, 499-501

Martindale, 572

Sale, 512-513

Professional judgment

Barrett, 681-682

Filmon, 491

Sale, 512


Conflict of interest

Chomiak, 314-315

Doer, 320

Filmon, 314-315, 320


Lamoureux, 706-708


Filmon, 166-167

Wowchuk, 166-167

Code of ethics

Ashton, 502-503

Barrett, 496, 498

Cerilli, 727

Chomiak, 713

Doer, 592-593

Evans, C., 674-675

Evans, L., 721

Filmon, 491

Jennissen, 583

Kowalski, 517-518, 531-533

Lamoureux, 499, 706

Martindale, 567-571

Wowchuk, 546

Election call

Ashton, 1308

Premier's conditions

Filmon, 1183-1184

Lamoureux, 1183

Election tampering (See also Doust, Leonard; Monnin inquiry)

Chomiak, 711-717

Doer, 107-109

Downey, 280

Enns, 725-726

Struthers, 538-544


Rocan, 241-242

Kozminski, Robert

Reid, 576-577

McGifford, 45-46

Premier's guarantee

Chomiak, 167

Filmon, 167

Premier's involvement

Ashton, 39-41

Filmon, 39-41

Mackintosh, 193-194

Special prosecutor

Reid, 574


Wowchuk, 274

Election tampering, allegations of

Premier's apology

Ashton, 15

Doer, 11-14

Filmon, 11

Lamoureux, 14-15

Praznik, 15-16

Speaker's ruling, 321

Electoral boundaries


Lamoureux, 43-44, 90-91

Praznik, 44, 91

Stefanson, 91


Friesen, 618-9



Radcliffe, 205

Introduction of

Liba, 9

Monnin inquiry

Recommendations-ethics code

Ashton, 1602

Stefanson, 1602

Ontario election results

Sveinson, 2320

PC Party campaign manager

Lyle, Greg

Ashton, 2388-2389

Filmon, 2388-2389

Political activity

Chomiak, 167-168

Filmon, 167-168

Stefanson, 168

Political donations-tax credit

Out-of-province campaigns

Filmon, 1922, 2312-2314

Lamoureux, 1922, 2312-2314

Public perception/confidence

Evans, L., 717

Martindale, 573-574

Records, retention of

Barrett, 680

Doer, 591-592

Filmon, 491

Jennissen, 574

Lamoureux, 499

Reid, 574


Historical perspective

Maloway, 723-724

Sources of income/expenditures

Jennissen, 584

Martindale, 571

Yard signs

Kowalski, 517

Elections Amendment and Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 17). See also Monnin inquiry; Privileges and Elections, Standing Committee on--1st Report


Filmon, 392


Ashton, 501-511

Barrett, 492-499

Doer, 588-593

Filmon, 490-492

Jennissen, 582-586

Kowalski, 517-518, 531-533

Lamoureux, 499-501

Mackintosh, 533-538

Martindale, 567-574

Penner, 586-588

Reid, 574-582

Sale, 511-517

Struthers, 538-544

Wowchuk, 544-549


Praznik, 664


Barrett, 677-682, 705-706

Cerilli, 726-728

Chomiak, 711-717

Enns, 725-726

Evans, C., 672-677

Evans, L., 717-721

Lamoureux, 706-711

Maloway, 721-725

Martindale, 728


Liba, 729

Elections Manitoba. See also Chief Electoral Officer

Advisory committees

Barrett, 678-679

Reporting process

Jennissen, 584

Electoral boundaries

Communities of interest

Doer, 403-404

Friesen, 616

Jennissen, 455

Democratic principle

Santos, 421-424, 449-452

Historical perspective

Friesen, 617

Jurisdictional boundaries-Winnipeg

Sale, 621-622


Kowalski, 421

Legislative timetable

Lamoureux, 405-406

Naming process

Friesen, 616, 619

Kowalski, 421

Northern seat, additional

Struthers, 510-511

Population variances

Ashton, 416-419, 665, 669-670, 670-671

Doer, 399-400, 401-403

Friesen, 617-618

Struthers, 611, 613-614

Population variances-aboriginals

Jennissen, 454

Representation by population

Struthers, 607-609


Ashton, 28-29

Doer, 96-98

Helwer, 311-312

Kowalski, 25-26, 95-96, 306

Lamoureux, 29-31, 160, 176-178, 323-324

Martindale, 326

McAlpine, 295-296

Newman, 178-179

Penner, 352

Praznik, 26-28, 324

Speaker's ruling, 563-564

Wowchuk, 278


Lamoureux, 43-44, 90-91

Praznik, 44, 91

Stefanson, 91

Rural/northern Manitoba

Ashton, 410-414, 668-669, 671

Doer, 397-399

Enns, 614-615

Filmon, 395-396

Jennissen, 453-456

Lamoureux, 406-407, 409-410

Undercounting-Winnipeg inner city

Sale, 622-623

Electoral Boundaries Commission

1998 Report

Filmon, 36

Aboriginal representation

Ashton, 670

Friesen, 620

Boundary review process

Lamoureux, 407-408

Santos, 421


Ashton, 669, 671

Struthers, 612


First Nation communities

Doer, 400-401


Doer, 401


Doer, 396-397

Filmon, 394

Recommendations, implementation of

Doer, 397

Representatives-rural/northern Manitoba

Ashton, 415, 420, 665

Doer, 405

Friesen, 619-620

Review process

Struthers, 609-610

Electoral Divisions Amendment Act (Bill 2)


Filmon, 161


Ashton, 410-420

Doer, 396-405

Enns, 614-616

Filmon, 394-396

Friesen, 616-621

Jennissen, 452-456

Kowalski, 420-421

Lamoureux, 405-410

Sale, 621-623

Santos, 421-424, 449-452

Struthers, 607-614

C/W, 490


Praznik, 566-567


Ashton, 665-670

Lamoureux, 670-671


Liba, 671-672

Elite Swine Inc.

Customer appreciation banquet

Sveinson, 156

Elk ranching


Wowchuk, 277

Elmer's Welding

Penner, 350

Elmwood Cemetery. See also Cemeteries Amendment Act (Bill 15); Friends of Elmwood Cemetery; Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 25); Public Utilities Board

Perpetual care fund

Maloway, 3316-3319

Render, 3316-3319

Riverbank stability

Maloway, 3320

Render, 3320


Render, 2527

Emergency Home Repair Program. See Homeowner Emergency Loan Program

Emergency Medical Services Group

Interim report

Stefanson, 1355

Struthers, 1355

Working group

Chomiak, 2092

Stefanson, 2092

Emergency Preparedness Association

Sveinson, 1308

Emergency Preparedness Week

Sveinson, 820

Emergency Response Services Employees Association. See Paramedics

Emergency Services College

McCrae, 117

Emerson health care facility

Capital project

Doer, 802

Lamoureux, 559-560, 599-600, 772-773

Sale, 883

Stefanson, 559-560, 600, 772-773

Community contribution

Lamoureux, 600, 650-651

Stefanson, 600-601, 650-651

Employability Assistance for People with Disability

Mitchelson, 3071

Employee Benefits and Other Payments

Supplementary information (S.P. 127)

Radcliffe, 1665

Employment and Income Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 40). See also Law Amendments, Standing Committee on--5th Report


Mitchelson, 3740-3741


Ashton, 3871-3874

Derkach, 3869-3871

Downey, 3865-3868

Lamoureux, 3868-3869

Martindale, 3860-3865

Mitchelson, 3857-3860


Praznik, 4276


Ashton, 4341-4343

Barrett, 4332-4334

Cerilli, 4337-4339

Doer, 4346-4349

Driedger, M., 4330-4332

Filmon, 4349-4352

Lamoureux, 4346

Laurendeau, 4326-4328

Martindale, 4316-4320

McCrae, 4339-4341

McGifford, 4323-4326

McIntosh, 4320-4323

Mitchelson, 4343-4345

Sale, 4328-4330

Sveinson, 4334-4337

Toews, 4313-4316


Liba, 4364

Employment creation

Helwer, 308

National average

Evans, L., 850

Real wages

Evans, L., 851

Youth programs

Vodrey, 989

Employment Insurance surplus

Dyck, 2193-2196

Lathlin, 2196-2199

Sale, 2199-2201

Wowchuk, 2202-2203

Employment standards

McAlpine, 777-778

Agricultural sector

Radcliffe, 2507-2508

Reid, 2507-2508

Newspaper carriers

Radcliffe, 2508-2509

Reid, 2508-2509


Radcliffe, 2504-2506

Reid, 2504-2506

Regulatory changes

Radcliffe, 2231

Underage work permits

Radcliffe, 2506

Reid, 2506-2507

Employment statistics

Filmon, 377

Employment training programs. See also specific programs

Ashton, 469-472

Barrett, 475-477

Dyck, 465-469

McCrae, 472-475, 1137-1138


Ashton, 471


McCrae, 473-474

Enabling Appropriations and Other Appropriations

Estimates debate, 4084-4085

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 77)

Gilleshammer, 554

Supplementary Information (S.P. 152)

Gilleshammer, 2977

Energy alternatives

Wind power

Dewar, 182-183

Energy and Mines, Department of


Debate, 2661-2688, 2784-2812, 2881-2903, 3013-3022


Ashton, 2805-2812

Jennissen, 2802-2805, 2889-2893

Mihychuk, 2671-2686, 2785-2801, 2881-2889, 2893-2903, 3013-3021

Newman, 2661-2688, 2784-2808, 2881-2903, 3013-3022

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 17)

Newman, 161

Claims inspectors

Mihychuk, 1027

Newman, 1027

Desktop management

Mihychuk, 2678, 2898

Newman, 2678, 2898

Home Energy Saver and New Home Workshops

Newman, 2668

Marketing Branch

Global market trends

Mihychuk, 2786-2787

Newman, 2786-2788

Mineral development opportunities

Mihychuk, 2790

Newman, 2790

Outreach programs

Mihychuk, 2786

Newman, 2786

Promotional activities

Newman, 2666


Mihychuk, 2674-2677, 2680-2686, 2785, 2798, 2881-2885, 2899-2902

Newman, 2674-2677, 2680-2687, 2785, 2798, 2882-2885, 2899-2902, 3021

Supplementary information (S.P. 133)

Newman, 2009

Travel budget

Mihychuk, 2678

Newman, 2678-2679


Newman, 2666

Energy conservation

Alternative energy sources

Mihychuk, 2801

Newman, 2801

Alternative energy vehicles

Maloway, 2826-2828

Render, 2826-2827

Government initiatives

Mihychuk, 2800

Newman, 2800-2801

Engineers and technologists


Radcliffe, 2231

Enns, Hon. Harry (Lakeside) P.C.

Agricultural Credit Corporation Act (Bill 19)

1r, 912

2r, 1361-1364

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance, 3203-3204

Annex clause, 3229-3230

Assistance criteria-flooding, 1757-1758

Budget, 3230-3231

Farmers, compensation for, 2309-2310

Program development-government role, 3228-3229

Agricultural research

Funding, 1059-1060


Biotechnology, 823-823

Canada-U.S. agricultural trade, 687

Commodity prices, 3201, 4298

Safety net programs, 832, 914, 3202

Transportation costs, 4300-4301

Agriculture, Department of

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 3), 83

Budget Debate, 828-833

Condolence, Motions of

Gaudry, Neil, 631

Crop insurance

Custom Seeding Program, 3210-3212

Greenfeed coverage, 3212

Hemp coverage, 3209-3210

Livestock depredation program, 3212-3214

Unseeded acreage, 3208-3209, 4282-4284

Crown Lands

Purchase/leasing policy, 1098-1110, 1300-1302, 1350

Barrett, Cubby, 1022-1023

Forensic audit, 1302-1304

Usage policy-violations, 1021

Disaster assistance programs

Farmers, compensation for, 1758


Election tampering, 725-726

Elections Amendment and Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 17)

3r, 725-726

Electoral boundaries

Rural/northern Manitoba, 614-615

Electoral Divisions Amendment Act (Bill 2)

2r, 614-616

Estey report, 2955-2957

Farm aid program-federal

Application process, 270

Available funds, 1355

Budget, 913

Coverage levels, 914

Government input, 270

Government signing, 913-914

Late seeding, 1500-1501


All-party committee, 3417

All-party resolution, 3507

Businesses, impact on, 2874

Farmers, compensation for, 1667-1668, 2690-2691, 2873, 2983-2984, 3204-3205, 3404-3405, 3412-3413, 3418, 3503-3504, 3507-3508, 3607

Farmers, impact on, 1666

Forest fires, 861

Evacuations-evacuee expenses, 866

Firefighting resources, 866-867

Hog industry

Growth, 3201-3202

Marketing system, 485

Legislative Building

Demonstrations, 829-830

Manigotagan Community Council

Meeting request, 867

Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 4), 83

Disaster assistance, 3221-3224

Diversification, 3225-3226

First Nation communities, 3227

Fish farming, 3227

Interest costs and loan guarantees, 3217-3219

Joint ventures, 3218

Legislation amendments, 3215-3216

Mediation process, 3221

New generation cooperatives, 3226

Producer Recovery Program, 3203

Young farmer transition funding, 3217

Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 6), 83

Manitoba Farm Mediation Board, 3202

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 5), 83

Manitoba Producers' Recovery Program

Update, 3219-3220

Ministerial Statements

Forest fire conditions, 861

Motions, government

Speaker, election of, 758-761

Net Income Stabilization Account, 3202

Oral Questions

Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance

Assistance criteria-flooding, 1757-1758

Farmers, compensation for, 2309-2310

Agricultural research

Funding, 1059-1060


Safety net programs, 914

Crown Lands

Purchase/leasing policy, 1098-1110, 1300-1302, 1350

Barrett, Cubby, 1022-1023

Forensic audit, 1302-1304

Usage policy-violations, 1021

Disaster assistance programs

Farmers, compensation for, 1758

Farm aid program-federal

Application process, 270

Available funds, 1355

Budget, 913

Coverage levels, 914

Government input, 270

Government signing, 913-914

Late seeding, 1500-1501


All-party committee, 3417

All-party resolution, 3507

Businesses, impact on, 2874

Farmers, compensation for, 1667-1668, 2690-2691, 2873, 2983-2984, 3418, 3503-3504, 3507-3508, 3607

Farmers, impact on, 1666

Forest fires

Evacuations-evacuee expenses, 866

Firefighting resources, 866-867

Hog industry

Marketing system, 485

Manigotagan Community Council

Meeting request, 867

World Trade Organization

Agriculture issues-negotiations, 604

Points of Order

P/O by Enns respecting comments allegedly spoken by Ashton 1303; Ashton 1303; Praznik 1303; Doer 1303-1304; taken under advisement 1304; Speaker's ruling, 2394

P/O by Enns respecting comments made 1303; Ashton 1303; Praznik 1303; Doer 1303-1304; taken under advisement 1304;, 1304

P/O by Enns respecting inference that the minister had not been truthful (Evans, C.) 1301; Praznik 1301; Ashton 1301-1302; taken under advisement 1302; Speaker's ruling, 1760

Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute

Annual Report, 1998, 83

Private Members' Business


Canada-U.S. agricultural trade, 687

Estey report, 2955-2957

University of Manitoba

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Services

Annual Report, 1997, 83

Veterinary Medical Act (Bill 30)

1r, 1862

World Trade Organization

Agriculture issues-negotiations, 604

Environment, Department of


Debate, 2260-2284, 2342-2357, 2424-2442


Cerilli, 2432-2442

Dewar, 2264-2284, 2342-2348, 2353-2356, 2424-2432

Jennissen, 2348-2352

McIntosh, 2260-2284, 2342-2357, 2425-2442

Air monitoring equipment

Cerilli, 2438-2440

McIntosh, 2438-2440


McIntosh, 2261

Supplementary information (S.P. 116)

McIntosh, 1491

Environment, Minister of


Dewar, 2270-2271

Environmental accidents

Emergency response

McIntosh, 2264

Environmental assessments

Barrett, 2210

Cummings, 2210-2213

Derkach, 2214-2215

Dewar, 2203-2206

McCrae, 2213-2214

McIntosh, 2206-2210

Environmental issues

Environmental levy

Soda pop cans

Maloway, 920

McIntosh, 920

Environmental partnership agreements

Federal responsibilities

Dewar, 2427-2428

McIntosh, 2427-2428

Polluter-pay principle

Jennissen, 2350

McIntosh, 2350

Sulfur dioxide gas monitoring

Dewar, 2354-2355

McIntosh, 2354-2355

Environmental Youth Corps

Dewar, 2266


Patient monitoring-nerve implants

Reid, 486, 489

Stefanson, 486



Reid, 2188-2189

Stefanson, 2188-2189

Recruitment strategy

Reid, 485-486

Stefanson, 486

Equity tax credit


Faurschou, 890

Eriksdale Credit Union

Evans, C., 1063

Essential service legislation


Radcliffe, 2249-2250

Reid, 2249-2250

Essential Services Amendment Act (Bill 27). See also Law Amendments, Standing Committee on-1st Report


Stefanson, 1413


Ashton, 1428-1430

Doer, 1426-1427

Kowalski, 1427-1428

Lamoureux, 1433-1435

Reid, 1430-1433

Stefanson, 1425-1426


Barrett, 1890-1893

Doer, 1880-1885

Lamoureux, 1885-1887

Laurendeau, 1879-1880

Reid, 1876-1879

Sale, 1893-1896

Stefanson, 1887-1890


Ashton, 1951-1954

Lamoureux, 1944-1951

Reid, 1941-1944


Liba, 2023

Estates, probating of

Fee schedule

Toews, 657-658

Estey report

Ashton, 2973-2974

Derkach, 2963-2965

Enns, 2955-2957

Findlay, 2959-2961

Jennissen, 2965-2968, 3103-3104

Lamoureux, 2970-2972

Penner, 2968-2970

Praznik, 2972-2973, 3099

Reid, 2961-2963

Struthers, 2957-2959

Wowchuk, 2953-2955

Farmers' input

Praznik, 1501

Wowchuk, 1501

Government position

Praznik, 3851-3852

Wowchuk, 3850-3851

Evans, Clif (Interlake) N.D.P.


Canada-U.S. agricultural trade, 685-687

Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement on Municipal Water Infrastructure, 2950

Community Choices program

Round tables, 2455

Condolence, Motions of

Gaudry, Neil, 637-638

Conservation districts

Cooks Creek, 2460

Crown Lands

Purchase/leasing policy, 1108-1110, 1300-1302

Usage policy-violations, 1021

Dennis Lake, Manitoba

Drainage system, 3904-3905


Code of ethics, 674-675

Elections Amendment and Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 17)

3r, 672-677

Eriksdale Credit Union, 1063

Fishing industry

Fish hatcheries, 3905-3906

Season start, 3906

Grievance, Matters of

Crown Lands

Purchase/leasing policy, 1116-1118

Grow Bonds program

Failures, 2456

Health care facilities

Bed shortage, 519-521

Health care system

Accessibility, 518-521

Highway construction/maintenance

Highway 8, 3553-3555

Highways and Transportation, Department of

Estimates debate, 3553-3555, 3559

Infrastructure renewal programs

Rural Manitoba, 2454-2455, 2950

Interlake Regional Health Authority

Barrett, Cubby-board membership, 441

Trachuk, Eddy-board membership, 441


Rural community advertising, 2454

Manitoba Progressive Conservatives

Barrett, Cubby

Membership, 441

Manitoba Resident Homeowners Tax Assistance Program, 2944

Manitoba-Ukrainian secretariat

Trade opportunities, 2457

Matheson Island, Manitoba

Logging activity, 3906-3908

Members' Statements

Eriksdale Credit Union, 1063

Monnin inquiry, 672-677

Recommendations, 673-674


Cited and quoted, 674-676

Municipal Act

Tax sales, 2940-2942

Municipal Board

Lorette lagoon, 2928-2934

Membership, 2927

Municipal governments

Annexation, 2936-2937

Natural gas

Service expansion, 2946-2949

Natural Resources, Department of

Estimates debate, 3903-3908

Nunavut, Canada

Trade opportunities, 2457

Oral Questions

Crown Lands

Purchase/leasing policy, 1108-1110, 1300-1302

Usage policy-violations, 1021

Interlake Regional Health Authority

Barrett, Cubby-board membership, 441

Trachuk, Eddy-board membership, 441

Manitoba Progressive Conservatives

Barrett, Cubby

Membership, 441

Personal care homes

Construction, 519


PR326 North-upgrading

1413; ruled in order, 1491

Points of Order

P/O by Enns respecting inference that the minister had not been truthful (Evans, C.) 1301; Praznik 1301; Ashton 1301-1302; taken under advisement 1302; Speaker's ruling, 1760

Private Members' Business


Canada-U.S. agricultural trade, 685-687

Health services, access to, 518-521

Provincial Land Use Committee of Cabinet

Update, 2937-2938

Riverton, Manitoba

Sewage/water system, 2945

Rural Development, Department of

Estimates debate, 2453-2457, 2460, 2926-2951

Assessment Services

Update, 2942-2943

Brandon Office

Staffing, 2926

Small Business and Community Support Branch

Update, 2938

Small Business and Corporate Planning Services

Activities, 2934

Staffing, 2926

Rural Forum, 2455-2456

Expenditures, 2939

Surface Rights Board

Update, 2934

Video lottery terminals


Rural economic development, 2455

Washow Bay, Manitoba

Drainage system, 3905

Water management

Drainage-maintenance, 3903-3904

Evans, Leonard S. (Brandon East) N.D.P.

Brandon Regional Health Centre

Capital project, 809-810

Funding, 1025

Medical equipment, 1497-1498

Replacement equipment, 1422

Future status, 1278-1282

Maintenance/equipment repairs, 3847-3848

Nursing profession

Employment statistics, 1283

Palliative care unit, 1282-1283

Brandon University

Funding, 774-775, 2106

Breast cancer screening program, 2319-2320

Age criteria, 2315-2316

Hours of operation-Brandon, 2316


Consultations-property tax decrease, 138

Economic growth, 797-798

Personal income tax reduction, 793

Revenue projections, 845-846, 852

Budget Debate, 845-853

Budget, balanced, 848

Fiscal Stabilization Fund, use of, 794

Capital investment spending

Decline, 267-268

Manufacturing sector, 268

Private sector, 268

Cardiac care program

Surgical procedures

Cancellations, 3280-3281

Children's rural dental program, 3652

Crow rate, 3650-3651

Eatons' store closure-Brandon, 2228

Economic growth, 846, 870-871, 1676

Capital investment, 3651

Disposable income, 852

Dollar value, 3650

Gross domestic product, 3651

Interest rates, 3650

Investment decline, 851-852

Population growth, 3651

Retail trade, 3651

Revenues, 3650

Taxation policies, 3828-37

U.S. economy, 3650

Economic indicators

Wage earning decline, 362-363

Education system

Funding, 849


Code of ethics, 721

Public perception/confidence, 717

Elections Amendment and Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 17)

3r, 717-721

Employment creation

National average, 850

Real wages, 851

Finance, Department of

Estimates debate, 3650-3654, 3822-3887

Employee educational assistance programs, 3823

Employee equity, 3824-3825

Employee training programs, 3822

Workplace safety, 3823-3824

Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 846, 847-848

Health care system

Funding, 849, 1284-1286

Health, Department of

Estimates debate, 1278-1286

Highway construction/maintenance

Provincial roads

Municipal governments, cost to, 849

Legislative Assembly

Executive control, 719

Lower Tax Commission

Report, 3826

Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit, 852

Members' Statements

Breast cancer screening program, 2319-2320

Budget-economic growth, 797-798

Eatons' store closure-Brandon, 2228

Economic growth, 870-871, 1676

Provincial debt, 655

Simplot plant-Brandon, 2879, 4118-4119

Unemployment rate, youth, 1975

Monnin inquiry

Cited and quoted, 720-721

Election tampering

Premier, knowledge of, 719

Most-Indebted Countries Initiative, 2587-2588

Motions, government

Speaker, election of, 754-758

Oral Questions

Brandon Regional Health Centre

Capital project, 809-810

Funding, 1025

Medical equipment, 1497-1498

Replacement equipment, 1422

Maintenance/equipment repairs, 3847-3848

Brandon University

Funding, 774-775, 2106

Breast cancer screening program

Age criteria, 2315-2316

Hours of operation-Brandon, 2316


Consultations-property tax decrease, 138

Personal income tax reduction, 793

Budget, balanced

Fiscal Stabilization Fund, use of, 794

Capital investment spending

Decline, 267-268

Manufacturing sector, 268

Private sector, 268

Cardiac care program

Surgical procedures

Cancellations, 3280-3281

Economic indicators

Wage earning decline, 362-363

Population growth

Provincial decline, 390

Simplot plant-Brandon

Explosions, 2696, 2989-2990

Independent inquiry, 3615

Safety report, 3615

Unemployment rate, aboriginal

Government initiatives, 560-561

Personal care homes

Residential rates, 850

Pharmacare, 3652

Deductibles, 849-850

Political profession

Lobby groups, influence of, 718-719

Population growth

Provincial decline, 390

Population statistics

Interprovincial migration, 850-851

Private Members' Business


Most-Indebted Countries Initiative, 2587-2588

Property taxes, 1126-1128

Province of Manitoba

Deficit, 847

Provincial debt, 655

Simplot plant-Brandon, 2879, 4118-4119

Explosions, 2696, 2989-2990

Independent inquiry, 3615

Safety report, 3615

Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 1999 (Bill 22)

2r, 1126-1129

C/W, 1343-1347, 1365-1369

3r, 1370-1371

Tax Appeal Commission

Update, 3825-3826

Tobacco interdiction

Update, 4024

Unemployment rate, aboriginal

Government initiatives, 560-561

Unemployment rate, youth, 1975

Executive Council


Debate, 2534-2566, 3131-3162


Doer, 2536-2566, 3131-3143, 3157-3162

Filmon, 2534-2566, 3131-3162

Lamoureux, 3143-3157

Salaries and employee benefits

Doer, 2539-2540

Filmon, 2539-2540


Doer, 2537, 2540-2541

Filmon, 2540-2541


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