# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



55-Plus Games

Helwer, 3099-3100

2001 Venice Biennale

Plug In Gallery award

Dacquay, 2871

Lemieux, 2870-2871



Cabinet ministers


Doer, 2418-2419

Murray, 2418-2419

Caldwell, Hon. Drew (Brandon East) N.D.P.


Federal support programs, 510-512

An Act to Comply with the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in M. v. H. (Bill 41)

3r, 3314

Anola School

Portable classrooms, 2290-2292

Renovation/addition, 3553-3556

Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 107), 595

Apprenticeship programs

Government initiatives, 1960

Assiniboine Community College

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 16), 59

Brandon Cabinet Office

Staffing, 2163-2164

Brandon University

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 15), 59

Future status, 3092-3092


Budget Debate, 482-484

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Works

Winkler Aquifer Management committee application, 2338-2339

Condolence, Motions of

Harapiak, Harry M., 1556-1557

Conservation, Department of

Supplementary information (S.P. 128), 964

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 10), 59

Education, Training and Youth, Department of

Estimates debate, 1954-1968, 2163-2189, 2289-2304, 2374-2404, 2460-2489, 2583-2592

Boards and commissions, 1967-1968, 2292-2294, 2478

Capital projects, 2482-2483

Classroom size and composition, 2484

Communication costs, 2469

Deputy Minister–workload, 1964-1965

Human Resource Services, 2477

Minister's correspondence with teachers, 2164-2174

Reorganizational costs, 1966-1967

Research and Planning, 2479-2480

Salaries, 2476, 2478-2479

Staffing, 2380-2382, 2476

Staffing–Hunter, Heather, 2163, 2164, 2295-2296

Supplementary information (S.P. 131), 1040

Transportation costs, 2469

Education, Training and Youth, Minister of

Background, 2583

Personal background, 2461-2463

Travel itinerary, 2296-2298

China mission, 2299-2303

Education and Training, Department of

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 9), 59

Education facilities

Capital program, 1731-1732

Education system

Accountability, 2735-2738

Adult continuing education, 1961, 2486-2488

AMM/MAST report, 2395-2397

Working group, 2971-2978

Capital projects, 1957

Classroom size and composition, 1679, 1958, 2484-2485

Diagnostic assessment costs, 23-24

E-mail address commitment, 2754-2756

Funding formula, 1956-1957, 2397-2404

Grade 3 diagnostic assessments, 2385-2389, 2588-2591, 3202-3205

High school credit requirements, 2750-2752

InForM Net on-line courses, 2390-2394, 3010

Student subsidies, 2752-2754

International education, 1960, 2488-2489

Labour market training strategy, 1959-1960

Literacy rate–Grade 3, 1679

Parent-child centres, 1958

School closure guidelines, 2793-2796

Senior 4 school-initiated courses, 2470-2471

Special education, 1676-1677, 1959

Standardized testing, 2469

Standards testing

Costs, 1679

Grade 3, 1678-1679, 1957-1958

Student fees, 3205-3206

Teacher shortage, 1679

Environmental hazards

Community notification, 2342

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2333, 2334-2335, 2342


Flood conditions, 486, 670, 721-722

Forum of Labour Market Ministers Secretariat

Responsibilities, 2480-2481

Healthy Child Manitoba, 1958

Island Lakes Community School

Expansion, 2289-2290

Keewatin Community College

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 17), 59

Kola School

Independent school proposal, 3551

Lakes and rivers

Water levels–damage assessment, 2339

Manitoba Education Research Learning Information Networks

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 11), 59

Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act (2) (Bill 27)

2r, 2901-2903

Manitoba Retired Teachers' Association

Proposed governance plan, 3573-3574

Manitoba Rural Business Task Force

Recommendations, 3032-3033

Manitoba Textbook Bureau

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 12), 59

Ministerial Statements


Flood conditions, 486, 670, 721-722

Mountbatten School

Aging Buildings Program, 1944-1947, 1950-1951, 2583-2587

Capital project, 1675-1676, 3015-3029

Closure, 1949-1950

Native Education Directorate

New initiatives, 2464-2467

Oakburn School

Closure, 3030-3032

Oral Questions

Brandon University

Future status, 3092-3092

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Works

Winkler Aquifer Management committee application, 2338-2339

Education facilities

Capital program, 1731-1732

Education system

Diagnostic assessment costs, 23-24

E-mail address commitment, 2754-2756

Grade 3 diagnostic assessments, 3202-3205

High school credit requirements, 2750-2752

InForM Net on-line courses

Student subsidies, 2752-2754

Literacy rate–Grade 3, 1679

Special education, 1676-1677

Standards testing

Costs, 1679

Grade 3, 1678-1679

Student fees, 3205-3206

Teacher shortage, 1679

Environmental hazards

Community notification, 2342

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2333, 2334-2335, 2342

Manitoba Retired Teachers' Association

Proposed governance plan, 3573-3574

Mountbatten School

Aging Buildings Program, 1944-1947, 1950-1951

Capital project, 1675-1676

Closure, 1949-1950

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 2336-2337

Post-secondary education

Student loans/bursaries

Nonpayment, 3092

School divisions

Amalgamation, 651, 1674-1675, 3339-3340

Funding formula, 731

Tuberculosis outbreak–wildlife

Status report, 2629-2630

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 2336-2337

Post-secondary education

Capital funding, 1961

Student loans/bursaries

Nonpayment, 3092

Private Members' Business

Education system

Accountability, 2735-2738

Public Schools Finance Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 108), 595

Red River College

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 18), 59



Federal support programs, 510-512

School buses

Safety devices–strobe lights, 2980-2985, 3557, 3600

School divisions

Amalgamation, 651, 1674-1675, 2176-2189, 2797, 3339-3340

Funding formula, 731

Stevenson Aviation

Aircraft maintenance engineering program, 2472-2476

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion, 2793-2797, 2970-2985, 3010-3033, 3551-3557, 3600

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Supplementary information (S.P. 154), 2014

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 212)

1r, 2120

2r, 2617-18

R/S, 3580

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 163), 2623

Cost of living clause, 2375-2376, 3011

Governance structure, 2376-2380, 3012-3013

Pensionable service–maternity leave, 3014

Teaching profession

Collective bargaining, 1958

Cross-cultural training, 2467-2468

Licensing, 2174-2176

Pension legislation, 1959

Throne Speech

Debate, 212-219

Tuberculosis outbreak–wildlife

Status report, 2629-2630

University of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 13), 59

Education, Faculty of

Practicums–rural Manitoba, 1680

University of Winnipeg

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 14), 59

Call centre industry

Mihychuk, 425, 873-874

Penner, Jim, 1626

Tweed, 878-879

Campus Manitoba


Faurschou, 1301-1302

McGifford, 1301-1302

Canada Day

Penner, Jim, 3348

Struthers, 3387

Poster challenge

Reimer, 1735

Canada Map Sales

E-commerce site

Lathlin, 1066

Canada Pension Plan


Loewen, 995-6, 995-996

Selinger, 996

Canada Summer Games


Helwer, 1898-1899

Lemieux, 1898-1899

Canada-Manitoba Adjustment Program (CMAP)

Gerrard, 485-486

Penner, Jack, 485

Wowchuk, 485

Beginning farmers

Struthers, 495-496

Wowchuk, 496


Wowchuk, 1653

Payment delay

Doer, 2548

Maguire, 2426

Murray, 2547-2548

Wowchuk, 2426


Penner, Jack, 2341

Wowchuk, 2341-2342

Status Report

Wowchuk, 1325

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centres

Global marketing opportunities

Selinger, 390

Satellite offices

Mihychuk, 876

Canada/Manitoba Economic Development Partnership Agreement

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 85)

Friesen, 339

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Works

Selinger, 394

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 86)

Friesen, 339


Friesen, 2097

Kenaston and Wilkes underpass

Friesen, 2409-2411

Loewen, 2409-2411

Project evaluations

Friesen, 2406-2408

Loewen, 2406-2408

Winkler Aquifer Management committee application

Caldwell, 2338-2339

Dyck, 2338-2339

Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP)

Coverage levels

Penner, 349

Wowchuk, 349


Penner, Jack, 1708

Wowchuk, 1708


Wowchuk, 1654

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal. See also Butts, Jim

Korzeniowski, 1734, 2346

Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)


Chomiak, 2547


Chomiak, 2765-2766

Driedger, 3106-3108

Gerrard, 3108

3r, 3515-3516


Liba, 3705

CancerCare Manitoba. See Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)

Capital Region Strategy

Status report

Friesen, 2098-2099, 2316-2321

Loewen, 2316-2321

Cardiac care

Rural services

Chomiak, 2572

Derkach, 2572

Surgical waiting lists

Chomiak, 61

Driedger, 61

CEDF. See Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF)

Cellular phones

Regulations–driving restrictions

Ashton, 1593

Helwer, 1593

Central Region Regional Health Authority


Chomiak, 2800-2802

Faurschou, 2800-2802

Cerilli, Marianne (Radisson) N.D.P.

Bayer, Cheryl

Legislative Assembly Award recipient, 3476

Bond Street health unit, 303-304

Earth Day, 917-918

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Reduction initiatives, 348

Fort Whyte Bio-reserve, 3007

Full Citizenship: A Manitoba Provincial Strategy on Disability, 2247

Healthy Baby initiative, 605-606

Housing renovations, 1624

Members' Statements

Bayer, Cheryl

Legislative Assembly Award recipient, 3476

Bond Street health unit, 303-304

Earth Day, 917-918

Fort Whyte Bio-reserve, 3007

Full Citizenship: A Manitoba Provincial Strategy on Disability, 2247

Healthy Baby initiative, 605-606

Housing renovations, 1624

Panda Bear Daycare Co-op

Expansion, 3347-3348

Transcona Community Preschool

Wellness Fair, 1050-1051

Winakwa Community Club

49th year-end celebration, 3007

Oral Questions

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Reduction initiatives, 348

Panda Bear Daycare Co-op

Expansion, 3347-3348

Private Members' Business

Winnipeg inner city housing, 2538-2541

Throne Speech

Debate, 262-267

Transcona Community Preschool

Wellness Fair, 1050-1051

Winakwa Community Club

49th year-end celebration, 3007

Winnipeg inner city housing, 2538-2541

CFIP. See Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP)

Chemawawin Cree Nation

Fish management plan

Lathlin, 1059

Chemical fire–Minnedosa area

Gerrard, 2672

Gilleshammer, 2671-2672

Lathlin, 2671

Chief Electoral Officer

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 5)

Hickes, 15

Chief Medical Examiner

Annual Review, 1999 (S.P. 119)

Mackintosh, 723

Child and Family Services

Aboriginal and Métis agencies

Martindale, 102

Cummings, 1643-1645, 1934

Jennissen, 2020

Martindale, 3150

Mitchelson, 94

Sale, 1566, 1643-1645, 1934-1936, 2020-2021, 3150

Transition plans

Cummings, 195-196

Sale, 195-196

Case records, access to

Cummings, 1574-1578

Sale, 1575-1578


Cummings, 1937

Sale, 1937-1938


Cummings, 1935-1937

Sale, 1935-1937

Child care. See also A Vision for Child Care and Development Report

Staffing stabilization initiative

Sale, 1566

Child care providers

Cummings, 1051

Child pornography

Driedger, 2723-2725

Mackintosh, 832, 2725-2728

Martindale, 2729-2731

McGifford, 2731-2732

Schuler, 2728-2729

Children and Youth Secretariat

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 56)

Sale, 243

Children Online Protection Committee

Rondeau, 2024-2025

Children's Advocate

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 4)

Hickes, 15

Chisel North Mine


Jennissen, 2633-2634

CHOICES Youth Program

Peer mediation program

Mackintosh, 830

Chomiak, Hon. Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 93), 339

Ambulance service

Distribution of equipment, 2268-2269

Eriksson emergency services unit, 2855-2857

Kinosota Trail, 2802

New equipment, 2852-2853

Portage la Prairire, 2563

Stretcher services, 2858-2868

Rural Manitoba, 2571, 2573

Volunteer service

Rural Manitoba, 2850-2852

Training, 2853-2854

Angiogram testing

Waiting list, 492

Bethel Hospital

Nursing staff–employment terminations, 2017

Boundary Trails Health Centre

Funding shortfall, 912-913

Brandon Regional Health Centre

Capital program, 680-681

Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 22)

1r, 2547

2r, 2765-2766

Cardiac care

Rural services, 2572

Surgical waiting lists, 61

Central Region Regional Health Authority

Deficit, 2800-2802

Community Suppport Programs

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 90), 339

Concordia Hospital

Underutilized beds, 2358-2359

Condolence, Motions of

Harapiak, Harry M., 1549-1550

Court system

Delays, 2551-2552

Deer Lodge Centre

Rehabilitation staff, 2575

Dental surgery, pediatric

Waiting lists, 2368-2370, 2999-3001


Reduction strategy, 1744

Diagnostic testing

Equipment funding, 493

Out-of-province treatment, 2773-2775

Waiting lists, 493, 3475

Rural Manitoba, 2874-2875

Domestic Violence Court

Delays, 2551

Drinking water

Cryptosporidium testing, 1412-1414

Water testing subsidy, 1744

Drinking Water Advisory Committee

Report recommendations, 1411-1412

East St. Paul

Cancer incidence rates, 2337, 2370-2371, 2449-2450, 2815

Eating disorders program

Implementation, 1740

Education facilities

Nursing staff, 2128

Emergency department patient death

Public inquiry, 20-21, 342

Emerson hospital

Constuction funding, 2021-2022

Essential Services Act

Amendments–health care professionals, 2497, 2678-2680, 2703-2710, 2718-2720

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2335, 2336

Grace General Hospital

Future status, 2016-2017

Health, Department of

Estimates debate, 1736-1746, 1753-1768, 1847-1869, 2026-2058, 2143-2162, 2248-2274, 2351-2374, 2429-2460, 2559-2582

Advertising, 2157-2158

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 91), 339

Business plan, 2157, 2160-2162

Capital budget, 2271-2273

Communications, 1756-1757

Deputy Minister, 1753-1754

Deputy Minister, Acting, 2248-2249

Deputy Minister, Assistant, 1755

Information release, 2152-2153

Reorganization, 1757-1768

Staffing, 1754, 1756, 1757, 1847-1849

Contract employees, 2026-2027

Health care facilities

Bed closures, 2359

Capital equipment, 86

Closures, 2123

Security staff reduction, 2502

Health care facilities, rural

Minimum standards, 1849

Summer closures, 2270-2271

Health care professionals

Education and training programs, 2562-2563

Health care aide

Tuition costs, 2563

Performance indicators, 2371-2372

Recruitment/retention strategy, 1850

Cash bonuses, 1856-1862

Ultrasound technicians

Education and training programs


Health care system

Bed closures, 83-84

Bed map, 2354

Bed shortage, 82

Capital development program, 86-87

Capital projects, 23523

Central bed registry, 87-88

Code purple, 775-777

Comparisons–U.S. system, 2807-2808

Cost efficiences, 2457-2458

Diagnostic equipment, 2361-2366

Dialysis, access to, 1867

Election promises, 3470-3471

Emergency services, 85, 1743-1744

Rural Manitoba, 2127-2128

Five-year plan, 2352-2353

Funding, federal, 1737-1738

Funding–provincial comparisons, 1513, 2456

Government action, 3471-3472, 3474

Government ideology, 971-972

Government initiatives, 88-89

Hallway medicine, 1616-1617, 1620, 2129-2130, 3250-3252

Home care, 83

Long-term care beds, 2273-2276, 2353-2354

MRI mobile services, 1867

MRI waiting lists, 2128-2129

Nursing redeployment, 915-916

Nursing shortage, 82, 2018-2019

Office of rural and northern health, 1853-1855

Preventative care, 2778-2779

Primary health care reform, 1745-1746

Quality assurance, 1619

Quality/cost efficiency, 2778

Regionalization, 2805

Research initiatives, 2456

Service availability–rural Manitoba, 196-197

Service costing data, 2459-2460

Sinclair report, 84-85

Speech and language pathologists, 2559

Urology services, 2264-2265

Health Information Services and Manitoba Corporation

Annual Report, 2000, 339

Health Sciences Centre

Out-patient pharmacy, 1047-1048, 1127, 1128, 1224-1225, 1322-1324, 1615-1616, 1618-1619, 2497-2500

Patient death–waiting room, 3467-3469

Health Services Insurance Act

Amendments–withdrawal, 3143-3144

Tray fees, 2953-2954, 2955-2956

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

1r, 2120-2121

2r, 2647-2658

Healthy Child Manitoba

Nurses in Schools initiatives, 2128

Healthy Community Development

Funding, 2439-2443

Hepatitis C

Compensation program, 1741

Trace-back program, 1743

MacGregor health centre

Capital funding, 1862-1864

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Brain injury treatments, 1865-1866

Dementia treatments, 1866

Manitoba Health Research Council

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 92), 339

Funding, 2456

Maples Surgical Centre

Government position, 967, 968, 972-973, 2027-2038, 2453

Purchase, 2950

Workers Compensation cases, 1840-1841, 2951-2953, 3337-3338

Medical technologist

Education and training program, 2815


Vaccination program, 451-452, 1744-1745

Mental health care

Accessibility–rural Manitoba, 1614-1615

Midwifery services

Provincial plan, 2021

Ministerial Statements


Vaccination program, 451-452

National Organ and Tissue Donor Week, 671

Misericordia Urgent Care Centre

Personal care beds, 2355-2356

Morden Hospital

Nursing staff–employment terminations, 2018

National Organ and Tissue Donor Week, 671

Nursing profession

Collective agreement, 2432

Education and training programs, 912, 1868-1869, 2259-2260, 2431-2432, 2433

Education and training programs, French language, 2366-2367

Full-time employment opportunities, 2239-2241, 2243, 2500-2501

Legislation proclaimation, 973-974, 2250-2259

Recruitment and retention fund, 2429-2431


Education and training programs, 2575

Recruitment/retention strategy, 2575

Oral Questions

Angiogram testing

Waiting list, 492

Bethel Hospital

Nursing staff–employment terminations, 2017

Boundary Trails Health Centre

Funding shortfall, 912-913

Brandon Regional Health Centre

Capital program, 680-681

Cardiac care

Surgical waiting lists, 61

Court system

Delays, 2551-2552

Dental surgery, pediatric

Waiting lists, 2999-3001

Diagnostic testing

Equipment funding, 493

Out-of-province treatment, 2773-2775

Waiting lists, 493, 3475

Rural Manitoba, 2874-2875

Domestic Violence Court

Delays, 2551

Drinking water

Cryptosporidium testing, 1412-1414

Drinking Water Advisory Committee

Report recommendations, 1411-1412

East St. Paul

Cancer incidence rates, 2337

Education facilities

Nursing staff, 2128

Emergency department patient death

Public inquiry, 20-21, 342

Emerson hospital

Constuction funding, 2021-2022

Essential Services Act

Amendments–health care professionals, 2497, 2678-2680

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2335, 2336

Grace General Hospital

Future status, 2016-2017

Health care facilities

Closures, 2123

Security staff reduction, 2502

Health care system

Code purple, 775-777

Election promises, 3470-3471

Emergency services

Rural Manitoba, 2127-2128

Funding–provincial comparisons, 1513

Government action, 3471-3472, 3474

Government ideology, 971-972

Hallway medicine, 1616-1617, 1620, 2129-2130, 3250-3252

MRI waiting lists, 2128-2129

Nursing redeployment, 915-916

Nursing shortage, 2018-2019

Preventative care, 2778-2779

Quality assurance, 1619

Quality/cost efficiency, 2778

Service availability–rural Manitoba, 196-197

Health Sciences Centre

Out-patient pharmacy, 1047-1048, 1127, 1128, 1224-1225, 1322-1324, 1615-1616, 1618-1619, 2497-2500

Patient death–waiting room, 3467-3469

Health Services Insurance Act

Amendments–withdrawal, 3143-3144

Tray fees, 2955-2956

Maples Surgical Centre

Government position, 967, 968, 972-973

Purchase, 2950

Workers Compensation cases, 1840-1841, 2951-2953, 3337-3338

Mental health care

Accessibility–rural Manitoba, 1614-1615

Midwifery services

Provincial plan, 2021

Morden Hospital

Nursing staff–employment terminations, 2018

Nursing profession

Education and training programs, 912

Full-time employment opportunities, 2239-2241, 2243, 2500-2501

Legislation proclaimation, 973-974

Pan Am Clinic, 1126, 1128-1129

Additional expenses, 1836, 2124

Asset value, 404, 777-779, 908

Building repairs, 2124

Business plan, 1124-1125, 1219, 1223-1224

Conflict of interest, 1219-1223, 1318-1319

Debt and liabilities, 404-405, 779-780, 908, 909-10

Expansion, 1226

Government intent, 1319-1321

Independent appraisal, 405, 909

Justification, 971, 1839, 2957

Non-compete agreements, 1840

Operating costs, 1048-1049

Private interests, 1839

Property appraisal, 1046-1047, 1048

Purchase price, 1045-1046

Surgeon bonuses, 1043-1045

User fees, 970

Peripheral vascular disease

Screening clinic, 1678

Physician resources

Recruitment/retention strategy, 60-61

Rural Manitoba, 2501-2502

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 2336

Portage District General Hospital

ICU closure, 912

Private health care clinics

Definition, 3002-3003, 3339

Government position, 3379-3380

Minister's position, 970

Overnight stays, 2238-2239, 3144-3146, 3307

Surgery accessibility, 2950-2951

Regional health authorities

Budgets, 2019

Funding, 676-678, 679-680, 681, 724-725

Minister's relationship, 2424

Recruitment/retention funding, 675

Smoking ban–public places

Legislation, 2828-2829

South Eastman Regional Health Authority

Bed reopenings, 2023

Budget, 2022-2023

Funding, 672-674, 677-678, 782

St. Boniface Hospital

Hip replacement surgery, 406

Operating rooms–summer closures, 1842

Victoria General Hospital

Oncology unit, 2023

Victorian Order of Nurses

Employment terminations, 2018

Water resources

Testing–chemical spills, 2337-2338

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Deficit, 142

Workers Compensation

Private clinics, use of, 1123-1124

Pan Am Clinic, 1126, 1128-1129, 1742-1743

Additional expenses, 1836, 2124

Asset value, 404, 777-779, 908

Building repairs, 2124

Business plan, 1124-1125, 1219, 1223-1224

Conflict of interest, 1219-1223, 1318-1319

Cost efficiencies, 2458

Debt and liabilities, 404-405, 779-780, 908, 909-10

Expansion, 1226

Facility fees, 2144-2145

Government intent, 1319-1321

Independent appraisal, 405, 909

Justification, 971, 1839, 2957

Non-compete agreements, 1840, 2040-2043

Operating costs, 1048-1049, 2052-2058

Overnight stays, 2043

Private interests, 1839

Property appraisal, 1046-1047, 1048

Property taxes, 2049-2052, 2124

Purchase price, 1045-1046

Surgeon bonuses, 1043-1045, 2039-2040

User fees, 970

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Inquest

Compensation package, 1741

Report of the Review and Implementation Committee, 2234

Peripheral vascular disease

Screening clinic, 1678

Personal care homes, 85-86

Capital projects–Russell, 2574

Proprietary personal care homes, 2355

Pharmaceuticals/prescription drugs

National discussions, 1738

Physician resources

Foreign-trained physicians, 1739, 1850-1853, 1855-1856, 2351

Medical program admissions, 1739

Recruitment/retention strategy, 60-61

Rural Manitoba, 2501-2502

Shortage, 82

Urologists, 2264

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 2336

Podiatrists Act (Bill 40)

1r, 2417

2r, 2646-2647

Points of Order

P/O by Laurendeau respecting unparliamentary language 968; Chomiak 968; taken under advisement (Santos) 968;

Portage District General Hospital

Capital project, 2356, 2561, 2806

ICU closure, 912

Redevelopment, 1864-1865

Private health care clinics

Definition, 2809-1814, 3002-3003, 3339

Government position, 1742, 2372-2374, 2451-2453, 2799-2800, 3379-3380

Minister's position, 970

Overnight stays, 2044-2048, 2238-2239, 3144-3146, 3307

Surgery accessibility, 2950-2951

User fees, 2145-2147

Privilege, Matters of

Pan Am Clinic, 1035-1037

Program of Assertive Community Treatment

Update, 1740-1741

Protection for Persons in Care

Investigation process, 2434-2438

Investigators, 2438

Legislation proclaimation, 1740

Patient privacy, 2439

Public disclosure, 2438

Staffing, 2433-2434

Regional health authorities

Administration, 2575-2576

Board appointments, 2803-2805, 2814-2815

Budgets, 2019

Funding, 676-678, 679-680, 681, 724-725, 2446-2449, 2564-2569

Minister's relationship, 2424

Recruitment/retention funding, 675

Role and responsibilities, 2454-2456

Regional Health Authorities Amendment (Accountability) Act (Bill 50)

1r, 2748

2r, 2888-2890

Regulated Health Profession Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 42)

1r, 2547

2r, 2766-2767

Respiratory therapists

Recruitment/retention strategy, 2577

Rural and Northern Health office

Budget, 2351

Smoking ban–public places

Legislation, 2828-2829

South Eastman Regional Health Authority

Bed reopenings, 2023

Board elections, 2265

Budget, 2022-2023

Funding, 672-674, 677-678, 782

Per capita costs, 2260-2264

South Westman Regional Health Authority

Capital projects–Boissevain, 2268


Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 89), 339

St. Boniface Hospital

Hip replacement surgery, 406

Operating rooms–summer closures, 1842

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion, 2702-2712, 2718-2720, 2799-2816, 2850-2868

Swan River hospital

Capital project, 2356-2358

Tabor Home

Status, 2266-2267

Throne Speech

Debate, 81-89

Ultrasound technicians

Recruitment/retention strategy, 2578-2581

Urban Shared Services Corporation

Information release, 2154-2157

Victoria General Hospital

Oncology unit, 2023

Victorian Order of Nurses

Employment terminations, 2018

Water resources

Testing–chemical spills, 2337-2338

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Deficit, 142

Workers Compensation

Expedited surgery, 3307

Private clinics, use of, 1123-1124

Churchill rocket range

Future status

Mihychuk, 1114-1115

Tweed, 1114-1115

Circuit court system


Derkach, 542-543

Laurendeau, 886

Mackintosh, 543, 544, 886-887

Praznik, 543-544

City of Brandon


Selinger, 390

Hotel tax

Friesen, 2109-2110

Loewen, 2109-2110

City of Winnipeg

Assessor, definition of (See Municipal Assessment Amendment Act (Bill 31))


Selinger, 390

Legislation amendments

Friesen, 2107-2108

Loewen, 2107-2108

Property registry

Loewen, 2105

Taxation powers

Friesen, 2108-2109

Loewen, 2108-2109

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 32)


Friesen, 2235


Friesen, 2618

Loewen, 3261-3262

3r, 3671


Liba, 3705

City of Winnipeg Amendment (Pensions) Act (Bill 48)


Friesen, 2747


Friesen, 2788-2789

Loewen, 3263

3r, 3593


Liba, 3706

Civil Service Commission


Debate, 1802-1808


Enns, 1808

Mitchelson, 1806-1808

Schuler, 1804-1806

Selinger, 1803-1808

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 61)

Barrett, 243

Civil Service Commissioner

Selinger, 1803

Contract employees

Schuler, 1805-1806

Selinger, 1805-1806

Direct appointments

Schuler, 1806

Selinger, 1806

Employment equity

Selinger, 1803

Employment statistics

Mitchelson, 1807

Selinger, 1807

Human resource planning tool

Selinger, 1803


Mitchelson, 1806-1807

Selinger, 1807

Recruitment strategies

Selinger, 1803


Schuler, 1804-1805

Selinger, 1804-1805

Supplementary information (S.P. 139)

Selinger, 1405

Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Act (Bill 3)


Barrett, 16


Barrett, 53-55

Schuler, 55


Mackintosh, 356-57


Barrett, 365

Enns, 365-66


Liba, 368

Civil Service Superannuation Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 172)

Selinger, 2997

Clean Environment Commission

Electromagnetic fields–report

Lathlin, 1424-1433

Schuler, 1424-1433

Clemens, Marion

Community service recognition

Schuler, 2681-2682

Climate Change Action Plan

Agriculture, impact on

Maguire, 2080-2081

Wowchuk, 2080-2081

Government initiatives

Lathlin, 1058

Nitrous oxide

Gerrard, 3037-3039

Lathlin, 3037-3039


Lathlin, 1693

Maguire, 1693

Task force

Selinger, 391

CMAP. See Canada-Manitoba Adjustment Program (CMAP)

College Expansion Initiative


Derkach, 1293-1294

McGifford, 1293-1295

Program funding

Derkach, 1292-1293

McGifford, 1292-1293


Derkach, 1298-1299

McGifford, 1298-1299


McGifford, 1204

Colomb, Hyacinth

Order of Manitoba recipient

Jennissen, 2130-2131

Colomb, Roderick

Jennissen, 353

Comment Manitoba


Mitchelson, 94

Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries Public

Renewal process

Smith, S., 1657-1658

Committee of Supply. See Supply, Committee of

Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF)

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 97)

Robinson, 399

Business loan activity

Robinson, 789-790

Community and Economic Development Committee Secretariat

Hiring process

Derkach, 296

Mihychuk, 296-297


Mihychuk, 1157-1158

Tweed, 1157

Community living programs

Home inspections

Cummings, 1643

Sale, 1643

Licence violations

Cummings, 1642

Sale, 1642

St. Malo

Reimer, 2093

Sale, 2093

Staffing stabilization initiative

Cummings, 1638, 1639-1642

Sale, 1638, 1639-1642

Waiting list

Cummings, 1638-1639

Sale, 1638-1639

Community Places program

Grant list

Laurendeau, 1898

Lemieux, 1898

Community Protection Act. See Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 10)

Community Support Programs


Debate, 1911-1915


Lemieux, 1911-1915

Loewen, 1911-1915

Annual Report, 2000, (S.P. 90)

Chomiak, 339


Lemieux, 1912

Loewen, 1912

Supplementary information (S.P. 147)

Lemieux, 1724

Companies Office

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 32)

Lemieux, 139

Concordia Hospital

Underutilized beds

Chomiak, 2358-2359

Driedger, 2358

Concurrence Motion. See Supply, Committee of

Condolence, Motions of

Baizley, William Obadiah (Obie)

Dacquay, 1537

Doer, 1532-1533

Enns, 1534-1535

Gerrard, 1535

Loewen, 1535-1537

McGifford, 1533-1534

Murray, 1533

Reid, 1535

Guttormson, Elman Kreisler

Doer, 1538

Enns, 1540-1541

Gerrard, 1539

Helwer, 1541

Korzeniowski, 1541

Murray, 1539

Nevakshonoff, 1539-1540

Harapiak, Harry M.

Ashton, 1547-1548

Caldwell, 1556-1557

Chomiak, 1549-1550

Cummings, 1558

Derkach, 1549

Doer, 1542-1544

Enns, 1557

Gerrard, 1548-1549

Martindale, 1555-1556

Mitchelson, 1550-1551

Murray, 1546-1547

Penner, Jack, 1560

Praznik, 1552-1553

Reid, 1551-1552

Rocan, 1554-1555, 1556

Sale, 1553-1554

Santos, 1557-1558

Struthers, 1558-1560

Wowchuk, 1544-1546

Ingebrigtson, John Evinn

Doer, 1517-1518

Enns, 1519-1520

Gerrard, 1520

Jennissen, 1519

Murray, 1518

Molgat, Gildas

Asper, 2697

Cummings, 2692-2693

Dacquay, 2691

Doer, 2684-2686

Gerrard, 2686-2688

Gilleshammer, 2693-2694

Korzeniowski, 2694

Laurendeau, 2700-2701

Loewen, 2698-2699

Murray, 2688-2691

Praznik, 2700

Rocan, 2694-2697

Struthers, 2691-2692

Rose, Bob

Asper, 1522-1523

Cummings, 1527

Derkach, 1523-1524

Doer, 1520-1521

Gerrard, 1523

Gilleshammer, 1521-1522

Helwer, 1529

Laurendeau, 1531-1532

Maguire, 1525-1527

Mitchelson, 1528-1529

Penner, Jack, 1529-1530

Praznik, 1524-1525

Rocan, 1530-1531

Tweed, 1527-1528


Property assessments

Friesen, 2321

Loewen, 2321


Government record

Murray, 1378

Conservation, Department of


Debate, 1052-1077, 1132-1147, 1181-1189, 1229-1252, 1329-1350, 1417-1439, 1687-1697, 1736


Cummings, 1145-1147, 1181-1186, 1229-1230, 1232-1233

Enns, 1331-1337

Faurschou, 1064-1076, 1131-1132, 1688

Gerrard, 1689

Lathlin, 1052-1077, 1131-1147, 1181-1189, 1229-1252, 1330-1350, 1417-1438, 1687-1697

Laurendeau, 1135-1137, 1692-1693

Maguire, 1063-1064, 1076, 1132-1135, 1137-1145, 1181, 1187-1188, 1229, 1231, 1241-1242, 1329-1331, 1337-1345, 1347-1350, 1423, 1433-1439, 1687-1688, 1690-1691, 1693-1696

Penner, Jack, 1417-1423

Penner, Jim, 1233-1241

Praznik, 1345-1347

Schuler, 1423-1433

Amalgamation–cost savings

Cummings, 1182-1183

Lathlin, 1183

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 50)

Lathlin, 243

Boards and commissions

Lathlin, 1138-1139

Maguire, 1138

Conservation Program Division

Lathlin, 1055-1057

Corporate Services Division

Lathlin, 1065

Environmental Stewardship Division

Lathlin, 1054

Fisheries Branch

Lathlin, 1059-1060


Flood prone areas–property buyouts

Dacquay, 494

Doer, 494

Forestry Branch

Lathlin, 1058-1059

Organizational chart

Lathlin, 1134-1135, 1137

Maguire, 1134, 1137

Pollution Prevention Branch

Lathlin, 1062-1063

Regional office locations

Lathlin, 144

Maguire, 1143-1144

Regional Operations Division

Lathlin, 1066-1067


Cummings, 1145-1147, 1181-1182

Lathlin, 1053, 1140-1143, 1145-1147, 1181-1182, 1690-1691

Maguire, 1140-1143, 1690-1691


Lathlin, 1139-1140

Maguire, 1139

Supplementary information (S.P. 128)

Caldwell, 964

Conservation, Minister of

Conflict of interest

Cummings, 1183-1185

Lathlin, 1183-1185

Meeting requests

Enns, 199

Lathlin, 199

Conservation Districts of Manitoba

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 87)

Friesen, 339


Friesen, 2201

Watershed district boards

Friesen, 2202-2204

Loewen, 2202

Construction industry

Scaffold regulations

Barrett, 849

Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation (COSDI)

Working group

Lathlin, 1055

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of


Debate, 1655-1663, 1710-1721


Penner, Jim, 1660-1662, 1710-1721

Smith, S., 1656-1660, 1710-1721

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 31)

Lemieux, 139


Penner, Jim, 1710-1711

Smith, S., 1710-1711

Supplementary information (S.P. 141)

Smith, S., 1561

Consumer protection

Franchise legislation

Penner, Jim, 1714-1716

Smith, S., 1714-1716

Labelling–upholstered/stuffed articles

Smith, S., 1656

Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 14)


Smith, S., 1040-1041


Penner, Jim, 2639-2640

Smith, S., 1174-1175, 2640

3r, 3103


Liba, 3704

Consumers' Bureau

CATS system

Smith, S., 1656

Co-operative Loans and Loans Guarantee Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 82)

Mihychuk, 291

Cooperative Promotion Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 81)

Mihychuk, 291

Corporate tax

Provincial comparisons

Penner, Jim, 66-67

Selinger, 66-67

COSDI. See Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation

Council on Aging


McGifford, 1800-1801

Reimer, 1800-1801

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 10)

Caldwell, 59


Derkach, 1306-1307

McGifford, 1306-1307

Programming approval

Derkach, 1307-1308

McGifford, 1307-1308


Derkach, 1308

McGifford, 1308

Courchene, Steve

Corporations Act violations

Derkach, 345-46

Mihychuk, 345-46

Employment status

Doer, 251

Mihychuk, 246-247, 250-251

Praznik, 245-247, 250-251

Review–terms of reference

Mihychuk, 343-45

Praznik, 343-45

Court system. See also Circuit court system; Domestic Violence Court; Provincial Court of Manitoba


Derkach, 601-602

Faurschou, 897-899

Mackintosh, 601-602, 897-899, 946

Bilingual services–St. Boniface

Loewen, 820

Selinger, 820

Child Victim Support Initiative

Mackintosh, 829

Community justice initiatives

Faurschou, 947-949

Mackintosh, 829-830, 947-949

Crime prevention programs

Mackintosh, 830


Chomiak, 2551-2552

Gerrard, 2551


Martindale, 99-100

Jailhouse informants–public concerns

Mackintosh, 834

Judicial compensation (See Provincial Court Amendment and Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 46))

Judicial independence

Laurendeau, 887-888

Mackintosh, 888-890

Plea bargaining, policy on

Mackintosh, 544

PrRaznik, 544

Remand process

Faurschou, 900

Mackintosh, 900

Victims rights

Martindale, 99

Cramer, Roberta

Community Service Award

Dyck, 2957-2958

Credit unions/caisses populaires

Legislation review

Penner, Jim, 1662

Smith, S., 1658

Crime rate

Reduction strategy

Mackintosh, 1321-1322

Murray, 1377

Penner, Jim, 1322

Stefanson, 1321

Crocus Investment Fund. See also Manitoba Employee Ownership Fund Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 4)

Loewen, 48-49

Mihychuk, 47-48

Crop insurance. See also specific programs

Non-traditional crops

Selinger, 390

Crop insurance, U.S.

Pulse crops

Penner, Jack, 3460-3462

Wowchuk, 3460-3461

Crown corporations. See also specific corporations

Murray, 77-78

Santos, 352

Capital spending

Loewen, 1089

Selinger, 1089-1090

Salaries–senior officers

Loewen, 1090

Selinger, 1091

Crown Corporations Council

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 173)

Selinger, 2997

Crown lands

Transfers–treaty obligations

Lathlin, 1063

Crown Lands Amendment Act (Bill 19)


Wowchuk, 1216


Enns, 2891-2892

Pitura, 2892-2893

Wowchuk, 1565

3r, 3231


Liba, 3705

Cultural industries. See also Budget

Federal funding

Allan, 1225

Lemieux, 1225

Cultural organizations


Dacquay, 1906

Lemieux, 1906-1907

Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of


Debate, 1892-1897, 1905-1910


Dacquay, 1896-1897, 1905-1909

Lemieux, 1892-1896, 1905-1909

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 40)

McGifford, 192

Client Services Branch

Lemieux, 1895

Public Library Services

Dacquay, 1908

Lemieux, 1908


Dacquay, 1905

Lemieux, 1905


Dacquay, 1906

Lemieux, 1906

Supplementary information (S.P. 146)

Lemieux, 1724

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Adoptions, private

Statistics, 1571


Federal support programs, 524-525, 3450-3454

Ambulance service

Kinosota Trail, 2802

Assiniboine River Management Advisory Board

Meeting request, 200

Report recommendations, 200

Staffing, 1186

Big Grass Marsh

Overland flooding, 1732


Budget Debate, 733-741

Building Consensus forum, 1611

Child and Family Services

Aboriginal and Métis agencies, 1643-1645, 1934

Transition plans, 195-196

Case records, access to, 1574-1578

Caseloads, 1937

Staffing, 1935-1937

Child care providers, 1051

Community living programs

Home inspections, 1643

Licence violations, 1642

Staffing stabilization initiative, 1638, 1639-1642

Waiting list, 1638-1639

Condolence, Motions of

Harapiak, Harry M., 1558

Molgat, Gildas, 2692-2693

Rose, Bob, 1527

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 1145-1147, 1181-1186, 1229-1230, 1232-1233

Amalgamation–cost savings, 1182-1183

Staffing, 1145-1147, 1181-1182

Conservation, Minister of

Conflict of interest, 1183-1185

Disabled persons

Self-managed care, 3550-3551

Disaster assistance

Approval process, 3605-3607

Westbourne, Rural Municipality of, 1409

Education, Training and Youth, Department of

Estimates debate, 2172-2183

Minister's correspondence with teachers, 2172-2174

Education system

E-mail address commitment, 2755-2756

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2334-2335

Family Services and Housing, Department of

Estimates debate, 1567-1579, 1632-1645, 1935-1938, 2002-2009

Freedom of Information request, 1574

Information management, 1578-1579

Policy and Planning Division, 1572-1574

Salaries, 1637-1638

Staffing, 1568-1569, 1572

Contract positions, 1569-1570

Finance, Department of

Estimates debate, 1096-1098


Flood conditions, 375-376, 408-409, 449, 488-489, 1506

Road closures, 450

Government Motions

Agriculture, Standing Committee on

1st Report–concurrence motion, 1926-1930

Great Plains Interpretive Centre

Business plan, 2189-2191

Health care system

Regionalization, 2805

Health Services Insurance Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

2r, 3270-3277

Healthy Baby initiative

Administration, 2006

Healthy Child Manitoba

Meeting schedule, 2002

Parent-child centres, 2003

Service delivery, 3546-3549

Staffing, 2005-2006

Highway construction/maintenance

Highway 68, 3242

Income Assistance

Caseload reduction, 1632-1633

Employment programs–success rate, 1633-1637

Infrastructure projects

Westbourne, Rural Municipality of, 1410

Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of

Estimates debate, 2189-2191

J. R. Simplot Co.

Environmental licensing process, 1188

Lake Manitoba

Water levels, 1729-1730, 3050-3051

Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre

Healthy Child program, 3546

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Update, 1642

Manitoba Hydro

Generating plant–Selkirk, 2552

Public Utilities Board review, 2552-2553

Maples Surgical Centre

Workers Compensation cases, 3337-3338

Members' Statements

Child care providers, 1051

Miller Environmental Corporation

Minister's meeting, 1232

Ministerial Statements

Building Consensus forum, 1611


Flood conditions, 375-376, 408-409, 449, 488-489, 1506

Road closures, 450

Opposition Day Motions

True North Entertainment Complex Limited Partnership, request for the Provincial Auditor to examine and audit the, 3507-3509

Oral Questions

Assiniboine River Management Advisory Board

Meeting request, 200

Report recommendations, 200

Big Grass Marsh

Overland flooding, 1732

Child and Family Services

Aboriginal and Métis agencies

Transition plans, 195-196

Disaster assistance

Westbourne, Rural Municipality of, 1409

Education system

E-mail address commitment, 2755-2756

Esso terminal–Henderson Highway

Gas spill, 2334-2335

Infrastructure projects

Westbourne, Rural Municipality of, 1410

Lake Manitoba

Water levels, 1729-1730, 3050-3051

Manitoba Hydro

Generating plant–Selkirk, 2552

Public Utilities Board review, 2552-2553

Maples Surgical Centre

Workers Compensation cases, 3337-3338

Water resources

Assiniboine River, 200

Whitemud watershed

Disaster assistance, 3381

Points of Order

P/O by Rondeau respecting words "that is a lie" 737; Cummings 737; taken under advisement (Korzeniowski) 737; Speaker's Ruling, 1129

Regional health authorities

Board appointments, 2803-2805



Federal support programs, 524-525

Retail sales tax

Exemptions–agricultural buildings, 1093

School divisions

Amalgamation, 2176-2182

Social Services Advisory Committee

Appeals, 1570-1571

Membership, 1570

Social Services Appeal Board and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 13)

2r, 2141

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion, 2798-2799, 2802-2805, 3010-3033, 3242-3243, 3443-3444, 3450-3454, 3546-3551, 3605-3607

Teaching profession

Licensing, 2174-2176

Throne Speech

Debate, 254-262


Labour dispute, 1097-1098

Vulnerable Persons Commission

Caseload, 1643

Report, 1643

Water resources

Assiniboine River, 200

Whitemud watershed

Disaster assistance, 3381, 3443-3444


Black bear population, 2798-2799

C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre

Dyck, 3207


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