Social and Economic Development - 2nd Session - 38th Legislature

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Social and Economic Development Index


768 Association Incorporated. See Duerksen, Robert



Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba. See Stimpson, Brian

Faith Coalition. See Oganranko, Andrew

Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

   Fisheries Amendment Act (Bill 38, 202-203

Gas Tax Accountability Act (Bill 14)

Exemptions, 88-89

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act (Bill 39)

Mobile home parks, impact on, 209-210

Opening statements, 257-258

Water Protection Act (Bill 22)

Alternate Land Use Services (ALUS), 281

Appeal process, 277, 289, 326

Compensation, 327

Consultations, 289, 315

Ground Water and Water Well Act, 327

Manitoba Water Council, 324-325

Membership, 285

Motion, deferral for further consideration, 316-317

Opening statements, 321-323

Regulations, public consultations, 277

Regulations, review of, 275

Scientific information, 286

Suspension of existing water rights permits, 273

Water Commission Act, repeal, 292, 314-315, 327-328

Water shortages, determining, 323-324

Water Stewardship Fund, 325, 326

Watershed management plans, 296

Fédération des caisses populaires du Manitoba, Inc. See Vermette, Fernand

Ferriss, Bryan (Manitoba Pork Council)

Water Protection Act (Bill 22)

Public presentation, 266-271

Appeal process, 269-270

Approval process, streamlining, 270

Consistent application, 269

Credible technical and scientific support, 269

Hog industry, environmental stewardship, 267-268

Inspections, bio-security protocols, 270

Land use, implications on, 268

Licences, suspensions and restrictions, 269

Public consultations, 270

Public meetings, 269

Water shortages, 268-269

Watershed management plans, 268

Fisheries Amendment Act (Bill 38)

    Ashton, 202-204

    Faurschou, 202-203

Fleming, Elizabeth (Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba)

Gaming Control Amendment Act (Bill 10)

Public presentation, 165-166

First Nations gaming, 165

Gaming Commission, independence of, 166

Gaming review, 166

Revenue reporting, 165

Nellie McClung Foundation Act (Bill 202)

Public presentation, 45-46

Water Protection Act (Bill 22)

Public presentation, 315-316

Consultations, 315-316

Floodway Authority Act (Bill 31)

Opening statements

Goertzen, 199-200

Fort Rouge and Imperial Veterans. See Milne, Edna

Foxwarren Ethanol Agency. See Wilson, Roger



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