HOUSE INDEX - 5th Session - 38th Legislature

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House Index - 5th-38th



Fair Registration Practices in Regulated Professions Act

[Bill 24]


Allan, 921

Family Maintenance Amendment and Inter-Jurisdictional Support Orders Amendment Act

[Bill 14]


Chomiak, 543


Chomiak, 954-956

Family Services and Housing

Affordable housing, government initiatives

Mackintosh, 894-895

Martindale, 894-895

Foster families, placement review

Gerrard, 258

Mackintosh, 259

Foster families, recruitment

Mackintosh, 603-605

McFadyen, 603-604

Taillieu, 604-605

Foster families, screening

Chomiak, 258

Gerrard, 258

Foster families, Universal Child Care Benefit

Mackintosh, 45, 141-142

Taillieu, 45, 141-142

Little Scholar Kollege Day Care, closure

Mackintosh, 847-848

Taillieu, 847-848

Farmer Appreciation Day. See Members' Statements

Faurschou, David (Portage la Prairie) P.C.

Budget (2007) debate, 883, 897-900

Budgets and estimates


Overspending, 597-598


Highways and roads

Infrastructure repairs, 560-561

Highways and roads

Infrastructure repairs, 560-561

Members' Statements

Wishart, Ian, 518

Oral Questions

Trade unions

Foreign seasonal workers, 891-892

Statutory Holidays Act (Various Acts Amended)

[Bill 21]

2R, 945-946

Throne Speech debate, 372-376

Trade unions

Foreign seasonal workers, 891-892

Wishart, Ian, 518

Federal budget (2007). See Members' Statements

Federal Farm Support Program

Eichler, 690

Wowchuk, 690-691

Festival du Voyageur. See Members' Statements

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Liquor store placement

Mitchelson, 986-987

Smith, 986-987

Prevalence, study of

Gerrard, 428-429

Prevention funding

Doer, 991

Gerrard, 991

Irvin-Ross, 991


See Ministerial Statements

Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act

[Bill 22]


Lemieux, 811


Bjornson, 1012-1013

Brick, 1006-1007

Cullen, 999-1000

Derkach, 998-999

Goertzen, 995-997

Irvin-Ross, 1008

Jennissen, 1005-1006

Jha, 1009

Korzeniowski, 1013-1014

Lamoureux, 1001-1002

Lemieux, 994-995

Maguire, 1002-1003

Martindale, 1003-1005

Melnick, 1011-1012

Penner, 1007-1008

Reid, 1009-1011

Rondeau, 1011

Santos, 1013

Smith, 997-998

Swan, 1005

Flood compensation. See Members' Statements

Flooding (Waterhen). See Ministerial Statements

Floods and Flooding

Amphibex, use of

Cullen, 721-722

Doer, 720-721

McFadyen, 720-721

Melnick, 721-722


Cullen, 722

Melnick, 722

Selkirk, operation of Red River Floodway

Doer, 719-720

McFadyen, 719-720

Forest Health Protection Act

[Bill 23]


Struthers, 839


Struthers, 950-951

Forrest Elementary School. See Members' Statements

Fort Garry Community Cadet Corps. See Members' Statements

Fort Garry Women's Resource Centre. See Members' Statements

Funding for literacy programs. See Members' Statements


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