Public Accounts - 2nd Session - 39th Legislature

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Adult learning centres. See Provincial Auditor's report

Allan, Hon. Nancy (St. Vital) NDP

Auditor General's report-Review of the Workers Compensation Board, January 2006

Conflict of interest

Ministerial guidelines, 76

Former CEO, complaint letter, 84

Governance structure changes, 76

Implementation of recommendations, 74

Investment committee changes, 76

Obstruction charges, 74-75

Whistle blower legislation, 75

Assiniboine Community College. See Public Accounts, March 31, 2007

Audit of the Public Accounts-Auditor General's report

 March 31, 2003

1-23; passed, 23

 March 31, 2004

1-23; passed, 23

 March 31, 2006

23, 49; passed, 66

 March 31, 2006, 37

Accountability principles

Government recommendations

Bellringer, 16

Stefanson, 16

Appointment of a deputy minister

Borotsik, 10

Balanced budget legislation

Bellringer, 15

Maguire, 14-15

Selinger, 15-16

Core government departments, accountability

Bellringer, 18

Lamoureux, 18

Crown organizations

Maguire, 14

Selinger, 14

Federal equalization payments

Borotsik, 21-22

Selinger, 21-22

Grants, auditing of

Bellringer, 19

Lamoureux, 19

Implementation of previous recommendations

Timeline for completion

Bellringer, 9-10

Borotsik, 9

Opening statements

Bellringer, 8

Selinger, 7

Own-source revenues-to-GDP

Bellringer, 20-21

Borotsik, 20-21

Pension liability

Borotsik, 12-13

Maguire, 13

Selinger, 12-13

School division

Split-year financial statements

Bellringer, 10

Borotsik, 10

Summary financial statements

Bellringer, 10

Borotsik, 10

Target indicators

Bellringer, 20

Borotsik, 20

Value-for-dollar audits

Bellringer, 22

Borotsik, 22

Audit of the Public Accounts-Auditor General's report, March 31, 2005

Review of School Division Financial Accounting and Reporting

37; passed, 48

Audit of the Public Accounts-Auditor General's report, March 31, 2007

Debt vs. net debt

Bellringer, 55

Lamoureux, 55

Selinger, 55

Debt-to-GDP ratio targets

Bellringer, 53

Lamoureux, 53-54

Selinger, 53-54

Disaster recovery continuity plans

General comments

Gray, 40

Lamoureux, 43

Selinger, 43

Specialist, hiring of

Borotsik, 41

Gray, 41

Foreign debt

Lamoureux, 56

Selinger, 56

GAAP compliance timeline

Bellringer, 52

Borotsik, 52

Selinger, 52

GAAP recommendation criteria

Bellringer, 42-43

Gray, 42

Lamoureux, 42

IFRS compliance deadline

Bellringer, 51-52

Borotsik, 50-52

Implementation of recommendations update

Gray, 39-41

Manitoba Hydro Bonds

Provincial debt

Lamoureux, 56

Selinger, 56

MLCC pension liability

Borotsik, 41

Selinger, 41

Opening statements

Borotsik, 50

Selinger, 50

Public/private corporations

Asset values

Bellringer, 53

Jha, 53

Quarterly reports, timing of

Bellringer, 44-45

Borotsik, 43-45

Selinger, 44-45

SAP information system

Access rights

Bellringer, 46

Gray, 45-46

Maloway, 45

Financial reporting controls

Gray, 39-40

Summary financial statements, definition of

Bellringer, 46

Lamoureux, 46

Auditor General's report-A Review of Crown Corporations Council and Compliance Audits, March 2004

 25-35; passed, 35

Child Protection and Support Services

Signed purchase agreements

Gerrard, 30-31

Selinger, 30-31

Crown corporations performance measures

Selinger, 30

Family Services and Housing Child Protection

Implementation of recommendations update

Selinger, 26-27

Stefanson, 26-27

Recommendation timelines

Bellringer, 34

Stefanson, 34

Implementation of recommendations

Borotsik, 29

Gerrard, 30

Selinger, 29, 30-31

Manitoba Hydro monitoring

Gerrard, 33

Selinger, 33

MPI Claimant Adviser Office

Bellringer, 32-33

Gerrard, 32

Selinger, 32

Opening statements

Bellringer, 26

Recommendation follow-up process

Bellringer, 35

Stefanson, 35

Record of complaints

Gerrard, 32

Selinger, 32

Student Records Section

Implementation of recommendations update

Selinger, 28

Stefanson, 27-28

University of Winnipeg Financial Review

Implementation of recommendations update

Borotsik, 28-29

Selinger, 29

Auditor General's report-Investigation of Hecla Island Land and Property Transactions, August 2003

 68-71; passed, 71

Expropriated properties update

Cook, 70

Lamoureux, 70

Gull Harbour, sale of

Lamoureux, 70-71

Implementation of recommendation update

Stefanson, 68

Struthers, 69

Opening statements

Bellringer, 68

Struthers, 68

Sewage treatment agreement

Cook, 69

Stefanson, 69

Auditor General's report-Review of the Unauthorized Release of the Workers Compensation Board Report, March 2006

 71-73; passed, 73

Confidentiality agreement, printer

Bellringer, 72

Taillieu, 72

Printing security measures, new

Bellringer, 72-73

Martindale, 72-73

Taillieu, 72

RCMP investigation update

Bellringer, 72

Taillieu, 72

Auditor General's report-Review of the Workers Compensation Board, January 2006

 73-87, 89-105; passed, 105

Benefit liabilities

Borotsik, 103

Sexsmith, 103

Community Initiatives and Research Program

Grant review

Sexsmith, 80

Taillieu, 80

Conflict of interest

Ministerial guidelines

Allan, 76

Taillieu, 76

Crocus investment fund

Lamoureux, 86

Sexsmith, 86

Crocus investment loss

Sexsmith, 82

Financial reserves

Martindale, 81-82

Sexsmith, 81-82

Former CEO, complaint letter

Allan, 84

Bellringer, 84, 90

Lamoureux, 84, 90

Governance structure changes

Allan, 76

Martindale, 81

Sexsmith, 81

Taillieu, 76

Implementation of recommendations

Allan, 74

Bellringer, 74

Sexsmith, 74

Taillieu, 74

Investment committee changes

Allan, 76

Bellringer, 79-80

Investment committee, range of risk

Borotsik, 83

Sexsmith, 83

Investment income revenue

Sexsmith, 94

Taillieu, 94

Investment portfolio, current worth

Martindale, 95-96

Sexsmith, 95-96

Investment returns

Martindale, 82, 95

Sexsmith, 82, 95

Manitoba Property Fund

Sexsmith, 93

Taillieu, 93

Mark-to-market methodology

Bellringer, 104

Selinger, 104

Obstruction charges

Allan, 74-75

Opening statements

Taillieu, 73

Private placement investments

Sexsmith, 93-94

Taillieu, 93-94

Private placement recommendations

Bellringer, 97

Sexsmith, 98

Taillieu, 97

Private placements

Borotsik, 82

Sexsmith, 79, 82

Taillieu, 79

Real estate investments

Borotsik, 82

Sexsmith, 82, 93-94

Taillieu, 93-94

True North centre

Investment committee members

Bellringer, 91

Sexsmith, 91

Taillieu, 91

Private placements

Bellringer, 85

Taillieu, 85

Secondary loan facility

Bellringer, 92-93

Borotsik, 82-83, 102

Lamoureux, 99-100, 105

Maguire, 101-102

Sexsmith, 77-78, 83, 91-92, 99-100, 101-102, 102, 105

Taillieu, 77-78, 91-92

Whistle blower legislation

Allan, 75

Selinger, 75-76

Taillieu, 75


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