Public Accounts Index - 1st Session - 40th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Public Accounts Index


PAC. See Public Accounts Committee

Pedersen, Blaine (Midland) P.C.

Agencies, boards and commissions–appointments

Deputy and assistant deputy ministers, 190

Process, 191-192

Auditor General, annual reports

Food safety

Recommendations implementation, 137

Wireless network security

Follow-up reports, 202-203

Auditor General, performance audits

Climate change, managing

Audit methodology, 221

Recommendations implementation, 221-222

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Secretariat

Audit and recommendations, 29

Funding, 28

Non-profit allowances, 29

Reviews, 37

Stimulus construction projects, 28

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Inspection responsibilities, 130

Climate Friendly Woodlot Practices

Project update, 222

Conflict of interest

Food safety inspector declarations, 132

Food safety

Auditor General's recommendations, 136-137

Growing Forward program initiatives, 136


Frequency and violations, 131-132

Meat and dairy regulations, 130-131

Processing plant inspections, 130

Service takeover (Winnipeg), 129


Conflict of interest declarations, 132

Hiring increase, 131

Qualifications, 129-130

Vacancies, 131

Rural inspection responsibilities, 129

Food Safety Act

Proclamation timeline, 130

Growing Forward program

Food safety initiatives, 136

Hedgehog Inspection System

Utilization for food safety, 129-131

Interdepartmental Planning Board

Mandate and budget, 221

Knowledge Infrastructure Program

Project statistics and costs, 72

Manitoba eHealth

Vulnerability management software, implementation, 197-198

Manitoba Housing Authority

Five-year plan review, 50-51

Manitoba Hydro

Risk management audit, 10-11

Personal care homes

Per diem funding levels, 92-93

Personal Injury Protection Plan

Benefit appeal process, 181-182

Case management,

Staff resources and caseload average, 174


Rehabilitation plans, 177-178

Communications template, 174

Points of order

P/O by Stefanson requesting vote of the committee to move forward on decision to have steering committee and in camera meeting regarding Manitoba Hydro audit, 12

Provincial debt

Capital assets as equity, 19

Tangible capital assets, 18-19

Public Accounts, Standing Committee of

Meeting schedules, 6

Self-review recommendations, 6

Witness appearances, expansion of, 6

Water wells

Regulations, 224-225

Wireless network security

Auditor General's follow-up reports, 202-203

Manitoba eHealth, policies and standards, 200

Manitoba Lotteries Corporation, policies and standards, 205-206

Personal care homes. See also Auditor General, follow-up reports, January 2012; Auditor General, government operations audits; Health-care corporations, non-profit; specific homes


Driedger, 83

Sussman, 83

Admissions wait times

Bellringer, 79, 87

Driedger, 84-87, 90

Friesen, 87

Sussman, 84-87, 84-88, 90-91

Antipsychotic drug prescriptions

Gerrard, 91-92

Sussman, 92

Capital projects

Contract process

Helwer, 96

Sussman, 96

Long-term plans

Bellringer, 92-93

Braun, 86

Driedger, 85

Friesen, 93-94

Gerrard, 92

Sussman, 85-86, 92, 94

Home-of-choice possibilities

Helwer, 88

Sussman, 88-89


Driedger, 82-83

Sussman, 82-83

Licensing review process

Bellringer, 79

Driedger, 84

Sussman, 83

Patient restraint usage

Gerrard, 91

Sussman, 81-82, 91

Patients with dementia, strategies for

Gerrard, 92

Sussman, 92

Per diem funding levels

Bellringer, 93

Pedersen, 92-93

Sussman, 92-93

Quality standard compliance

Bellringer, 79

Driedger, 80-82

Sussman, 80-82

Regional demographic studies

Braun, 86

Friesen, 94

Sussman, 86-87, 94

Regional health authority amalgamations

Friesen, 94-95

Helwer, 88

Oswald, 94-95

Sussman, 88, 95

Registered nurses, requirement for

Driedger, 89-90

Sussman, 89-90

Respite bed availability

Driedger, 90

Oswald, 90

Sussman, 90


Driedger, 89

Sussman, 88-89


Driedger, 80

Sussman, 80

Personal Injury Protection Plan. See also Automobile Injury Mediation Office


Appeal process

Allum, 182

Bellringer, 166, 175

Helwer, 175, 180

McLaren, 174-175, 180, 182

Pedersen, 181-182

Swan, 180-182

Automatic indexing

McLaren, 168, 176

Customer-submitted account reimbursements

Helwer, 172-173

McLaren, 172-173

Eligibility and calculations

Bellringer, 165-166, 170

McLaren, 166-167, 169-170

Information availability

McLaren, 170

Overpayments, waiving policy

McLaren, 175

Part-time earners

Bellringer, 177

McLaren, 176-177

Personal care coverage

McLaren, 169, 173

Receivership timeline compliance

Bellringer, 171

Friesen, 171

Helwer, 171

McLaren, 170-171

Case management

Performance ratings

Helwer, 180

McLaren, 179-181

Staff resources and caseload average

Bellringer, 173

Helwer, 173

McLaren, 172-174

Pedersen, 174

Claim statistics

McLaren, 167

Communications, language templates

McLaren, 173-174

Pedersen, 174

Conflict of interest clauses

McLaren, 178

Definition of vehicular accidents

Bellringer, 170

Helwer, 170

McLaren, 170

Swan, 170

Home Care Program coordination

Bellringer, 178

Helwer, 178

McLaren, 178

Recommendation implementation

Bellringer, 183

Helwer, 168-169

McLaren, 168-169

Recommendations for vendors

Bellringer, 179

McLaren, 179

Rehabilitation plans

Bellringer, 166

McLaren, 167-169, 177-178, 178-179

Pedersen, 177-178

Satisfaction surveys

Bellringer, 166

McLaren, 168, 181

Staffing, restructuring of

McLaren, 181

Tax information use

Bellringer, 176

Helwer, 176

McLaren, 175-176

Pharmacare Program. See also Auditor General, follow-up reports, March 2011

Bulk purchasing collaborations

Driedger, 97-98

Sussman, 97-98

Deductible increase

Driedger, 97

Sussman, 97

Formulary drug updates

Driedger, 98-100

Oswald, 98-99

Sussman, 98

Generic drug pricing reform

Driedger, 100-101

Sussman, 100-101

Program management review

Driedger, 104

Sussman, 104

Publicly financed percentage decrease

Driedger, 96

Sussman, 96-97

Purchasing price negotiation process

Driedger, 97

Sussman, 97

Recommendations implementation

Bellringer, 102-103

Helwer, 102-103

Sussman, 103-104

Staffing, restructuring of

Driedger, 104

Sussman, 104

Pharmaceutical Act

Proclamation timeline


Sussman, 101

Physicians and surgeons

Electronic health records, use of

Driedger, 101

Sussman, 102

P.I.E.C.E.S dementia education program

Sussman, 92

PIPP. See Personal Injury Protection Plan

Points of order

P/O by Braun requesting to know if question from member borders on policy discussion, 99

Chairperson's ruling (Maguire), 99-100

P/O by Dewar asking for clarification if there were further questions on report of the Pharmacare Program, 106

Chairperson's ruling (Maguire), 106-107

P/O by Dewar reminding member that previous report was passed, 6

Chairperson's ruling (Maguire), 6

P/O by Dewar suggesting that comments that don't appear in Auditor General's reports shouldn't be referenced in committee, 63

Chairperson's ruling (Maguire), 63

P/O by Stefanson requesting vote of the committee to move forward on decision to have steering committee and in camera meeting regarding Manitoba Hydro audit, 11

Pedersen, 12

Chairperson's ruling (Maguire), 11-12

Post-secondary education. See also Joint university government group

Bursaries and scholarships, need for

Ewasko, 75

Farthing, 75

Post-secondary facilities. See also specific institutions

Information technology budgets

Farthing, 74

Gerrard, 74

Processing plants. See Food safety; Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

Provincial debt

Capital assets as equity

Clarkson, 19-20

Jha, 20

Pedersen, 19

Net debt update

Clarkson, 18, 20-21

Helwer, 20

Stefanson, 18

Tangible capital assets

Bellringer, 19

Clarkson, 18-19

Pedersen, 18-19

Public Accounts, audits of

Bond rating agency, grade criteria

Clarkson, 21

Dewar, 21

Helwer, 21

Struthers, 21-22

Deficit reduction strategies

Clarkson, 21

Stefanson, 21

Opening remarks

Bellringer, 13-14

Clarkson, 14

Probe Research, payments to

Clarkson, 18

Stefanson, 18

Public sector compensation disclosure reports

Bellringer, 17

Clarkson, 15-16

Stefanson, 15-17


Bellringer, 14

Clarkson, 14, 16

Stefanson, 16-17

Statement of financial position, templates

Clarkson, 18

Stefanson, 18

Summary budget, reporting of

Bellringer, 15

Stefanson, 15

Volumes 1-4

passed, 22

Balanced budget legislation amendment

Bellringer, 14

Public Accounts, Standing Committee of

Government targets, penalties for failures

Bellringer, 4-5

Stefanson, 4-5

Meeting schedules

Bellringer, 2-4

Pedersen, 6

Stefanson, 3

Risk assessments and audit objectives

Bellringer, 5

Stefanson, 5

Self-review recommendations

Bellringer, 2, 6

Pedersen, 6

Witness appearances, expansion of

Bellringer, 3, 6

Pedersen, 6

Stefanson, 3

Public sector compensation disclosure. See also Public Accounts, audits of

Government reporting entities, inclusion of

Clarkson, 118

Stefanson, 118

Income threshold increase

Bellringer, 120

Clarkson, 117-118, 120-121

Dewar, 117-118

Friesen, 120-121

Stefanson, 121

Information availability

Bellringer, 118

Clarkson, 118-120

Stefanson, 118-119

Vendor contract payments

Bellringer, 120-121

Clarkson, 121

Friesen, 121

Stefanson, 121


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