Public Accounts - 3rd Session - 40th Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Public Accounts Index


Adult offenders. See Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014-Chapter 6: Managing the Province's Adult Offenders

Airports. See Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014-Chapter 9: Northern Airports and Marine Operations

All Nations Coordinated Response Network (ANCR). See Follow-up of December 2006 report: Auditor General's report-Audit of the Child and Family Services Division Pre-Devolution

Ambulance service. See also Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014-Chapter 4: Helicopter Ambulance Program; Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014, Chapter 4: Helicopter Ambulance Program

Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2013, Auditor General's report

Chapter 4: Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care Program

Day care centres

Capital project finding

Cohen, 19-20

Rowat, 19-20

Child care subsidy eligibility, Revenue Canada

Cramer, 23

Gerrard, 23

Early childhood education integration programs

Cramer, 22

Gerrard, 22

Funding for spaces

Cramer, 23

Gerrard, 23

Funding, wait time for

Cramer, 18

Rowat, 18

Licensed spaces, funding for

Cramer, 17-18

Rowat, 17-18

Provisional licences

Cramer, 22

Rowat, 22

Opening statements

Bellringer, 16-17

Audit of the Public Accounts, Auditor General's report

 March 31, 2011, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4, 49-74

 March 31, 2012, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4, 49-74

 March 31, 2013, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4, 49-74

BBB Stadium Inc. loan

Hrichishen, 66, 68

Martin, 66, 67-68

Consolidation impact

Bellringer, 70-71

Friesen, 69-71

Hrichishen, 69-71

Core government expenditures

Friesen, 59

Hrichishen, 59

Debt repayment

Friesen, 51-52

Howard, 52

Hrichishen, 51-52, 55

Martin, 55

Debt repayment, economic recovery period

Friesen, 55

Howard, 55

Debt repayment, fixed/floating rates

Hrichishen, 57

Martin, 57

Debt Retirement Account

Bellringer, 60

Friesen, 56, 60

Howard, 55

Hrichishen, 55, 56, 60

Martin, 55

Federal Equalization Payments

Friesen, 67

Hrichishen, 67

Fiscal Stabilization Account

Bellringer, 58-59

Friesen, 57-58

Hrichishen, 58-59

Flood costs

Friesen, 54

Hrichishen, 54

Manitoba Hydro

Bellringer, 63-64

Gerrard, 63

Hrichishen, 63

Open-source revenue

Friesen, 67

Hrichishen, 67-68

Other Appropriations (XXVII)

Description of

Bellringer, 53

Friesen, 52-53

Hrichishen, 52-53

Tangible Capital Assets

Hrichishen, 61

Pedersen, 61

Tenders, threshold for

Friesen, 73

Hrichishen, 73

Auditor General's report-Annual Report to the Legislature, March 2014

Chapter 1: Accounts and Financial Statements-Section 10 Annual Report

Capital assets, amortization

Gerrard, 136-137

Shtykalo, 136-137

Opening statements

Hrichishen, 122-123

Ricard, 122

Quarterly reports, timeliness of

Ricard, 130-132

Schuler, 130-132

Chapter 3: Government Deficits and Debt

Deficit reduction plan

Hrichishen, 124

Pedersen, 124

Fiscal sustainability, framework for

Hrichishen, 126-127

Stefanson, 126-127

Opening statements

Hrichishen, 122-123

Quarterly reports, timeliness of

Hrichishen, 125-126

Pedersen, 125-126

Ricard, 125-126, 130-132

Schuler, 130-132

Revenue projections

Helwer, 132-133

Hrichishen, 132-133

Pedersen, 132-133

Chapter 4: Helicopter Ambulance Program

Clinical Oversight Panel

Driedger, 97

Herd, 97

Clinical Oversight Panel, members of

Friesen, 102

Herd, 102

Feasibility study (2009)

Driedger, 92

Herd, 92

Fixed and variable costs

Driedger, 93

Herd, 93-94

Interfacility patient transfers

Reintroduction of service

Driedger, 97

Herd, 97

Opening statements

Herd, 90-91

Ricard, 89-90

Procurement manual

Ewasko, 101

Herd, 101-102

Reporting policy

Driedger, 100

Herd, 100

Service during flooding

Driedger, 98

Herd, 98-99

Tendering process

Driedger, 99

Ewasko, 101

Herd, 99-100, 101

Termination of contract

Driedger, 96

Ricard, 96

Transports per year

Driedger, 93

Herd, 93

Value-for-money requirements

Driedger, 100

Herd, 100

Volume projections

Driedger, 94

Herd, 94

Chapter 6: Managing the Province's Adult Offenders

Bed shortfall update

Goertzen, 11

Miller, 111

Bed space, demand for

Goertzen, 112

Miller, 112

Block by Block program

Miller, 114

Wight, 114

Capacity Review Committee

Goertzen, 112

Miller, 112

Curfew monitoring

Goertzen, 118

Miller, 118

Dauphin Correctional Centre

Construction update

Miller, 113

Pedersen, 112

Location of

Goertzen, 112

Miller, 112

Gang members, identification of

Goertzen, 109-110

Miller, 109-110

Housing, adequacy of

Goertzen, 110

Miller, 110-111

Mental health assessments

Goertzen, 114

Miller, 114

Mental health, annual prescription costs

Goertzen, 113-114

Miller, 113-114

Opening statements

Ricard, 105-107

Probation, drug testing for individuals

Goertzen, 117-118

Miller, 118

Recidivism calculations

Gerrard, 117

Miller, 117

Recidivism, length of

Goertzen, 119

Miller, 119

Rehabilitation programs, centralization of

Gerrard, 117

Miller, 117

Remand numbers

Gerrard, 116

Miller, 116

Serious incident reporting

Goertzen, 109

Miller, 109

Ricard, 109

Transgendered inmate accommodations

Miller, 113

Schuler, 113

Video conferencing

Miller, 115

Wight, 114

Chapter 7: Manitoba's Framework for an Ethical Environment

Civil servants

Orientation program costs

Pedersen, 155-156

Ricard, 156

Romeo, 156

Conflict of interest declaration

Assistant deputy ministers

Gerrard, 151

Romeo, 151

Conflict of interest policy

Gerrard, 150-151

Romeo, 150-151

Ethical misconduct

Allegation tracking, reporting of

Gerrard, 150

Romeo, 150

Anonymous disclosure reporting

Ricard, 146

Romeo, 145-146

Schuler, 145-146

Implementation of policies

Helwer, 154-155

Romeo, 152-155

Schuler, 152-155

Retaliation for reporting

Ricard, 142-145

Romeo, 145, PA148-149

Schuler, 142-145, PA148-149

Internal fraud exposure evaluations

Recommendation update

Gerrard, 149

Romeo, 149

Opening statements

Ricard, 139-140

Romeo, 140-142

Chapter 9: Northern Airports and Marine Operations

Expenses, online monitoring of

McNeil, 86

Wiebe, 85-86

Opening statements

McNeil, 79-80

Wirth, 79-80

Procurement cards, fraudulent activity

Cullen, 83-84

Gerrard, 84-85

McNeil, 81-87

Schuler, 80-82

T. Marcelino, 87

Wirth, 87, 80-82

Auditor General's report: Annual Report to the Legislature, January 2013

Chapter 2:Citizen Concerns Part 2-Disaster Financial Assistance

Conflict of interest policy

Briese, 77

McNeil, 77

Conflict of interest, new employee training

Cullen, 78

McNeil, 78

Opening statements

McNeil, 76-77

Wirth, 77

Auditor General's report: Operations of the Office, March 31, 2013

Non-agency audit fees

Bellringer, 48

Gerrard, 48

Opening statements

Bellringer, 48

Auditor General's report: Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet, August 2013

Conflict of interest policy

Meier, 45, 43

Pedersen, 43

Emergency measures, ditch repair monies

Bellringer, 45

Gerrard, 45

Opening statements

Bellringer, 42

Meier, 42-43

Auditor General's report: Rural Municipality of St. Clements, June 2012

Disposition of assets policy

Meier, 40

Pedersen, 40

Feasibility studies

Capital projects

Meier, 39

Pedersen, 39

Municipal bylaws

Meier, 39-40

Pedersen, 39-40


Ewasko, 41

Meier, 41

Opening statements

Bellringer, 38

Auditor General's reports. See also Follow-up reports


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