Crown Corporations - 2nd Session - 41st Legislature

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Crown Corporations Index


Manitoba Enhanced Identification Card. See Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation-Annual Report, February 28, 2014-2017

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Annual Financial Statement, February 28, 2015-2016, 1-23

Annual Report, February 28, 2014-2017, 1-23

Automated claims processing

Guimond, 15

Lindsey, 15

Automation, effect of

Guimond, 16

Lindsey, 16

Cannabis legalization, preparation for

Guimond, 20-21

Klassen, 21

Lindsey, 20

Centre of Excellence, status update

Allum, 22

Guimond, 22

Claims adjustment, automation of

Guimond, 16

Lindsey, 16

Claims adjustors

Indigenous recruitment

Fontaine, 14

Guimond, 14-15

Northern availability

Guimond, 5-6

Lindsey, 5-6

Number of

Guimond, 13

Lindsey, 13


Guimond, 14

Lindsey, 14

Rural/Northern locations

Guimond, 13

Lindsey, 13

Training and certification

Guimond, 13

Lindsey, 13

Crown Corporations Governance and Accountability Act

Implementation of

Guimond, 4

Lindsey, 3-4

Driverless vehicles

Guimond, 15-16, 18-20

Lindsey, 15, 18-20

Indigenous employees, number of

Fontaine, 15

Guimond, 17

Low insurance rates, MPI mandate

Cullen, 12

Lindsey, 12

Manitoba Enhanced Identification Card, status update

Allum, 22

Guimond, 22

Opening statements

Cullen, 2-3

Lindsey, 2-3

Rate application increase

Guimond, 8-9

Lindsey, 8-9

Rate Stabilization Reserve fund

Guimond, 9-12

Lindsey, 9-11

Ride-sharing, insurance products

Guimond, 17-18

Lindsey, 17-18

Staff reduction (management)

Allum, 21

Guimond, 4-5, 21

Lindsey, 4-5

VanKoughnet, 5

Staffing, operations, capital plans

Cullen, 6-7

Lindsey, 6

Truck driver training program

Cullen, 8

Guimond, 7-8

Lindsey, 7-8

Worker retraining

Cullen, 17

Lindsey, 17


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