Manitoba For Ukraine

Financial Support


The EIA program provides financial help to families living in Manitoba who have no other way to support themselves. This includes benefits to help with the cost of things like food, shelter, clothing, personal and household needs, basic dental, optical and prescription drugs, and health-related supplies or equipment not provided by other programs. For people who are able to work, EIA will help them work by providing supports to find and start a job.

You may be eligible for assistance if your or your family's monthly basic needs and housing costs are more than your total financial resources. Eligibility for the program is determined through discussion with an EIA intake specialist and will consider the number of people in your family, their ages and relationships to each other, the cost of your housing and health needs, and your income and financial assets.

For more information on EIA, please visit the website at:

To request an appointment to apply for EIA, please call 204-948-4000 if you live in Winnipeg, or 1-855-944-8111 if you live in rural or northern Manitoba.