HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 36th Legislature

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


House Index - 4th-36th



Racial discrimination


Newman , 2724

Robinson , 2724

Radcliffe, Hon. Michael (River Heights) P.C.

Automobile Injury Compensation Appeal Commission

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 24) , 51

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 196) , 3115

Autopac Appeals Commission

Advisers , 3591

Update , 3589

Better Methods Initiative

Year 2000 project , 3399-3400

Cable companies

Question Period broadcast , 3578-3579, 3583-3587

Wave program , 3578

Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Program

Update , 3577-3578

Cemeteries, private

Financial difficulties , 3326-3333

Cemeteries Act

Amendments , 3336

Companies Office

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 26) , 51

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of

Annual report , 3470

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 23) , 51

Supplementary information  (S.P. 192) , 3053

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 3268-3274, 3323-3340, 3399-3413, 3460-3474, 3576-3594

Opening Remarks , 3265-3268

Consumer protection

Warranties , 3588

Cooperatives and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 51)

1r , 2466

2r , 2990-2991

Desktop management services

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of , 3412

Elmwood Cemetery


Radcliffe , 3268-3274, 3323-3326, 3333-3335, 3336-3339

Franchise legislation

Update , 3580-3581

Gasoline pricing

Competition , 3460-3462

Monitoring , 4884-4885, 4888-4889

Northern Manitoba , 3412-3414, 3463-3470

Provincial sales tax , 4887-4888

Health, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 2214-2219, 2627-2630

Hepatitis C

Compensation , 2214-2219, 2627-2630

Justice, Department of (Supply) , 3238-3242

Justice, Minister of

Resignation request , 3238-3242

Life Leases and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 41)

1r , 2330-2331

2r , 2680-2682, 4208-4209

Loan brokers

Regulations , 3589

Manitoba Securities Commission

Update , 3591

Motions, Opposition Day

Multilateral Agreement on Investment , 1096-1097

Odometer tampering

Update , 3339

Oral Questions

Bank mergers

Government position , 2012

Credit unions

Government support , 2012

Northern aboriginal communities

Food pricing-investigation , 3986

Video lottery terminals

Community referendums , 2189, 4073-4074

Winnipeg Beach Hotel

Video lottery terminals-reinstallation , 1140-1141

Private Members' Business


Bank closures , 2319-2322

Recycling for apartment dwellers , 2003-2004

Public Utilities Board

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 209) , 4637

Cost/value , 3593-3594

Public Utilities Board Amendment Act (Bill 7)

1r , 135

2r , 388

Real estate

Fraudulent activity , 3340

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 8)

1r , 135

2r , 388-389

Registry Amendment Act (Bill 18)

1r , 188

2r , 395-396

Residential Tenancies Branch

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 207) , 4559

Residential Tenancies Commission

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 208) , 4559

Changes , 3594

Resolutions, government

Canadian unity , 945-947

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion , 4884-4890

Trade Practices Inquiry Act

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 70) , 187

Travel industry

Commission caps , 3588

Vital Statistics Agency

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 25) , 51

Year 2000 compliance

Consumer protection , 3403-3408

Costs , 3470-3471

Financial institutions , 3401-3402

Government initiatives , 3473-3474

Insurance companies , 3409-3410

Manitoba Securities Commission , 3410

Radiation therapy

Waiting lists

Jennissen , 268

Praznik , 268

Rail line abandonment. See also Petitions

Faulkner, Manitoba

Evans, C. , 3283

Findlay , 3283

General comments

Findlay , 1114-1115

Wowchuk , 1114

Government action

Findlay , 3284-3285

Wowchuk , 3284

Highways, impact on

Evans, C. , 3283

Findlay , 3283-3284


Findlay , 3284

Wowchuk , 3284

Railway industry. See Rail line abandonment; Short-line railways; VIA Rail

Ralph Brown School-art exhibit. See Members' Statements

Ramos, Fidel. See Members' Statements

RAP program. See Home renovation programs

Real estate

Fraudulent activity

Maloway , 3340

Radcliffe , 3340

Real Property Amendment Act (Bill 8)


Radcliffe , 135


Maloway , 4474

Radcliffe , 388-389


Lamoureux , 4944


Dumont , 5050


McCrae , 4844

Recycling for apartment dwellers. See Private Members' Business-Resolutions

REDI. See Rural Economic Development Initiative

Red River Community College

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 95)

McIntosh , 312

Red River/Lake Winnipeg. See also Members' Statements

Coast Guard services

Dewar , 3859

Findlay , 3859

Dredging services

Findlay , 3860

Robinson , 3859-3860

Regent Avenue traffic control. See Members' Statements

Regional Alternative Education Centre. See Members' Statements

Regional Health Authorities. See also specific authorities

Chief Executive Officer-Churchill, Manitoba

Praznik , 2013

Robinson , 2013

Churchill, Manitoba

Filmon , 1138

Robinson , 1137-1138

Financial reports-Churchill, Manitoba

Praznik , 2013-2014

Robinson , 2013


Praznik , 481

Struthers , 481

Gender parity

McGifford , 3386, 3387

Vodrey , 3386, 3387

Government support-Churchill, Manitoba

Praznik , 2014

Robinson , 2014


Ashton , 706

Praznik , 706-707

Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act

Ministerial authority

Chomiak , 4515-4516

Praznik , 4516

Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act (Bill 57)


Praznik , 3277


Chomiak , 4534-4541

Doer , 3360-3365

Lamoureux , 4533-4534

Praznik , 3359-3360, 4542-4543

Sale , 3517-3519, 4541-4542


Chomiak , 4996-5002


Dumont , 5051

Registered nurses


Lamoureux , 1360-1361

Praznik , 1361

Registry Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Radcliffe , 188


Maloway , 3515-3517

Radcliffe , 395-396


Dumont , 5050


McCrae , 4337

Regulated Health Professions Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 31)


Praznik , 2180


Chomiak , 4525-4526

Lamoureux , 4526

Praznik , 2756-2757


Chomiak , 4936


Dumont , 5050


McCrae , 4853

Regulations Act

Regulations Nos. 32/97 to 227/97 (S.P. 29)

Toews , 93

Reid, Daryl (Transcona) N.D.P.

Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act (Bill 53)

2r , 4662-4668

3r , 5007-5008

Beatrice Products

Labour dispute , 1755-1756

Budget debate , 809-814

Call centres

Jurisdiction-employment standards , 1757

Certified Applied Science Technologists Act (Bill 55)

2r , 4500-4501

Child and Family Services Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 4)

2r , 3824-3827

City of Winnipeg Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 36)

2r , 4214-4219

3r , 4952-4956, 4994-4995

Desktop management services

Benefits , 1477-1478

Confidentiality , 1411-1412

Cost analysis , 1406-1408, 1410

Maintenance costs , 1476

Surplus equipment , 1412-1416

Upgrades , 1410-1411, 1413-1414

Education and Training, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Minister's Salary , 3094

Support to Schools

Schools Finance

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 2942-2944, 3096-3101, 3175, 3261-3262

Employment Standards Code and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 28)

2r , 4477-4480

3r , 5004-5005

Engineering and Geoscientific Professions and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 54)

2r , 4498-4500

Fire College

Marketing , 1763-1765

Fire Commissioner, Office of the

Daycare centres-inspections , 1758-1762

Fees , 1762

Hotels-inspections , 1762

Special Operating Agency , 1766-1767

Health, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 2073-2079, 2139-2146

Health care system

Bed availability , 2141-2146

Highway construction/maintenance

Florence/Nora lakes , 4756-4758, 4764-4768

Highway 304 , 1124-1125

Perimeter Highway , 1126

Hog industry

Employment standards , 1753-1754

Housing, Department of (Supply)

Housing Executive

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 4136-4138

Housing, public

Balcony fee , 1147

Maintenance , 1145-1147, 4136-4137

Labour, Department of

Boiler inspectors , 1481-1482

Cost recovery , 1472-1473

Elevator inspections , 1484

Gas inspectors , 1483

Staffing , 1474-1475, 1480-1481

Trade certification , 1484

Labour, Department of (Supply)

Labour Executive

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1406-1408, 1410-1419, 1472-1478

Minister's Salary , 1768

Labour Programs

Conciliation, Mediation and Pay Equity Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1485-1486

Employment Standards

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1696-1700, 1752-1756, 1757

Management Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1478-1481

Manitoba Labour Board

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1490-1492

Mechanical and Engineering

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1481-1484

Mines Inspection

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1695-1696

Occupational Health

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1694

Office of the Fire Commissioner , 1758-1767

Pension Commission

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1486-1490

Worker Advisor Office

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1757-1758

Workplace Safety and Health

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 1493, 1550-1571, 1681-1694

Opening Remarks , 1405

Labour disputes

Work stoppages , 1485

Labour Management Review Committee

Legislation review , 1478-1479

Labour programs

Student survey , 1696-1700

Lake Winnipeg

Water levels , 4677-4678

Landscape architects

Building design approval , 1479-1480

Life Leases and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 41)

3r , 5004

Manitoba Labour Board

Caseload , 1491

Certification votes , 1490-1491

Employment Standards Act , 1492

Expedited arbitration , 1491

Financial information, request for , 1491-1492

Staffing , 1492

Members' Statements

Anne of Green Gables-Transcona Collegiate , 2191

HUG program , 4366

Justice, Minister of , 2970-2971

Mining industry-employee deaths , 443-444

Nagano Winter Olympics , 563-564

Wiebe, Joan , 4879-4880

Workplace accidents , 2269

Minimum wage

Review , 1416-1420, 1473-1474

Mining industry

Mine inspections , 1695-1696

Murdoch MacKay Collegiate

Capital project , 3175, 3261-3262

Occupational diseases

Panel, establishment of , 1694

Oral Questions

Apprenticeship programs

Student financial assistance , 3285-3286

Education system

Funding-special needs students , 315-317, 1007-1008

Health care facilities

Food services , 140-141

Health Sciences Centre

Accreditation , 3694

Labour laws

Government compliance , 3495

Neurological services

Waiting lists , 3693

Workload , 3693

New home construction

Occupancy permit , 3988-3989

Pain Clinic

Waiting lists , 4638

Physician resources

Pediatric neurologists , 833-834

Poulin's Exterminators

Public Health Act compliance , 4566

Workplace Safety and Health charges , 4512-4513

Workers Compensation Board

Budget surplus , 2263-2264

Occupational diseases-dominant cause , 194-195, 239-240

Occupational diseases-medical evidence , 188-189

Pension Commission

Advisory board , 1489

Audits , 1486

Deficient plans , 1488

Legislation recommendations , 1489-1490

Pension plan amendments , 1487

Pension plan wind-ups , 1487

Staffing , 1488-1489

Surplus funds , 1487-1488

Physician resources

Epileptologists , 2073-2079, 2139-2141

Points of Order

P/O by Dacquay respecting the word "lies" (Mackintosh) 2753 Reid 2753; taken under advisement 2753;

Speaker's ruling , 3809

Poulin's Exterminators

Workplace Safety and Health charges , 1565-1567, 1688

Prescription Drugs Cost Assistance Amendment Act (Bill 13)

2r , 453-458

Springfield Junior High School

Overcrowding , 2943-2944

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion , 4677-4678, 4756-4758, 4764-4768

Supply, Interim , 1124-1126, 1146-1147

Throne Speech debate , 344-345

Transcona Collegiate

Capital project , 2942-2943, 3096-3101

University of Winnipeg

Educational Assistant diploma , 3264

Workplace Safety and Health

Audits , 1558

Court testimony , 1559-1561

Desktop management services , 1693-1694

Director's orders , 1568

Employee training , 1681-1686

Farm safety , 1493, 1550-1552

Farm safety conference , 1493

Fatalities , 1568

Field inspectors-parking expenses , 1688-1693

Field inspectors-The Pas , 1686-1688

Funding , 1569-1570

Inspections , 1553-1555, 1558

Minutes, access to , 1555-1557

Overtime , 1567-1568

Prosecutions , 1570

Shell casing reclamation , 1561-1564

Staffing , 1570-1571

Winnipeg Forest Products , 1558-1559

Reimer, Hon. Jack (Niakwa) P.C.

Capital Region Committee

Appointments , 1187

Discussion document , 1190, 1192

Information pamphlet , 1190

Meeting schedule , 1185

Membership , 1185

Objectives , 1189-1190

Public forums , 1193-1194

Region expansion , 1194-1195

Responsibility , 1186

Role , 1150-1153

Staff secretariat , 1191

Time lines , 1187-1188

Capital Region Strategy , 1182

City of Winnipeg Act

Amendments-research , 1292

City of Winnipeg Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 36)

1r , 2330

2r , 2674-2678

Committee on Tax Reform

Status , 1195

Co-op housing programs

Administration , 4277-4279

Cuff report

Public hearings , 1288-1291

Dutch Elm Disease Control Program

Funding , 1295

Elderly and Infirm Persons' Housing Act

School tax exemption , 1145


Permanent voters list , 1197

Flora Place

Status , 4109-4110

The Forks North Portage Partnership

Annual Report, 1997 , 499

Fort Rouge ecumenical apartments , 4022-4023

Growth Management Study

Status , 1195-1197

Headingly, Manitoba

Water supply , 1285-1287

Home renovation programs

Funding , 1032-1034, 1033-1034

Government initiatives , 4117-4119

Government position , 1147-1149

Northern Manitoba , 4135-4136


Northern Manitoba , 4132-4133

Housing, aboriginal

Administration , 4281-4282

Housing, Department of

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 47) , 187

Budget , 1028-1031, 1032, 4029-4031, 4113-4114

Employee grievances , 4284

Staffing , 4125-4126

Supplementary information (S.P. 138) , 906

Housing, Department of (Supply)

Housing Executive

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 4019-4034, 4107-4137, 4273-4284

Opening Remarks , 4015-4018

Housing, public

Balcony fee , 1147, 4137-4138

Collection agencies , 4131-4132

Family units, availability of , 4033-4034

Maintenance , 1145-1146, 4137

Needs study , 4121

One-strike policy , 4276-4277

Pet policy , 4130

Rent arrears , 4128-4130

Rent geared to income formula , 4127-4128

Security alarms , 4131

185 Smith Street , 4728-4730

Special needs tenants , 4277

St. Josaphat Selo , 4110-4113

Surplus property , 4121-4124

Tenants associations , 4126-4127

Tenants associations-office space , 4273-4274

Tenants association-400 Young Street , 4031-4032, 4107-4108

Wolseley area , 4032

Housing, seniors

Age criteria , 4019-4021

Housing legislation, federal

Amendments , 4279-4280

Justice, Department of (Supply) , 3022-3023

Justice, Minister of

Resignation request , 3022-3023

Lord Selkirk Park

Tenants association , 4021-4022

Lord Selkirk Tenants Association

Responsibility , 1040-1042

Manitoba Centre for the Deaf

Housing units-management , 4023-4024, 4025-4027

Personal care home , 4024-4025

Manitoba Council on Aging

Membership , 3670-3671

Responsibilities , 3671

Manitoba Housing Authority

Staffing , 4125

Vacancy rate , 1144

Manitoba-Winnipeg Community Revitalization Program , 1281-1282

Status , 1293-1294

Oral Questions


Housing, public , 53

City of Winnipeg Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act

Community committees , 4444-4445, 4508-4509

Councilors, impact on , 4446-4447

Mayoral powers , 4446, 4449-4450

Withdrawal , 4445-4446

Home renovation programs

Funding , 957-958

Housing, Department of

Budget , 957

Housing, public

Availability , 166

Rent increase , 839-840

Vacancy rate , 375

Housing starts-urban

Decline , 2338-2339

Life leases

Property taxes-education levy , 4361

Northern Affairs communities

Housing shortages , 4364-4365

Shelter allowance programs

Funding , 166-167

Social Planning Council report

Housing , 166

Urban Affairs Committee

Agenda , 143

Meeting attendance-the Speaker , 99, 100, 143

Pan Am Games

Staffing-volunteers , 4014

Partners in Public Service , 1181

Legislative amendments , 1278-1279

Staffing, impact on , 1280

Status , 1198-1201, 1278


Funding , 4679-4681

Revenue projections

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation , 1031-1032


Budget , 4115

Community nonprofit groups , 4115-4116

Seniors Directorate

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 48) , 187

Consultations , 3656-3657, 3671

Information-central source , 3657-3658, 3662-3666

Meal programs , 3668-3669

Meals on Wheels , 3666-3667, 3669-3670

Ministerial conferences , 3658-3660

Supplementary information (S.P. 137) , 906

Seniors Directorate (Supply)

Opening Remarks , 3649-3652

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 3656-3672

Shelter Allowances for Elderly Renters

Indexing , 1040

Review , 4274-4275

Shelter Allowances for Family Renters

Review , 4275-4276

Sport (Supply)

Support Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 4014-4015

St. Josaphat Selo

Vacancy rate , 1042

Strategic Infrastructure Reinvestment Policy

Status , 1195

Supply, Committee of

Concurrence motion , 4679-4681, 4728-4730, 4901

Supply, Interim , 1028-1043, 1144-1153

Teen Challenge

Funding , 4901

Throne Speech debate , 296-302

Urban Affairs, Department of

Amalgamation-Rural Development, Department of , 1284

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 46) , 187

Staffing , 1294

Supplementary information (S.P. 139) , 906

Urban Affairs, Department of (Supply)


Executive Support , 1183-1201, 1277-1294

Financial Assistance to the City of Winnipeg

Unconditional Current Program Grants , 1295

Unconditional Grant-Urban Development , 1295

Opening Remarks , 1179-1183

Urban Affairs Program Support

Canada-Manitoba Winnipeg Development Agreement , 1296

Urban Affairs Committee

Cuff report , 1184

Meeting schedule , 1183-1184

Membership , 1184

Urban Centres Peripheral Development

Status , 1281-1283

Winnipeg, City of

Provincial grants , 1295

Winnipeg Development Agreement

Allocations , 1035

Applications , 1036-1039

Housing initiatives , 4119-4121

Initiatives , 1180-1181

Pan Am Games , 1296

Render, Shirley (St. Vital) P.C.

Budget debate , 539-546

Health, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 2622-2624

Hepatitis C

Compensation , 2622-2624

Members' Statements

Daley, Collette , 742-743

Driedger, Myrna , 2339-2340

Friesen, Stephanie , 4453

International Women's Day , 507-508

Manitoba Day , 2903-2904

Premier's Volunteer Service Award , 1929

Women of Distinction Awards , 2754

Private Members' Business


Barker, Billy , 3417-3418

Resolutions, government

Canadian unity , 866-871, 919

Residential care facilities


Martindale , 2707-2709

Mitchelson , 2707-2709

Residential Tenancies Branch

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 207)

Radcliffe , 4559

Residential Tenancies Commission

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 208)

Radcliffe , 4559


Maloway , 3594

Radcliffe , 3594


Ernst, James A.

Dacquary , 13

Resolutions, government

Canadian unity

Doer , 850-856

Downey , 931-935

Enns , 923-926

Evans, L. , 862-866

Filmon , 843-850

Friesen , 926-931

Gaudry , 856-859

Lamoureux , 895-899

Lathlin , 935-937

Laurendeau , 947-949

Mackintosh , 883-886

McAlpine , 949-950

McCrae , 951-952

Newman , 899-903

Penner , 941-945

Radcliffe , 945-947

Render , 866-871, 919

Robinson , 937-941

Rocan , 892-895

Sale , 888-892

Struthers , 919-923

Toews , 859-862

Tweed , 886-888

Vodrey , 950-951

Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Act


Gilleshammer , 1402

Revenue Estimates

Supplementary information (S.P. 199)

Stefanson , 3419

Revenue projections

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Cerilli , 988, 1031-1032

Reimer , 1031-1032

Stefanson , 988

General comments

Sale , 980-984

Stefanson , 980-985

River East Kodiaks. See Members' Statements

Riverside Park baseball facility. See Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Program

Riverton Boat Works


Evans, C. , 1329-1331

Filmon , 1329-1331

Riverview Health Centre

Waiting lists

McGifford , 265

Praznik , 265

Road maintenance, offloading of. See Private Members' Business-Resolutions

Robertson, Ian (Assistant Deputy Minister, Industrial Development, Department of Industry, Trade and Tourism)

Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of (Supply)

Business Services

Industry Development-Consulting Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 3085-3087

Vision Capital Fund

Accounting procedures , 3085-3086

Robinson, Eric (Rupertsland) N.D.P.

Airports, northern

Upgrading , 2794-2795

First Nation communities

Housing shortages , 2783-2784

Members' Statements

Aboriginal Justice Inquiry report , 509

Airplane crash-Little Grand Rapids , 379

Akjuit Aerospace , 2018

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples , 2576-2577

Northern Affairs, Department of (Supply)

Northern Affairs Executive

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits , 2722-2725, 2770-2775

Northern Affairs communities

Community constables , 2781

Funding formula , 2781-2782

Salaries , 2780

Sustainable initiatives , 2722-2724

Oral Questions

Aboriginal Justice Inquiry report

Implementation strategy , 506-507

Airplane crash-Little Grand Rapids

Emergency response review , 438

Airports, northern

Maintenance/upgrading , 1468

Runway markers , 3426

Safety concerns , 439, 3426, 4398

Safety upgrades , 3492

Akiwenzie, Joseph

Public inquiry , 3600-3601

Children First report

Government response , 4185

Clipping, Erick

Inquest , 4071-4072

Dhaliwal, Gurprem

Independent inquiry , 371

Sentence appeal , 96-97, 138, 196-197, 370, 434-436

Election tampering, allegations of

Judicial inquiry , 4748

Gods River airstrip

Runway upgrade , 3492

Judicial system

Incarceration rates-aboriginal , 507

Little Grand Rapids Airport

Status report , 915

Mason, Chief James (Oxford House)

Meeting request , 436

Northern aboriginal communities

Food pricing-investigation , 3986

Northern Flood Agreement

Cross Lake First Nation-review , 1363

Personal injury claims , 1363

Northern Manitoba

Emergency airlift , 4448-4449

Osborne, Helen Betty

Murder investigation-RCMP report , 4452-4453

Physician recruitment

Northern Manitoba , 167

Red River/Lake Winnipeg

Dredging services , 3859-3860

Regional Health Authorities

Chief Executive Officer-Churchill, Manitoba , 2013

Churchill, Manitoba , 1137-1138

Financial reports-Churchill, Manitoba , 2013

Government support-Churchill, Manitoba , 2014

Regional Health Authority

Churchill, Manitoba , 1137-1138

Ross Family

Arbitration award , 1363

Sayisi Dene First Nation

Housing shortages , 4360, 4513-4514

Meeting request , 4360, 4513

Wasagamack Airport

Status , 2183-2184, 3492

Wilson, Gerald Jr.

Appeal , 3495

Charges-investigation , 3495

Trial-jury selection , 2405-2406

Private Members' Business


Aboriginal housing , 3955-3957

Racial discrimination

Workshops , 2724

Resolutions, government

Canadian unity , 937-941

Urban aboriginal strategy

Update , 2725

Rocan, Denis (Gladstone) P.C.

Budget debate , 682-687

Members' Statements

Austin Elementary School , 3125

Potato producers , 1848-1849

Royal Canadian Mounted Police , 3358

Youth employment , 1641

Private Members' Business


Potato industry in Manitoba , 1908-1909

Resolutions, government

Canadian unity , 892-895

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

125th anniversary , 468

Roseau River Training Centre. See Members' Statements

Ross, Fred James. See Members' Statements

Ross, Ian-Governor Generals' Award. See Members' Statements

Ross Family

Arbitration award

Newman , 1363

Robinson , 1363

Royal Canadian Legion. See Members' Statements

Royal Canadian Mounted Police. See also Members Statements

125th anniversary

Rocan , 468

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. See Members' Statements

Royal Winnipeg Ballet

Attendance-London, England

Filmon , 1748-1750

McGifford , 1638, 1748-1749

Vodrey , 1638

Ministers' attendance

McGifford , 441-442

Vodrey , 442

Ministers' attendance-London, England

McGifford , 440-441

Vodrey , 441



Cerilli , 4115

Reimer , 4115

Community nonprofit groups

Cerilli , 4115-4116

Reimer , 4115-4116

Rural development. See Members' Statements

Rural Development, Department of. See also Desktop management services; Urban Affairs, Department of-Amalgamation

Annual Report, 1997 (S.P. 18)

Derkach , 51

Brandon office

Derkach , 1520

Evans, C. , 1519

Supplementary information (S.P. 151)

Derkach , 1132

Rural Development, Department of (Supply)

Administration and Finance

Brandon Office

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1518-1520

Evans, C. , 1518-1520

Executive Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1445-1458, 1518

Evans, C. , 1518

Evans, L. , 1449-1450

Wowchuk , 1445-1449, 1451-1458

Financial and Administrative Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1520-1521

Evans, C. , 1520-1521

Human Resource Management

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1520

Evans, C. , 1520

Minister's Salary

Derkach , 1891

Evans, C. , 1890-1891


Municipal Board

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1521-1531

Evans, C. , 1521-1531

Surface Rights Board

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1531-1532

Evans, C. , 1531-1532

Expenditures Related to Capital

Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement on Municipal Water Infrastructure

Derkach , 1889

Evans, C. , 1889

Downtown Revitalization

Derkach , 1890

Evans, C. , 1889-1890

Infrastructure Development

Derkach , 1890

Evans, C. , 1890

Less:  Recoverable from Capital Initiatives

Derkach , 1890

Evans, C. , 1890

Transit Bus Purchases

Derkach , 1888-1889

Evans, C. , 1888

Water Development

Derkach , 1889

Evans, C. , 1889

Local Government Services

Assessment Services

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1722-1726

Evans, C. , 1722-1726

Executive Administration

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1614-1616

Evans, C. , 1614-1616

Grants to Municipalities in Lieu of Taxes


Derkach , 1730

Evans, C. , 1730

Friesen , 1730-1731

Information Systems

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1731-1737

Evans, C. , 1731-1732, 1733

Friesen , 1732-1735

Local Government Support Services

Less: Recoverable from Rural Economic Development Initiatives

Derkach , 1729-1730

Evans, C. , 1729

Municipal Support Grants

Derkach , 1729

Evans, C. , 1729

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1726-1727

Evans, C. , 1726-1727

Transit Grants

Derkach , 1727-1729

Evans, C. , 1727-1729

Opening Remarks

Derkach , 1438-1442

Evans, C. , 1442-1444

Rural Economic Development

Community Economic Development Services


Derkach , 1811-1812

Evans, C. , 1810-1812

Food Development Centre

Derkach. , 1813

Evans, C. , 1812-1813

Infrastructure Services

Other Expenditures

Derkach , 1810

Evans, C. , 1810

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Barrett , 1800-1809

Derkach , 1800-1810

Evans, C. , 1800, 1809-1810

Rural Economic Programs

Grow Bonds Program

Derkach , 1813-1822

Evans, C. , 1813-1814, 1821-1822

Sale , 1814-1821

Rural Economic Development Initiative


Derkach , 1887-1888

Evans, C. , 1887-1888


Derkach , 1822, 1887

Evans, C. , 1822, 1887

Unconditional Grants-Rural Community Development

Derkach , 1888

Evans, C. , 1888

Small Business and Corporate Planning Services

Corporate Planning and Business Development

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1532-1536, 1599-1608

Evans, C. , 1532-1534, 1598-1608

Friesen , 1532-1536

Small Business and Community Support

Salaries and Employee Benefits

Derkach , 1609-1613

Evans, C. , 1609-1613

Rural development corporations


Derkach , 1811-1812

Evans, C. , 1810-1812

Rural Economic Development Initiative

Feasibility studies

Derkach , 1451

Wowchuk , 1451

Natural gas

Derkach , 1887-1888

Evans, C. , 1887-1888

Strategic initiatives

Derkach , 1887

Evans, C. , 1887

Rural Forum. See also Members' Statements


Derkach , 1607-1608

Evans, C. , 1607-1608


Derkach , 1454-1456

Wowchuk , 1454-1456

Northern participants

Derkach , 1456-1458

Wowchuk , 1456-1458

Rural stress line


Praznik , 4583-4584

Wowchuk , 4583

R.W. Bobby Bend School. See Members' Statements


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