# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


4-H programs


Penner, Jack, 1805-1806

Wowchuk, 1806-1807

911 service–Winnipeg


Mackintosh, 2240-2241

Praznik, 2240-2241


Caldwell, Hon. Drew (Brandon East) N.D.P.

Aboriginal education

Aboriginal Justice Inquiry recommendations, 3202

Counselling services, 3209-3210

Funding formula, 3211-3213

Graduates–labour market participation, 3205

Graduation rates, 3203-3204

Integration, 3202-3203

Partnerships, 3205-3206

Statistics, 3209

Access programs

Update, 3775

Apprenticeship and training programs

Aboriginal participation, 1878

Expansion, 1878

Assiniboine Community College

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 85), 187

Expansion, 3880

Brandon, city of

Downtown revitalization, 415-416

Brandon East constituency, 414

Former MLA, 413-414

Brandon University

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 89), 187


Budget Debate, 1287-1293

Budget, balanced

Government commitment, 39

Campus Manitoba

Update, 4477-4478

Collective Agreement Board

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 129), 1158

College Expansion Initiative

Capital costs, 3866

Distance education, 3868

Enrolment objectives, 3862-3866

Executive director, 3775-3777

Function, 3857, 3858-3860

Justification, 3777

Overview, 3861-3862

Salaries, 3778

Service duplication, 3778-3779

Transfer payments/grants, 3878-3879

Commercialization in the classroom

Caldwell, 932-934

Community colleges

Enrolment, 3862

Expansion, 1877

Off-campus sites, 3879-3880

First Nation communities, 3880-3883

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 83), 187

Chairperson, 1937-1938

Function, 3860-3861

Distance education

Access to computer technology, 3674-3675

Division Scolaire Franco-Manitobaine

Funding, 1877

Economic growth

Environmental protection, 415

Education and Training, Department of

Estimates debate, 1875-1891, 1935-1958, 3184-3218, 3281-3293, 3654-3679, 3752-3783, 3854-3883, 3981-3989, 4466-4488, 4539-4543

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 82), 187

Better Methods Initiative, 3286-3287

Boards and committees, 3186-3190, 3752-3753

Communication costs, 1886

Consultations, 1876

Controllership function, 3283-3284

Educational service agreements, 3754-3755

Equipment maintenance costs, 3755

Financial and business planning, 3287

French-language programming, 3756-3757, 3758-3764

Human resource services, 3282, 3289-3290

Interdepartmental service coordination, 3754

Job descriptions, 3185

Learning technologies, 1939-1943

Mission statement, 3185

Operating costs, 1886-1887

Policy initiatives, 3217

Professional development, 3287

Aboriginal culture, 3195-3199

Regional managers, 3675

Research and Planning branch, 1948, 3291-3293, 3654-3656

Salaries, 1885, 3184-3185, 3206-3207, 3214, 3767

SAP program, 3286-3288

Staff recognition, 1876

Staffing, 1890-1892, 1936-1943, 1947, 1948-1954, 3184, 3185, 3207, 3282-3283, 3285-3286, 3672, 3675, 3678, 3755-3756

Supplementary information (S.P. 158), 1875

Sustainable Development Initiative, 1943-1944

Transportation costs, 1886

Education and Training, Minister of

Apology request, 4497

Conduct, 4495

Relations with stakeholders, 4496

Resignation request, 5025

Education system

Administration costs, 538, 540

Advertising policy, 89, 196-197, 417

Curriculum development, 1877

Funding, 416, 1876, 3215-3216

Capital, 1876

Special needs, 88, 1207-1208, 1264-1265

Information technology, 3672-3673

International standards, 3672

Internet access, 90

Schools of Choice program, 907, 3769-3774

Funding, 3855

Special Education Review, 1877, 3658-3660

Recommendations, 3676

Special education–curriculum development, 3660

Speech and hearing services, 3754

Standards testing, 91-92, 3666-3669, 3671-3672

French immersion, 3757-3758

Grade 3, 85-86, 89-90, 92, 195, 538, 602, 1876, 2036-2037, 2547-2549, 3661-3666, 3670-3671

Grade 6, 90-91

Student transportation costs, 3057

Educational organizations

Grant funding, 1874

Employment programs

Aboriginal Employment Information Centre, 1878

Partners for Careers, 1878

Health care system

Government commitment, 416

Healthy Child Initiative

Parent-child centres, 1876-1877

Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill 19)

3r, 709-710

Home schooling

Registration, 1507, 1873

Interchange on Canadian Studies Initiative

Funding, 3756

Keewatin Community College

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 86), 187

Bachelor of Nursing program, 3883

Labour Market Development Agreement, 1878

Legislative Assembly

Staff recognition, 412


School/public resources sharing, 3677-3678

Manitoba Education Research and Learning Information Networks

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 107), 486

Manitoba Learning Tax Credit Program

Funding, 4479

Manitoba Property Tax Credit

Objectives, 4467-4468

Manitoba School for the Deaf

Salaries, 3661

Manitoba Text Book Bureau

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 81), 187

Native Education Directorate

Administrative support, 3213

Consultation, 3190-3192

Overview, 1954-1958

Research and development, 3199-3201

O'Leary, Brian

Disciplinary action, 1673

Oral Questions

Budget, balanced

Government commitment, 39

Education and Training, Minister of

Apology request, 4497

Conduct, 4495

Relations with stakeholders, 4496

Resignation request, 5025

Education system

Administration costs, 538, 540

Advertising policy, 89, 196-197

Funding–special needs, 88, 1207-1208, 1264-1265

Internet access, 90

Schools of Choice program, 907

Standards testing, 91-92

Grade 3, 85-86, 89-90, 92, 195, 538, 602, 2036-2037, 2547-2549

Grade 6, 90-91

Student transportation costs, 3057

O'Leary, Brian

Disciplinary action, 1673

Post-secondary education

Employment opportunities, 86-87

Funding, 537, 907, 1032, 3050-3054, 3615-3617

Funding, capital, 1085-1086, 3056-3057, 5025

Graduate programs, 245

High-tech training, 908

Property taxes, 908

Tuition fee policy, 86, 89, 196, 537, 659-660, 1032-1033

Public Schools Act


Consultations, 1269, 3398

Home schooling, 4621-4622, 4898-4900, 4901-4904, 4905

Minister's comments, 4853-4854

Property taxes, impact on, 3321, 3398, 4402-4403

Repeal, 1621-1622

Withdrawal, 4402, 4495-4496, 4496-4497

School boards

Autonomy, 87-88, 91

School divisions

Amalgamation, 539, 3441-3442, 3614-3615

Teaching profession

Collective bargaining legislation, 1622-1623, 2546-2547

University of Manitoba

Budget, 88

Funding levels, 1266

University of Manitoba Students' Union

Debate request, 3057-3058

Youth News Network

Consultations, 92

Contract revisions, 3059

Government position, 1109-1110, 1509-1511, 1623, 1928-1929

Pensioners' School Tax Assistance

Funding reduction, 3764

Personal background, 412-413

Points of Order

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "deliberately" (Caldwell) 608; Mackintosh 608; taken under advisement 608; Speaker's ruling, 802-803

Post-secondary education

Accessibility and affordability, 417, 729-732

Bursaries, 1877

Employment opportunities, 86-87

Funding, 537, 907, 1032, 3050-3054, 3615-3617

Funding, capital, 1085-1086, 3056-3057, 5025

Graduate programs, 245

High-tech training, 908

Labour market training, 4478

Northern Manitoba, 3876-3877

Operating grants, 1877

Property taxes, 908

Tuition fee policy, 86, 89, 196, 537, 659-660, 1032-1033, 1877, 4480-4482

Poverty rate, 417

Presiding officers


Congratulations, 411-412

Private Members' Business

Commercialization in the classroom, 932-934

Post-secondary education

Accessibility and affordability, 729-732

Public Schools Act


Consultations, 602, 1269, 3398

Home schooling, 4621-4622, 4898-4900, 4901-4904, 4905

Minister's comments, 4853-4854

Property taxes, impact on, 603, 3321, 3398, 4402-4403, 4468-4470

Repeal, 1621-1622

Withdrawal, 4402, 4495-4496, 4496-4497

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 12)

1r, 1507

2r, 1873-1874, 3936

R/S, 5092-5093, 5105-5108

3r, 5137-5139

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

2r, 3370-3375

R/S, 4859

Public Schools Finance Board

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 130), 1158

Capital projects, 3765-3766

Red River College

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 84), 187

Expansion, 3857-3858

Expansion location, 3868-3875

Expansion–downtown location, 3779-3782

Outreach offices, 4476

Portage la Prairie satellite office, 4475

Remnant, W.H. (Binx)

Retirement, 412

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Education component, 1954

School boards

Autonomy, 87-88, 91

School divisions

Amalgamation, 539, 3441-3442, 3614-3615

Expedited payment process, 1507

Schools, public

Grant funding, 1507, 1874

Standing committees

Public presentation process, 4539-4543

Stevenson Aviation Centre

Status, 4470-4475

Student Financial Assistance Program

Funding, 4479

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 45)

1r, 3916

2r, 4136

Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 141), 1259

Teaching profession

Collective bargaining legislation, 1622-1623, 2546-2547, 3050

Professional development–Aboriginal culture, 3192-3195

Teaching college, establishment of, 3767

Throne Speech

Debate, 411-418


Capital grants, 4482-4483

University of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 88), 187

Budget, 88

Computer science program, 1878

Funding levels, 1266

University of Manitoba Students' Union

Debate request, 3057-3058

University of Winnipeg

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 87), 187

Youth News Network

Consultations, 92

Contract revisions, 3059

Government position, 1109-1110, 1509-1511, 1623, 1928-1929, 1945-1946

Call centres. See also Access 204 Manitoba; specific companies

Employment creation

Derkach, 327

Employment statistics

Mihychuk, 2008

Tweed, 2008

Government funding

Mihychuk, 1448-1449

Tweed, 1448-1449

Government position

Doer, 496

Loewen, 495-496

Stefanson, 376

CalWest Textiles


Faurschou, 1995-1996

Mihychuk, 1995-1996

Campus Manitoba


Caldwell, 4477-4478

Derkach, 4477-4478

Can We Talk? conference

Allan, 1443-1444

Canada Compound (Western) Limited

Helwer, 482

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Electronic commerce

Loewen, 1461

Selinger, 1461

Federal-provincial relations

Selinger, 1460

Stefanson, 1460

Canada Day activities

Schuler, 3501

Struthers, 3501

Canada Health and Social Transfer

Funding restoration

Doer, 4109

Per-capita funding formula

Selinger, 1521-1522

Stefanson, 1521-1522

Premier's position

Doer, 4846-4847

Mitchelson, 4846-4847

Canada Pension Plan

Selinger, 3629

Stefanson, 3629


Selinger, 1361

Stefanson, 1361

Full pension–age requirement

Barrett, 2589-2591

Schuler, 2589-2591

Canada-Manitoba Adjustment Program

Gerrard, 1023-1024

Penner, Jack, 1023

Wowchuk, 1022-1023


Smith, S., 4332

Wowchuk, 4332


Wowchuk, 1489

Payment reported as income

Maguire, 2529-2530

Wowchuk, 2529-2530

Canada-Manitoba Agreement for Water Quantity Surveys


Enns, 4087

Lathlin, 4087

Canada/Manitoba Economic Development Partnership Agreement

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 80)

Friesen, 187

Canada-Manitoba Farm Business Management Agreement


Penner, Jack, 1793, 1795-1798

Wowchuk, 1794, 1795-1798

Canada/Manitoba Infrastructure Works

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 79)

Friesen, 187

Canadian Airlines International


Ashton, 354

Rondeau, 353

Canadian Blood Services

Labour dispute

Chomiak, 4643

Doer, 4810

Driedger, 4643

Gerrard, 4810

Canadian Centre on Disability Studies


Mihychuk, 2001-2002

Tweed, 2001-2002

Canadian Farm Income Program

Coverage levels

Penner, Jack, 4009-4010

Wowchuk, 4010

Flood victims

Penner, Jack, 4010

Wowchuk, 4010


Doer, 4011-4012

Enns, 4010-4012

Wowchuk, 4012

Canadian flag

Antidesecration legislation

Rocan, 2037-2038

Canadian Hard of Hearing conference

Faurschou, 2631-2632

Canadian Wheat Board


Filmon, 161, 163

Canadians Helping Kids in Vietnam

Schellenberg, 1035

Cancer. See also Breast cancer; Breast health awareness; Cervical cancer screening program; Prostate cancer centre

Chemotherapy treatment

Hours of operation

Chomiak, 487

Filmon, 487


Foreign-trained technicians

Chomiak, 1212

Recruitment/retention strategy

Chomiak, 2328

Mitchelson, 2327-2328


Bed availability

Chomiak, 1004, 1210-1211

Gilleshammer, 1004, 1210-1211

Waiting lists

Chomiak, 2328-2329

Mitchelson, 2328-2329

Waiting lists–reduction strategy

Doer, 470-471

U.S. treatment

Chomiak, 3790-3791

Driedger, 3790-3791

CancerCare Manitoba

Labour dispute

Doer, 4222-4223

Mitchelson, 4221-4223


Chomiak, 3256-3257, 4436

Driedger, 3256-3257

CanWest Global

Newspaper acquisitions

Loewen, 4737-4738

Capital Region Review Panel


Friesen, 1005-1006

Loewen, 1005

Minister's position

Friesen, 4672-4674

Loewen, 4672-4674


Friesen, 1442

Loewen, 1442


Friesen, 4658

Capital Region Strategy

Derkach, 328

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Faurschou, 662-663

Cardiac care

Access to treatment

Chomiak, 3684

General comments

Aglugub, 3322-3323

Allan, 3256

Chomiak, 3141-3142, 3256

Driedger, 3141-3142

Government initiatives

Chomiak, 3233, 3685

Heart transplant program

Donor availability

Chomiak, 3784

Donor base

Driedger, 3575-3576

General comments

Chomiak, 3142-3143, 3144

Driedger, 3431-3432

Gerrard, 3144

Mitchelson, 3142-3143

Out-of-province treatment

Chomiak, 3575

Driedger, 3575


Chomiak, 3784

Driedger, 3576

Rural Manitoba

Chomiak, 3691

Cardiac care, pediatric

Chomiak, 3143-3144

Gerrard, 3143-3144

Carman constituency

Rocan, 449-450


See First Nation casinos

Cataract surgery

Waiting lists

Chomiak, 3396-3397

Driedger, 3397

Gerrard, 3396

CBC "24Hours"

Filmon, 861-862

Gerrard, 862

McGifford, 861

Centra Gas

See Manitoba Hydro

Central Regional Health Authority

Capital projects

Chomiak, 5215

Faurschou, 5215


Chomiak, 4214-4215

Faurschou, 4213-4215

Century Farm Awards

Penner, Jack, 1792, 1794

Wowchuk, 1793-1794

Cerilli, Marianne (Radisson) N.D.P.

Ambulance services

Government initiatives, 4054

Bernie Wolfe Community School, 955-956

Breast health awareness, 598

CN Rail

Transcona rail traffic, 804-805

Disabilities, persons with, 1932-1933

Vocational rehabilitation, 3618

Economic growth

Government initiatives, 1518-1519

Education system

Government commitment, 364-365

Fetal alcohol syndrome, 482-483


Agricultural disaster assistance, 895-899

Government Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 895-899

Health care system

Government commitment, 363-364

Human Services Guide, 3827


Interprovincial migration, 3100-3101

Language programs, 3101-3102

Provincial Nominee Program, 3098-3100

Kozak, Kathleen

Marathon participant, 3147-3148

Labour, Department of

Estimates debate, 3098-3103

Members' Statements

Bernie Wolfe Community School, 955-956

CN Rail

Transcona rail traffic, 804-805

Disabilities, persons with, 1932-1933

Economic growth

Government initiatives, 1518-1519

Fetal alcohol syndrome, 482-483

Human Services Guide, 3827

Kozak, Kathleen

Marathon participant, 3147-3148


Legislation proclamation, 2633-2634

National Child Benefit, 4624-4625

Prendergast community kitchen, 4134

Radisson constituency

Community organizations, 93-94

Sport Manitoba

Athletic awards, 2213-2214

Transcona-Springfield Employment Network, 1116

United Nations Year for the Culture of Peace, 5125


Legislation proclamation, 2629, 2633-2634

Municipal Affairs, Standing Committee on

1st Report, 533

2nd Report, 5070-5071

National Child Benefit, 4624-4625

Oral Questions

Ambulance services

Government initiatives, 4054

Disabilities, persons with

Vocational rehabilitation, 3618


Legislation proclamation, 2629

Prendergast community kitchen, 4134

Private Members' Business

Breast health awareness, 598

Public safety

Government commitment, 365

Radisson constituency, 361-363

Community organizations, 93-94

Sport Manitoba

Athletic awards, 2213-2214

Throne Speech

Debate, 360-367

Transcona-Springfield Employment Network, 1116

United Nations Year for the Culture of Peace, 5125

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)

2r, 2319-2325

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2r, 643-648

Cervical cancer screening program


Chomiak, 4182

Driedger, 4182


Dacquay, 4428-4429

McGifford, 4429


Chomiak, 3806-3807, 4528-4529

Dacquay, 4528-4529

Driedger, 3806-3807

CFB Shilo

All-party delegation

Doer, 699, 2435

Gilleshammer, 699

Mitchelson, 2435

Business case

Doer, 699

Gilleshammer, 699

Environmental clean-up

Doer, 952-953

Gilleshammer, 952

Minister of Education's comments

Doer, 951-952

Gilleshammer, 951

Premier's involvement

Doer, 952

Gilleshammer, 952

Reorganization proposals

Doer, 699-700

Gilleshammer, 699


See Canadian Farm Income Program

Charleswood constituency

Driedger, 432-433

Seniors organizations

Driedger, 198-199

Charleswood Junior High School

Festival of the Arts

Driedger, 1443

Chief Electoral Officer

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 117)

Hickes, 652

Annual Report,–standing committee review

Doer, 3443

Gerrard, 3442-3443

Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 124)

Mackintosh, 793

Chief Medical Examiner

Annual Review, 1998 (S.P. 125)

Mackintosh, 793

Child abuse. See also Child pornography; Child prostitution

Conviction statistics

Driedger, 2457

Mackintosh, 2457-2458


Driedger, 2456

Mackintosh, 2456

Zero tolerance policy

Driedger, 2456

Mackintosh, 2456-2457

Child Abuse Registry


Driedger, 2456

Mackintosh, 2456

Child and Family Services. See also Family conciliation services; Family violence prevention

Aboriginal and Métis agencies

Driedger, 691, 1163-1164

Robinson, 4149-4150

Sale, 690-691, 1163-1164, 3544

Child protection services

Cummings, 3651-3652

Sale, 3651-3652

Children's special services

Sale, 3543

Strategic initiatives

Sale, 3542-3543

Child care centres

Fire regulations

Barrett, 3112-3113

Reid, 3112

Child care system

Rondeau, 1090


Sale, 3538


Korzeniowski, 1316-1317

Laurendeau, 1927-1928

McGifford, 4422

Sale, 1317, 1927-1928, 3543

Schellenberg, 1348-1349


Korzeniowski, 3449

Space allocation

Cummings, 3650

Sale, 3650

Special needs children

Cummings, 3650

Sale, 3543, 3650-3651

Child Find Manitoba

Green Ribbon of Hope Dinner

Driedger, 2214

Child labour

Interlational Labour Organization convention

Barrett, 1742

Child pornography

Court decision–appeal

Driedger, 1627, 1667

Mackintosh, 1627, 1667

Enforcement of possession laws

Filmon, 159, 168

Notwithstanding clause

Driedger, 437

Child prostitution. See also Children and Youth Secretariat

Child abuse, victims of

Driedger, 2460

Mackintosh, 2460


Driedger, 2468-2469

Mackintosh, 2469

Safe house

Driedger, 2469, 5296

Mackintosh, 2469

Sale, 5296

Street gang pressure

Driedger, 2466

Mackintosh, 2466

Children and Youth Secretariat

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 42)

Sale, 137

Child prostitution report

Driedger, 2460-2463

Mackintosh, 2460-2463

Children's Hospital of Manitoba

See Teddy Bear's Picnic

Children's services

Early childhood development initiatives

Premier's position

Doer, 4853

Gerrard, 4853

Recreational opportunities

Mackintosh, 863-864

Praznik, 863

Spending priorities

Friesen, 4901

Gerrard, 4900

Chomiak, Hon. Dave (Kildonan) N.D.P.

Aboriginal personal care home

Status, 4632-4633, 5310

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 110), 486

Government support, 2332

Ambulance services

Billing procedures, 3891

Fee schedule, 4533-4534

Funding, 3234

City of Winnipeg, 3815

Government initiatives, 4054-4055

Meeting request, 4529

Rural Manitoba, 3681, 3682-3683, 3887-3888, 3889, 3890, 4106-4109, 4179, 4530-4531, 5174-5175, 5229

Communications, 3697, 5175

Volunteer services, 3694-3695

Boissevain community clinic

Construction, 4640

Boundary Trails Hospital

Service expansion, 5226

Breast cancer

Ultrasound testing–constitutent concerns, 4193

Canadian Blood Services

Labour dispute, 4643


Chemotherapy treatment

Hours of operation, 487

Radiation therapy

Foreign-trained technicians, 1212


Recruitment/retention strategy, 2328


Bed availability, 1004, 1210-1211

Waiting lists, 2328-2329

U.S. treatment, 3790-3791

CancerCare Manitoba

Staffing, 3256-3257, 4436

Cardiac care, 3141-3142, 3256

Access to treatment, 3684

Government initiatives, 3233, 3685

Heart transplant program, 3142-3143, 3144

Donor availability, 3784

Out-of-province treatment, 3575

Statistics, 3784

Rural Manitoba, 3691

Cardiac care, pediatric, 3143-3144

Cataract surgery

Waiting lists, 3396-3397

Central Regional Health Authority

Capital projects, 5215

Funding, 4214-4215

Cervical cancer screening program

Establishment, 4182

Status, 3806-3807, 4528-4529

Community and Mental Health Services

Funding, 4187

Community Support Programs

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 148), 1320

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 185), 3711

Concordia Hospital

Oncology department–capital funding, 1208-1209

Dialysis services

Drug coverage–St. Boniface Hospital, 5307

Norway House, 5251

Rural Manitoba, 4448, 4534-4535, 4631

Russell hospital, 5167

Staffing, 5164-5167

Westman area, 5167

Drug Program Information Network

Update, 3897, 4436-4437, 5232-5233

E. coli bacteria

High-risk wells, 2334-2335

Safety measures, 4613

Testing, 2032

Faith Lutheran Personal Care Home

Capital project, 4529

First Ministers' conference

Agenda–environmental issues, 4974-4975

First Nations addiction foundation

Establishment, 2331

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Requests–Health, Department of, 3893, 4436


Addiction statistics, 2334

Grace Hospital

Bed closures, 3316-3317

Health, Department of

Estimates debate, 3226-3234, 3240-3246, 3293-3309, 3560-3585, 3680-3710, 3783-3815, 3884-3913, 3989-4003, 4092-4109, 4170-4193, 4358-4371, 4436-4466, 4528-4535, 4628-4652

Administrative costs, 4634-4635, 4643

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 108), 486

Assistant deputy ministers–background, 3245-3246, 3783-3784

Deputy Minister, 3891-3892

Background, 3241

Contract tabling request, 3294

Hiring process, 3561-3563

Living expenses, 3309, 3560-3561, 3705

Residency, 3241-3244, 3294

Estimates process, 3234

Information availability, 4462-4463, 4464-4465

Organizational chart, 3564-3565

Salaries, 3896, 3899, 4183

Staffing, 3294-3295, 3565-3566, 3894-3895, 4649-4650

Untendered contracts, 3898

Health, Minister of

Meeting requests, 3795-3796, 4174-4175, 5275

Health care facilities

Alternate uses, 4439, 5229

Capital program, 1209, 3892, 4398-4400

Food services, 352-353, 3228, 3824-3825, 3922-3923, 4014-4015

Health care facilities, rural, 2123-2124, 2124-2125, 3314, 3399

Acute care template, 3681-3682, 3793-3794, 4171-4173, 4452-4455

Capital projects, 4651-4652

Closures, 654-655

Community contribution policy, 3897

Emerson hospital, 3889-3890, 4532-4533, 5267-5269

Niverville, 3884

Piney, Rural Municipality of, 3887

Public consultations, 4897-4898

Report tabling request, 4896-4897

Template, 5168-5170

Health care professionals

Employee morale issues, 4105

Salaries–speech and language pathologists, 5232


Employment opportunities, 4642-4643

Training program, 4439, 4446

Standardized testing, 3905-3906

Workload measurement tools, 3907-3908

Health care system

Aboriginal health strategy, 3685-3686, 3808-3812

Acute care costs, 4188

Administration, 3232-3233

Anti-smoking campaign, 4099

Bed availability, 1340, 2750-2751, 3054-3055, 3227, 3295-3303, 3306, 3579-3581, 3792, 5257

Obstetrics, 5071-5074, 5158-5160

Statistics, 1340-1341

Bed openings, 43-45, 146, 188-189, 190, 247, 345-350, 400, 403, 476-477, 800

Minister's directive, 475

Staffing, 147, 476

Bed registry, 3689

Community clinics, 5225-5226

Community services, 4098

Consultations, 480

Diabetic treatment programs, 4099

Dialysis units, 3884

Disease prevention/health promotion, 4098-4099, 4184-4186

Early release policy, 3799-3800

Emergency transportation–rural, 1311-1314

Expenditure management, 21

Expenditures, 20-21

Funding, 3231-3232

Funding, federal, 3230-3231

Geriatric assessment teams, 3227

Hallway medicine reduction, 193-195, 404, 405

Information tabling request, 404-405

Information technology, 4636-4637

Procurement guidelines, 4637

Lab consolidation, 3681-3682

Minister's directive, 480-481

Minister's responsibility, 3922

Nurse/patient ratios–provincial comparisons, 4635

Nursing positions, full-time, 1924-1925

Nursing shortage, 564, 700-701, 2844-2845, 3055-3056

Patient safety, 476

Physiotherapy, 3255-3256

Plastic surgery program, 4636

Primary health care–pilot projects, 4099, 4438-4439

Research and development, 4637-4638

Rural Manitoba

Palliative care, 3690

Services/staffing, 697-698

Senior's health strategy, 3801-3802

Spending accountability, 4900, 5250-5251

Staffing levels–standards, 3307-3308

Staffing ratios, 3568-3570

Stroke treatment programs, 4638-4639, 4641

Surgical slates, 3566, 3684, 3891

Transfer payments, 4639-4640

Waiting lists, 3230, 3785-3789, 4458-4459, 4464, 4631

Women's health strategy, 3805-3807

Health Sciences Centre Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 29)

1r, 1508

2r, 2308

Healthy Child Initiative

Meeting schedule, 3803-3804

School health programs, 3803

Healthy Communities Development Fund

Funding, 4439

Update, 3893

Hepatitis C

Early diagnosis/treatment, 2849-2850, 4639

Home care program

Backup service, 3791-3792

Funding, 3227


Medical coverage, 1004-1005

Nursing profession, 4056, 5262

Justice, Department of

Supplementary information (S.P. 159), 2025


Apology request, 1082-1083

Lions Manor

Funding, 5266

Long Plain First Nation

Nurse practitioner, 5231

Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals

Labour dispute, 3058, 4182

Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses

Awards dinner–minister's absence, 1108

Resolution–licensing standards, 1108-1109

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation

Board membership, 4438

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Service expansion, 3904-3905

Manitoba Drug Standards and Therapeutics Committee

Update, 3895, 3896

Manitoba Health Research Council, 4437

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 109), 486

Funding, 1030

Manitoba Nurses' Union

Arbitration–overtime pay, 5257

Mental health care system

Government initiatives, 3233


Legislation proclamation, 2629

Salary scale, 4097, 4437

Ministerial Statements

Health care facilities

Capital program, 4398-4400

National Nursing Week, 943

Program of Assertive Community Treatment, 1337

World AIDS Day, 137-138

Miscellaneous Health Statutes Repeal Act (Bill 37)

1r, 2795

2r, 3028-3031

Misericordia Health Centre

Capital project, 3898

Staffing plan, 5306-5307

National Nursing Week, 943

Northern Patient Transportation Program

Fee elimination, 1086

Revenues, 4182

Nursing diploma program, 3705-3709

Accreditation, 564

Approval process, 658

Attrition rate, 3575

Course credits, 3911

Course length, 3910

Curriculum approval, 3910, 4441-4444, 4622, 5162-5163

Funding, 3911

Implementation costs, 565, 700

Rural students, 5172

Teaching staff, 3910-3911

Tuition fees, 3911, 4631

Nursing profession

Community nurse resource centres, 4097

Contract negotiations, 3899

Education and training programs, 1345-1346, 3567, 3685, 3692-3693, 3903-3904, 5260-5262

Licensed Practical Nursing, 4444-4445, 5251

Registered psychiatric nurses, 5216

Legislation proclamation, 655, 2440-2441, 3305, 3571-3573, 4904, 5251

Recruitment/retention strategy, 477, 478, 781-784, 2122-2123, 3229-3230, 3304, 3317, 3700-3705, 3899-3902, 4440, 5160-5162

Salary scale, 4441

Statistics, 3570-3571, 3892

Vacancy statistics, 3909

Work-life issues, 3689-3690

Oral Questions

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba

Government support, 2332

Ambulance services

Government initiatives, 4054-4055


Chemotherapy treatment

Hours of operation, 487

Radiation therapy

Foreign-trained technicians, 1212


Recruitment/retention strategy, 2328


Bed availability, 1004, 1210-1211

Waiting lists, 2328-2329

CancerCare Manitoba

Staffing, 3256-3257

Cardiac care, 3141-3142, 3256

Heart transplant program, 3142-3143, 3144

Cardiac care, pediatric, 3143-3144

Cataract surgery

Waiting lists, 3396-3397

Concordia Hospital

Oncology department–capital funding, 1208-1209

Dialysis services

Norway House, 5251

E. coli bacteria

High-risk wells, 2334-2335

Safety measures, 4613

Testing, 2032

First Ministers' conference

Agenda–environmental issues, 4974-4975

First Nations addiction foundation

Establishment, 2331


Addiction statistics, 2334

Grace Hospital

Bed closures, 3316-3317

Health care facilities

Capital program, 1209

Food services, 352-353, 3824-3825, 3922-3923, 4014-4015

Health care facilities, rural, 2123-2124, 2124-2125, 3314, 3399

Closures, 654-655

Public consultations, 4897-4898

Report tabling request, 4896-4897

Health care system

Bed availability, 1340, 2750-2751, 3054-3055

Obstetrics, 5071-5074

Statistics, 1340-1341

Bed openings, 43-45, 146, 188-189, 190, 247, 345-350, 400, 403, 476-477, 800

Minister's directive, 475

Staffing, 147, 476

Consultations, 480

Emergency transportation–rural, 1311-1314

Expenditure management, 21

Expenditures, 20-21

Hallway medicine reduction, 193-195, 404, 405

Information tabling request, 404-405

Minister's directive, 480-481

Minister's responsibility, 3922

Nursing positions, full-time, 1924-1925

Nursing shortage, 564, 700-701, 2844-2845, 3055-3056

Patient safety, 476

Physiotherapy, 3255-3256

Rural Manitoba

Services/staffing, 697-698

Spending accountability, 4900, 5250-5251

Hepatitis C

Early diagnosis/treatment, 2849-2850


Medical coverage, 1004-1005

Nursing profession, 4056


Apology request, 1082-1083

Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals

Labour dispute, 3058

Manitoba Association of Registered Nurses

Awards dinner–minister's absence, 1108

Resolution–licensing standards, 1108-1109

Manitoba Health Research Council

Funding, 1030


Legislation proclamation, 2629

Northern Patient Transportation Program

Fee elimiantion, 1086

Nursing diploma program

Accreditation, 564

Approval process, 658

Curriculum approval, 4622

Implementation costs, 565, 700

Nursing profession

Education and training programs, 1345-1346

Licensed Practical Nursing, 5251

Legislation proclamation, 655, 2440-2441, 4904

Recruitment/retention strategy, 477, 478, 2122-2123, 3317

Personal care homes

Bed openings, 189-190

Physician resources

Foreign-trained technologists, 1115

Pediatric nephrologists, 802, 1212

Pediatric neurologists, 802, 1212

Pediatric ophthalmologists, 1029-1030, 1080

Portage la Prairie Hospital

Psychiatric unit, 1345

Regional health authorities

Board of directors--appointments, 1344-1345

Riverview Health Centre

Bed closures, 3316

Selkirk Mental Health Centre

Crisis unit, 2630

Nursing shortage, 1213, 1517-1518


Audit tabling request, 493

Government plan, 492-493

Southwest Regional Health Authority

Meeting request, 3314-3315, 3400

St. Boniface Hospital

Bed closures, 401-402

Thompson Hospital

Nursing shortage, 1214-1215

Treherne hospital

Summer closure, 2122, 2124, 2126-2127, 2940-2941

Urban Shared Services Corporation

Information tabling request, 479

Mortgage value, 403-404, 492

Specialty diets, 403

Water treatment plants

Inspections, 2032

Webster report

Recommendations, 1002-1003

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Board of directors, 190-191

Appointments--Postl, Brian, 191-192

Deficit, 5250, 5251-5252

Faith-based facilities, 192

Pan American Games

Surplus, 3800-3801

Personal care homes

Bed availability, 4192

Bed openings, 189-190

Capital projects, 4183

Fee schedule, 4183

Funding, 3812, 4191

Government initiatives, 3686

Rural Manitoba, 5227-5228

Salaries, 4183

Staff-patient ratio, 3812-3814

Winkler, MB, 4633

Physician resources

Foreign-trained technologists, 1115

Pediatric nephrologists, 802, 1212

Pediatric neurologists, 802, 1212

Pediatric ophthalmologists, 1029-1030, 1080

Recruitment/retention strategy, 3698-3700, 3911-3913, 4093-4096, 5265-5266

Rural Manitoba, 3690, 4628

Rural medical students–forgivable loans, 3912


Chomiak, 4629

Urologists, 5266

Vacancies, rural, 4179-4180

Vacancies, specialist, 4629-4630

Points of Order

P/O by Laurendeau respecting words "that is a stupid question" 4332; Chomiak 4332; taken under advisement 4332; Speaker's ruling, 4625

P/O by Mackintosh respecting request to table a legal opinion (Praznik) 3445; Praznik 3446; Chomiak 3446; Laurendeau 3446; taken under advisement 3446; Speaker's ruling, 4058-4059

Portage la Prairie Hospital

Psychiatric unit, 1345

Postl report

Recommendations, 3803

Private Members' Business

Nursing profession

Recruitment/retention strategy, 781-784

Program of Assertive Community Treatment, 1337

Implementation, 1337, 3228

Rural Manitoba, 3685

Prostate cancer centre

Establishment, 4182

Status, 4535

Update, 3791

Protection of Persons in Care Act (Bill 7)

1r, 555

2r, 669-673

R/S, 5083

Provincial Nursing Resource task force

Public relations campaign, 3906

Update, 3905

Regional health authorities

Administrative costs, 4633-4634

Board of directors

Appointments, 1344-1345, 3796-3798, 4458

Elections, 4647

Cafeteria subsidies, 5271-5272, 5275-5277, 5305-5306

Community needs assessment, 4630

Deficits, 3885, 4100-4105, 4175-4177, 4651, 5173-5174, 5216-5217, 5272-5273

Financial accountability, 4177-4178

Funding formula, 3795, 3884-3885, 3896-3897, 4449-4450, 5217-5219

Review process, 4630

Funding model working group, 4178

Information tabling request, 4189

Minister's position, 4190

Parenting centres, 3885-3886

Tendering policies, 4644

Third-party evaluation, 3893-3894

Riverview Health Centre

Bed closures, 3316

Selkirk Mental Health Centre

Crisis unit, 2630

Nursing shortage, 1213, 1517-1518

Seven Oaks Hospital

CT scanner, 5307-5308

SmartHealth, 3228-3229

Audit tabling request, 493

Government plan, 492-493

Replacement program, 3814-3815

Southwest Regional Health Authority

Meeting request, 3314-3315, 3400


Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 111), 486

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 186), 3711

St. Boniface Hospital

Bed closures, 401-402

Thompson Hospital

Nursing shortage, 1214-1215

Treherne hospital

Summer closure, 2122, 2124, 2126-2127, 2940-2941

University of Manitoba

Faculty of Medicine

Rural practicums, 4629

Rural students, 5171-5172, 5264

Sudent loans, 4629

Faculty of Nursing

Program expansion, 4444

Waiting list, 3570

Faculty of Nursing–space allocation, 5257-5259

Urban Shared Services Corporation

Agreement tabling request, 3893

Information tabling request, 479

Mortgage value, 403-404, 492

Specialty diets, 403

Victoria Hospital

Expansion, 5219-5225

Victoria Park Lodge–Souris

Status, 3793

Update, 4170

Water treatment plants

Inspections, 2032

Webster report

Recommendations, 1002-1003, 4456-4458

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Administrative costs, 4644-4645

Amalgamation, 1337, 3228

Board of directors, 190-191

Appointments--Postl, Brian, 191-192

Deficit, 5250, 5251-5252, 5270-5271

Faith-based facilities, 192

Merger, 4358-4371, 4439-4440

Cost savings, 4191

Staffing, 4646

Women's Hospital

Breastfeeding program, 4450-4451, 4631

LDRP unit, 4641-4642

World AIDS Day, 137-138

Christmas Cheer Board

Aglugub, 92-93


See Canada Health and Social Transfer

Churchill, Manitoba

Operational costs

Ashton, 1980

Helwer, 1980

Road access

Ashton, 1981

Helwer, 1981

Citizen patrol

Martindale, 4623

Citizens on Patrol Program

Schuler, 4511

Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Ministerial responsibility

Barrett, 2169

Schuler, 2169

Citizenship Court

Barrett, 1105

Dacquay, 1105-1106

Dyck, 1166-1167

City of Winnipeg Act


Friesen, 4664-4665, 4668

Loewen, 4664

Reimer, 4668

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (2) (Bill 16)


Friesen, 944


Friesen, 2303-2305

Loewen, 4343-4344

Martindale, 2305-2307

Reimer, 4344-4345


Mackintosh, 4775

3r, 4926


Liba, 5443

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 2)


Friesen, 270


Friesen, 524-526

Gerrard, 530-531

Loewen, 528-530

Martindale, 527-528

Reimer, 526-527


Friesen, 544


Friesen, 545


Liba, 550

Civil Legal Services

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 21)

Mackintosh, 35

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 211)

Mackintosh, 5116

Civil service. See also Pay equity/affirmative action; Public Service Week

Government hirings

Approval process

Doer, 37-38

Filmon, 37-38


Filmon, 151

Civil Service Amendment Act (Bill 47)


Selinger, 3610


Laurendeau, 4724-4725

Selinger, 3927


Mackintosh, 5092


Gerrard, 5370-5371


Liba, 5444

Civil Service Commission


Debate, 4434-4435


Barrett, 4434-4435

Schuler, 4435

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 3)

Barrett, 35

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 190)

Barrett, 3817

Civil Service Superannuation Board

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 177)

Barrett, 3387

Civil Service Superannuation Plan

Selinger, 3629

Stefanson, 3629

Clean Environment Commission

Appeal process

Conservation Minister's role

Doer, 141-142

Filmon, 140-141

Lathlin, 142

Climate change

See Global warming


See Canada-Manitoba Adjustment Program

CN Rail

Transcona rail traffic

Cerilli, 804-805

Coaliltion of Manitoba Businesses

Position–Bill 44

Loewen, 4576

Collective Agreement Board

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 129)

Caldwell, 1158

Collective bargaining/agreements. See also Correctional officers; Manitoba Hydro; Teaching profession

Alternative methods

Barrett, 2486

Schuler, 2485


Barrett, 2487

Schuler, 2487

College Expansion Initiative

Capital costs

Caldwell, 3866

Derkach, 3866

Distance education

Caldwell, 3868

Derkach, 3868

Enrolment objectives

Caldwell, 3862-3866

Derkach, 3862-3866

Executive director

Caldwell, 3775-3777

Smith, J., 3775-3777


Caldwell, 3857, 3858-3860

Smith, J., 3857


Caldwell, 3777

Smith, J., 3777


Caldwell, 3861-3862

Derkach, 3861-3862


Caldwell, 3778

Smith, J., 3777-3778

Service duplication

Caldwell, 3778-3779

Smith, J., 3778-3779

Transfer payments/grants

Caldwell, 3878-3879

Derkach, 3878

Collège Jeanne-Sauvé

Graduation ceremony

Asper, 3621-3622

Commercialization in the classroom

Caldwell, 932-934

Dyck, 930-932

Faurschou, 935-937

Rondeau, 937-940

Schellenberg, 940-941

Committee of Ways and Means

See Ways and Means, Committee of

Committee on Establishing the Composition of the Standing Committees

1st Report

Ashton, 257

Committees of the Whole



Doer, 3

Deputy chairs

Doer, 3-4

Communities Economic Development Fund

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 104)

Robinson, 473

Quarterly Report, 1999 (S.P. 95)

Robinson, 269-270

Quarterly Report, 1999 (S.P. 128)

Robinson, 1106

Quarterly Report, 2000 (S.P. 202)

Robinson, 4692

Community and Economic Development Committee Secretariat

Kostyra, Eugene

Mihychuk, 1412

Tweed, 1412


Mihychuk, 2015

Tweed, 2015


Mihychuk, 2014

Tweed, 2014


Mihychuk, 1416-1417

Tweed, 1416-1417

Community and Mental Health Services


Chomiak, 4187

Driedger, 4187

Community Arts Council

Operating costs

Dacquay, 2871

McGifford, 2871

Community colleges. See also College Expansion Initiative; specific colleges


Caldwell, 3862

Derkach, 3862


Caldwell, 1877

Derkach, 1882

Off-campus sites

Caldwell, 3879-3880

Derkach, 3879

Off-campus sites–First Nation communities

Caldwell, 3880-3883

Derkach, 3880-3882

Community Justice Committees


Mackintosh, 2232-2234

Praznik, 2231-2234

Community living programs


Cummings, 5295

Sale, 3541, 5295-5296


Cummings, 3642-3643

Sale, 3642-3643

Staff development and training

Sale, 3542

Staff recruitment/retention strategy

Sale, 3541-3542

Vocation training assistance

Sale, 3541

Waiting lists

Cummings, 3641

Sale, 3641

Community Places Program

Application process

Dacquay, 2947-2948

McGifford, 2947-2948

Government support

Dacquay, 2565

Community Support Programs


Debate, 4777

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 148)

Chomiak, 1320

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 185)

Chomiak, 3711

Community Unemployed Help Centre

Annual report tabling request

Barrett, 2478

Schuler, 2478


Application tabling request

Barrett, 2258-2259

Schuler, 2258-2259

Barrett, 2252-2253, 2476-2478

Schuler, 2253, 2476-2478

Minimum wage report

Barrett, 2478

Schuler, 2478

Companies Office

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 9)

Lemieux, 35

On-line access

Lemieux, 3082

Competition Act. See also Motor fuel industry


Lemieux, 3523-3524

Penner, Jim, 3523

Comptrollership Framework


Selinger, 1364

Stefanson, 1364

Computer services, government. See also Information Protection Centre

Desktop management

Ashton, 1978

Cummings, 1978

Selinger, 2065-2066

Virus protection

Ashton, 1563-1564

Helwer, 1563-1564

Concept Special Business Advisors


Cummings, 5293-5294

Sale, 5293-5295

Concordia Hospital

Oncology department–capital funding

Chomiak, 1208-1209

Mitchelson, 1208-1209

Concurrence Motion

See Supply, Committee of

Condolences, Motions of

Bend, Robert William

Doer, 515-516

Enns, 518-519

Faurschou, 523

Filmon, 516-517

Gerrard, 517-518

Helwer, 522-523

Loewen, 523

Reid, 520-522

Schellenberg, 519-520

Smith, J., 523

McDonald, Walter Clifton

Doer, 498-499

Dyck, 501

Filmon, 499-500

Gerrard, 500

Rocan, 500-501

McKenzie, James Wallace

Ashton, 511-513

Cummings, 514-515

Derkach, 510-511

Doer, 507-508

Enns, 513

Filmon, 508-510

Gerrard, 515

Struthers, 514

Wiebe, Cornelius W.

Doer, 501-513

Dyck, 504-506

Filmon, 503

Gerrard, 503-504

Penner, Jack, 507

Schellenberg, 506-507

Conflict of interest. See also Conservation, Minister of; Gaming Control Act, Minister responsible for

Declaration–Bill 42

Rondeau, 3403-3404

Conservation, Department of


Debate, 3728-3752, 3829-3854, 3972-3981, 4081-4092, 4350-4358, 4413-4417


Cummings, 4091-4092

Enns, 3738-3740, 3830-3831, 3972-3973, 4087-4090, 4353-4357

Faurschou, 3852-3854

Gerrard, 4414-4417

Lathlin, 3728-3738, 3742-3752, 3830-3853, 3972-3980, 4081-4092, 4350-4357, 4413-4417

Laurendeau, 4413

Maguire, 3740-3752, 3832-3852, 3973-3977, 4350-4353

Penner, Jack, 3980-3981

Pitura, 3977-3980

Schuler, 4081-4087

Natural Resources officers

Cummings, 3260

Regional operations

Enns, 3745

Lathlin, 3745-3749, 3832-3835

Maguire, 3746-3750, 3832-3835


Enns, 3739-3740


Lathlin, 3744

Maguire, 3744


Lathlin, 3742

Maguire, 3742

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 187)

Lathlin, 3711

Conservation, Minister of. See also Clean Environment Commission

Conflict of interest

Doer, 242

Enns, 3738-3739

Filmon, 241-242, 997-998

Lathlin, 241, 997-998

Maguire, 410

Premier's confidence

Doer, 4688

Schuler, 4688

Conservation districts


Friesen, 4675-4676

Loewen, 4675-4676

Conservation Districts of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 50)

Friesen, 137

Construction Industry Wages Board


Barrett, 1747-1748

Schuler, 1747-1748


Barrett, 1748-1749

Schuler, 1748-1749


Barrett, 1747

Schuler, 1747

Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation


Lathlin, 3731

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of


Debate, 3076-3093, 3149-3183, 3264-3280, 3513-3537, 3626-3634


Ashton, 3276-3279

Derkach, 3158-3161, 3163-3165, 3173-3174

Lemieux, 3076-3092, 3153-3183, 3265-3268, 3272-3275, 3280, 3513-3536, 3627

Martindale, 3627-3628

Penner, Jim, 3181, 3266-3267, 3513-3537, 3626-3627

Praznik, 3085-3093, 3150-3153, 3161-3163, 3167-3173, 3268-3272, 3275-3276, 3280

Reimer, 3176-3180, 3182-3183, 3265-3266

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 8)

Lemieux, 35


Lemieux, 3513

Penner, Jim, 3513

Marketplace problems–investigation

Lemieux, 3513-3514

Penner, Jim, 3513

Special operating agencies

Lemieux, 3530

Penner, Jim, 3530

Supplementary information (S.P. 167)

Lemieux, 2541

Consumer protection. See also Electronic commerce


Lemieux, 3533-3535

Penner, Jim, 3533-3535

Consumers' Bureau

Consumer Affairs Tracking System

Lemieux, 3081

Convention Centre Corporation

Ministerial responsibility

Mihychuk, 1412

Tweed, 1412

Cooperatives Amendment Act


Lemieux, 692


Lemieux, 876-877

Penner, Jim, 3928


Mackintosh, 4579

3r, 4926


Liba, 5443

Correctional institutions. See also specific institutions

Alternative correctional approaches

Mackintosh, 2217

Funding, private sector

Ashton, 1896-1897

Helwer, 1896-1897

Inmates–backgrounds of abuse

Driedger, 2458

Mackintosh, 2458


Mackintosh, 2217

Correctional officers

Collective bargaining

Mackintosh, 2225

Praznik, 2224-2225


Mackintosh, 2340-2341

Praznik, 2340-2341

Correctional Services Amendment Act (Bill 27)


Mackintosh, 902


Mackintosh, 1874-1875, 3971-3972

Praznik, 3970-3971, 3972


Mackintosh, 4582

3r, 4926


Liba, 5444

Corrigenda, 1871, 2134, 2202, 5212

COSDI report

See Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation

Council on Post-Secondary Education

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 83)

Caldwell, 187


Caldwell, 1937-1938

Derkach, 1937-1938


Caldwell, 3860-3861

Smith, J., 3860

Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 26)


Mackintosh, 862


Mackintosh, 918

Praznik, 3969


Mackintosh, 4776


Gerrard, 5355


Liba, 5444

Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Amendment Act (Bill 22)


Mackintosh, 793


Mackintosh, 915

Praznik, 3967


Mackintosh, 4581

3r, 4926


Liba, 5443

Court Security Act (Bill 9)


Mackintosh, 556


Gerrard, 570-573

Mackintosh, 568-569

Praznik, 569-570


Ashton, 622

3r, 622


Liba, 629

CP Rail

Virden station--restoration

Maguire, 2554

Weston shops–status

Barrett, 2816

Schuler, 2816

Cranberry Portage Trout Challenge

Jennissen, 4736

Crime Prevention Office–Portage la Prairie


Faurschou, 2365-2366

Mackintosh, 2366

Crime prevention programs


Driedger, 2357-2358

Mackintosh, 2357-2358

Internet offences

Driedger, 2354-2357

Mackintosh, 2354-2356

Crisis shelters

Essential services

Barrett, 4224

Cummings, 4224

Sale, 4224

Crocus Fund


Mihychuk, 1862-1863

Tweed, 1862-1863

Crop diversification centres


Penner, Jack, 3122-3123

Wowchuk, 3122-3123

Crop insurance. See also Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation

Canamaize–level of coverage

Maguire, 1604-1605

Wowchuk, 1604-1605


Wowchuk, 1490


Penner, Jack, 2922

Wowchuk, 2922

Farm management and marketing

Gerrard, 2403-2404

Wowchuk, 2404

Hail compensation

Penner, Jack, 1604

Wowchuk, 1604, 3000

Negative margins

Penner, Jack, 1497

Wowchuk, 1497

Pasture/hay lands

Penner, Jack, 1593-1594

Wowchuk, 1593-1594

Premium rates

Penner, Jack, 1588

Wowchuk, 1588

Experimental crops

Maguire, 1605-1607

Wowchuk, 1605-1607

Provincial comparisons

Penner, J., 3218

Penner, Jack, 1493, 1499-1501, 2921, 3118-3122

Wowchuk, 1499-1501, 2921, 3000, 3119-3122, 3219

Regional boundaries

Maguire, 1612-1613

Wowchuk, 1612-1613

Self-directed risk management

Maguire, 1607-1608

Wowchuk, 1607-1608

Unseeded acreage

Doer, 490-491

Maguire, 1587

Penner, Jack, 489-490, 1586-1587

Wowchuk, 489-490, 1587

U.S. policy

Penner, Jack, 1589-1593

Wowchuk, 1589-1593

Wheat–level of coverage

Ashton, 3254-3255

Penner, Jack, 3253-3254

Wowchuk, 3254

White wheat–level of coverage

Maguire, 1609-1610

Wowchuk, 1609-1610

Wildlife compensation

Penner, Jack, 1587-1588

Wowchuk, 1587-1588

Yield option program

Maguire, 1608-1609

Wowchuk, 1608-1609

Crop Protection Institute

Pesticide containers

Lathlin, 3735

Cross Lake, Manitoba

Suicide rate

Doer, 464

Crow benefit


Penner, Jack, 1643-1644

Crown corporations. See also Crown Corporations Council; Government agencies; Specific crown corporations

Capital program review

Selinger, 2050

Stefanson, 2050


Doer, 535-537

Praznik, 535-536


Sale, 428-429

Proposed sales

Martindale, 336-337

Crown Corporations Council

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 70)

Selinger, 187

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 164)

Selinger, 2203

Crown lands


Nevakshonoff, 320

Purchase policy

Penner, Jack, 3129-3130

Wowchuk, 3129-3130

CRTC decision

Lemieux, 3389

Penner, Jim, 3390

Crump, Adrian

Canadian Automobile Association/Governor General Lifesaving Award

Maloway, 3063-3064

Cultural organizations/industries

Dacquay, 384


McGifford, 2555

Capital grants

Dacquay, 2946-2947

McGifford, 2946-2947

Deficit reduction

Dacquay, 2571

McGifford, 2571-2572


Faurschou, 3422

McGifford, 2556


Dacquay, 2571

McGifford, 2571

Literary arts sector

McGifford, 2556-2557

Culture, Heritage and Citizenship, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 26)

McGifford, 83

Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of


Debate, 2554-2578, 2634-2666, 2763-2774, 2807-2814, 2855-2882, 2944-2970, 3065-3075


Ashton, 2862-2866

Cummings, 2869-2870

Dacquay, 2564-2575, 2577-2578, 2634-2639, 2866-2868, 2871-2882, 2944-2948, 2959-2965, 2969-2970, 3071-3072

Derkach, 2655-2664, 2764-2765, 2771-2773

Filmon, 2860-2862

Gerrard, 2968-2969, 3065-3067

Loewen, 2639-2653

Maguire, 2807-2809

Martindale, 2868-2869

McGifford, 2554-2578, 2635-2666, 2763-2774, 2813-2814, 2855-2860, 2871-2882, 2944-2970, 3065-3075

Mitchelson, 2575-2577, 2653-2655

Reimer, 2956-2958, 2965-2968

Tweed, 2948-2956, 3067-3071, 3074-3075

Arts Branch (See also Art collection, government)


Dacquay, 2575, 2635

McGifford, 2575, 2635

Communication costs

Dacquay, 2568

McGifford, 2568

Desktop management

McGifford, 2951-2952

Tweed, 2951-2952

Information Resources Division

McGifford, 2561


McGifford, 2554-2555

On-line services

McGifford, 2561

Operating costs

Dacquay, 2568-2569

McGifford, 2568-2569


Dacquay, 2568, 2875, 2949

McGifford, 2568, 2875, 2949


Dacquay, 2567-2568, 2570, 2574

McGifford, 2567-2568, 2570, 2574, 2949, 2950-2951

Tweed, 2949, 2950-2951

Supplementary information (S.P. 166)

Mackintosh, 2302

Transportation costs

Dacquay, 2568, 2969-2970

McGifford, 2568, 2969-2970

Cummings, Glen (Ste. Rose) P.C.

Agriculture and Food, Department of

Estimates debate, 2189-2190, 3011-3016

Air Services

Air ambulances

Communities serviced, 1976-1977

Capital projects, 1987

Water bombers–storage and maintenance, 1976, 1977-1978

Ambulance services

Rural Manitoba–communications, 5175

Art collection, government

Apology request, 2869-2870

Assiniboine River Advisory Committee

Meeting request, 3011-3012


Budget Debate, 1061-1068

Spending priorities, 3330-3336

Budget, balanced

Government commitment, 228-231

Child and Family Services

Child protection services, 3651-3652

Child care system

Space allocation, 3650

Special needs children, 3650

Community living programs

Funding, 5295

Salaries, 3642-3643

Waiting lists, 3641

Computer services, government

Desktop management, 1978

Concept Special Business Advisors

Funding, 5293-5294

Condolences, Motions of

McKenzie, James Wallace, 514-515

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 4091-4092

Natural Resources officers, 3260

Crisis shelters

Essential services, 4224

Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of

Estimates debate, 2869-2870

Dauphin Lake

Conservation Minister's action, 701

Conservation Minister's meeting, 701, 4686

Fish stock conservation, 908-910

Legislation enforcement, 701

Spawning fish regulations, 656

Driver licensing

Computerization, 1393-1394

Information security, 36

License Suspension Appeal Board, 1400

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Cost-sharing agreement, 1398

Medical Review Committee, 1400

Elections Amendment Act (Bill 17)

2r, 4719-4722

Elk's Lodge–Neepawa, 1322

Emergency Measures Organization

Staffing, 1981-1982

Family conciliation services

Access, 3653

Family Services and Housing, Department of

Estimates debate, 3546-3560, 3634-3654

Information technology costs, 3553-3554

Research and development, 3551-3553

Staffing, 3550, 3555

Family Support Innovations Fund

Access, 3652

Family violence prevention

Services, 3654

Farm Lands Ownership Board

Composition, 2189

Policy direction, 2189-2190

First Nation casinos

Revenue-sharing formula, 2205-2206, 3395

Social costs, 3495-3496

Fleet Vehicles

Competition, 1740

Equipment leasing, 1720


Agricultural disaster assistance, 890-895, 4242-4244

Forest fires

Conditions, 4681

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Accessibility, 3146

Government buildings

Downtown space, 1984-1986

Overview, 1983

Government Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 890-895

Manitoba farm crisis, 72-79

Grain transportation, 1025

Federal involvement, 1378-1379

Road rehabilitation, 1318-1319

Great Plains Interpretive Centre

Cost sharing, 1344

Meeting request, 1344

Healthy Child Initiative, 3647, 3724-3725

Estimates debate, 3724-3727

Director–hiring process, 3727

Funding, 3726

Meeting schedule, 3726

Staffing, 3725

Heritage sites

Irwood subdivision, 1930-1931, 3058-3059

Highway maintenance/construction

Businesses, access to, 1708-1710

Capital program, 1715, 1961

Community egress, 1402

Contracting out, 1719, 1817-1819

Drainage issues, 2081-2082

Funding–southern manitoba, 1085

Highway 5–Eddystone, 1972-1973

Highway 59, 1715-1716

Lake Winnipeg–east-side road, 1377

Neepawa bypass, 1962-1966

Northern Manitoba, 1715

Provincial Road No. 270, 1713-1714

Signage, 1828-1829

Asessippi Winter Park, 1959-1960

Used materials auction, 1723

Highway system

Agricultural transportation routes, 1380-1382, 1390-1392

Community egress, 1447-1448

Federal responsibility, 1377

Highway Traffic Board

Appeal process, 1446

Highways and Government Services, Department of

Estimates debate, 1376-1383, 1389-1395, 1398-1400, 1402-1403, 1446-1447, 1708-1720, 1723, 1738-1741, 1817-1822, 1828-1834, 1958-1966, 1971-1979, 1981-1986, 2080-2092

Fleet net radios, 1979

Policy and Research, 1392-1393

Staffing, 1379

Telecommunication costs, 1978-1979

Hog industry

Environemntal licensing, 2441


Nursing profession, 5262

Income Assistance

Amalgamation–City of Winnipeg, 3555

Caseloads, 3556, 3559

Eligibility requirements, 3560, 3634

Employment training programs, 3634-3638

Program Services, 3638

Provincial/municipal rate variances, 3558-3559

Staffing, 3557

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 46)

2r, 3330-3337

Livestock Stewardship Initiative

Discussion paper, 3014-3018

Manitoba Developmental Centre

Future status, 3644-3645

Manitoba farm crisis, 72-79

Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation

Registration, 1399

Service overlap–DDVL, 1975-1976

Surplus, 1975

Vehicle safety inspections, 1973

Members' Statements

Conservation, Department of

Natural Resources officers, 3260

Elk's Lodge–Neepawa, 1322

Neepawa Lily Festival, 4338

Wildlife Act

Amendments, 4692

Women of the War Years, 610-611

Memourandum of Understanding

Nunavut-Manitoba, 1377

Ministerial Statements

Driver licensing

Information security, 36

Forest fires

Conditions, 4681

Grain transportation, 1025

National Forest Week, 1022

Sustainable development strategy, 3388

National Forest Week, 1022

Natural resources

Development opportunities, 227-228

Neepawa Lily Festival, 4338

Nursing profession

Education and training programs, 5261-5262

Opposition Day Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 4242-4244

Oral Questions

Crisis shelters

Essential services, 4224

Dauphin Lake

Conservation Minister's action, 701

Conservation Minister's meeting, 701, 4686

Fish stock conservation, 908-910

Legislation enforcement, 701

Spawning fish regulations, 656

First Nation casinos

Revenue-sharing formula, 2205-2206, 3395

Social costs, 3495-3496

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

Accessibility, 3146

Grain transportation

Road rehabilitation, 1318-1319

Great Plains Interpretive Centre

Cost sharing, 1344

Meeting request, 1344

Heritage sites

Irwood subdivision, 1930-1931, 3058-3059

Highway maintenance/construction

Funding–southern manitoba, 1085

Hog industry

Environemntal licensing, 2441

Osborne House

Labour dispute, 4223

Wildlife Act

Amendments–public consultations, 4686-4687

Youth News Network

Government position, 1434-1437, 1623

Osborne House

Labour dispute, 4223

Page program

Congratulations, 226

Physician resources

Recruitment/retention strategy, 5265

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

2r, 4592-4599

Presiding officers


Congratulations, 226

Privilege, Matters of

Premier's comments, 4506-4507

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

3r, 5186-5188

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 12)

R/S, 4918-4919

3r, 5146-5147

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

R/S, 4881-4882

Railway industry

Cowan subdivision, 1833

Rail line abandonment, 1376-1377

Regional health authorities

Cafeteria subsidies, 5271-5272, 5275-5277, 5301-5302

Deficits, 5272-5273

Rural development

Government commitment, 227

Shortline railways

Legislation, 1829-1833

Social Services Administration Amendment Act (Bill 30)

2r, 3968

Social Services Advisory Committee

Appointments, 3549

Workload, 3549

Special operating agencies

Cost effectiveness, 1378

Retained earnings, 1739

St. Amant Centre

Future status, 3651

Ste. Rose constituency, 226

Sustainable development strategy, 3388

Throne Speech

Debate, 225-232

Transportation industry


International Registration Plan, 1394-1395

Safety inspections, 1971

University of Manitoba

Faculty of Medicine–rural students, 5264

Water resources

Legislation, 3013-3014

Water retention, 3012-3013

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

2r, 3382-3386

Wildlife Act

Amendments, 4692

Public consultations, 4686-4687

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2r, 4069-4071

3r, 5199-5204

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Deficit, 5270-5271, 5301

Women of the War Years, 610-611

Youth News Network

Government position, 1434-1437, 1623

Curry, John

Reeve–Headingley, Manitoba

Gerrard, 149

Pitura, 149

Custom Software Solutions

Maguire, 4857

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