# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


4-H programs


Penner, Jack, 1805-1806

Wowchuk, 1806-1807

911 service–Winnipeg


Mackintosh, 2240-2241

Praznik, 2240-2241


H. P. Tergesen & Sons

Helwer, 3448-3449

Haggerty, Bernadette

Kin Club Citizen of the Year

Dyck, 2761

Hansard correction. See also Corrigenda

Mackintosh, 956

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

Communicable Disease Control Information

Sale, 1665

Public health tests

Maguire, 1625

Sale, 1625

Rodent control program

Maguire, 1625-1626

Sale, 1626

Harness racing

Gaming revenues

Mihychuk, 1857

Tweed, 1857

Harvest Festival and Exhibition–Winkler

Dyck, 5028

Hazelridge Caterers

Schuler, 913-914

Headingley Correctional Institution

High-risk inmates

Mackintosh, 2217


Ashton, 1374, 1896

Helwer, 1896

Health, Department of. See also Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy–Requests


Debate, 3226-3246, 3293-3309, 3560-3586, 3679-3710, 3783-3815, 3883-3913, 3989-4003, 4092-4109, 4169-4194, 4358-4371, 4435-4466, 4527-4535, 4628-4655, 4777


Chomiak, 3226-3234, 3240-3246, 3293-3309, 3560-3585, 3680-3710, 3783-3815, 3884-3913, 3989-4003, 4092-4109, 4170-4193, 4358-4371, 4436-4466, 4528-4535, 4628-4652

Dacquay, 4528-4529

Derkach, 3581-3586, 3680-3695, 3698-3700, 4094-4097, 4100-4108, 4367-4369, 4437, 4645-4652

Driedger, 3234-3246, 3294-3309, 3560-3581, 3700-3705, 3785-3793, 3801-3815, 3891-3903, 3905-3913, 3989-3995, 4000-4003, 4092-4094, 4097-4100, 4177-4178, 4179-4194, 4358-4367, 4436, 4439-4446, 4450-4452, 4455-4463, 4464, 4528, 4535, 4631, 4640-4645, 4652-4654

Dyck, 3995-4000, 4633

Faurschou, 3903-3905, 4178-4179

Filmon, 4631-4632

Gerrard, 4633-4639

Gilleshammer, 3793-3801, 4170-4177, 4452-4455, 4463-4464

Maguire, 4639-4640

Penner, Jack, 3886-3891, 4529-4535

Penner, Jim, 3883-3886, 4446-4450

Pitura, 3695-3698

Administrative costs

Chomiak, 4634-4635, 4643

Driedger, 4643

Gerrard, 4634

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 108)

Chomiak, 486

Assistant deputy ministers–background

Chomiak, 3245-3246, 3783-3784

Driedger, 3245-3246

Deputy Minister

Chomiak, 3891-3892


Chomiak, 3241

Driedger, 3241

Contract tabling request

Chomiak, 3294

Driedger, 3294

Hiring process

Chomiak, 3561-3563

Driedger, 3561-3564

Living expenses

Chomiak, 3309, 3560-3561, 3705

Driedger, 3309, 3560, 3705


Chomiak, 3241-3244, 3294

Driedger, 3241-3244, 3294

Estimates process

Chomiak, 3234

Information availability

Chomiak, 4462-4463, 4464-4465

Driedger, 4462-4463, 4464

Organizational chart

Chomiak, 3564-3565

Driedger, 3564-3565


Chomiak, 3896, 3899, 4183

Driedger, 3896, 3899, 4183


Chomiak, 3294-3295, 3565-3566, 3894-3895, 4649-4650

Derkach, 4649-4650

Driedger, 3294-3295, 3565, 3894-3895

Supplementary information (S.P. 170)

Mackintosh, 3062

Untendered contracts

Chomiak, 3898

Driedger, 3898

Health, Minister of

Gerrard, 4738

Meeting requests

Chomiak, 3795-3796, 4174-4175, 5275

Gilleshammer, 3795-3796, 4174-4175, 5275

Resignation request

Doer, 195

Penner, Jim, 195

Health care facilities. See also specific facilities

Alternate uses

Chomiak, 4439, 5229

Dyck, 5228-5229

Capital program

Chomiak, 1209, 3892

Driedger, 3892

Gerrard, 4401-4402

Mitchelson, 1209

Food services (See also Urban Shared Services Corporation)

Chomiak, 352-353, 3228, 3824-3825, 3922-3923, 4014-4015

Doer, 466, 4015

Driedger, 3431

Gerrard, 352-353, 3922-3923, 4014-4015

Korzeniowski, 3824

Health care facilities, rural. See also Webster report

Acute care template

Chomiak, 3681-3682, 3793-3794, 4171-4173, 4452-4455

Gilleshammer, 3404-3408, 3793-3794, 4171-4173, 4452-4455

Capital projects

Chomiak, 4651-4652

Derkach, 4651-4652


Chomiak, 654-655

Gilleshammer, 654

Community contribution policy

Chomiak, 3897

Driedger, 3897

Emerson hospital

Chomiak, 3889-3890, 4532-4533, 5267-5269

Penner, Jack, 3889, 4531-4532, 5267-5269

General comments

Chomiak, 2123-2124, 2124-2125, 3314, 3399

Doer, 3399

Gilleshammer, 3313-3314, 3398-3399

Mitchelson, 2123

Rocan, 2124

Island Lake

Pitura, 4156

Robinson, 4156-4157


Chomiak, 3884

Penner, Jim, 3883-3884

Patient transfers

Derkach, 3686-3687

Piney, Rural Municipality of

Chomiak, 3887

Penner, Jack, 3886-3887

Primary health centres

Chomiak, 4097

Driedger, 4097

Public consultations

Chomiak, 4897-4898

Tweed, 4897

Report tabling request

Chomiak, 4896-4897

Tweed, 4896-4897

Staffing levels

Driedger, 3431


Chomiak, 5168-5170

Derkach, 5167-5170

Health care professionals. See also Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals

Contract templates

Chomiak, 4097

Driedger, 4097

Employee morale issues

Chomiak, 4105

Derkach, 4105


Provincial comparisons

Doer, 4809-4810

Gerrard, 4809-4810

Speech and language pathologists

Chomiak, 5232

Faurschou, 5232


Employment opportunities

Chomiak, 4642-4643

Driedger, 4642-4643

Training program

Chomiak, 4439, 4446

Driedger, 4446

Standardized testing

Chomiak, 3905-3906

Driedger, 3905-3906

Workload measurement tools

Chomiak, 3907-3908

Driedger, 3907-3908

Health care system. See also Mental health care system; SmartHealth

Throne speech

Liba, 7-8

Aboriginal health strategy

Chomiak, 3685-3686, 3808-3812

Driedger, 3808-3812

Acute care costs

Chomiak, 4188

Driedger, 4188


Chomiak, 3232-3233

Anti-smoking campaign

Chomiak, 4099

Driedger, 4099

Bed availability

Chomiak, 1340-1341, 2750-2751, 3054-3055, 3227, 3295-3303, 3306, 3579-3581, 3792, 5257

Derkach, 3686

Driedger, 2750-2751, 3054, 3295-3303, 3306, 3431, 3579, 3792, 5257

Mitchelson, 1339-1340, 1340-1341


Chomiak, 5071-5074, 5158-5160

Driedger, 5071-5072, 5073-5074, 5157-5160

Mitchelson, 5072-5073

Bed openings

General comments

Chomiak, 43-45, 146, 188-189, 190, 247, 345-350, 400, 403, 476-477, 800

Driedger, 436

Mitchelson, 43-44, 146, 247, 345-347, 400, 476, 799-800

Praznik, 349-350, 402-403

Stefanson, 188, 190, 347-349

Minister's directive

Chomiak, 475

Doer, 473-474

Filmon, 473-474

Mitchelson, 475


Chomiak, 147, 476

Driedger, 436

Mitchelson, 146-147, 475-476

Bed registry

Chomiak, 3689

Community clinics

Chomiak, 5225-5226

Dyck, 5225-5226

Community services

Chomiak, 4098

Driedger, 4098


Chomiak, 480

Tweed, 480

Cost drivers

Doer, 4110, 4215-4216

Gerrard, 4112, 4215

Diabetic treatment programs

Chomiak, 4099

Driedger, 4099

Diabetic treatment programs–Aboriginal communities

Robinson, 4147, 4153

Dialysis units

Chomiak, 3884

Penner, Jim, 3884

Disease prevention/health promotion

Chomiak, 4098-4099, 4184-4186

Driedger, 4098-4099, 4184-4186

Early release policy

Chomiak, 3799-3800

Gilleshammer, 3798-3799

Emergency transportation–rural

Chomiak, 1311-1314

Derkach, 1313-1314

Mitchelson, 1311-1313

Tweed, 1314

Evidence-based medicine

Premier's position

Doer, 4852-4853

Gerrard, 4852-4853

Expenditure management

Chomiak, 21

Gerrard, 21


Chomiak, 20-21

Gerrard, 20

Financial accountability

Doer, 474

Filmon, 474

First Nation communities

Doer, 4216-4217

Gerrard, 4216

Former government's initiatives

Driedger, 3428-3430

Former government's policies

Driedger, 3235-3238


Chomiak, 3231-3232

Driedger, 3239

Loewen, 3352-3353

Pitura, 3358-3359

Funding, capital

Selinger, 1351

Funding, federal

Chomiak, 3230-3231

Pitura, 3359

Funding–provincial comparisons

Doer, 4734-4735

Gerrard, 4734-4735

General comments

Driedger, 435-436

Gerrard, 3926-3927

Gilleshammer, 423

Jennissen, 1320-1321

Rondeau, 238

Tweed, 3433-3434

General commnets

Sale, 427-428

Geriatric assessment teams

Chomiak, 3227

Government commitment

Caldwell, 416

Cerilli, 363-364

Doer, 468-469

Gerrard, 255

Liba, 7-8

Mitchelson, 447

Smith, S., 33-34

Government initiatives

Martindale, 333-334

Nevakshonoff, 322

Government priority

Lemieux, 389

Schellenberg, 259

Hallway medicine reduction

Chomiak, 193-195, 404, 405

Laurendeau, 405

Penner, Jim, 193-194

Stefanson, 404

Information tabling request

Chomiak, 404-405

Stefanson, 404-405

Information technology

Chomiak, 4636-4637

Gerrard, 4636

Procurement guidelines

Chomiak, 4637

Gerrard, 4637


Nevakshonoff, 46

Lab consolidation

Chomiak, 3681-3682

Long-term care

Mitchelson, 1337-1338

Minister's directive

Chomiak, 480-481

Tweed, 480-481

Minister's responsibility

Chomiak, 3922

Gerrard, 3922

Northern Manitoba

Robinson, 4147

Nurse/patient ratios–provincial comparisons

Chomiak, 4635

Gerrard, 4635

Nursing positions, full-time

Chomiak, 1924-1925

Mitchelson, 1924-1925

Nursing shortage

Chomiak, 564, 700-701, 2844-2845, 3055-3056

Driedger, 2844-2845, 3055-3056

Gerrard, 564, 700

Patient safety

Chomiak, 476, 477

Driedger, 477

Mitchelson, 476


Chomiak, 3255-3256

Gerrard, 3255

Plastic surgery program

Chomiak, 4636

Gerrard, 4635

Primary health care–pilot projects

Chomiak, 4099, 4438-4439

Driedger, 4099

Regional system

Enns, 459

Research and development

Chomiak, 4637-4638

Gerrard, 4637-4638

Rural Manitoba

Derkach, 3581-3586, 3687-3689

Palliative care

Chomiak, 3690

Penner, Jack, 1661-1662


Chomiak, 697-698

Tweed, 697-698

Senior's health strategy

Chomiak, 3801-3802

Driedger, 3801-3802

Spending accountability

Chomiak, 4900, 5250-5251

Gerrard, 4900, 5250

Staffing levels–standards

Chomiak, 3307-3308

Driedger, 3307

Staffing ratios

Chomiak, 3568-3570

Driedger, 3568-3570

Stroke treatment programs

Chomiak, 4638-4639, 4641

Driedger, 4640-4641

Gerrard, 4638-4639

Surgical slates

Chomiak, 3566, 3684, 3891

Driedger, 3566

Transfer payments

Chomiak, 4639-4640

Maguire, 4639-4640

Waiting lists

Chomiak, 3230, 3785-3789, 4458-4459, 4464, 4631

Driedger, 3785-3789, 4458-4459

Gilleshammer, 4464

Lemieux, 388

Women's health strategy

Chomiak, 3805-3807

Driedger, 3805-3807

McGifford, 4421, 4429

Health Sciences Centre Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 29)


Chomiak, 1508


Chomiak, 2308

Driedger, 3965


Liba, 5444

Healthy Child Committee of Cabinet


Doer, 865-866

Mitchelson, 865

Healthy Child Initiative


Debate, 3724-3727


Cummings, 3724-3727

Sale, 3724-3727


Dacquay, 4428

McGifford, 4428


General comments

Driedger, 1442

Sale, 1442

Hiring process

Cummings, 3727

Doer, 4373

Mitchelson, 4373

Sale, 3727


Cummings, 3726

Sale, 3726

General comments

Cummings, 3647, 3724-3725

Sale, 3724-3725

Meeting schedule

Chomiak, 3803-3804

Cummings, 3726

Driedger, 2463-2465, 3803-3804, 5297-5298

Mackintosh, 2463-2465

Sale, 3726, 5297-5298

Parent-child centres

Caldwell, 1876-1877

McGifford, 4422

School health programs

Chomiak, 3803

Driedger, 3803


Cummings, 3725

Sale, 3725

Supplementary information (S.P. 160)

Sale, 2025

Healthy Communities Development Fund


Chomiak, 4439


Chomiak, 3893

Driedger, 3893

Heart transplant program

See cardiac care

Helwer, Ed (Gimli) P.C.


Diversification, 300-301

Foreign subsidies, 300

Interest rates, impact of, 1630-1631

Transportation costs, 300

Air Services

Air ambulances

Purchase/replacement policy, 1897-1898

Storage and maintenance, 1730-1731

Water bombers–storage and maintenance, 1730-1731

Art collection, government

Inventory, 1562-1563

BioSearch International, 248-249

Budget, balanced

Government commitment, 298

Canada Compound (Western) Limited, 482

Churchill, Manitoba

Operational costs, 1980

Road access, 1981

Computer services, government

Virus protection, 1563-1564

Condolences, Motions of

Bend, Robert William, 522-523

Correctional institutions

Funding, private sector, 1896-1897

Economic growth

Government commitment, 297-298

Electoral Divisions Amendment Act (Bill 201)

1r, 4326-4327

2r, 4882-4885

Emergency Preparedness Week, 873

Ericsson, Leif, 4230

Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Bill 20)

2r, 845

First Nation casinos

Community approval, 1437

Public consultations, 1086-1087


Agricultural disaster assistance, 979-983, 1630-1632

Red River ice jams, 1932

Flooding, overland

Disaster assistance, 3719-3720, 4057

Gimli Airport

Lighting upgrades, 1728

Gimli constituency, 298-299

Gimli High School awards, 2853

Gimli Industrial Park

Environmental concerns, 1733

Evergreen Basic Needs Committee, 1732

Government buildings, 1731-1732

Government commitment, 1733

Marketing, 301-302

Occupancy rate, 1732

Government buildings

Capital projects, 1986-1987

Leasing policy–Teulon, 1733-1734, 1893-1894

Renovations/alterations, 1739

Government Motions

Agricultural disaster assistance, 979-983


Agricultural disaster assistance, 979-983, 1630-1632

H. P. Tergesen & Sons, 3448-3449

Headingley Correctional Institution

Upgrades, 1896

Highway maintenance/construction

Highway 7–No. 415 intersection, 1970

Highway 8, 1969-1970

Highway 9

Winnipeg Beach to Gimli, 1473

Winnipeg to Selkirk, 1475-1480

Kernstead Road–Winnipeg Beach, 1471

Komarno access, 1970

Lockport Road, 1480-1481

Provincial Road No. 222, 1728

Signage–Winnipeg Beach, 1472

Highway system

Agricultural transportation routes, 1474-1475

Funding, federal, 1472-1473

Highways and Government Services, Department of

Estimates debate, 1471-1481, 1560-1564, 1727-1734, 1738, 1834-1835, 1893-1898, 1969-1971, 1979-1981, 1986-1987

Amalgamation–Government Services, 1560-1561

Procurement guidelines, 1895

Untendered contracts, 1894


New Iceland, 1216

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 46)

2r, 3482-3489

International Joint Commission

Government's position, 491

Mail Management Agency

Franking pieces, 1561-1562

Service improvements, 1562

Manitoba Telecom Service

Communications tower–Churchill, 1979-1980

Members' Statements

BioSearch International, 248-249

Canada Compound (Western) Limited, 482

Emergency Preparedness Week, 873

Ericsson, Leif, 4230

Gimli High School awards, 2853

H. P. Tergesen & Sons, 3448-3449


New Iceland, 1216

Smith, Russell

Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame, 3925

Special Olympics curling team, 954

St. Cyril and Methodius Church, 4412

Untendered contracts, 197-198

Oral Questions

First Nation casinos

Community approval, 1437

Public consultations, 1086-1087


Red River ice jams, 1932

Flooding, overland

Disaster assistance, 3719-3720, 4057

International Joint Commission

Government's position, 491

Selkirk Mental Health Centre

Crisis unit, 2629-2630

Nursing shortage, 1212-1213, 1517

Page program

Congratulations, 297


Public Schools Amendment Act


4965; ruled in order, 5015-5016

5013; ruled in order, 5068-5069

Presiding officers


Congratulations, 297

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

2r, 4278-4282

Public Accounts, Standing Committee on

1st Report, 4326

Railway industry

Arborg subdivision, 1834-1835

Selkirk Mental Health Centre

Crisis unit, 2629-2630

Nursing shortage, 1212-1213, 1517

Smith, Russell

Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame, 3925

Special Olympics curling team, 954

St. Andrews Airport

Expansion, 1728-1729

St. Cyril and Methodius Church, 4412

Throne Speech

Debate, 297-303

Unemployment rate, 297

Untendered contracts, 197-198

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

2r, 3602-3604

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

2r, 4069

Hemp production. See also Agricultural Research and Development Initiative


Maguire, 2415-2416

Wowchuk, 2415-2416


Penner, Jack, 1602

Wowchuk, 1602

Henry, Ann

Korzeniowski, 871

Henteleff Tree Nursery


Gerrard, 278-279

Lathlin, 278-279

Hepatitis C

Early diagnosis/treatment

Chomiak, 2849-2850, 4639

Gerrard, 2849, 4639

Heritage Grants Advisory Council


Dacquay, 2573

McGifford, 2573

Grant recipients

Dacquay, 2573-2574

McGifford, 2574


Dacquay, 2573

McGifford, 2573

Heritage organizations


Dacquay, 2877

McGifford, 2877

Heritage resources

Government initiatives

McGifford, 2557-2558


Faurschou, 3422

Heritage sites

Irwood subdivision

Cummings, 1930-1931, 3058-3059

McGifford, 1930-1931, 3059

Hickes, Hon. George (Point Douglas) N.D.P.

Chief Electoral Officer

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 117), 652

Indemnities, Allowances and Retirement Benefits Regulations

Annual Report, 2000 (S.P. 173), 3247

Interim Leader of the Opposition, 1665

Legislative Assembly

Estimates debate, 4524-4527


Clerk Assistant/Clerk of Committees, 693

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, 556

Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms, 11

Sergeant-at-Arms, 11

Members of the Legislative Assembly

Pension plan, 4525

Salaries–provincial comparisons, 4525

Manitoba Legislative Internship Programme, 22


Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 106), 473

Annual Report–Access and Privacy, 1998 (S.P. 101), 397

Special Report, 1999 (S.P. 102), 397

Page program

Introduction, 11

Salaries, 4526

Points of Order

P/O by Allan respecting words "You know, they always get prettier at closing time." (Schuler) 407; Laurendeau 407; Mackintosh 407-408; Rocan 408; taken under advisement 408; withdrawn, 409

P/O by Ashton respecting exhibits (Reimer) 311; ruled in order, 311

P/O by Ashton respecting reference to absence of members (Loewen) 828-829; withdrawn, 829

P/O by Ashton respecting word "dishonest" (Filmon) 1260-1261; Laurendeau 1261; taken under advisement 1261; Speaker's ruling, 2853

P/O by Ashton respecting word "misled" (Praznik) 2030; Laurendeau 2030; taken under advisement 2030; Speaker's ruling, 3146-3147

P/O by Hickes respecting words "Doer defence" (Praznik) 3252; Mackintosh 3252; Laurendeau; questioned rephrased, 3252

P/O by Hickes respecting words "minister responsible for gambling" (Reimer) 3249; Laurendeau 3249; Mackintosh 3249; challenged 3250; sustained, 3250

P/O by Hickes respecting words "the jokers are wild" (Lemieux) 2754; Laurendeau 2755; withdrawn, 2755

P/O by Laurendeau respecting relevancy of debate (Gerrard) 572; ruled out of order 572; ruling challenged, 572

P/O by Laurendeau respecting tabling of reports 3825; Mackintosh 3825; taken under advisement 3825; Speaker's ruling, 4336-4337

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "deliberately" (Caldwell) 608; Mackintosh 608; taken under advisement 608; Speaker's ruling, 802-803

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "hypocrisy"; Laurendeau 17; Mackintosh 17; Members cautioned 17; withdrawn (Doer), 17

P/O by Laurendeau respecting words "godfather of frozen food" (Doer) 535; withdrawn, 535

P/O by Laurendeau respecting words "that is a stupid question" 4332; Chomiak 4332; taken under advisement 4332; Speaker's ruling, 4625

P/O by Mackintosh respecting hypothetical questions (Gerrard) 2938-2939; Gerrard 2939; Laurendeau 2939; taken under advisement 2939; Speaker's ruling, 3500-3501

P/O by Mackintosh respecting ministers being referred to by title (Gerrard) 3255; withdrawn, 3255

P/O by Mackintosh respecting request to table a legal opinion (Praznik) 3445; Praznik 3446; Chomiak 3446; Laurendeau 3446; taken under advisement 3446; Speaker's ruling, 4058-4059

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the orderliness of a question posed (Reimer) 655-656; Laurendeau 656; taken under advisement 656;

P/O by Mackintosh respecting word "hypocrite" (Praznik) 2937; Praznik 2937; taken under advisement 2937-2938; Speaker's ruling, 3448

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "lack of honesty" (Praznik) 4293; ruled unparliamentary 4293; withdrawn (Praznik), 4293

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "minister of gambling" (Pitura) 2211; Laurendeau 2211; Doer 2211; taken under advisement 2211;

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "trying to mislead" (Loewen) 1674; Laurendeau 1674; taken under advisement 1674; Speaker's ruling, 2442-2443

P/O by Mitchelson respecting words "it is still a stupid question" 4625; Sale 4625; taken under advisement 4625; Speaker's ruling, 4856

P/O by Penner, Jack respecting words "Jack, go back to Russia" (Reid) 4915; withdrawn, 4915

P/O by Rocan respecting words attributed by him by the Government House Leader 1349; Mackintosh 1349; Laurendeau 1349-1350; taken under advisement 1350; Speaker's ruling, 2336-2337

Presiding officers


Acceptance speech, 2-3

Privilege, Matters of

Legislative proceedings, broadcast of

Speaker's rulings, 3059-3062

Provincial Auditor

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 99), 397

Value-for-Money Audits, 1999 (S.P. 100), 397

Schuler, Corina Else, 2026

Speaker's Rulings

Matter of Privilege, July 26, 2000, 4854-4856

Point of Order, July 4, 2000, 4058-4059

Point of Order, July 11, 2000, 4336-4337

Point of Order, July 21,2000, 3448

Point of Order, July 24, 2000, 4625

Hickes, 4625

Point of Order, July 31, 2000, 4856

Point of Order, June 5, 2000, 3059-3061, 3061-3062, 3146-3147

Point of Order, June 7, 2000, 3147

Point of Order, June 21, 2000, 3448, 3500-3501

Point of Order, May 18, 2000, 2853

Point of Order, May 23, 2000, 2336-2337

Point of Order, May 30, 2000, 2442-2443

Speaker's statements

Interim Leader of the Opposition, 1665

Schuler, Corina Else, 2026

Speaker's Statements

Points of order during Matters of Privilege, 4810-4811

Highway maintenance/construction

Batch plants

Ashton, 1558

Schuler, 1557-1558

Boundary Trails Hospital–access road

Ashton, 1722-1723

Dyck, 1722-1723

Brandon bypass

Ashton, 1564-1565, 1569-1572

Gilleshammer, 1564-1565, 1569-1572

Smith, S., 3403


Ashton, 1902-1904

Maguire, 1902-1904


Ashton, 1367, 1898, 2631

Gilleshammer, 2630-2631

Penner, Jim, 1898

Businesses, access to

Ashton, 1708-1713

Cummings, 1708-1710

Capital program

Ashton, 1715-1716, 1825-1826, 1961

Cummings, 1715, 1961

Faurschou, 1824-1826

Nevakshonoff, 2954-2955

Community egress

Ashton, 1402-1403

Cummings, 1402

Contracting out

Ashton, 1582, 1719, 1817-1819

Cummings, 1719, 1817-1819

Pitura, 1582

Drainage issues

Ashton, 2081-2082

Cummings, 2081-2082

First Nation communities

Ashton, 1819-1822, 1839

Cummings, 1819-1822

Derkach, 1839


General comments

Ashton, 910-911

Dyck, 910-911

Penner, Jim, 3427

Tweed, 3436

Southern Manitoba

Cummings, 1085

Doer, 1085

Highway 1A–Brandon

Ashton, 1572-1574

Gilleshammer, 1572-1574

Highway 3–Darlingford to Manitou

Ashton, 1722

Dyck, 1722

Highway 5–Eddystone

Ashton, 1973

Cummings, 1972-1973

Highway 7–No. 415 intersection

Ashton, 1970

Helwer, 1970

Highway 8

Ashton, 1969-1970

Helwer, 1969-1970

Highway 9

Winnipeg Beach to Gimli

Helwer, 1473

Winnipeg to Selkirk

Ashton, 1476-1480

Helwer, 1475-1480

Highway 12

Park Road

Ashton, 1899

Penner, Jim, 1898-1899

Traffic volume

Ashton, 1899

Penner, Jim, 1899

Highway 15–No. 206 intersection

Ashton, 1556

Schuler, 1556

Highway 21


Ashton, 1837-1838

Derkach, 1836-1838


Ashton, 2071

Maguire, 2070-2071

Highway 26–St. François Xavier

Ashton, 1823

Pitura, 1822-1823

Highway 32

Schanzenfeld access

Ashton, 1722

Dyck, 1722


Ashton, 1721, 1967

Dyck, 1721, 1966-1967

Highway 59

General comments

Ashton, 1580-1582, 1715-1716

Cummings, 1715-1716

Pitura, 1580-1581

Land appropriations

Ashton, 1574

Reimer, 1574

Southland Park development

Ashton, 1574

Reimer, 1574

St. Malo

Ashton, 1990

Penner, Jack, 1990

Highway 83

Ashton, 1836

Derkach, 1835-1836

Highways equipment

Ashton, 1367

Kernstead Road–Winnipeg Beach

Ashton, 1471-1472, 1708

Helwer, 1471

Komarno access

Ashton, 1970-1971

Helwer, 1970

Lake Winnipeg–east-side road

Cummings, 1377

Lockport Road

Ashton, 1481

Helwer, 1480-1481

Main Street–Winkler

Ashton, 1720-1721

Dyck, 1720-1721

McCain plant–access

Ashton, 1484-1485

Faurschou, 1483-1485

Municipal grant program

Ashton, 1966

Dyck, 1966

Neepawa bypass

Ashton, 1962-1966

Cummings, 1962-1966

Noise abatement programs

Ashton, 1567-1568

Gilleshammer, 1567-1568

Northern Manitoba

Ashton, 1343, 1715

Cummings, 1715

Jennissen, 1343

Oakbank corridor

Ashton, 1556-1557

Schuler, 1556-1557

Perimeter Highway

General comments

Ashton, 1558-1559

Schuler, 1558-1559


Ashton, 2069-2070

Laurendeau, 2069-2070

Poplar Bluff Industrial Park–access

Ashton, 1482

Faurschou, 1482

Previously approved projects

Ashton, 2631

Gilleshammer, 2631

Provincial Road No. 200

Ashton, 1583

Pitura, 1582-1583

Provincial Road No. 201

Dyck, 1968

Letellier bridge

Ashton, 1989

Penner, Jack, 1989

Provincial Road No. 205

Ashton, 1584

Pitura, 1584

Provincial Road No. 210

Ashton, 1990-1991

Penner, Jack, 1990

Provincial Road No. 222

Ashton, 1728

Helwer, 1728

Provincial Road No. 227

Ashton, 1486

Faurschou, 1485-1487

Provincial Road No. 241

Ashton, 1824

Pitura, 1824

Provincial Road No. 247

Ashton, 1583, 1708

Pitura, 1583

Provincial Road No. 250–Souris

Ashton, 1906

Maguire, 1906

Provincial Road No. 270

Ashton, 1713-1714

Cummings, 1713-1714

Provincial Road No. 305–La Broquerie

Ashton, 1993-1994

Penner, Jack, 1993-1994

Provincial Road No. 330

Ashton, 1583-1584

Pitura, 1583

Provincial Road No. 332

Ashton, 1583

Pitura, 1583

Dust control

Ashton, 1824

Pitura, 1823-1824


Ashton, 1991-1993

Penner, Jack, 1991-1993

Provincial Road No. 422

Ashton, 1584

Pitura, 1584

Provincial Road No. 428

Ashton, 1968-1969

Dyck, 1968-1969

Provincial Road No. 457–bridges

Ashton, 1567

Gilleshammer, 1567

Railway approaches

Ashton, 1725

Faurschou, 1724-1725

Railway overpasses

Ashton, 1725-1727

Faurschou, 1725-1727

Remote access policy

Ashton, 1372-1373

Road surfacing–treated stone

Ashton, 1582

Pitura, 1582

Rosengart access road

Ashton, 1988-1989

Penner, Jack, 1988-1989

Shelter belts

Ashton, 1582

Pitura, 1582


Asessippi Winter Park

Ashton, 1840-1841, 1959-1960

Cummings, 1959-1960

Derkach, 1839-1840

General comments

Ashton, 1487-1488, 1826-1829

Cummings, 1828-1829

Faurschou, 1487

Gilleshammer, 1826-1828

Glass, Manitoba

Ashton, 1560

Schuler, 1560

Winnipeg Beach

Ashton, 1472

Helwer, 1472

Springfield Road

Ashton, 1559

Schuler, 1559

Traffic volume inspections

Ashton, 1566

Gilleshammer, 1566

Trans-Canada Highway

Speed limit

Ashton, 1554-1555

Faurschou, 1554-1555


Ashton, 2072-2073

Maguire, 2072-2073


Ashton, 1907

Maguire, 1907-1908

White Horse Plains turnoff

Ashton, 1823

Pitura, 1823

Trans-Canada Highway east

Ashton, 1575-1577, 1898

Penner, Jim, 1898

Reimer, 1575-1577

Trans-Canada Highway west

Ashton, 1584-1585

Pitura, 1584

Shelter belts

Ashton, 1568-1569

Gilleshammer, 1568-1569

Used materials auction

Ashton, 1723

Cummings, 1723

Virden bypass

Ashton, 1906-1907

Maguire, 1906-1907

Weed control

Ashton, 2068-2069

Laurendeau, 2068-2069

Winter road budget

Ashton, 1367

Highway map

Ashton, 3609

Gerrard, 3610

Gilleshammer, 3609-3610

Jennissen, 3620-3621

Highway system. See also National Highways Program

Agricultural transportation routes

Ashton, 1380-1382, 1384, 1388-1392, 1474-1475

Cummings, 1380-1382, 1390-1392

Helwer, 1474-1475

Maguire, 1388-1390

Penner, Jack, 1383-1384, 1387-1388

Community egress

Ashton, 1447, 1468

Cummings, 1446-1447

Federal responsibility

Cummings, 1377

Funding, federal

Ashton, 1368-1369, 1383, 1473

Helwer, 1472-1473

Maguire, 1383

Penner, Jack, 1385

Road-use taxes

Ashton, 1368

Speed limits

Ashton, 1967-1968

Dyck, 1967-1968

Traffic volumes

Ashton, 1368

Highway Traffic Act

Victims of crime surcharge

Mackintosh, 2469-2471

Praznik, 2469-2471

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 33)


Mackintosh, 3311


Mackintosh, 3588-3589

Praznik, 4066


Gerrard, 4781, 5091-5092

Laurendeau, 4780

Mackintosh, 5087-5089

Penner, Jim, 4781, 4784

Praznik, 4779-4780, 4782-4783, 5089-5091


Laurendeau, 5212


Liba, 5444

Highway Traffic Board

Appeal process

Ashton, 1446

Cummings, 1446

Speed limit reductions

Ashton, 1470-1471

Rocan, 1469-1471


Ashton, 1399

Highways and Government Services, Department of


Debate, 1366-1403, 1446-1447, 1468-1488, 1554-1585, 1708-1741, 1817-1845, 1892-1908, 1958-1994, 2068-2095


Ashton, 1366-1403, 1446-1447, 1468-1488, 1554-1585, 1708-1741, 1817-1845, 1892-1907, 1958-1994, 2068-2095

Cummings, 1376-1383, 1389-1395, 1398-1400, 1402-1403, 1446-1447, 1708-1720, 1723, 1738-1741, 1817-1822, 1828-1834, 1958-1966, 1971-1979, 1981-1986, 2080-2092

Derkach, 1835-1840

Dyck, 1720-1723, 1966-1969

Faurschou, 1395-1398, 1401-1402, 1481-1487, 1554-1555, 1577-1579, 1723-1727, 1735-1738, 1824-1825

Gilleshammer, 1564-1573, 1825-1828

Helwer, 1468, 1471-1481, 1560-1564, 1727-1734, 1738, 1834-1835, 1893-1898, 1969-1971, 1979-1981, 1986-1987

Laurendeau, 1734-1735, 2068-2070

Maguire, 1383, 1388-1389, 1841-1845, 1902-1908, 2070-2080

Penner, Jack, 1383-1388, 1987-1994

Penner, Jim, 1898-1902

Pitura, 1580-1585, 1822-1824, 2070

Reimer, 1574-1577

Rocan, 1468-1471

Sale, 2093-2095

Schuler, 1556-1560

Smith, S., 2095

Amalgamation–Government Services

Ashton, 1560-1561

Helwer, 1560-1561

Fleet net radios

Ashton, 1979

Cummings, 1979

Fuel purchasing

Ashton, 1734-1735

Laurendeau, 1734-1735

Gas-purchasing policy

Ashton, 1893

Management services

Ashton, 1382-1383

Physical plant program

Ashton, 1368

Policy and Research

Ashton, 1386-1387, 1393

Cummings, 1392-1393

Procurement guidelines

Ashton, 1895

Helwer, 1895

Staff recognition

Ashton, 1375-1376


Ashton, 1379

Cummings, 1379

Supplementary information (S.P. 147)

Ashton, 1320

Telecommunication costs

Ashton, 1978-1979

Cummings, 1978-1979

Untendered contracts

Ashton, 1894

Helwer, 1894

Highways and Transportation, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 90)

Ashton, 239

Hire-A-Student Weeks

Smith, J., 3401-3402

Historic resources

Government initiatives

Dacquay, 2565-2566

Hog industry. See also Manitoba Agricultural Credit Corporation

Penner, Jack, 663

Environemntal licensing

Cummings, 2441

Doer, 1315, 1317-1318, 1624

Gerrard, 1624

Lathlin, 1315

Penner, Jim, 1314-1315

Praznik, 1317-1318

Wowchuk, 2441

Labour unions/associations

Barrett, 2892-2894

Maguire, 2891-2894

Marketing system

Doer, 397-400

Filmon, 161-162, 397-399

Gilleshammer, 421

Nevakshonoff, 321

Penner, Jack, 351-352, 1646, 2288-2290

Wowchuk, 351-352, 2288-2290

Processing plants

Penner, Jack, 1646


Penner, Jack, 2920

Wowchuk, 2920

Value-added co-operatives

Penner, Jack, 1647-1648

Waste management

Gerrard, 2407-2408

Wowchuk, 2407-2408

Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill 19)


Barrett, 556


Ashton, 612-616

Asper, 585-587

Barrett, 574-576

Dacquay, 576-577

Doer, 578-579

Gerrard, 577-578

Loewen, 584-585

Mackintosh, 617-620

Martindale, 620-621

Praznik, 579-582

Rocan, 587-588

Sale, 582-584

Smith, J., 616-617


Barrett, 705


Caldwell, 709-710

Filmon, 705-709

Friesen, 713-715

Jennissen, 710-712

Laurendeau, 712-713

Home care program

Filmon, 158-159

Backup service

Chomiak, 3791-3792

Driedger, 3791-3792


Chomiak, 3227

Home renovators


Lemieux, 3535-3536

Penner, Jim, 3535-3536

Home schooling. See also Public Schools Act--Amendments


Caldwell, 1507, 1873

Horn, Ryan

Struthers, 664

Household hazardous wastes

Collection program funding

Lathlin, 3736


Government initiatives

Martindale, 337-338

Reimer, 313, 901-902

Sale, 901

Home ownership partnership program

Mihychuk, 377-378

Housing, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 44)

Sale, 137

Housing, public

Caital plan

Reimer, 3646

Sale, 3646-3647

Single Window Initiative

Sale, 3545

Tenant-managed properties

Reimer, 313

Utility allowances

Sale, 3546

Housing cooperatives

Federal jurisdiction

Reimer, 3648

Sale, 3648

Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co.

Mine accident

Barrett, 4844, 5239

Gerrard, 4845, 5240

Jennissen, 4979, 5252-5253

Mitchelson, 4844-4845, 5239-5240

Mines inspections

Barrett, 5275

Praznik, 5274-5275

Human Services Guide

Cerilli, 3827

Hunting. See also Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

Hunter safety programs

Guide services

Lathlin, 3837

Maguire, 3836-3837

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