# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


4-H programs


Penner, Jack, 1805-1806

Wowchuk, 1806-1807

911 service–Winnipeg


Mackintosh, 2240-2241

Praznik, 2240-2241


La Verendrye constituency

Lemieux, 387

Former MLA

Lemieux, 387

Labour, Department of. See also Department of Labour Act; Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy–Requests


Debate, 1741-1771, 2162-2183, 2245-2274, 2371-2403, 2474-2503, 2578-2597, 2666-2694, 2774-2782, 2814-2827, 2882-2904, 2970-3000, 3093-3114, 3183


Aglugub, 3093-3098

Barrett, 1741-1771, 2162-2183, 2245-2274, 2372-2403, 2474-2500, 2578-2597, 2666-2694, 2778-2782, 2814-2827, 2882-2904, 2970-3000, 3093-3113

Cerilli, 3098-3103

Driedger, 2498-2499

Faurschou, 2498, 2887, 2894-2896

Laurendeau, 2165-2167

Maguire, 2888-2894

Penner, Jack, 2673-2680

Reid, 2985-2988, 3112-3113

Rondeau, 2490, 2988

Schuler, 1745-1771, 2162-2165, 2167, 2168-2183, 2245-2273, 2375-2403, 2474-2486, 2579-2593, 2594-2596, 2672-2673, 2681-2691, 2692-2694, 2781-2782, 2814-2827, 2882-2887, 2896-2904, 2970-2980, 2988-3000

Smith, J., 2486-2498, 2499-2503, 2596-2597, 2666-2671, 2691-2692, 2777-2780

Smith, S., 2167-2168, 2988, 3103-3111

Tweed, 2593

Annual report

Barrett, 2255

Schuler, 2255

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 7)

Barrett, 35

Board appointments

Barrett, 2250-2251

Schuler, 2250-2251

Communication costs

Barrett, 2402

Schuler, 2402

Discrimination against employees

Barrett, 2256-2258

Schuler, 2256-2257


Barrett, 2252-2255

Schuler, 2252-2254


Barrett, 2249-2250

Schuler, 2249-2250


Barrett, 2487

Schuler, 2487

Mission statement

Barrett, 2170-2179

Schuler, 2170-2179


Barrett, 2181-2182

Schuler, 2181-2182

Operating costs

Barrett, 2260-2261, 2261-2262

Schuler, 2260-2261, 2261-2262

Policy direction

Barrett, 2258, 2403

Schuler, 2258, 2403

Privilege in respect of conciliation proceedings

Barrett, 2255-2256

Schuler, 2255-2256


Barrett, 2182-2183, 2882

Schuler, 2182-2183, 2882


Cerilli, Joan

Barrett, 2384-2386

Schuler, 2384-85

General comments

Barrett, 1746-1747, 2399-2400

Schuler, 1746, 2399-2400

Statement of purpose

Barrett, 2265-2274

Schuler, 2265-2274

Supplementary information (S.P. 153)

Barrett, 1507

Transportation costs

Barrett, 2259-2260, 2402

Schuler, 2259, 2402

Web site

Barrett, 2262-2265, 2372-2375, 2386-2389

Schuler, 2262-2265, 2386-2388

Labour, Minister of

Penner, Jack, 4577

Debate request

Barrett, 4226

Schuler, 4226

Provincial labour ministers' meeting

Barrett, 2389-2390

Schuler, 2389

Resignation request

Doer, 4576

Mitchelson, 4575

Labour disputes

See Canadian Blood Services; CancerCare Manitoba; Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals; Osborne House

Professional strikebreakers

Barrett, 2691-2692

Smith, J., 2691-2692

Labour legislation. See also Labour Management Review Committee; Manitoba Century Summit; Throne Speech; specific legislation


Businesses, impact on

Barrett, 3921-3922, 5054-5060

Doer, 3917-3918, 4288-4289

Loewen, 3921-3922

Mihychuk, 5051-5054

Mitchelson, 3917-3918, 4288-4289

Schuler, 5051-5058


Barrett, 1626-1627, 2391-2394, 2578-2579, 3826, 3920

Derkach, 3920

Doer, 4049-4050

Mitchelson, 4049-4050

Schuler, 1626, 2391-2394, 3826

Economic impact

Barrett, 4292

Doer, 4287-4288

Gilleshammer, 4291-4292

Mitchelson, 4287


Barrett, 3920-3921

Derkach, 3920

General comments

Barrett, 1627

Mitchelson, 4112

Schuler, 1627, 4060, 4297-4298


Barrett, 1627

Schuler, 1627


Barrett, 4290, 4294-4295

Doer, 4289, 4292-4293, 4294

Gilleshammer, 4292

Praznik, 4293-4295

Schuler, 4289-4290

Labour relations, impact on

Barrett, 5120-5121

Schuler, 5120


Barrett, 5062

Laurendeau, 5061

Secret ballots

Barrett, 3924-3925, 4050-4051

Pitura, 3924

Schuler, 4050

Antiscab legislation, introduction of

Barrett, 2684-2688

Schuler, 2684-2688

Campaign promises

Doer, 5277-5286, 5289-5290

Gilleshammer, 5277-5283, 5290-5291

Mitchelson, 5283-5285

Praznik, 5288-5290

Government agenda

Doer, 5117-5118

Mitchelson, 5117

Reduced workweek

Barrett, 2884-2885

Schuler, 2884-2885


Barrett, 2395-2398

Schuler, 2395-2398

Successor rights

Barrett, 2781-2782

Schuler, 2781-2782

Union expansion

Barrett, 2693

Schuler, 2692-2693

Unpaid family leave

Friesen, 4679

Loewen, 4679

Labour legislation, federal


Barrett, 2583

Schuler, 2583

Labour Management Review Committee

Appointment process

Barrett, 1759

Schuler, 1759


Barrett, 1761-1762

Schuler, 1761-1762


Barrett, 1758-1759

Schuler, 1758

Labour legislation

Barrett, 1760-1761, 3918-3919, 3920, 3923-3924, 4051-4052, 4569-4573, 4575, 4614-4617

Derkach, 3920

Doer, 3917, 4568, 4570-4571, 4618

Gilleshammer, 4617-4618

Laurendeau, 3923-3924

Loewen, 4572-4573, 4616-4617

Mitchelson, 3917, 4569-4572, 4574-4575

Praznik, 4614-4615

Schuler, 1760-1761, 3918-3919, 4051, 4568-4569, 4613-4614


Barrett, 1766

Schuler, 1766

Meeting schedule

Barrett, 1760, 1761, 1766

Schuler, 1760, 1761, 1766

Per diems

Barrett, 1760, 1765

Schuler, 1760, 1765


Barrett, 1760-1761

Schuler, 1760-1761


Barrett, 1759, 1765

Schuler, 1759, 1765



Barrett, 1765

Schuler, 1765

General comments

Barrett, 1759-1760

Schuler, 1759

Labour Market Development Agreement

Caldwell, 1878

Labour Relations Act


Binding arbitration

Ashton, 4804-4807

Barrett, 4406-4407, 4732-4733, 5024

Loewen, 4732

Praznik, 4405-4406, 4804-4807, 5024

Businesses, impact on

Barrett, 4972, 4973, 4974, 4976, 4978, 5023, 5026-5027, 5080

Derkach, 4971-4972

Dyck, 4978

Enns, 4975-4976

Loewen, 4972-4973, 5022-5024, 5121-5122

Maguire, 5079-5080

Mihychuk, 4970-4971, 4973, 4975-4976, 4978, 4979, 5023-5024, 5122

Penner, Jack, 4978

Penner, Jim, 4978, 5026

Praznik, 4973-4974

Schuler, 4970-4971

Smith, J., 4976-4978

Tweed, 4979

Certification process

Barrett, 2689

Schuler, 2689


Barrett, 2683-2684, 4226, 4327, 4733

Doer, 5076

Enns, 5075-5076

Loewen, 4733

Schuler, 2683, 4226, 4327

Economic impact

Barrett, 4328-4330

Mihychuk, 5019

Schuler, 5019

Smith, J., 4329-4330

Tweed, 4328-4329


Ashton, 4803

Gilleshammer, 4803

General comments

Barrett, 5033-5042

Enns, 5081, 5254

Loewen, 5253

Mihychuk, 5042, 5047

Penner, Jim, 5080

Praznik, 5033-5051


Barrett, 4330-4331, 4408-4409

Doer, 4333-4334

Mitchelson, 4333

Penner, Jim, 4408-4409

Praznik, 4330-4331

Labour relations, impact on

Doer, 5020

Mitchelson, 5019-5020

Picket line violence

Barrett, 4333, 4405, 4730-4731, 4732, 4851-4852

Doer, 4335-4336

Gilleshammer, 4332-4333, 4404-4405, 4851-4852

Loewen, 4732

Mitchelson, 4334-4335, 4735-4736

Tweed, 4730-4731

Right to strike

Ashton, 4803

Gilleshammer, 4802-4803

Secret ballots

Barrett, 3716-3717, 4969-4970, 5026, 5062-5064, 5075, 5078-5079

Doer, 5020, 5026

Laurendeau, 5062-5063

Loewen, 5074-5075

Mitchelson, 4969-4970, 5020, 5026

Schuler, 3716-3717, 5078-5079

Short-line railways

Enns, 5076-5077

Mihychuk, 5076-5077

Standing committee process

Barrett, 5121, 5124

Derkach, 5123-5124

Doer, 5116-5117, 5118-5119

Loewen, 5121, 5122

Mackintosh, 5119-5120

Mihychuk, 5122-5123

Mitchelson, 5116-5117, 5118

Schuler, 5119-5120


Ashton, 4802

Barrett, 4403-4404, 4619, 4731-4732, 4733-4734, 4969, 5022

Doer, 4618, 4728-4730, 4734, 4804, 5021-5022, 5247-5249

Gilleshammer, 4618-4619, 4731, 4732, 4803

Loewen, 5247

Mihychuk, 5019

Mitchelson, 4403, 4728-4730, 4969, 5020-5022

Schuler, 4404, 4733-4734, 4801-4802, 5019

Stefanson, 5247-5249

Tweed, 4731

Disclosure of information by unions

Barrett, 2820-2821

Schuler, 2820-2821

Exemptions–agricultural workers

Doer, 5286-5288

Penner, Jack, 5286-5288


Barrett, 2683

Schuler, 2683

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)


Barrett, 3610


Barrett, 3929-3932

Derkach, 4945-4953

Driedger, 4935-4941

Dyck, 4991-4997

Enns, 4520-4524, 4739-4740, 4741-4742

Gerrard, 4988-4991

Loewen, 4749-4757

Maguire, 4997-5003

Mitchelson, 4983-4988

Penner, Jack, 4757-4763

Penner, Jim, 4742-4749

Pitura, 4953-4960

Praznik, 5003-5010

Reimer, 4960-4964, 4982-4983

Schuler, 4512-4520

Smith, J., 4770-4772, 4932-4935

Tweed, 4763-4770


Barrett, 5391

Gerrard, 5392

Praznik, 5391-5392


Derkach, 5423-5426

Gerrard, 5409-5412

Laurendeau, 5394-5395

Loewen, 5418-5423

Mitchelson, 5414-5417

Penner, Jack, 5402-5407

Praznik, 5412-5413, 5426-5430

Rocan, 5407-5409

Schuler, 5395-5402


Liba, 5444

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)


Barrett, 692-693


Barrett, 846-848

Gerrard, 4944-4945

Schuler, 4943-4944

R/S, 5383


Enns, 5385-5386

Faurschou, 5386-5387

Gerrard, 5389

Maguire, 5387-5389

Schuler, 5383-5385


Liba, 5443

Labour unions/associations. See also Hog industry

Membership exemptions–religious objections

Barrett, 2817-2818

Schuler, 2817-2818

Union dues–political contributions

Barrett, 2818, 4225-4226, 4328

Loewen, 4328

Schuler, 2818, 4225

Union raiding

Barrett, 2821-2822

Schuler, 2821-2822

Labour-sponsored funds


Mihychuk, 1864

Tweed, 1863-1864

Legislation amendments

Mihychuk, 1863

Tweed, 1863

Lake Winnipeg

East side development

Lathlin, 3733

Lakeside, Member for

Doer, 460-461

Land Management Services Agency

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 62)

Ashton, 137

Land Titles Office. See also Property Registry Agency


Lemieux, 3083

Language programs

See Education system–French language instruction; Michif language programs; Ojibwa language programs

Last Post Fund

Rondeau, 4411-4412

Lathlin, Hon. Oscar (The Pas) N.D.P.

Aboriginal Resource Council

Mandate, 3729

Assiniboine River Advisory Committee

Report recommendations, 2852

Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.

Pinawa laboratory, 3732

Canada-Manitoba Agreement for Water Quantity Surveys

Update, 4087

Clean Environment Commission

Appeal process

Conservation Minister's role, 142

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 3728-3738, 3742-3752, 3830-3853, 3972-3980, 4081-4092, 4350-4357, 4413-4417

Regional operations, 3745-3749, 3832-3835

Salaries, 3744

Staffing, 3742

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 187), 3711

Conservation, Minister of

Conflict of interest, 241, 997-998

Consultation on Sustainable Development Implementation

Recommendations, 3731

Crop Protection Institute

Pesticide containers, 3735

Dauphin Lake

Conservation Minister's action, 701

Conservation Minister's meeting, 701

Fish stock conservation, 908-910

Legislation enforcement, 701

Spawning fish regulations, 656

E. coli bacteria

Balmoral, Manitoba, 4573-4574

Elk industry

Marketing opportunities, 624-625

Endangered Spaces Campaign, 651-652

Energy and Mines, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 53), 137

Environment, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 54), 137

Environment Act

Amendments, 3730-3731

Environmental licensing

Hydro transmission line–East St. Paul, 4081-4087

Ethanol industry

Expansion, 3733

Fire protection priorities

Lathlin, 3838-3839

First Ministers' conference

Agenda–environmental issues, 4975

Fishing industry

Stock management, 4355


Flood forecast, 4005

Floodproofing programs

Community ring dikes, 4414

Government commitment, 246-247

Red River ice jams, 1932

Forest fires

Conditions, 4681, 4845-4846

Expenditures, 3837-3838, 3839-3840

Fire conditions, 552-553

Global warming

Reduction strategy, 2627, 3736-3737, 4350-4351

Henteleff Tree Nursery

Development, 278-279

Hog industry

Environemntal licensing, 1315

Household hazardous wastes

Collection program funding, 3736


Hunter safety programs

Guide services, 3837


Infrastructure funding, 4414-4415

Lake Winnipeg

East side development, 3733

Lindane levels–East St. Paul

Soil remediation, 1031-1032

Update, 3842-3845

Water contamination, 1440-1442, 1516

Livestock Stewardship Initiative

Public hearings, 4690

Public investors, 4690

Update, 3734

Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation

Activities, 3734

Manitoba Environmental Council

Termination, 4685-4686, 4688-4689

Manitoba Fisheries

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 142), 1260

Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 56), 137

Manitoba Product Stewardship Corporation

Annual Report, 1999, 533

Update, 3734-3735

Ministerial Statements

Endangered Spaces Campaign, 651-652


Flood forecast, 4005

Forest fires

Conditions, 4681, 4845-4846

Fire conditions, 552-553

National Forest Week, 1022

Sustainable development strategy, 3387-3388

National Forest Week, 1022

Natural Resources, Department of

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 52), 137

Northern Fishermen's Freight Assistance Program

Update, 4356

Oil and Gas Act

Amendments, 3731

Oil and gas industry

Investment, 3733

Out-of-province maintenance crews, 4352-4353

Oral Questions

Clean Environment Commission

Appeal process

Conservation Minister's role, 142

Conservation, Minister of

Conflict of interest, 241, 997-998

Dauphin Lake

Conservation Minister's action, 701

Conservation Minister's meeting, 701

Fish stock conservation, 908-910

Legislation enforcement, 701

Spawning fish regulations, 656

E. coli bacteria

Balmoral, Manitoba, 4573-4574

First Ministers' conference

Agenda–environmental issues, 4975


Floodproofing programs

Government commitment, 246-247

Red River ice jams, 1932

Global warming

Reduction strategy, 2627

Henteleff Tree Nursery

Development, 278-279

Hog industry

Environemntal licensing, 1315

Lindane levels–East St. Paul

Soil remediation, 1031-1032

Water contamination, 1440-1442, 1516

Livestock Stewardship Initiative

Public hearings, 4690

Public investors, 4690

Manitoba Environmental Council

Termination, 4685-4686, 4688-4689

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 144, 999

Pipestone, Rural Municipality of

Sewage leak, 1625

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Consultations, 1620

Funding, 1670

Meeting request, 1669-1670

Members' status, 1670-1671

Standing committees

Public presentation process, 4619

Sturgeon Creek

E. coli contamination, 4331-4332

Fish stock die-off, 4331

Sustainable development strategy

Component strategies, 4054

Greenhouse gas emissions, 4226-4227, 4295-4296

Manitoba Environmental Council, 3494-3495

Procurement guidelines, 3617-3618, 4407-4408

Water resources

Bulk removal–legislation, 144-145

Drinking water supply

E. coli bacteria protection, 1515

Wildlife Act


Justification, 4296

Public consultations, 745-746, 1000, 1511, 3400-3401

Woodlands/St. Laurent, Rural Municipalities of

Property damage assistance, 142

Pine Falls Paper Company

Expansion, 144, 999, 4353-4355

Pineland Forest Nursery

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 57), 137

Pipestone, Rural Municipality of

Sewage leak, 1625

Pipestone Creek

Dead elm cleanup, 3848-3850

Pollution prevention

Government initiatives, 3735-3736

Rails to Trails program, 3734

Round Table on Sustainable Development

Consultations, 1620

Funding, 1670

Meeting request, 1669-1670

Members' status, 1670-1671

Special Conservation and Endangered Species Fund

Update, 4357

Standing committees

Public presentation process, 4619

Sturgeon Creek

E. coli contamination, 4331-4332, 4416-4417

Fish stock die-off, 4331

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

1r, 3390-3391

2r, 3591-3594

Sustainable Development Innovations Fund

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 55), 137

Supplementary information, 2000 (S.P. 195), 4049

Update, 3736

Sustainable development strategy, 3387-3388

Component strategies, 4054

Greenhouse gas emissions, 4226-4227, 4295-4296

Manitoba Environmental Council, 3494-3495

Procurement guidelines, 3617-3618, 4407-4408

Tire Stewardship Board

Recycling programs, 3735

Venture Manitoba Tours Ltd.

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 58), 137

Waste management

Government initiatives, 3734

Waste management areas

Development, 3846

Waste management systems, 3735

Water resources

Bulk removal

Canada-wide accord, 627

Exemptions, 627-628

Bulk removal–legislation, 144-145

Drainage, 4415

Drinking water supply

E. coli bacteria protection, 1515

Groundwater management, 4089-4090

Historical usage, 626

Large-area planning, 626

Legislation, 3730

Protection–priorities, 3841-3842

Regional boundaries–watershed areas, 3841

Strategic planning, 3853

Sustainable use, 626

Water quality objectives, 3737-3738

Waterway maintenance, 4091-4092

Water Resources Administration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

1r, 744

2r, 849-850

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)

1r, 533-534

2r, 625-628

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

1r, 743-744

2r, 848-849

Waterways, provincial

Definition, 3751-3752

Wildlife Act

Amendments, 3729-3730

Justification, 4296

Public consultations, 745-746, 1000, 1511, 3400-3401

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

1r, 533

2r, 622-625

Wildlife management/control

Beaver population, 4356-4357

Government initiatives, 3830-3831

Woodlands/St. Laurent, Rural Municipalities of

Property damage assistance, 142

Laurendeau, Marcel (St. Norbert) P.C.

Anderson, Merv, 1168-1169

Budget, balanced, 263-264

Child care system

Funding, 1927-1928

Civil Service Amendment Act (Bill 47)

2r, 4724-4725

Conservation, Department of

Estimates debate, 4413

Deloitte and Touche financial review

Premier's comments–audit, 263

Elections Amendment Act (Bill 17)

3r, 5354

Elevator Board

Salaries, 2165-2167


Agricultural disaster assistance, 962-964

Government buildings

Weed control, 2068

Government Motions

Agricultural disaster assistance, 962-964

Government of Manitoba

Patronage appointments, 264

Health care system

Hallway medicine reduction, 405

Highway maintenance/construction

Perimeter Highway

Resurfacing, 2069-2070

Weed control, 2068-2069

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 33)

3r, 5212

R/S, 4780

Highways and Government Services, Department of

Estimates debate, 1734-1735, 2068-2070

Fuel purchasing, 1734-1735

Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill 19)

3r, 712-713

Industry, Trade and Mines, Department of

Estimates debate, 2005

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (2) (Bill 51)

2r, 4585, 4692-4693

Kippen, Nikita, 914

Labour, Department of

Estimates debate, 2165-2167

Labour legislation

Amendments–postponement, 5061

Labour Management Review Committee

Labour legislation, 3923-3924

Labour Relations Act

Amendments–secret ballot, 5062-5063

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

3r, 5394-5395

Legislative Assembly

Estimates debate, 4527

Legislative proceedings, broadcast of, 2019-2021, 2035

Lions Manor

Funding, 5266

Manitoba Hydro

Collective bargaining, 4056-4057

Members' Statements

Anderson, Merv, 1168-1169

Kippen, Nikita, 914

Oral Questions

Child care system

Funding, 1927-1928

Health care system

Hallway medicine reduction, 405

Labour Management Review Committee

Labour legislation, 3923-3924

Manitoba Hydro

Collective bargaining, 4056-4057

University of Manitoba Students' Union

Debate request, 3057-3058

Page program

Salaries, 4526

Peacekeeping Day, 4891

Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 24)

2r, 3937

3r, 4725

Points of Order

P/O by Allan respecting words "You know, they always get prettier at closing time." (Schuler) 407; Laurendeau 407; Mackintosh 407-408; Rocan 408; taken under advisement 408; withdrawn, 409

P/O by Ashton respecting word "dishonest" (Filmon) 1260-1261; Laurendeau 1261; taken under advisement 1261; Speaker's ruling, 2853

P/O by Ashton respecting word "misled" (Praznik) 2030; Laurendeau 2030; taken under advisement 2030; Speaker's ruling, 3146-3147

P/O by Hickes respecting words "Doer defence" (Praznik) 3252; Mackintosh 3252; Laurendeau; questioned rephrased, 3252

P/O by Hickes respecting words "minister responsible for gambling" (Reimer) 3249; Laurendeau 3249; Mackintosh 3249; challenged 3250; sustained, 3250

P/O by Hickes respecting words "the jokers are wild" (Lemieux) 2754; Laurendeau 2755; withdrawn, 2755

P/O by Laurendeau respecting relevancy of debate (Gerrard) 572; ruled out of order 572; ruling challenged, 572

P/O by Laurendeau respecting tabling of reports 3825; Mackintosh 3825; taken under advisement 3825; Speaker's ruling, 4336-4337

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "deliberately" (Caldwell) 608; Mackintosh 608; taken under advisement 608; Speaker's ruling, 802-803

P/O by Laurendeau respecting word "hypocrisy"; Laurendeau 17; Mackintosh 17; Members cautioned 17; withdrawn (Doer), 17

P/O by Laurendeau respecting words "godfather of frozen food" (Doer) 535; withdrawn, 535

P/O by Laurendeau respecting words "that is a stupid question" 4332; Chomiak 4332; taken under advisement 4332; Speaker's ruling, 4625

P/O by Mackintosh respecting hypothetical questions (Gerrard) 2938-2939; Gerrard 2939; Laurendeau 2939; taken under advisement 2939; Speaker's ruling, 3500-3501

P/O by Mackintosh respecting request to table a legal opinion (Praznik) 3445; Praznik 3446; Chomiak 3446; Laurendeau 3446; taken under advisement 3446; Speaker's ruling, 4058-4059

P/O by Mackintosh respecting the orderliness of a question posed (Reimer) 655-656; Laurendeau 656; taken under advisement 656;

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "minister of gambling" (Pitura) 2211; Laurendeau 2211; Doer 2211; taken under advisement 2211;

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "trying to mislead" (Loewen) 1674; Laurendeau 1674; taken under advisement 1674; Speaker's ruling, 2442-2443

P/O by Rocan respecting words attributed by him by the Government House Leader 1349; Mackintosh 1349; Laurendeau 1349-1350; taken under advisement 1350; Speaker's ruling, 2336-2337

P/O by Smith, S. respecting hypothetical questions and unparliamentary language (Smith, J.) 2500; Schuler 2500-2501; Laurendeau 2501; Sale 2501; taken under advisement (Korzeniowski) 2501; Chairperson's ruling, 3207-3208

Presiding officers


Congratulations, 261

Private Members' Business

Peacekeeping Day, 4891

Privilege, Matters of

Legislative proceedings, broadcast of, 2019-2021, 2035

Premier's comments, 4502

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

2r, 4314-4316

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 12)

R/S, 4924, 5101-5102

Remnant, W.H. (Binx)

Retirement, 547

St. Norbert constituency

Sherwood Forest, 265

Throne Speech

Debate, 261-265

University of Manitoba Students' Union

Debate request, 3057-3058

Winnipeg Stock Exchange Restructuring and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

3r, 4725

Law Amendments, Standing Committee on. See also Law Amendments Committee index

1st Report

Martindale, 599

2nd Report

Martindale, 689

3rd Report

Martindale, 2431-2432

4th Report

Martindale, 4125

5th Report

Martindale, 4285-4286

6th Report

Martindale, 4397-4398

7th Report

Nevakshonoff, 4567-4568

8th Report

Martindale, 4605-4608

Law enforcement officers

Driedger, 542-543

Law Enforcement Review Agency, Office of the Commissioner of the

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 18)

Mackintosh, 35

Law Reform Commission

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 19)

Mackintosh, 35

Le Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 30)

McGifford, 83

Annual Report, 2000, (S.P. 212)

McGifford, 5240

Capital grant

McGifford, 2946



Smith, J., 81-83

Leaf Rapids, Manitoba

Community development officer

Mihychuk, 1418-1419, 1420

Tweed, 1418-1419, 1420

Economic development

Mihychuk, 1418

Tweed, 1418

Leaf Rapids Town Properties

Financial statement, 1999

Friesen, 3817

Legal Aid Services of Manitoba

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 22)

Mackintosh, 35

Appeal process

Faurschou, 2352

Mackintosh, 2352

Eligibility guidelines

Faurschou, 2352

Mackintosh, 2217, 2352

Legal services

Availability–rural Manitoba

Faurschou, 2371

Legislative Assembly. See also Manitoba Legislative Internship Programme; Page program


Debate, 4524-4527


Hickes, 4524-4527

Laurendeau, 4527

Martindale, 4525-4526

Appointments (See also Committees of the Whole; Presiding officers)

Clerk Assistant/Clerk of Committees

Hickes, 693

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

Hickes, 556

Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms

Hickes, 11


Hickes, 11

Members of the Legislative Assembly

Pension plan

Hickes, 4525

Martindale, 4525

Salaries–provincial comparisons

Hickes, 4525

Martindale, 4525

Staff recognition

Barrett, 185

Caldwell, 412

Dacquay, 381

Doer, 463

Driedger, 432

Faurschou, 456

Schellenberg, 258

Stefanson, 367

Struthers, 265-266

Legislative Assembly Act

Return under section 52.27(1)(2) (S.P. 178)

Selinger, 3387

Legislative Building

Restoration work

Ashton, 1374, 1737-1739

Faurschou, 1737-1739

Legislative Library


McGifford, 2956

Tweed, 2956

Legislative proceedings, broadcast of

Ashton, 2021-2022, 2034-2035

Faurschou, 2035-2036

Gerrard, 2024

Laurendeau, 2019-2021, 2035

Praznik, 2022-24

Lemieux, Hon. Ron (La Verendrye) N.D.P.

Agriculture and Food, Department of

Supplementary information (S.P. 152), 1434

Automobile Injury Compensation Appeal Commission

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 11), 35

Bostrom report

Recommendations, 2846


Budget Debate, 1297-1302

Business name registration

On-line application, 3049

Business Names Registration Amendment, Corporations Amendment and Partnership Amendment Act (Bill 40)

2r, 3368-3369

Companies Office

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 9), 35

On-line access, 3082

Competition Act

Enforcement, 3523-3524

Consumer and Corporate Affairs, Department of

Estimates debate, 3076-3092, 3153-3183, 3265-3268, 3272-3275, 3280, 3513-3536, 3627

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 8), 35

Consultations, 3513

Marketplace problems–investigation, 3513-3514

Special operating agencies, 3530

Supplementary information (S.P. 167), 2541

Consumer protection

Seniors, 3533-3535

Consumers' Bureau

Consumer Affairs Tracking System, 3081

Cooperatives Amendment Act

1r, 692

2r, 876-877

CRTC decision, 3389

Economic growth

Summit on the future of Manitoba's economy, 388-389

Education system

Funding, 390

Electronic commerce

Consumer protection, 3080-3081

Financial Institutions Regulations program

Overview, 3082

First Nation casinos

Accountability, 244

All-party committee, 1777, 1779-1780

Alternate proposals, 2436-2437, 2550-2551, 2624-2625, 2756-2757, 2759-2760

Audits, 2128

Background investigation requirements, 2800-2801

Community approval, 560-561, 696-697, 1437, 1776, 1925-1926, 3257-3258

Community plebiscites/referendums, 541, 1776, 1777-1779, 1780, 1926

Consultations, 494

Economic impact, 2626-2627

Expansion, 541

Gaming agreement compliance, 2551-2552, 2624, 2625-2626, 2751-2754, 2756, 2798-2799, 2847-2848, 2850-2853

Implementation Committee, 2846, 2849-2850

Government representative, 3087-3092

Legislative amendments, 2129-2130

Market assessments, 2211-2212

Minister's awareness, 2626

Operations management, 2127, 2934

Overview, 3078-3080

Partnership agreements, 2934

Postponement, 1003-1004

Premier's comments, 1003

Provincial regulatory control, 243-244

Public consultations, 697, 869-870, 905, 1086-1087, 2436

Request for proposals, 494

Revenue-sharing formula, 2205-2207, 2208, 2330-2331, 3395-3396

Security checks, 2848

Selection Committee, 494, 905

Consultations, 2755-2756

Criteria, 2933-2934

Extension, 1779

Process, 3393-3394

Recommendations, 1672-1673, 1775

Report release, 1926-1927

Staff secondments, 2029-2030

Site selection–off-reserve, 276

Site selection–on-reserve, 542

Standing committee review, 2799-2800

Viva Las Vegas gaming and resorts, 244-245


Agricultural disaster assistance, 974-979


Public consultations, 950

Social costs, 3267-3268

Gaming Control Act, Minister responsible for

Conflict of interest, 3153-3158, 3161-3167, 3170-3183, 3249-3251, 3265, 3272-3275

Gaming facilities

Market assessments, 2935-2936

Government Motions

Manitoba farm crisis, 104-106

Health care system

Government priority, 389

Waiting lists, 388

Home renovators

Licensing, 3535-3536

Insurance Act

Report pursuant to section 114 (S.P. 112), 486

Insurance agents

Professional liability insurance, 3049

Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 39)

1r, 3049

2r, 3367-3368

La Verendrye constituency

Former MLA, 387

Land Titles Office

Overview, 3083

Lotteries Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 200)

Government support, 1776

Manitoba farm crisis, 104-106

Manitoba Gaming Control Commission

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 10), 35

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 139), 1259

Manitoba Securities Commission

Audit program, 3083

Education/information program, 3083

Manitoba Telecom Service

Rate increase, 740-741

Rate increase application, 752

Minimum wage

Annual review, 391-392

Ministerial Statements

CRTC decision, 3389

Manitoba Telecom Service

Rate increase, 740-741

Richard, Maurice "Rocket," 1618

Motions, government


Agricultural disaster assistance, 974-979

Motor fuel industry

Competition Act

Effectiveness, 3521-3522

Competition bureau, 3515-3516

Co-ops–taxation system, 3520-3521

Divorcement legislation, 3519-3520

Federal government symposiums

Winnipeg location, 3525-3526

Government initiatives, 3076-3078

Imports via Port of Churchill, 3527-3529

Industry meetings, 3514

Monitoring, 3521

Ontario Gas Prices Review Task Force

Recommendations, 3516-3517

Price-fixing, 3524-3525

Oral Questions

Bostrom report

Recommendations, 2846

First Nation casinos

Accountability, 244

All-party committee, 1777, 1779-1780

Alternate proposals, 2436-2437, 2550-2551, 2624-2625, 2756-2757, 2759-2760

Audits, 2128

Background investigation requirements, 2800-2801

Community approval, 560-561, 696-697, 1437, 1776, 1925-1926, 3257-3258

Community plebiscites/referendums, 541, 1776, 1777-1779, 1780, 1926

Economic impact, 2626-2627

Expansion, 541

Gaming agreement compliance, 2551-2552, 2624, 2625-2626, 2751-2754, 2756, 2798-2799, 2847-2848, 2850-2853

Implementation Committee, 2846, 2849-2850

Legislative amendments, 2129-2130

Market assessments, 2211-2212

Minister's awareness, 2626

Operations management, 2127, 2934

Partnership agreements, 2934

Postponement, 1003-1004

Premier's comments, 1003

Provincial regulatory control, 243-244

Public consultations, 494, 697, 869-870, 905, 1086-1087, 2436

Request for proposals, 494

Revenue-sharing formula, 2205-2207, 2208, 2330-2331, 3395-3396

Security checks, 2848

Selection Committee, 494, 905

Consultations, 2755-2756

Criteria, 2933-2934

Extension, 1779

Process, 3393-3394

Recommendations, 1672-1673, 1775

Report release, 1926-1927

Staff secondments, 2029-2030

Site selection–off-reserve, 276

Site selection–on-reserve, 542

Standing committee review, 2799-2800

Viva Las Vegas gaming and resorts, 244-245


Public consultations, 950

Gaming Control Act, Minister responsible for

Conflict of interest, 3249-3251

Gaming facilities

Market assessments, 2935-2936

Lotteries Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 200)

Government support, 1776

Manitoba Telecom Service

Rate increase application, 752

Personal background, 387-388

Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 24)

1r, 794

2r, 917-918

Points of Order

P/O by Hickes respecting words "the jokers are wild" (Lemieux) 2754; Laurendeau 2755; withdrawn, 2755

Post-secondary education

Accessibility and affordability, 389-390

Presiding officers


Congratulations, 386

Property Registry Agency

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 14), 35

On-line access, 3082-3083

Public safety

Government commitment, 391

Public Utilities Board

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P.118), 692

Residential Tenancies

Backlog reduction, 3081

Landlord/tennant advisory committee, 3081

Life-lease legislation, 3081-3082

Registry–on-line access, 3081

Residential Tenancies Branch

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 12), 35

Residential Tenancies Commission

Annual Report, 1998 (S.P. 13), 35

Richard, Maurice "Rocket," 1618


Reductions, 391

Throne Speech

Debate, 386-392

Trade Practices Inquiry Act

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 105), 473

Travel agencies

Fees for service, 3533

Regulations, 3533

Vital Statistics Agency

Annual Report, 1999 (S.P. 15), 35

Fee schedule, 3532

Information access, 3531

Security, 3531-3532

Information storage formats, 3530-3531

Winnipeg Stock Exchange

Registration system, 3083

Winnipeg Stock Exchange Restructuring and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

1r, 692

2r, 877-879

Youth programs, 390-391

Liba, Hon. Peter M., C.M. (Lieutenant Governor)

Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 50)

R/A, 5443

Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Protection Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 41)

R/A, 5444

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 2)

R/A, 550

Civil Service Amendment Act (Bill 47)

R/A, 5444

Cooperatives Amendment Act

R/A, 5443

Correctional Services Amendment Act (Bill 27)

R/A, 5444

Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 26)

R/A, 5444

Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Amendment Act (Bill 22)

R/A, 5443

Court Security Act (Bill 9)

R/A, 629

Education system

Throne speech, 8

Elections Amendment Act (Bill 17)

R/A, 5443

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 4)

R/A, 5443

Electronic Commerce and Information, Consumer PRotection Amendment and Manitoba Evidence Amendment Act (Bill 31)

R/A, 5444

Enforcement of Judgments Conventions and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 8)

R/A, 5443

Environmental issues

Throne speech, 9

Farm Machinery and Equipment Amendment Act (Bill 20)

R/A, 5443

Health care system

Throne speech, 7-8

Health Sciences Centre Repeal and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 29)

R/A, 5444

Highway Traffic Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 33)

R/A, 5444

Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 39)

R/A, 5444

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (2) (Bill 51)

R/A, 4741

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 46)

R/A, 3512

Interpretation and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 25)

R/A, 5444

Jury Amendment Act (Bill 23)

R/A, 5444

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

R/A, 5444

Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 18)

R/A, 5443

Loan Act, 2000 (Bill 49)

R/A, 5443

Miscellaneous Health Statutes Repeal Act (Bill 37)

R/A, 5444

Northern Affairs Amendment and Planning Amendment Act (Bill 28)

R/A, 5444

Personal Property Security Amendment and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 24)

R/A, 4740

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

R/A, 5444

Poverty rate

Throne speech, 9

Protection of Persons in Care Act (Bill 7)

R/A, 5443

Provincial Railways Amendment Act (Bill 14)

R/A, 5443

Public safety

Throne speech, 8

Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 12)

R/A, 5443

Public Schools Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 42)

R/A, 5444

Retail Businesses Holiday Closing Amendment Act (Bill 3)

R/A, 281

Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act (Bill 48)

R/A, 5444

Social Services Administration Amendment Act (Bill 30)

R/A, 5444

Statute Law Amendment Act, 2000 (Bill 34)

R/A, 5444

Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 2000 (Bill 38)

R/A, 5444

Summary Convictions Amendment Act (Bill 36)


Liba, 5444

Sustainable Development Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 43)

R/A, 5444

Taxicab Amendment Act (Bill 13)

R/A, 5443

Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act (Bill 45)

R/A, 5444

Throne Speech, 5-10

Victims' Rights Amendment Act (Bill 32)

R/A, 5444

Water Resources Administration Amendment Act (Bill 21)

R/A, 5443

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)

R/A, 5443

Water Rights Amendment Act (Bill 15)

R/A, 5443

Wildlife Amendment Act (Bill 5)

R/A, 5443

Winnipeg Stock Exchange Restructuring and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 11)

R/A, 4740


School/public resources sharing

Caldwell, 3677-3678

Smith, J., 3677-3678

Libraries, public. See also Public Library Services; Winnipeg Public Library


Dacquay, 2873

McGifford, 2873

Internet access

Dacquay, 2566, 2873-2874

McGiffford, 2873-2874

McGifford, 2557

Lindane levels–East St. Paul

Soil remediation

Lathlin, 1031-1032

Maguire, 1031-1032


Lathlin, 3842-3845

Maguire, 3842-3845

Water contamination

Lathlin, 1440-1442, 1516

Mitchelson, 1441

Schuler, 1440, 1515-1516

Lindell, Lucy

Nevakshonoff, 914-915

Lions Manor


Chomiak, 5266

Laurendeau, 5266

Little, Christine

Quarter Horse Association Youth World Cup

Derkach, 1675-1676

Livestock industry. See also Hog industry; Livestock Stewardship Initiative; Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)


Penner, Jack, 1494

Processing plants

Penner, Jack, 277

Wowchuk, 277

Public consultations

Penner, Jack, 2442

Wowchuk, 2442

Report–background information

Penner, Jack, 2441

Wowchuk, 2441-2442

Livestock Stewardship Initiative


Penner, Jack, 1492

Discussion paper

Cummings, 3014-3018

Penner, Jack, 2828-2831, 2836-2838

Wowchuk, 2828-2835, 2837-2839, 3014-3018


Wowchuk, 1489-1490

Public hearings

Lathlin, 4690

Penner, Jack, 2698-2699, 2702, 2825, 2827

Penner, Jim, 4689-4690, 4691

Wowchuk, 2699, 2702-2703, 2827

Public investors

Lathlin, 4690

Penner, Jim, 4690


Penner, Jack, 2835-2836

Wowchuk, 2835-2836


Friesen, 4657-4658

Lathlin, 3734

Loan Act, 2000 (Bill 49)


Selinger, 5379-5380


Selinger, 5380

C/W, 5381

R/S, 5382

3r, 5383


Liba, 5443

Loewen, John (Fort Whyte) P.C.

Agricultural disaster assistance

Funding, 3350

Arson reduction strategy

Funding, 355

Art collection, government

Inventory, 2639-2653, 3350-3351

Bostrom report

Recommendations, 2845-2846


Budget Debate, 1117-1124

Economic future, 1110-1111

Government phone line information, 1347

Government Web site information, 1346

Income tax, 1535-1552, 1673-1675, 2796

Reductions, 1028-1029, 1084, 1346

Spending priorities, 3351

Tax reductions, 2141-2149

Call centres

Government position, 495-496

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Electronic commerce, 1461

CanWest Global

Newspaper acquisitions, 4737-4738

Capital Region Review Panel

Abolition, 1005

Minister's position, 4672-4674

Replacement, 1442

City of Winnipeg Act

Review, 4664

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (2) (Bill 16)

2r, 4343-4344

City of Winnipeg Amendment Act (Bill 2)

2r, 528-530

Coaliltion of Manitoba Businesses

Position–Bill 44, 4576

Condolences, Motions of

Bend, Robert William, 523

Conservation districts

Boundaries, 4675-4676

Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Department of

Estimates debate, 2639-2653

Deloitte and Touche financial review, 3349

Verification process, 19-20

Economic development

Diversification, 4662

Winnipeg, MB, 4662

Economic growth–Throne speech, 46-47

Elections Finances Act


Constitutionality, 4896

Justification, 4229

Withdrawal, 4849

Elections Finances Amendment Act (Bill 4)

2r, 4703-4710

3r, 5320-5324

Enterprise System Management

Consulting/operational support, 1453, 1455

Future directions, 1459

Implementation schedule, 1452

ISM, impact on, 1455

Local expertise, 1457

Payroll processing module, 1453

Software upgrades, 1458

Source code–ownership, 1457

Training/travel expenses, 1454

Finance, Department of

Estimates debate, 1361, 1452-1461, 1535-1549, 1550-1552, 1702-1708, 2047-2048, 2141-2149

Firefighters, 543

First Nation casinos, 3350

Consultations, 494

Economic impact, 2032-2034, 2130-2132, 2626, 3258, 3320-3321, 3401

Economic opportunities, 702

Implementation Committee, 2846

Minister's awareness, 2626

Moratorium, 3714-3715

Public consultations, 702, 2435-2436

Request for proposals, 494

Selection Committee, 493-494

Site selection–off-reserve, 276

Social costs, 3496, 3714-3715

Winnipeg, impact on, 702


Agricultural disaster assistance, 926-930, 956-957

Fort Whyte Centre

Reaching New Horizons project, 3259

Fort Whyte constituency, 216

Constituent concerns, 216-219


Addiction statistics, 2332-2334


Expansion, 3355-3356

Government Motions


Agricultural disaster assistance, 926-930, 956-957

Manitoba farm crisis, 131-132

Health care system

Funding, 3352-3353

Holocaust Memorial Day Act (Bill 19)

2r, 584-585

Income tax

Provincial comparisons, 1781-1782

Reductions, federal, 3440-3441

Intergovernmental Affairs, Department of

Priorities, 4661

Staffing, 4666

Interim Appropriation Act, 2000 (Bill 46)

2r, 3348-3356

Interlake, Member for

Apology request, 4047

Labour legislation

Amendments–businesses, impact on, 3921-3922

Unpaid family leave, 4679

Labour Management Review Committee

Labour legislation, 4572-4573, 4616-4617

Labour Relations Act

Amendments, 5253

Binding arbitration, 4732

Businesses, impact on, 4972-4973, 5022-5024, 5121-5122

Consultations, 4733

Picket line violence, 4732

Secret ballots, 5074-5075

Standing committee process, 5121, 5122

Withdrawal, 5247

Labour Relations Amendment Act (2) (Bill 44)

2r, 4749-4757

3r, 5418-5423

Labour unions/associations

Union dues–political contributions, 4328

Manitoba farm crisis, 131-132, 217-218

Manitoba Hydro

Land negotiations, 1114

Members' Statements

CanWest Global

Newspaper acquisitions, 4737-4738

Coaliltion of Manitoba Businesses

Position–Bill 44, 4576

Economic growth–Throne speech, 46-47

Firefighters, 543

Fort Whyte Centre

Reaching New Horizons project, 3259

Labour Relations Act

Amendments, 5253

North End YM-YWCA, 94

Standing committees

Public presentation process, 5125-5126

United Way Days of Caring Campaign, 2444-2445

Winnipeg, MB

Downtown revitalization, 4980-4981

Municipal Act

Amendments, 4665

Municipal Board

Update, 4671

Neighbourhoods Alive!

Recreational opportunities–schools, 4678-4679

Staffing, 4670-4671

North End YM-YWCA, 94

Oral Questions

Arson reduction strategy

Funding, 355

Bostrom report

Recommendations, 2845-2846


Economic future, 1110-1111

Government phone line information, 1347

Government Web site information, 1346

Income tax, 1673-1675, 2796

Reductions, 1028-1029, 1084, 1346

Call centres

Government position, 495-496

Capital Region Review Panel

Abolition, 1005

Replacement, 1442

Deloitte and Touche financial review

Verification process, 19-20

Elections Finances Act


Constitutionality, 4896

Justification, 4229

Withdrawal, 4849

First Nation casinos

Economic impact, 2032-2034, 2130-2132, 2626, 3258, 3320-3321, 3401

Economic opportunities, 702

Implementation Committee, 2846

Minister's awareness, 2626

Moratorium, 3714-3715

Public consultations, 494, 702, 2435-2436

Request for proposals, 494

Selection Committee, 493-494

Site selection–off-reserve, 276

Social costs, 3496, 3714-3715

Winnipeg, impact on, 702


Addiction statistics, 2332-2334

Income tax

Provincial comparisons, 1781-1782

Reductions, federal, 3440-3441

Labour legislation

Amendments–businesses, impact on, 3921-3922

Labour Management Review Committee

Labour legislation, 4572-4573, 4616-4617

Labour Relations Act


Binding arbitration, 4732

Businesses, impact on, 4972-4973, 5022-5024, 5121-5122

Consultations, 4733

Picket line violence, 4732

Secret ballots, 5074-5075

Standing committee process, 5121, 5122

Withdrawal, 5247

Labour unions/associations

Union dues–political contributions, 4328

Manitoba Hydro

Land negotiations, 1114

Personal background, 214-216

Personal income tax

Collection, 1361, 2047-2048

Tax on income, 1703-1706, 1707-1708


Public Schools Amendment Act


5065; ruled in order, 5114

5111; ruled in order, 5235

Planning Amendment Act (Bill 35)

2r, 4556-4559

3r, 5362-5363

Points of Order

P/O by Ashton respecting reference to absence of members (Loewen) 828-829; withdrawn, 829

P/O by Mackintosh respecting words "trying to mislead" (Loewen) 1674; Laurendeau 1674; taken under advisement 1674; Speaker's ruling, 2442-2443

Private Members' Business

Rural Economic Development Initiative, 827-830

Privilege, Matters of

Interlake, Member for

Apology request, 4047

Rural Development Bonds Amendment Act (Bill 48)

2r, 4625-4627

3r, 5371-5375

Rural Economic Development Initiative, 827-830

Standing committees

Public presentation process, 5125-5126

Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 2000 (Bill 38)

2r, 5029


Property tax credit, 1706-1707

Reductions, 3354

Throne Speech

Debate, 213-220

United Way Days of Caring Campaign, 2444-2445

Urban Economic Development Initiative

Budget, 4676

Water Resources Conservation and Protection and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 6)

2r, 4142-4144

3r, 5345-5347

Winnipeg, City of

Financial assistance, 4677

Property repair orders

Registration, 528-530

Video lottery terminal revenues, 4677-4678

Winnipeg, MB

Downtown revitalization, 4980-4981

Innter city renewal, 4662-4663

Long Plain First Nation. See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Nurse practitioner

Chomiak, 5231

Faurschou, 5231

Lord Roberts constituency

McGifford, 440-441

Constituent concerns

McGifford, 441-442

Lord Selkirk Park


Reimer, 3648

Sale, 3648-3649

Lotteries Accountability and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 200)


Reimer, 996-997

Government support

Lemieux, 1776

Reimer, 1776

Lower Tax Commission

Report recommendations

General comments

Selinger, 2044-2045

Stefanson, 2044-2045

Minister's position

Selinger, 659

Stefanson, 658-659

Luddite, definition of

Barrett, 2375-2376

Schuler, 2375-2376

Lynn Lake, Manitoba

Economic development

Mihychuk, 1418, 1419-1420

Tweed, 1418, 1419

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